SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. II. C$. 707. 1929 .
1673 For unusual conditions at post offices, $131 .50. For vehicle service, $288 .49 . Total, audited claims, section 2, Title I, $244,076 .40, together with such additional sum due to increases in rates of exchange as may be nec essary to pay claims in th e forei gn curr ency a s speci fied in certa in of the settlements of the General Accounting Office . AUDI TED CLAI MS SEC. 3. That for the payment of the following claims, certified to be due by the General Accounting Office under appropriations the balances of which have been carried to the surplus fund under the provisions of section 5 of the Act of June 20, 187 4 (U. S. C., p. 1022, sec . 713), and under appropriations heretofore treated as permanent, being for the service of the fiscal year 1926 and prior years, unless otherwise stated, and which have been certified to Congress under section 2 of the Act of July 7, 1884 (U. S. C., p. 43, sec. 266), as fully s et for th in Senate Docu ment N umbere d 235, Seventieth Congress, there is appropriated as follows INDEPENDENT OFr7CES For general expenses, office of public buildings and public parks of the National Capital, $325 .08 . For medical and hospital services, Veterans' Bureau, $6 .63. For vocational rehabilitation, Veterans' Bureau, $62 .15. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULI URE For general expenses, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, $28 .01 . culture. ~ment of Agri- DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Department of Com- For increase of compensation, Department of Commerce, $42 .
merce . For district and cooperative office service, Department of Com- merce, 14 cents. For testing structural materials, Bureau of Standards, $15 . For general expenses, Lighthouse Service, $18.61 . DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR For suppressing liquor traffic among Indians, $85 . For administration of affairs of Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma, $169.10 . For purchase of seed, agricultural implements, and so forth, for Indians of Blackfeet Reservation, Montana, $50 . For payment to Clallam Indians, Washington, $2,166 .99 . For relieving distress and prevention, and so forth, of diseases among Indians, $10 . DEPARTMEN T OF JUS TICE Additional to meet increases in rates of ex- change . Audited claims . Payment of addi- tional . Vol.18,p. 110. U. S. Code, p. 1022. Vol. 23, p. 254 . U. S. Code, p.43. Independent offices . Interior Department. For salaries, fees, and expenses of marshals, United States courts, Department of Ins- $2,438 . 15 .
tics. For pay of special assistant attorneys, United States courts, $15,000 . NAVY DEPARTMENT For transportation, Bureau of Navigation, $128 .40. For pay of the Navy, $224 .64 . Navy Department .