$66 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. "Sess.” I. 668.¤'°1926.
at ai eniceed $8,000,000 for both ships
construction ef one to be nndertaken»~ae»aoo¤~as-»practicable*and ,_,’&,,,'?!“,,,,°_,,,,,,,,,_ prior to July-lg ’1928<: ~ That theltwoairshgps herein author- •¤n¤¤••·•- b nedihall United Statesf mvidod further, »..i........°°°“"°' °' ’ rn.; me or em eesiaémsmpeiamthamtwaeuusea siai$1··u¤asr ` con s ‘·constructiono erves- sels f ith _=:N• o be the Na" I§epartment,eas»the Secretary of the N? may in thekt interests of the Government. mgg,·;,:<{g,g;{,1!¤•¤*¤¤ Oner rimental metalclad airship of approximately two p` ;iim°h°d1»1th°t`$r¤§?°°ubi° *°i“¥`?°1""“°’ '*'3Za°"“v?§“ ‘§i°‘°°?ii;p$33°;Y°‘t ar e' is mpriauon rovi in e avy a en Am’p`m` and gizvn Establisgent—Appr0pli·iation Act for the fiscal year end- _ ing—June 30, 41927, for ·continn,;¤;,gi,lZperiments~l and development §f,‘§,"',,§‘,;,,,,,,,,,,,,_ workon types of aircraft: P , That the metalclad V t herein authorized shall be procured under. contract,.onlfy on suc terms.·ande~subject»t}$$ such·mstfi;icti;r1`s ;_sil Secretarg o the Igtavy Funddosignatodto dum, ,:*701). VM ay ` 00 .011 °‘*’°‘“‘° °°“"""“°“· Lives uplgjiggnm mamma crimp, the 8l1II1#0f ·4M¢.¤-¤0¤- $1,928,000 mcluded in the Navy De artment and Naval Establish- ment Appropriation Act for the fiscal year June 30, 1927, for continuing exrimelnts a¤¤;d£;yielopme11t= wo on all types of » aircraft-ma ¤maeimm' yav" ez" l .G<m¤¢r¤¤¤¤¤==n¤vv »*.PABJ‘3;‘T£B Secretary ofnthe? Na. is authorized to build at any gi£g°eii!»¤tZi?~iq•?'°wm°°§*§° navy yard orianaval any-d¥·the¢»aircraft, spare parts, or ““°“· equipment heseinfautho ` _ should it reasonably appear that the pemonsyfirms, or corporations or the agents thereof, bidding for v the construction of any of said aircraft., spare parts,=or equipment here entered into any combination, agreement, or understanding the¤eHect, object, or purpose of which is to deprive .the_ Govern- ment of¥fair,=open, and unrestricted competition in letting con- tracts for the construction of any of said aircraft, spare parts, or ,,%,$Ql‘{§’,,°",,,‘}§‘;“,,‘},‘§ equipment, or should it reasonab y app;-lar that any persons, firm, ¤¤¤l¤*YS>¤·¤¤>·¤ ortcorporation, or the agents thereof, ` g solely or peculiarly in posit.:En;,‘toc manufacture or _furnish the t§pe or_ of aircr spare parts, or equipmentregm K avy in ;_ dmg_ on such aircra spare arts, or equxpmen ave named a price in excew of cost of’productIion plus a. reasonable profit. =~ w%¤=g ¤¤¢¤<>¤;§ s To provideforthe construction of the heavier-than-air craft and eumasm mn° rg: the lighter-than-air craft herein enumerated and excepg °“"""“`"°` "‘° “°‘*‘°"‘&?3“*2‘u€"$&"i1.?d ?;?.".£‘*P’£‘°r’Jf:2“a‘¢.°'°“....’..,‘“§.‘;‘£“§?1?’..*€.i.. S ria ‘ < 1
such be necessary, including, for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 192 , toward the construction of the heavier-than-air craft program, the sum of to exceed $12,2%,000, anddtoward Shag ccénstruetion og the ht? rigid , to be gg u;b§e unt` expen `1100000 o w ' sum y may e immediately avhilable. ? ’ ’ p u , sncrxoza ar ¢rmsomu¤.> ‘1‘N[•'¤l, •;}~“¢¤_;;’ Pas. 1. lThat($herea[fter the term "`naval aviator " is used - 8 ` in this Act or an other Act. it mean ang 0D8d odicer or warrant line oécer in the Navy or Marine orps who has success- fully completed the course prescribed by compgtent authority for naval agliators apld who ha: oigbay vltigroeaty r or poinf _ amv aviator yco Y au myauvwo as wn gone in a heavier-than··air not less than seventy-five hours and who has flown in heavier-than-air craft a total of not less than two hundred hours or who has been in the air, under training, 1n 1g§d_airships_not less than one hundred and iifty hours, and success- y comp eted the course prescribed by competent authority.