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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1734

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . II. Cii. 707 . 1929 . credit of said Indians arising under section 7 of the Act approved January 14, 1889 (Twenty-fifth Statutes, page 645) . For the support of the Osage Agency, including the same objects specified under this head in the Interior Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1929, $9,500, to be paid from the funds held by the United States in trust for the Osage Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma . For necessary expenses in connection with oil and gas production on t he Osa ge Res ervati on, in cludin g the s ame ob jects specif ied un der this head in the Interior Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1929, $3,900, to be paid from the funds held by the United States in trust for the Osage Tribe of Indians in Oklahoma . For administering the property of and promoting self-support among the Confederated Bands of Ute Indians, under such regula- tions as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, $3,000, payable from the principal funds to the credit of such Indians . Total, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Federal funds, $580,410 . Total, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Indian funds, $64,580 . BUREAU OF PENSIONS For " Salaries, Pension Office, 1929," $83,860 . Fo r " Sala ries and e xpens es, Emplo yees' Ret ireme nt Ac t, B ureau of Pensions, 1929," $4,900 . Total, Bureau of Pensions, $88,760 . BUREAU OF RECLAMATION For "Rec lamat ion F und, spec ial f und," $2, 000, payab le f rom t he re clama tion fund . GEOLOGICAL SURVEY " Geological Survey, 1929 " : For salaries, $10,500 ; topographic surveys, $34,000 ; geologic surveys, $30,000 ; volcanologic surveys, $1,000 ; Alaskan mineral resources, $3,000 ; gauging streams, $23,500 ; classification of lands, $11,500 ; geologic and topographic maps, Uni ted St ates, $10,00 0 ; prepara tion of i llustrati ons, $1,9 00 ; m in era l leasing, $21,000 ; in all, 146,400 . NATIONAL PARK SERVICE " National Park Service, 1928 and 1929 " : For salaries, $4,660, C rate r La ke N ati onal Par k, $ 850 ; General Grant National Park, $ 5 00 ; Gla cier N ationa l Park , $5,0 65 ; Grand Canyon National Park, $3,540 ; Hawaii National Park, $785 ; Hot Springs National Park, $6,320 ; Lafayette National Park, $1,355 ; Lassen Volcanic National Park, $460 ; Mesa Verde National Park, $1,115 ; Mount McKinley National Park, $740 ; Mount Rainier National Park, $3,370 ; Platt National Park, $1,080 ; Rocky Mountain National Park, $2,380 ; Sequoia National Park, $3,440 ; Wind Cave National Park, $760 ; Yellowstone National Park, $12,230 ; Yosemite National Park, $9,385 ; Bryce National Park, $795 ; protection of national monuments, $1,225 ; Carlsbad Cave National Monument, $260 ; in all, $60, 315 . BUREAU OF EDUCATION For " Salaries, Bureau of Education, 1929," $15 .500. For " Education of natives of Alaska, 1928 and 1929," $9,500 . For "Medic al rel ief in Alask a, 192 8 and 1 929," $6,000 . For "Reindeer for Alaska, 1928 and 1929," $300 . Total, Bureau of Education, $31,300 . 1683 Vol. 25, p. 64. Osage Agency . Oil and gas produo tion . Confederated Band: of Utes . Pensions Bureau . Reclamation Bureau Ge ologic al Sur vey . National Park Serv . ice . Edu cation Bureau .