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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1723

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S EVEN TIETH C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 707. 1929 . War Department . Vol. 24, p .1054. Vol.40,p.196. Post O ffice ment. For r epairs to Co ast Gu ard cu tters, $133 .75 . For operating supplies for public buildings, $24 .03 . For mechanical equipment for public buildings, $25 .70 . For furniture and repairs of same for public buildings, $62 .36. WAR D EPARTM ENT For pay, and so forth, of the Army (Longevity Act January 29, 1927), $12,023 .03 . For pay, and so forth, of the Army, $4,283 .42 . For pay of the Army, $416 .69. For pa y, and so fo rth, of the Army ( estates of de ceased soldi ers), $57,636 .72 . For pay, and so forth, of the Army, war with Spain, $27 .59 . For in crease of co mpensa tion, Milita ry Esta blishm ent, $ 6,128 . 56 . For Army transportation, $148 .53. For clothing and equipage, $51 .27. For general appropriations, Quartermaster Corps, $147 .67. For regular supplies of the Army, $348 . For subsistence of the Army, $6 .90 . For supplies, services, and transportation, Quartermaster Corps, $46,870 .21 . For supplies, services, and transportation, Quartermaster Corps, Act June 15, 1917, $22,856.74. For transportation of the Army and its supplies, $570 .41 . For Air Servi ce, mi litary, $84 . For Signal Service of the Army, $13 .10. For supplies for seacoast defenses, $60 . For arm ament of for tifica tions, $101 .51 . For Field Artillery armament, $491 .46 . For ordnance stores, ammunition, $30 .24. For arming, equipping, and training the National Guard, $5 .93 . For civilian military training camps, $79 .56 . For citizens' military training camps, $15 . For O rgani zed R eser ves, $10 . For Reserve Officers' Training Corps, $17 .40 . For disposition of remains of officers, soldiers, and civil employ- ees, $5 . PO ST OFFICE DE PART MENT -POS TAL SERV ICE (Out of the postal revenues) Dep art- For balances due foreign countries, $1,552 .61. For clerks, first and second class post offices, $53 .66 . For clerks, third-class post offices, $60 . For compensation to postmasters, $7 .68 . For freight, express, or motor transportation of equipment, and so forth, $77 .56 . Fo r inde mnitie s, dom estic mail, $860 . 02 . Fo r inde mnitie s, int ernati onal r egiste red mai l, $9 .6 5 . For indemnities, international mail, $90 .79. For labor-saving devices, $3 .50 . Fo r mail -messe nger s ervice, $10 . For miscellaneous items, first and second class post offices, $57 .40. For personal or property damage claims, $592 .29 . For post office equipment and supplies, $55 .62. For railroad transportation, $97 .85 . For rent, light, and fuel, $432 .48 . For shipment of supplies, $20 .97 .