SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss. II . CH. 184. 1930 . purchase of periodicals, documents, envelopes, price quotations, and reports and material for reports and bulletins of the Bureau of Attendance at meet- Labor Statistics, $88,000 . ings . Appropriations herein made for the Bureau of Labor Statistics shall be available for expenses of attendance at meet ings concerned with the work of said bureau when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Labor . Immigration Bureau .
gIIREAU OF IMMIGRATION Commissioner Gen- Salaries : For the commissioner general and other personal serv- eral, and office person- nel E .
ices in the District of Columbia, $113,960 . 960 . tion laws. nforcing immigra- Regulating immigration : For enforcement of the laws regulating Vol. 41, p. 1008; Vol. • 42,p.5;Vol.a3,p.153. immigration of aliens into the United States, including the contract l a bo r l aw s ; cost of reports of decisions of the Federal courts, a nd digests thereof, for the use of the Commissioner General of Immi- gration ; salaries and expenses of all officers, clerks, and employees services in the Dis- tnet .
appointed to enforce said laws, including not to exceed $213,300 for personal services and temporary employees in the District of Colum- Traveling expenses . bia, together with persons authorized by law to be detailed for duty at Washington, District of Columbia ; traveling expenses ; care, de tention , maint enance, and tr anspor tation of alie ns inci dent to other Acts .
deportation as authorized by law, to, through, or in foreign coun- Vol. 39, p. 874; Vol. t rie s ; enforce ment of the provis ions of the Act o f February 5, 191 7, 40; p- Vo. 42 P: sVo : entitled "An Act to regulate the immigration of aliens to and the 43U S.C.,p.133; Supp. residence of aliens in the United States," and Acts amendatory IV, p.62 . thereof and in addition thereto (U . S . C ., title 8, sees . 101-339 ; U . S . C ., Supp . III, title 8, sees . 102-298) ; necessary supplies, includ- ing exchange of typewriting machines, alterations and repairs, and for all other expenses authorized by said Act ; preventing the unlaw- fu l entry of ali ens int o the U nited States by the appoint ment of Chin ese excl usio n . suitable officers to enforce the laws in relation thereto ; expenses of returning to China all Chinese persons found to be unlawfully in the United States, including the cost of imprisonment and actual Refunding bead tax, expenses of conveyance of Chinese persons to the frontier or sea- etc . board for deportation ; refunding of head tax, maintenance bills, and immigration fines upon presentation of evidence showing conclu- sively that collection was made through error of Government officers
all to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of Labor, Coast and border pat rol .
$8,850,000 : Provided, That $1,868,440 of this amount shall be avail- Veh icle etc ., out- able only for coast and land-border patrol : Provided further, That side of the District . the purchas e, exch ange, use, ma intenan ce, and operat ion of motor vehi cles an d allow ances for hor ses, in cluding motor vehicle s and horses owned by immigration officers when used on official business required in the enforcement of the immigration and Chinese exclu- sion laws outside of the District of Columbia may be contracted for and the cost thereof paid from the appropriation for the enforcement of those laws, under such terms and conditions as the Secretary of Limit for purchase, ate ., of vehicles .
Labor may prescribe : Provided further, That not more than $165,000 of the sum appropriated herein may be expended in the purchase and maintenance of such motor vehicles, and of such sum of $165,000 bo dercoast l . and land - not more than $125,000 shall be available for the purchase and main- tenance o f motor vehicles f or coast and land -border patrol . Immigration stations . IMMIGRATION STATIONS Remodel ing bui ld- lugs, etc . For remode ling, r epairin g (inc luding repairs to the ferryb oat, Ellis Island), renovating buildings and purchase of equipment, $49 ;000 .