SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. t Sass. I. Cu. 668. 1926. 765 in the N mths President of the UnitedStates is hereby authorized to unda the constructiouand procurement of aircraft, spare parts, and equipment for the.Navy‘ as enumerated below; A x¤¤»xy·•n¤¤»a¤. Pxnonxru 1. the Eecal year ending June 30, 1927, not M7- to exceed two hu and thirty-five airplanes with spare arts mm. and equipment, to cost not to exceed $12,285,000: Promded, That ,m{,§’g,‘,,;‘*°;};‘°°‘“'°°* the number of airplanes and the limit of cost herein specified for the fiscal year _en ing June 30, 1927, shall be in addition to the seventy-eight airplanes with spare parts and equipment for which the sum of $3,300,000 IS inclu ed under the appropriation increase ·4¤¢¤» v- 613- of the avy in the Navy Department and aval Establishment Apipropriation Act for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1927. I,,,,,,,_ an. 2. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1928, not to exceed three hundred and thirteen airplanes w1th spare parts and equipment, to cost not to exceed $16,223,7 50. I¤ im- Pax. 3. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1929, not to exwed three hundred and thirty-five ai lanes with spare parts and equipment, to cost not to exceed $17?82,500. i¤ 1°°°· Pan. 4. During the fiscal year ending June 30 1930, not to exceed three hundred and fifty-seven ai anes with spare parts and equipment to cost not to exceed $1 41,250. I" ML Pax. 5. l)uring the fiscal year e ° June 30, 1931, not to exceed three hundred and seventy—four airp anes with spare arts and ran me nvvyear equipment, to cost not to exceed $20,046,250; in all, the ¥’°"‘°"· iive—year period beginnin July 1, 1926, and ending June 30, 1931, one thousand six hundreg and fourteen ai lanes, with spare parts Au,h°,,,,,,,,¤ M, and equipment, to cost not to exceed $85,07 gg 50. . . ¤¤b·¤¤¤»¤¤ yan. Pan. 6. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932 and during each fiscal year thereafter, not to exceed three hundred and thirty-
- h17;ee7airp1anes with spare parts and equipment, to cost not to exceed
1 ,4 6,250. I Pan. 7. The number of airplanes, spare parts, and equipment m:liiti•liri)li1ld:ii:,il¢ie1iI‘3 thus authorized to be constructed or procured during the five {°§‘,'Q,g“§‘§,°,Y*,{%°(¥5 ff}? fiscal years beginning Jul 1, 1926, and ending June 30, 1931,1>**¤°°·°’·°· and the number authorize; to be constructed or procured during the fiscal year ending Jime 30, 1932, and during each fiscal uyear thereafger is the nurhiber whiqh it has estimated lie require to increase, urin ·a ve-year peri begmnmg y , 1926, the useful airplanesgin hand or otherwise provided for on June 30, 1926, to one thousand and to maintain the number of useful ai lanes at not less than this number which is hereby establisheldp as the authorized number of useful airplanes to be Mm employed in the Navy: Provided, That, in the event satisfactory nsaambas at be arrangements for the procurement of the authorized number of "‘°°° “°‘ ai lanes are not made in any decal year, such deficiency marymbe U msgs up in the next year or years: Provided further, at m1D?°,,§,'f£{§§?·°' """* " useful airplanes," as use in this Act, shall be those airplanes on the Navy list which are, or which after reasonable repairs can be made, in all respects safe to fly and fitted to take part in active military operations in time of war, and shall be exclusive of those airplanes classified as experimental or, with the a proval of the Secretary of the Navy, dec ared obsolete: Provided gurther, ,h$,‘§§,{},,'§‘,*,“}2, §°,,,;,'§Z That nothing herein shall be construed as more than an authoriza- *¤¢**’¤‘¤"· tion for the procurement of aircraft within the limits enumerated in this Act, nor in any wz? to abridge the right of to determine what numbers o aircraft may be appropria for in any fiscal year within the limits so authorized. sncrxox 2 Pxaaoaxru 1. Two rigid airships of a type suitable for use as ,,uTY,$;.,'.i'iid °i”m'°° adjuncts to the fleet an of approximately six million cubic feet *’°"·*’·‘“°*·