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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/465

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thirty-four thousand three hundred and twenty-one dollars and twenty-one cents;

1838, ch. 174.
Expenses under act to remit duties on goods destroy’d by fire in New York.
For the payment of expenses incurred by the collector of New York, under the act of seventh of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, to remit the duties upon certain goods destroyed by fire at the late conflagration in the city of New York, seven hundred dollars;

Payment of a balance carried to the surplus fund.For the payment of certain certificates, being the balance of a former appropriation carried to the surplus fund on the thirty-first December, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, five hundred dollars;

Furniture for Presid’ts house.For furniture for the President’s house, of American manufacture, so far as may be practicable and expedient, to be expended under the direction of the President, in addition to the avails of the sales of decayed furniture, the sum of six thousand dollars;

Capitol and grounds.For annual repairs of the capitol, attending furnaces, water-closets, lamp-lighting, oil, laborers on capitol grounds, tools, keeping iron pipes and wooden fences in order, attending at gates, gardener’s salary, and for top dressing delicate and valuable plants, seven thousand five hundred and eighty-two dollars and fifty cents;

President’s house, &c.For annual repairs of President’s house, gardener’s salary, horse and cart, laborers and tools, and for amount due F. Masi and Company for repairs on furniture, two thousand six hundred and twenty-eight dollars;

New Treasury building.For completing back buildings, grading grounds, and cutting balance of stone for west portico of the new Treasury building, and paying for materials delivered, eleven thousand one hundred and eighty-eight dollars and forty-four cents;

New Patent Office building.For fluting columns of portico of new Patent Office, finishing roof, and the cut stone-work of said building, and paying for materials delivered, seven thousand five hundred and fifty dollars;

New jail.For enclosing the new jail yard, in the city of Washington, five thousand dollars;

New General Post Office building.For new General Post Office building, one hundred thousand dollars;

Court-house in Alexandria.For completing court-house, in the city of Alexandria, three thousand dollars;

Payments to workmen on new Treasury and Patent Office buildings.For payment to the stone-cutters, and the other workmen on the new Treasury building and the new Patent Office building, of the sums allowed them by the commissioners appointed by the President of the United States to superintend the prosecution of the work in the construction of the said buildings, in fulfilment of the resolution of Congress of the twentieth of July, eighteen hundred and forty, twelve thousand nine hundred and twenty-three dollars and thirty-one cents;

Surveying public lands.For surveying the public lands, in addition to the unexpended balances of former appropriations, to be apportioned to the several surveying districts according to the exigencies of the public service, including office-rent, and fuel, for the year eighteen hundred and forty-one, fifty-five thousand dollars;

Retracing certain old surveys in Alabama.For retracting certain old surveys in the State of Alabama, at a rate not exceeding four dollars a mile, fifteen thousand dollars;

Surveys in Missouri.
1824, ch. 184.
1838, ch. 54.
For surveys in Missouri, in the towns named in the act of twenty-sixth May, eighteen hundred and twenty-four, in addition to the sum of six thousand dollars appropriated for the same object by the act of sixth of April, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, two thousand dollars;

Surveying in Illinois and Missouri.For surveying five hundred miles of detached and unfinished lines in Illinois and Missouri, principally in the military district, Illinois, at a rate not exceeding six dollars a mile, three thousand dollars;

Ministers.For salaries of ministers of the United States to Great Britain, France, Russia, Prussia, Austria and Mexico, fifty-four thousand dollars;

Secretaries of legation.For salaries of the secretaries of legation to the same places, twelve thousand dollars;