SEVENTIETH C ONGRESS . SEss. II. CH. 707. 1929 .
1685 For " Federal Industrial Institution for Women, maintenance, 1929," $11,740 . For "United States Industrial Reformatory, Chillicothe, Ohio, 1929," $10,320 . For "National Training School for Boys, Washington, District of Col umb ia, 19 29," $14 ,140 . For " Support of United States prisoners, 1929," $4,860. Tot al, pe nal and correc tional instit utions, $ 10 5, 68 0 . Total, Department of Justice, $733,394. DEP ART MEN T OF LABOR OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY For " Salaries, office of Secretary of Labor, 1929," $16,070 . BUR EAU OF LABOR STATIST ICS For " Salaries, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1929," $17,701 . For " Miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1929," $1,000 . BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION For " Salaries,' Bureau of Immigration, 1929," $6,880 . For " Expenses of regulating immigration, 1929," $339,365 . Total , Bureau of I mmigration, $ 34 6, 24 5 . CHILDREN'S BUREAU For " Salaries, Children's Bureau, 1929," $7,229 . For " Investigation of child welfare, Children's Bureau, 1929," $9,936 . To tal, Chi ldre n's Bure au, $17,165 . BUREAU OF NATURALIZATION For " Salaries, Bureau of Naturalization, 1929," $8,438.
re Natnralization Bu- For " Mis cellaneous ex penses, Burea u of Naturaliz ation, 1929," $92,717. To tal, Bur eau of N atur aliz atio n, $101 ,155 . WOMEN'S BUREAU For " Salaries and expenses, Women's Bureau, 19 29," $6, 257 . EMPLOYMENT SERVICE For "Employment service, Department of Labor, 1929," $12,200 . Total, Department of Labor, $517,793 . NAVY DEPAR TMENT SALARI ES For " Salaries, office of Secretary of the Navy, 1929," $9,000. For " Salaries, General Board, Navy Department, 1929," $600 . For " Salaries, Naval Examining and Retiring Boards, 1929," $540. For " Salari es, co mpensa tion board, Navy Depart ment, 1920," $1,000 Departmen t of La- bor . Secretary's office. Labor Statistics Bu- reau. Immigration Bureau . Childr en's B ureau . Women's B ureau . Employment Serv- ice . Navy Department. Salaries.