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Page:Van Loon--The Story of Mankind.djvu/553

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Charles II (England) 290–292
Charles V. 252, 253, 259, 267, 269, 320
Charles X (France) 389
Charles XII (Sweden) 311
Charles XXII (Sweden) 374
Charles the Bold 148
Charles Martel 143
Chartist Movement 418
Cheops 26
chivalry 159–161
Christian IV (Denmark) 274–276
Chrysoloras 216
Cicero 113
Civil War (U. S. A.) 423
Cleopatra 28, 115
Clovis 145
Cnossos 51–53
Colbert 320
College of Cardinals 164
Colonial Expansion 451–453
Columbus 226, 232–235
Committee of Public Safety 346
Confucius 247–250
Congo 452
Congress of Vienna 361–382
Conrad V 167
Constantine 126, 127, 135
Constantinople 127, 129, 137, 216
Copernicus 231
Correggio 440
cotton 405, 406
Council of Ten (Venice) 200
de Covilham, Pedro 231
Crete 51–52
Crimean War 396
Cromwell, Oliver 289–290, 320
Crusades 166–173
First 169
Second 170
Cuba 453
cuneiform inscriptions 32
Cyrus 45
Czartoryski, Adam 374
da Gama, Vasco 226, 236
Danish Parliament 189
Dante 211–213
Danton 346
Declaration of Independence 331
Declaration of Rights of Man 334
Denmark 374
Deutschland 148
Diaz, Bartholomew 230
discovery of America 235–238
Disraeli 454
Divine Right of Kings 287–289
Draco 64
Dutch East India Company 238–272
Dutch Republic becomes Kingdom 373
Dutch Republic formed 190
Dutch West India Company 273
Dynamoes 411
Edict of Nantes 277
Egypt 17–28
Captured by Alexander the Great 27
Captured by Assyrians 27
Captured by Hyksos 27
Captured by Rome 28
Electricity 410–411
Elizabeth (England) 271, 283, 285, 320
Emancipation Proclamation 423
England, conquests of 154
English Cabinet 293
English Colonies 326–329
English Revolution 279–295
Encyclopaedia (French) 336, 429
Engels, Friedrich 425
Enghien, Duc d' 351
Erasmus 208, 256, 257
Eriksen, Leif 232
Estates General (Holland) 189, 190, 270
Etruscans 93
Eugénie, Empress 399
van Eyck, Jan 439
factories 413–419
Faraday, Michael 411
Ferdinand and Isabella 235
Ferdinand II (Austria) 274
Ferdinand VII (Spain) 375
Feudalism 155–158
fire, first use of 14–15
Fitch, John 406, 407
Florence 201, 396
Fra Angelico 222
French Colonies 327–329
French Parliament 188
French Revolution 334–348, 415
Francis Joseph 393
Franco–Prussian War 400–401
Franklin, Benjamin 330, 410
Franks 127, 144
Frederick II of Hohenstaufen 166
Frederick II of Prussia 314–316
Frederick William I 314
Frederick William IV 393
freedom of the sea 272
Fulton, Robert 406