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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1735

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SE VENTI ETH C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 707. 1929 Government in the Territories. Saint Elizabeths Hos- pital . Freedmen's H os- pital . Dep artme nt of Jus- tice. Attorney General's Office . Salaries . Miscellaneous ob- jects. Judicial. United States courts . GOVERNMENT IN THE TERRITORIES For " Salaries, governor and secretary, Territory of Alaska, 1929," $100. For " Contingent expenses, Territory of Alaska, 1929," $180. For " Salaries, governor and secretary, Territory of Hawaii, 1929," $400 . For " Contingent expenses, Territory of Hawaii, 1929," $100 . Total, government in the Territories, $780 . SAINT ELIZABETHS HOSPITAL For " Saint Elizabeths Hospital, 1929," $62,132 . FREEDMEN'S HOSPITAL For " Freedmen's Hospital, 1929," $18,000 . Total, Department of the Interior, Federal funds, $1,120,437 . Tot al, Depa rtme nt, of t he I nter ior, Ind ian fund s, $64,580 . DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL For "Sala ries, Departme nt of Justice , 19 29 ," $ 97 ,0 00 . MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE For " Protecting interests of the United States in customs matters, 1929," $9,040 . For " Detection and prosecution of crimes, 1929," $95,660 . For " Examination of judicial offices, 1929," $8,200 . For " Enforcement of antitrust laws, 1929," $3,660. Total, miscellaneous objects, $116,560 . JUD ICIAL For " Salaries, national park commissioners, 1929," $1,120 . For " Salaries, Court of Claims, 1929," $5,744. Total, judicial, $6,864. UNITED STATES COURTS For " Salarie s, fees , and e xpense s of ma rshals, Unite d State s court s, 1929," $107,280 . For " Salaries and expenses of district attorneys, United States courts, 1929," $84,640 . For " Pay of regular assistant attorneys, United States courts, 1929," $75,700 . For " Salaries and expenses of clerks, United States courts, 1929," $106,310 . For " Miscellaneous expenses, United States courts, 1929," $33,360 . Total, United States courts, $407,290 . PE NAL A ND CO RRECT IONAL INST IrU'I ION renal, etc ., institu- For "Unite d Stat es pe nitent iary, Leaven worth , Kans as, 1929," tions .

$28,000 . For " United States penitentiary, Atlanta, Georgia, 1929," $27,580 . For " United States penitentiary, McNeil Island, Washington, 1929," $9,040 .