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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1733

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1682 SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . II . CH. 707. 1929 . $4,230 ; Euchee, Oklahoma, $2,000 ; Eufaula, Oklahoma, $2,420 ; Chemawa, Salem, Oregon, $10,820 ; Flandreau, South Dakota, $5,640 ; Pierre, South Dakota, $4,280 ; Rapid City, South Dakota, $5,340 ; Hayward, Wisconsin, $3,560 ; Tomah, Wisconsin, $4,760 ; in all, boarding schools, not to exceed $169,000 . For " Indian schools, Five Civilized Tribes, 1929," $1,000 . For " Education, Sioux Nation, 1929," $18,000 . For " Conservation of health among Indians, 1929," $74,000. For support of hospitals maintained for the benefit of the Chippewa Indians in the State of Minnesota, $4,000, payable from the principal sum on deposit to the credit of said Indians arising under section 7 of the Act of January 14, 1889 (Twenty-fifth Statutes, page 645) . For "Asylum for insane Indians, Canton, South Dakota, 1929," $4,000. For " Support of Indians and administration of Indian property, 1929," $57,000 . Fo r " Fulfi lling treati es wit h Coeu r d'Al enes, I daho, 1929," $540 . For " Fulfilling treaties with Bannocks, Idaho, 1929," $920 . For " Fulfilling treaties with Crows, Montana, 1929," $1,100 . For "Fulfilling treaties with Northern Cheyennes and Arapahoes, Montana, 1929," $1,000 . For " Fulfilling treaties with Pawnees, Oklahoma, 1929," $1,000 . For " Fulfilling treaties with Quapaws, Oklahoma, 1929," $240 . For "Fulfi lling treati es wit h Siou x of di fferen t trib es, in cludin g S antee Siou x of Nebr aska, Nort h Da kota, and Sout h Dak ota, 1929 ," $17,000 . For "Fulfilling treaties with Confederated Bands of Utes, 1929," $2,000. Fo r " Fulfi lling treati es wit h Shos hones, Wyomin g, 192 9," S7 60 . For "Admin istration, Quapaw Age ncy (reimbursable), 1929," $720. For general support of Indians and administration of Indian property under the jurisdiction of the following agencies, to be paid from the funds held by the United States in trust for the respective tribes, in not to exceed the following sums, respectively Arizona : Fort Apache, $4,000 ; San Carlos, $4,000 ; Truxton Can- yon, $1,000 ; in all, $9,000 ; Colorado : Consolidated Ute, $400 ; Idaho : Coeur d'Alene, $500 ; Fort Hall, $2,000 ; in all, $2,500 ; Minnesota : Red Lake, $1,000 ; Montana : Flathead, $2,000 ; Nevada : Western Shoshone, $1,000 ; New Mexico : Mescalero, $1,000 ; North Dakota : Fort Berthold, $100 ; Standing Rock, $1,500 ; in all, $1,600 ; Oklahoma : Otoe, $180 ; Ponca, $120 ; Kiowa, $3,500 ; Cheyenne and Arapahoe, $2,000 ; in all, $5,800 ; Oregon : Klamath, $4,000 ; Umatilla, $500 ; in all, $4,500 ; South Dakota : Lower Brule, $100 ; Utah : Uintah, $180 ; Washington : Colville, $3,400 ; Taholah, $300 ; Yakima, $2,400 ; in all, $6,100 ; Wisconsin : Keshena, $2,500 ; Wyoming : Shoshone, $3,000 ; In all, not to exceed $40,680 . Chi ppew a In dians of For gene ral suppo rt, a dmin istra tion of p roper ty, a nd pr omot ion Minnesota.

of self-support among the Chippewa Indians in the State of Minne- sota, $3,000 to be paid from the principal sum on deposit to the