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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/26

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Private Law 262 _-- Richard J. Walling. AN ACT For the relief of Richard J. Walling 263 D. Lane Powers and Elaine Powera Taylor. AN ACT For the relief of D. Lane Powers and Elaine Powers Taylor. 264 Hawaiian Airlines, Ltd. AN ACT To confer jurisdiction on the Court cf Claims of the United States to hear, determine, and render j u d g m e n t upon the claim of the Hawaiian Airlines, Limited 265 Kirocor Haladjian and others. AN ACT For the relief of Kirocor Haladjian, Tacouhi Haladjian, Gulunia Haladjian, and Virginie Haladjian 2Q6... Madeleine Quarez. AN ACT For the relief of Madeleine Q u a r e z. 267... First Lt. James E. Willcox. AN ACT For the relief of First Lieutenant James E. Willcox 268 Michail loannou Bourbakis. AN ACT For the relief of Michail l o a n n o u Bourbakis 269... Nene Baalstad. AN ACT For the relief of Nene Baalstad 270... Willem Houwink. AN ACT For the relief of Willem H o u w i n k. 271... Wilma M. Stiehl. AN ACT For the relief of Wilma M. StiehL 272 _-_ Polly Anne Caldwell. AN ACT For the relief of Polly Anne Caldwell 273... Howard I. Smith. AN ACT For the relief of H o w a r d L S m i t h.. 274:... Ann Lamplugh. AN ACT For the relief of Ann Lamplugh 275 Marie Kristine Hansen. AN ACT For the relief of Marie Kristine Hansen 27%... Davis Min Lee. AN ACT For the relief of Davis Min Lee 277 Mrs. Okuni Kobayashi. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Okuni Kobayashi 278... Harvey Marden. AN. ACT For the relief of H a r v e y M a r d e n.. 279.__ Megumi Takagi. AN ACT For the relief of Megumi T a k a g i... 280... Herbert H. Heller. AN ACT For the relief of H e r b e r t H. Heller. 2S1... TerukoOkuaki. AN ACT For the relief of Teruko Okuaki 282... Mrs. Lou Wong Shong Ngon. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Lou Wong Shong Ngon 283 __. /. N. Norman. AN ACT For the relief of I. N. Norman 284 Valmai Eileen Mackenzie. AN ACT For the relief of Valmai Eileen Mackenzie 285 Helmuth Assmas Balthasar Russow and Volker Harpe. AN ACT For the relief of H e l m u t h Assmas Balthasar Russow and Volker H a r p e 286.__ Ella Maria Nyman. AN ACT For the relief of Ella Maria Nyman 287 U. S. Foreign Service, certain officers and employees. AN ACT For the relief of certain officers and employees of the Foreign Service of the United States who, while in the course of their respective duties, suffered losses of personal property by reason of war conditions and catastrophes of n a t u r e 288... Nadine Carol Heslip. AN ACT For the relief of Nadine Carol Heslip 289 _.. George Lukes. AN ACT For the relief of George Lukes 290 _ - - William 0. Stevens. AN ACT For the relief of William O. Stevens 291 Mrs. Suzanne Chow Hsia and son. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Suzanne Chow Hsia and her son, Sven Erik Hsia 292 Sister Maria DeRubertis and others. AN ACT For the relief of Sisters Maria DeRubertis, Agnese Cerina, M a r i a n n a Bonifacio, Dina Bonini, and Edvige Gasparini 293 Harvey McFarland and Laurance Anthony Warnock. AN ACT For the relief of H a r v e v McFarland and Laurance Anthony Warnock 294 David Lee Harrigan. AN ACT For the relief of David Lee H a r rigan 2 9 5... Yutaka Nakaeda. AN ACT For the relief of Y u t a k a N a k a e d a. 296 Five sisters of Franciscan Missionaries of Mar. AN ACT For the relief of five sisters of the Franciscan Missionaries of M a r v. 297... Cecelia Wahls. AN ACT For the relief of Cecelia Wahls 1. 298... Pascal Nemoto Yutaka. AN ACT For the relief of Pascal Nemoto Y u t a k a .... 299... Maiku Suzuki. AN ACT For the relief of Maiku Suzuki 300 Hendryk Kempski. AN ACT For the relief of H e n d r y k Kempski 301 Kwang Myeng Chu. AN ACT For the relief of Kwang Myeng Chu



Sept. 26, 1951. _ -


Sept. 26, 1951


Sept. 26, 1951.. -


Sept. 26, 1951... Sept. 27, 1951


Sept. 27, 1951


Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept.

27, 27, 27, 27,

1951 AIOI 1951. A102 1951. A102 1951... A102

Sept. 27, 1951 - .. A 1 0 3 Sept. 27, 1951. _. A 1 0 3 Sept. 27, 1951. _. A 1 0 3 Sept. 27, 1951... A 1 0 4 Sept. 27, 1951. _. A 1 0 4 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept.

27, 27, 27, 28, 28,

1951... 1951... 1951... 1951._. 1951...

A104 A105 A105 A105 A106

Sept. 28, 1951. _. A 1 0 6 Sept. 28, 1951 A106 Sept. 28, 1951... A 1 0 7 Sept. 28, 1951... A 1 0 7 Sept. 28, 1951... A 1 0 7


2, 1951


Oct. Oct.

3, 1951.. - A 1 0 8 4, 1951... A 1 0 9


9, 1951... A 1 0 9


9, 1951 —



9, 1951—



9, 1951...


Oct. Oct.

9, 1951... 9, 1951...


Oct. Oct.

9, 1951 — 9, 1951...

A1 11 AIII

Oct. 10, 1951... A 1 1 2 Oct. 10, 1951... A112 Oct. 10, 1951... A 1 1 2 Oct. 10, 1951. - -
