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A | ||
Abelard | 210 | |
Abu-Bekr | 142 | |
Achaeans | 55 | |
Acropolis | 78, 81 | |
Aegean Sea | 48–53 | |
Africa | 452, 453 | |
Age of Discovery | 224–240 | |
Age of Expression | 219–223 | |
Age of Reason | 346 | |
Akkadians | 35 | |
Alaric | 127 | |
Alba, Duke of | 269 | |
Albert of Sardinia | 393 | |
alchemy | 404 | |
Alcibiades | 82 | |
Alemanni | 127 | |
Alexander VI (Pope) | 238 | |
Alexander the Great | 28, 37, 83, 84 | |
Alexander I | 355, 363–372, 386 | |
Ali | 142 | |
American Revolution | 323–333 | |
Amerigo Vespucci | 236 | |
Amorites | 35 | |
Anne | 294 | |
Antiochus III | 107–108 | |
Antony | 117 | |
Aquinas, Thomas | 194 | |
architecture | 437, 438 | |
Aristides | 77 | |
Aristotle | 83, 193–195, 216 | |
Arkwright, Richard | 406 | |
art | 433–445 | |
Assyrians | 28, 36 | |
Athens | 81, 82 | |
Augustus | 118 | |
B | ||
Bach | 444 | |
Bacon, Roger | 194, 226, 429 | |
Bagdad | 142 | |
Balance of Power | 296–300 | |
Balboa | 236 | |
Balkan States | 376, 386, 453, 454 | |
Barbarossa | 166 | |
Barrack Emperors | 125 | |
Beethoven | 445 | |
Belgium | 374 | |
Bell, Alexander Graham | 411 | |
Bentham, Jeremy | 420 | |
Bismarck | 394–400 | |
Blanc, Louis | 425 | |
Blücher | 357 | |
Boccaccio | 214 | |
Boer War | 452 | |
Bolivar, Simon | 383 | |
Bologna, University of | 210 | |
Bonaparte, Joseph | 383 | |
Bonaparte (See Napoleon) | ||
Boris Godunow | 306 | |
Brandenburg | 312 | |
Brazil | 375 | |
de Brienne | 340–341 | |
Buddha | 241–246 | |
Bulgaria | 453, 544 | |
Bunsen | 430 | |
Burgundians | 127 | |
Byron | 388 | |
Byzantine Empire | 216 | |
conquered by Turks | 137 | |
Byzantium | 126 | |
C | ||
Cabot, John | 236, 284, 326 | |
Caesar, Julius | 112–115 | |
de Calonne | 339–340 | |
Calvin | 262, 264 | |
Canning, George | 384, 388 | |
Capo d'Istria | 376 | |
Carbonari | 386 | |
Carthage | 88–104 | |
government of | 88–90 | |
Cartwright, Edmund | 406 | |
Castlereagh | 368–372 | |
Catiline | 113 | |
Cavour | 394 | |
Chaldeans | 37 | |
Champollion | 19 | |
Chancellor, Richard | 285, 301 | |
Charlemagne | 144–149, 193 | |
crowned | 146 | |
his Empire divided | 146–148 | |
Charles I (England) | 287–290 |