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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/155

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TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS, Ssss. I1. Ch. 17. 1847. 1*29 sued out, or appealshad been taken, and prosecuted to the Supreme Court of the United States, according to the laws of the United States which were in force on the said third day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-five, shall, from and alter the passing of this act, be transferred to and deposited in the District Court of the United States for the District of Florida. Sec. 2. And be {tfurther enacted, That it shall be the duty of the TM dlI“d€S*;u:; judge of the District Court of the United States for the District of sing; H05g8d to Florida, immediately atier the passing of this act, to cause the same _¤h<> defks <>l` me to be notified to the several clerks of the superior courts, or other 2:§j°’"°r °°°m' officers or persons having in their possession or custody the records of the proceedings in the first section of this act referred to and described, and to demand the delivery of the same, to be deposited as in and by the said tirst section of this act is required; and on the refusal of such clerk or other officer or person to comply with such demand, the said judge of the District Court of the United States is hereby D,,;,.,,,.,. of authorized and required to compel the delivery of the said records by rewrds, &<>-¤¤¤>* attachment or otherwise, according to law. be °°mp°u°d‘ Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That in all cases in which u;,;;,, of mo, judgment or decrees have been rendered in the said superior courts and ¤i=r>¤¤lS2;<>¤h<¤ or Court of Appeals of the late Territory of Florida, and from which $,,3:; writs of error have been sued out or appeals have been taken to the from _ certain Supreme Court of the United States, the said Supreme Court shall °°‘”"‘$“’ Fl°“d“— be, and is hereby, authorized to hear and determine the same, and the mandates of the said Supreme Court for the execution of the judgments or decrees so to be rendered by them, and all other writs which may be necessary in the exercise of the appellate jurisdiction of the said court in such cases, shall be directed to the District Court of the United States for the District of Florida; and the said District Court shall cause the same to be duly executed and obeyed. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the District Court of the District Coun United States for the District of Florida shall take cognizance of all ;fFl;;‘;;;°*"l$ cases which were pending and undetermined in the said superior cggnam cases courts, under and by virtue of the act of Congress of the twenty-third 1828, eh. 70. May, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, entitled "An Act supplernentary to the several Acts providing for the Settlement and Confirmation of private Land Claims in Florida," and under and by virtue of an act entitled "An Act to provide for the final Settlement of 1830,ch. 106 Land Claims in F lorida," approved twenty-sixth May, eighteen hundred and thirty; and of all cases which were pending and undetermined in the Court of Appeals of the late Territory of Florida, and from the judgments or decrees to be rendered in which writs of error could have been sued out or appeals could have been taken to the Supreme Court of the United States, under the laws which were in force on the third day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-tive, and shall proceed to hear and determine the same; and from the judgments or decrees to be rendered by the said District Court, writs of error may be sued out or appeals may be taken to the Supreme Court of the United States, in Appeals_ ( the same manner as if such judgments or decrees had been rendered C in the Court of Appeals of the Territory of Florida; and the mandates and all writs necessary to the exercise of the appellate jurisdiction ol` the said Supreme Court in such cases, shall be directed to the District Court of the United States for the District of Florida, and the said

  • District Court shall cause the same to be duly executed and obeyed.
 Sec. 5. And be it jhrt/ter enacted, That in all cases not legally One year ai.

' transferred to the State courts in which judgments or decrees have £$’”€*l*°‘l*°rj’°_"

 been rendered in the superior courts or Court of Appeals of the late M in cr em
 Vox,. lX. PUB. -—— 17