3508 PROCLAMATIONS, 1936. DeecriptIoD-Contd. thence with Route 81 to the point of convergence of Routes 81 and 608 at Liberty Hill, Virginia; thence to the point of divergence of Routes 81 and 608; thence with Route 608 to the top of Paint Lick Mountain; thence with the top of Paint Lick :Mountain to Wardell, Virginia; thence with the top of House and Barn 1vIountain and the top of Elks Garden Ridge to the confluence of Little Cedar Creek and Cedar Creek; thence following the divide between Little Cedar Creek and Clinch River to the junction of Routes 64 and 672; thence with Route 64 to the junction with Route 614; thence with Route 614 to the junction with Route 640; thence with Route 640 to Clinch River at St. Paul, Vil·ginia; thence with Clinch River to the center of the bridge on Route 70 at Dungannon, Virginia; thence with Route 70 to the junction with Route 602; thence with Route 602 to the junction with Route 653 near Stanley Town, Virginia; thence with Route 653 to the junction of Route 653 with U. S. Highway 58; thence with U. S. Highway 58 to the top of Powell ~10untain; thence with the top of Powell Mountain to Route 64 in Hunter Gap; thence with Route 64 to the center of bridge o\'er Powell River; thence up Powell River to the center of the blidge on Routes 64 and 65; thence with Routes 64 and 65 to Niggerhead Rock in Pennington Gap; thence with the top of Big Stone Mountain to the Virginia-Kentucky State Line; thence with the Virginia-Kentucky State Line approxi- mately 33 miles to the top of Black M01;ntain; thence along the top of Black ~10untain to Herald, Virginia, on the Virginia-'West Virginia State Line; thence following the Virginia-West Virginia State Line to Route 627; thence with Uoute 627 to the intersection with Route 626 at Lambert Store, Virginia; thence leaving Route 6::'7 and with the divide between the Clim'h Uiver and Dry Fork to the village of Tip Top, Virginia, on Route 655; thence with Route 655 to U. S. Highway 19; thence ",ith U. R . Highway 19 to the junction "ith Route 650; thence with Route rlJ)o to the junction wrth Route 85; thence with Route 85 to thn "'irginia-West Virgini!1 State Line; thence "ith the Virginia-'Ve~t, Yirginia State Line approximatelv 100 miles to the place of oegiurJing- . . Unaka Dlvl3loD. Description. t:XAKA DIVI:-;IOX (NOT'!;:.-The term "prCHcnt houndary" in thc following descriptions ref('rli to hOllndariefil of National Forc6ts as they cxisted just prior to the issuancc of this proclamation.) Beginning at the Villa.pe of Cole, in 'Vashington County, Virginia, a point on the present National Forest boundary; thence in a south- easterly direction with the present boundary to Route 604; thence leaving the present boundary and North 59° 00' East, 3 miles to a corner of the W. B. and 1vIrs. J . L . Jackson Tract #131 a point about 3 chains southwest of Dry Fork, a tributary to St. Clair Creek; thence with the northern boundary of Tract #131 to a point where the boundary of Tract #131 intersects the present National Forest boundary; thence with the present boundary in a general north- easterly direction to the Smyth-'Vythe County line; thence with the present boundary to the point of intersection with Route 615; thence with Route 615 to the point of intersection with Route 670; thence with Route 670 to the intersection with Route 90; thence with Route 90 to Cedar Springs, Vi~inia, a point on the present National Forest boundary; thence followmg the present boundary to the junction of the Virginia-North Carolina-Tennessee State lines; thence with the
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