H4 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rss. 17. 1845 Speaker of the House and its clerk, shall proceed to take bonds, with All lettings or good and sufficient security, for the due and farthful performance of printing in iis re- the work ; and the officers aforesaid shall immediately thereafter report
‘°"‘“ °“'° to their respective houses all such lettings of prinring, and the een.
Proiiiso. tracts relating to the same: Provided, That the said proposals shall remain sealed until the time appointed for examining the same. _,,,,,,, eemmrb Sec. 2. And be it further resolved, That a committee, consisting tee on printing of three members of the Senate and three members of the House gf
- °l’°°*'°““· Representatives, shall be chosen by their respective houses, which
Ther, dum, shall constitute a committee on printing, which shall have power to and powers. adopt such measures as may be deemed necessary to remedy any neglect or delay on the part of the contractor to execute the work ordered by Congress, and to make a pro ratu reduction in the compensation allowed, or to refuse the work altogether, should it be inferior to the standard; and in all cases, the contractor and his securities shall be responsible for any increased expenditure consequent upon the non- Auditingcfnc- performance of the contract. The committee shall audit and pass °°'"‘“• upon all accounts for printing; but no bill shall be acted upon for work that is not actually executed and delivered, and which they may require to be properly authenticated. Motions for Sec. 3. And be it further resolved, That all motions to print extra gigifgzes t numbers of any bill, paper, or document, in either house, shall be referred re ee,,,_ referred to the members of the committee of that house, who shall mittee or house report upon the propriety of printing, and the probable expense ""lE;°e".:g:· ,.0 thereof, as early as convenient. And all expenses for printing shall printiiig-howr be paid from the contingent fund of the two houses, in proportion to P¤id· the number of copies ordered by each, except the expense of composition, which shall be paid by the house which shall have lirst ordered the printing of the paper or document; and if there shall be a second composition, it shall be paid for by the house which shall authorize Extra copies. and direct the same; and when extra copies of any document or paper shall be ordered by both houses, they shall be delivered to the two houses simultaneously, in proportion to the number of copies by them respectively ordered. _ Repeal oflayvs Sec. 4. And be it further resolved, That all laws and parts of
laws; mow iipforceé ppt in conformity ryvith thedpgovisions of this joint
resou ion, e, an e same are ere re e e . Approved, August 3, 1846. y, P Aug. 3, 1846. [No. l7.]—Joint Resolution to authorize the Secretarr of War to adjrulicata the —· —————- Claims of the Su-aah-natclvah, and other Clam of Choctaw Indians, whose cases were lq`t undetcrmmcd by the Commissioners for the Want of the Township Maps. seeremy of Resolved by the Senate and House tf Representatives 1y' the United ygigecxrllizljtlgd States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War, Ch,,e,_.,,, ,,1,,,,,: for the purpose of consummating the claims of the Su-quah-natch-ah and tg award and other clans of Choctaw Indians, in whose cases the testimony was lgffl ‘°“P “*°'°‘ taken by the commissioners appointed by virtue of the act approved lm, eh_18e_ the twenty-third of August, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and returned to the war department, but judgment was not entered up for the want of the maps whereby the location of the lands of the claimants and the allotment of land or scrip, respectively, to each, could alone be determined, be, and he is hereby, authorized to decide the ppkme, and award land or scrip in each case, as the testimony already en ma usti . Avvuodnim, Arlgust 3, IS46.