SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SESe. I . CRB. 40, 43-45. 1928. in full settlement against the Government, to Howard V. Sloar., the sum of $77.50 for pro})8rty damages sustained by him to his residence, l>O7 Union Avenue, Margate CitJ'J New Jersey by machine-gun bullets fired by members of the United States Q;ast Guard who were at the time in the service of and acting for the said tlnited States Coast Guard. Approved, February 11, 1928. OHAP. 4S. - An Act For the relief of Randolph Siaa. Be it eMCted by the Senate and Home of Representative8 of the United State8 of America in Oongres8 aBlJem1Jled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed tolay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriate , to Randolph Sias, of Price, 'West Virginia, the sum of $205J the amount paid by him to the Government for an automobile whiCh was seized under a writ of execution issued out of the district court for the southern district of West Virginia and which was subsequently returned to the lien holders. Approved, February 13, 1928. 1700 February 13. 1928. -- -. .. t!H=i'-. : -=:R.8092.I_ [Private, No. g.) RandoJj)h Slaa. Pa)'Illentto. Febnwry 13, 1928. OHAP. 44 .-An Act For the relief of Adriano Cruceta, & citizen of the --"[Pri;t[H~v~~tR.==-·~:SU::=o.'-!;·lo".)~ Dominican RepUblic. ..... Be it e'TlilCted by the Senate and H O1UJe of Repre8entative8 of the Adriano Cmceta. United States of America in OongreIJ8 aB8embled, That the Secretary Paymentto,lordeatb of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, olson. out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and in full settlement against the Government, the sum of $1,000 to Adriano Cruceta as compeIl&'&tion for the death of his son at Santo Doming~, Dominican Republi~ resulting from shooting by a member of the United States Marine \.Jorps on the 22d day of August, 1923, the paYII!ent to be as a matter of grace and without regard to liability for such death. Approved, February 13, 1928. February 13, 1928. OHAP. 45.-An Ap,t For the relief of Lewis H. Francke and Blanche F. [H. R .6300 ., Shelley, sole legal heirs of Ralph K. Warrington. [Print&, No. 11 .1 Be it erwcted by the Se'Mte omil H O1UJe of Reyresentatives of the Raj h K. Warring- United State8 of America in Oo'll1fl'e88 aBsembled, That the Secretary ton. P of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, her,.:,:e~JO:ol= out of any money in the TreasurJ not otherwise appropriated, and sonaJ ~perty. in full compensation against the Government the sum of $3,092.63 to Lewis H. Francke and Blanche F. Shelley, of Louisville, Kentucky, the sole legal heirs of the late George A. Francke, who served as RalJ.>h K. Warrington, formerly clerk, Medical Department at Large, Umted States Army, and who died intestate on March 1, 1919, for the loss of personal property belonging to the said deceased, through and by the theft and conversion at the hands of an employee of the Government of the United States. Approved, February 13, 1928.