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Passages from the Life of a Philosopher/List of Papers

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Many applicatians having been made to the Author and to his Publishers, for detached Papers which he has from time to time printed, he takes this opportunity of giving a list of those Papers, with references to the Works in which they may be found.

1. The Preface; jointly with Sir John Herschel. Memoirs of the Analytical Society. 4to. Cambridge, 1813.
2. On Continued Products.

3. An Essay towards the Calculus of Functions.—Phil. Trans. 1815.

4. An Essay towards the Calculus of Functions, Part 2.—Phil. Trans. 1816. P. 179.

5. Demonstrations of some of Dr. Matthew Stewart's General Theorems, to which is added an Account of some New Properties of the Circle.—Roy. Inst. Jour. 1816. Vol. i. p. 6.

6. Observations on the Analogy which subsists between the Calculus of Functions and other branches of Analysis.— Phil. Trans. 1817. P. 179.

7. Solution of some Problems by means of the Calculus of Functions.—Roy. Inst. Jour. 1817, P. 371.

8. Note respecting Elimination.—Roy. Inst. Jour. 1817. P. 355.

9. An Account of Euler's Method of Solving a Problem relating to the Knight's Move at Chess.—Roy. Inst. Jour. 1817. P. 72.

10. On some new Methods of Investigating the Sums of several Classes of Infinite Series.—Phil. Trans. 1819. P. 245.

11. Demonstration of a Theorem relating to Prime Numbers.—Edin. Phil. Jour. 1819. P. 46.

12. An Examination of some Questions connected with Games of Chance.—Trans. of Roy. Soc. of Edin. 1820. Vol. ix. p. 153.

13. Observations on the Notation employed in the Calculus of Functions.—Trans. of Cam. Phil. Soc. 1820. Vol. i. p. 63.

14. On the Application of Analysis, &c. to the Discovery of Local Theorems and Porisms.—Trans. of Roy. Soc. of Edin. Vol. ix. p. 337. 1820.

15. Translation of the Differential and Integral Calculus of La Croix, 1 vol. 1816.
These two works were executed in conjunction with the Rev. G. Peacock (Dean of Ely) and Sir John Herschel, Bart.
16. Examples to the Differential and Integral Calculus. 2 vols. 8vo. 1820.

17. Examples of the Solution of Functional Equations. Extracted from the preceding. 8vo. 1820.

18. Note respecting the Application of Machinery to the Calculation of Mathematical Tables.—Memoirs of the Astron. Soc. June, 1822. Vol. i. p. 309.

19. A Letter to Sir H. Davy, P.R.S., on the Application of Machinery to the purpose of calculating and printing Mathematical Tables. 4to. July, 1822.

20. On the Theoretical Principles of the Machinery for calculating Tables.—Brewster's Edin. Jour. of Science. Vol. viii. p. 122. 1822.

21. Observations on the application of Machinery to the Computations of Mathematical Tables, Dec. 1822.—Memoirs of Astron. Soc. 1824. Vol. i. p. 311.

22. On the Determination of the General Term of a new Class of Infinite Series.—Trans. Cam. Phil. Soc. 1824. Vol. ii. p. 218.

23. Observations on the Measurement of Heights by the Barometer.—Brewster's Edin. Jour. of Science, 1824. P. 85.

24. On a New Zenith Micrometer.—Mem. Astro. Soc. March, 1825.

25. Account of the repetition of M. Arago's Experiments on the Magnetism manifested by various substances during Rotation. By C. Babbage, Esq. and Sir John Herschel.—Phil. Trans. 1825. P. 467.

26. On the Diving Bell.—Ency. Metrop. 4to. 1826.

27. On Electric and Magnetic Rotation.—Phil. Trans. 1826. Vol. ii. p. 494

28. On a method of expressing by Signs the Action of Machinery.—Phil. Trans. 1826. Vol. ii. p. 250.

29. On the Influence of Signs in Mathematical Reasoning.—Trans. Cam. Phil. Soc. 1826. Vol. ii. p. 218.

30. A Comparative View of the different Institutions for the Assurance of Life. 1 vol. 8vo. 1826. German Translation. Weimar, 1827.

31. On Notation.—Edinburgh Encyclopedia. 4to.

32. On Porisms.—Edinburgh Encyclopedia. 4to.

33. A Table of the Logarithms of the Natural Numbers, from 1 to 108,000. Stereotyped. 1 vol. 8vo. 1826.

34. Three editions on coloured paper, with the Preface and Instructions translated into German and Hungarian, by Mr. Chas. Nagy, have been published at Pesth and Vienna. 1834.

35. Notice respecting some Errors common to many Tables of Logarithms.—Mem. Astron. Soc. 4to. 1827. Vol. iii. p. 65.

Evidence on Savings-Banks, before a Committee of the House of Commons, 1827.

36. Essay on the general Principles which regulate the Application of Machinery.—Ency. Metrop. 4to. 1829.

37. Letter to T. P. Courtenay on the Proportion of Births of the two Sexes amongst Legitimate and Illegitimate Children.—Brewster's Edin. Jour. of Science, Vol. ii. p. 85. 1829. This letter was translated into French and published by M. Villermé, Member of the Institute of France.

38. Account of the great Congress of Philosophers at Berlin, on 18 Sept. 1828.—Communicated by a Correspondent [C. B.]. Edin. Journ. of Science by David Brewster, Vol. x. p. 225. 1829.

39. Note on the Description of Mammalia.—Edin. Jour. of Science, 1829. Vol. i. p. 187. Ferussac Bull, vol. xxv. p. 296.

40. Reflections on the Decline of Science in England, and on some of its Causes. 4to. and 8vo. 1830.

41. Sketch of the Philosophical Characters of Dr. Wollaston and Sir H. Davy. Extracted from the Decline of Science, 1830.

42. On the Proportion of Letters occurring in Various Languages, in a letter to M. Quételet.—Correspondence Mathematique et Physique. Tom. vi. p. 136.

43. Specimen of Logarithmic Tables, printed with different coloured inks and on variously-coloured papers, in twenty-one volumes 8vo. London. 1831.

The object of this Work, of which one single copy only was printed, is to ascertain by experiment the tints of the paper and colours of the inks least fatiguing to the eye.

One hundred and fifty-one variously-coloured papers were chosen, and the same two pages of my stereotype Table of Logarithms were printed upon them in inks of the following colours: light blue, dark blue, light green, dark green, olive, yellow, light red, dark red, purple, and black.

Each of these twenty volumes contains papers of the same colour, numbered in the same order, and there are two volumes printed with each kind of ink.

The twenty-first volume contains metallic printing of the same specimen in gold, silver, and copper, upon vellum and on variously-coloured papers. For the same purpose, about thirty-five copies of the complete table of logarithms were printed on thick drawing paper of various tints. An account of this work may be found in the Edin. Journ. of Science (Brewster's), 1832. Vol. vi. p. 144.

44. Economy of Manufactures and Machinery. 8vo. 1832.

There are many editions and also American reprints, and several Translations of this Work into German, French, Italian, Spanish, &c.

45. Letter to Sir David Brewster, on the Advantage of a Collection of the Constants of Nature and Art.—Brewster's Edin. Jour. of Science. 1832. Vol. vi. p. 334. Reprinted by order of the British Association for the Promotion of Science. Cambridge, 1833. See also pp. 484, 490, Report of the Third Meeting of the British Association. Reprinted in Compte Rendu des Traveaux du Congres Général de Statistique, Bruxelles, Sept. 1853.

46. Barometrical Observations, made at the Fall of the Staubbach, by Sir John Herschel, Bart., and C. Babbage, Esq.—Brewster's Edin. Jour. of Science. Vol. vi. p. 224. 1832.

47. Abstract of a Paper, entitled Observations on the Temple of Serapis, at Pozzuoli, near Naples; with an attempt to explain the causes of the frequent elevation and depression of large portions of the earth's surface in remote periods, and to prove that those causes continue in action at the present time. Read at Geological Society, 12 March, 1834. See Abstract of Proceedings of Geol. Soc. Vol. ii. p. 72.

This was the first printed publication of Mr. Babbage's Geological Theory of the Isothermal Surfaces of the Earth.

48. The Paper itself was published in the Proceedings of the Geological Soc. 1846.

49. Reprint of the same, with Supplemental Conjectures on the Physical State of the Surface of the Moon. 1847.

50. Letter from Mr. Abraham Sharpe to Mr. J. Crosthwait, Hoxton, 2 Feb. 1721-22. Deciphered by Mr. Babbage. See Life of Flamsteed, by Mr. F. Baily. Appendix, pp. 348, 390. 1835.

51. The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise. 8vo. May, 1837; Second Edition, Jan. 1838.

52. On some Impressions in Sandstone.—Proceedings of Geological Society. Vol. ii. p. 439. Ditto, Phil. Mag. Ser. 3. Vol. x. p. 474. 1837.

52*. Short account of a method by which Engraving on Wood may be rendered more useful for the Illustration and Description of Machinery.—Report of Meeting of British Association at Newcastle. 1838. P. 154.

53. Letter to the Members of the British Association. 8vo. 1839.

54. General Plan, No. 25, of Mr. Babbage's Great Calculating or Analytical Engine, lithographed at Paris. 24 by 36 inches. 1840.

55. Statement of the circumstances respecting Mr. Babbage's Calculating Engines. 8vo. 1843.

56. Note on the Boracio Acid Works in Tuscany.—Murray's Handbook of Central Italy. First Edition, p. 178. 1843.

57. On the Principles of Tools for Turning and Planing Metals, by Charles Babbage. Printed in the Appendix of Vol. ii. Holtzapffel Turning and Mechanical Manipulation. 1846.

58. On the Planet Neptune.—The Times, 15th March, 1847.

59. Thoughts on the Principles of Taxation, with reference to a Property Tax and its Exceptions. 8vo. 1848. Second Edition, 1851. Third Edition, 1852.

An Italian translation of the first edition, with notes, was published at Turin, in 1851.

60. Note respecting the pink projections from the Sun's disc observed during the total solar eclipse in 1851.—Proceedings of the Astron. Soc., vol. xii., No. 7.

61. Laws of Mechanical Notation, with Lithographic Plate. Privately printed for distribution. 4to. July, 1851.

62. Note respecting Lighthouses (Occulting Lights). 8vo. Nov. 1851. Communicated to the Trinity House, 30 Nov. 1851.

Reprinted in the Appendix to the Report on Lighthouses presented to the Senate of the United States, Feb. 1852.

Reprinted in the Mechanics' Magazine, and in various other periodicals and newspapers. 1852–3.

It was reprinted in various parts of the Report of Commissioners appointed to examine into the state of Lighthouses. Parliamentary Paper. 1861.

63. The Exposition of 1851; or, Views of the Industry, the Science, and the Government of England. 6s. 6d. Second Edition, 1851.

64. On the Statistics of Light-houses. Compte Rendu des Traveaux du Congres Général, Bruxelles, Sept 1853.

65. A short description of Mr. Babbage's Ophthalmoscope is contained in the Report on the Ophthalmoscope by T. Wharton Jones, F.R.S.—British and Foreign Medical Review, Oct 1854. Vol. xiv. p. 551.

66. On Secret or Cipher Writing. Mr. T.'s Cipher Deciphered by C.—Jour. Soc. Arts, July, 1854, p. 707.

67. On Mr. T.'s Second Inscrutable Cipher Deciphered by C.—Jour. Soc. Arts, p. 777, Aug. 1854.

68. On Submarine Navigation.—Illustrated News, 23rd June, 1855.

69. Letter to the Editor of the Times, on Occulting Lights for Lighthouses and Night Signals. Flashing Lights at Sebastopol. 16th July, 1855.

70. On a Method of Laying Guns in a Battery without exposing the men to the shot of the enemy. The Times, 8 Aug., 1855.

71. Sur la Machine Suédoise de M. Scheutz pour Calculer les Tables Mathématiques. 4to. Comptes Rendus et l'Académie des Sciences, Paris, Oct. 8, 1855.

72. On the Action of Ocean-currents in the Formation of the Strata of the Earth.—Quarterly Journal of Geological Society, Nov. 1856.

73. Observations by Charles Babbage, on the Mechanical Notation of Scheutz's Difference Engine, prepared and drawn up by his Son, Major Henry Prevost Babbage, addressed to the Institution of Civil Engineers. Minutes of Proceedings, voL xv. 1856.

74. Statistics of the Clearing-House. Reprinted from Trans. of Statistical Soc. 8vo. 1856.

75. Observations on Peerage for Life. July, 1833. Reprinted, 1856.

76. Observations addressed to the President and Fellows of the Royal Society on the Award of their Medals for 1856. 8vo.

77. Table of the Relative Frequency of Occurrence of the Causes of Breaking Plate-glass Windows.—Mech. Mag. 24th Jan. 1857.

78. On Remains of Human Art, mixed with the Bones of Extinct Races of Animals. Proceedings of Roy. Soc. 26th May, 1859.

79. Passages from the Life of a Philosopher. 8vo. 1864.

80. [In the press]. History of the Analytical Engine. 4to. It will contain Chapters V., VI., VII., and VIII., of the present Volume. Reprint of The Translation of General Menabrea's Sketch of the Analytical Engine invented by Charles Babbage. From the Bibliothèque Universelle de Genève, No. 82, Oct. 1842. Translated by the late Countess of Lovelace, with extensive Notes by the Translator.