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Charles II (England) | 290–292 | |
Charles V. | 252, 253, 259, 267, 269, 320 | |
Charles X (France) | 389 | |
Charles XII (Sweden) | 311 | |
Charles XXII (Sweden) | 374 | |
Charles the Bold | 148 | |
Charles Martel | 143 | |
Chartist Movement | 418 | |
Cheops | 26 | |
chivalry | 159–161 | |
Christian IV (Denmark) | 274–276 | |
Chrysoloras | 216 | |
Cicero | 113 | |
Civil War (U. S. A.) | 423 | |
Cleopatra | 28, 115 | |
Clovis | 145 | |
Cnossos | 51–53 | |
Colbert | 320 | |
College of Cardinals | 164 | |
Colonial Expansion | 451–453 | |
Columbus | 226, 232–235 | |
Committee of Public Safety | 346 | |
Confucius | 247–250 | |
Congo | 452 | |
Congress of Vienna | 361–382 | |
Conrad V | 167 | |
Constantine | 126, 127, 135 | |
Constantinople | 127, 129, 137, 216 | |
Copernicus | 231 | |
Correggio | 440 | |
cotton | 405, 406 | |
Council of Ten (Venice) | 200 | |
de Covilham, Pedro | 231 | |
Crete | 51–52 | |
Crimean War | 396 | |
Cromwell, Oliver | 289–290, 320 | |
Crusades | 166–173 | |
First | 169 | |
Second | 170 | |
Cuba | 453 | |
cuneiform inscriptions | 32 | |
Cyrus | 45 | |
Czartoryski, Adam | 374 | |
D | ||
da Gama, Vasco | 226, 236 | |
Danish Parliament | 189 | |
Dante | 211–213 | |
Danton | 346 | |
Declaration of Independence | 331 | |
Declaration of Rights of Man | 334 | |
Denmark | 374 | |
Deutschland | 148 | |
Diaz, Bartholomew | 230 | |
discovery of America | 235–238 | |
Disraeli | 454 | |
Divine Right of Kings | 287–289 | |
Draco | 64 | |
Dutch East India Company | 238–272 | |
Dutch Republic becomes Kingdom | 373 | |
Dutch Republic formed | 190 | |
Dutch West India Company | 273 | |
Dynamoes | 411 | |
E | ||
Edict of Nantes | 277 | |
Egypt | 17–28 | |
Captured by Alexander the Great | 27 | |
Captured by Assyrians | 27 | |
Captured by Hyksos | 27 | |
Captured by Rome | 28 | |
Electricity | 410–411 | |
Elizabeth (England) | 271, 283, 285, 320 | |
Emancipation Proclamation | 423 | |
England, conquests of | 154 | |
English Cabinet | 293 | |
English Colonies | 326–329 | |
English Revolution | 279–295 | |
Encyclopaedia (French) | 336, 429 | |
Engels, Friedrich | 425 | |
Enghien, Duc d' | 351 | |
Erasmus | 208, 256, 257 | |
Eriksen, Leif | 232 | |
Estates General (Holland) | 189, 190, 270 | |
Etruscans | 93 | |
Eugénie, Empress | 399 | |
van Eyck, Jan | 439 | |
F | ||
factories | 413–419 | |
Faraday, Michael | 411 | |
Ferdinand and Isabella | 235 | |
Ferdinand II (Austria) | 274 | |
Ferdinand VII (Spain) | 375 | |
Feudalism | 155–158 | |
fire, first use of | 14–15 | |
Fitch, John | 406, 407 | |
Florence | 201, 396 | |
Fra Angelico | 222 | |
French Colonies | 327–329 | |
French Parliament | 188 | |
French Revolution | 334–348, 415 | |
Francis Joseph | 393 | |
Franco–Prussian War | 400–401 | |
Franklin, Benjamin | 330, 410 | |
Franks | 127, 144 | |
Frederick II of Hohenstaufen | 166 | |
Frederick II of Prussia | 314–316 | |
Frederick William I | 314 | |
Frederick William IV | 393 | |
freedom of the sea | 272 | |
Fulton, Robert | 406 |