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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 38/Index

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I N D E X.

Abbott, Charles C. Sketch of D. G. Brinton. (With Portrait.) 836
African Custom, Curiosities of. (Misc.) 570
Agriculture, New England. (Corr.) T. H. Hoskins 700
Agricultural Science, Progress in.* M. Miles 491
Air, Compressed, as a Motor Power. (Misc.) 715
Aitchison, G. The Principles of Decoration 390
Alcohol as a Cause of Disease. (Misc.) 716
"The Use of, in Medicine. A. G. Bartley 86
Ambergris. (Misc.) 573
America, The Peopling of. A. de Quatrefages 305
Americanists, International Congress of 685
Animal Life in the Great Desert. W. Marshall 247
Animals, the Lower, Laws of Government among. J. W. Slater 677
Antiseptic Treatment and Sir Joseph Lister. (Corr.) H. J. Smith 119
Apple Crop of 1890, The Failure of the. (Misc.) 714
Architects, A Defense of the. (Corr.) A. D. F. Hamlin 699
Architecture and the Environment. Barr Ferree 194
Argyll, Duke of. Professor Huxley on the War-path 775
Aryan Question, The, and Prehistoric Man. T. H. Huxley 341
Aryan Question, The, and Prehistoric Man. T. H. Huxley 502
Aye-aye, The. (Misc.) 567
Assassinations, Philosophy of some. (Misc.) 427

Babel, From, to Comparative Philology. A. D. White 289
Babel, From, to Comparative Philology. A. D. White 433
Badger, The, and the Fox* 807
Bartley, A. G. The Use of Alcohol in Medicine 86
Bath, The, in the Middle Ages. (Misc.) 713
Benton, Warren G. Chinese Buddhism 530
Bernhardt, W. Predisposition, Immunity, and Disease 380
Berthold, Victor M. Unnatural Reading. (Corr.) 266
Bicycler, What keeps the, Upright?* C. B. Warring 766
Bird's Flight, The Start of a. (Misc.) 141
Bolton, H. Carrington. Scientific Jottings in Egypt 823
Books noticed 124
Books noticed 272
Books noticed 413
Books noticed 557
Books noticed 705
Books noticed 844
Abbe, Cleveland. Deductive Methods in Storm and Weather Predictions 131
Badt, F. B., and H. S. Carhart. Derivation of Practical Electrical Units 563
Abbott, C. C. Outings at Odd Times 557
Baker, Samuel W. Wild Beasts and their Ways 414
Abel, Mrs. Mary H. Practical Sanitary and Economic Cooking 126
Ball, William P. Are the Effects of Use and Disuse inherited? 563
Allen, W. F. The Annals of Tacitus 131
Babcock, W. H. The Two Lost Centuries of Britain 421
Ballard, Julia P. Among the Moths and Butterflies 418
Ballou, W. R. Equine Anatomy and Physiology 132
Bird, Charles. Elementary Geology 708
Blanford, Henry F. India, Barman, and Ceylon 708
Blythe, A. W. A Manual of Public Health 561
Bolton, H. C. Contributions of Alchemy to Numismatics 421
Boston Society of Natural History. Proceedings, Vol. XXIV 418
Bowker, R. R., and George lies. Reader's Guide to Economic, Social, and Political Science 852
Brinton, D. G. Races and Peoples 559
Browning, O. Aspects of Education 132
Bureau of Education. Circular of Information, No. 2, 1889 278
Cajori, Florian. The Teaching and History of Mathematics in the United States 710
Carus, Paul. The Ethical Problem 421
Census Bureau. Bulletins Nos. 6 and 19 711
Chief Signal Officer of the Army. Report for 1889 130
Chittenden, E. P. The Pleroma 131
Clark, Willis G. History of Education in Alabama 278
Collier, Peter. The Future of Agriculture in the United States 564
Cope, R. The Distribution of Wealth 711
Cornell University. Third Annual Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station 852
Cox, Charles F. Protoplasm and Life 130
Crooker, J. H. The Bible in the Public Schools 131
Dall, William H. Contributions to the Tertiary Fauna of Florida 420
Davis, Walter G. Anales de la Oficina Meteorologica Argentina, 1886 849
Dawson, G. M. On the Later Physiographical Geography of the Rocky Mountain Region in Canada 853
Day, David T. Mineral Resources of the United States for 1888 709
De Costa. B. F. The Pre-Columbian Discovery of America by the Northmen 558
Diehl, Anna Randall. A Practical Delsarte Primer 562
Durham, William. Astronomy 563
Educational Review. N. M. Butler, Editor 564
Educational Society of Japan, A Short History of 279
Elderton, William A. Maps and Map-drawing 564
Ellis, A. B. The Ewe-speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa 706
Ellis, A. B. The Tshi-speaking Peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa 706
Ellis, Havelock. The Criminal 129
Elson, Louis C. The Theory of Music 849
Ely, Talfourd. Manual of Archæology 852
Fiske, John. Civil Government in the United States 413
Genone, Hudor. Inquirendo Island 711
Geological Survey. Bulletins 58 to 66 709
Graham, Douglas. A Treatise on Massage 127
Graham, William. Socialism, New and Old 844
Green, W. L. Notice of Prof. J. D. Dana's Characteristics of Volcanoes 420
Gurney, E. H. Reference Handbook of English History 131
"Hamilton, Gail." A Washington Bible-Class 848
Hardy, A. S. Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus 710
Harkness, Albert. An Easy Method for Beginners in Latin 422
Harper's Sixth Reader 853
Hazen, H. A. Tornadoes 130
Health for Little Folks 133
Hendrick, Welland. Brief History of the Empire State 422
Hill, Robert T. The Cretaceous Rocks of Texas 420
Hippisley, A. E. A Catalogue of the Hippisley Collection of Chinese Porcelains 709
Hitchcock, Henry. A Year's Legislation (1889-'90) 420
Hjelt, E. Principles of General Organic Chemistry 707
Hough, W. Fire-making Apparatus 709
Hug, Lina, and Richard Stead. Switzerland 565
Hyatt, Alpheus, and J. M. Arms. Guides for Science Teaching. VIII. Insecta 847
International Journal of Ethics 416
Jacobs, Joseph. English Fairy Tales 561
Jago, William. Inorganic Chemistry 707
James, William. The Principles of Psychology 272
Jastrow, Joseph. The Time-relations of Mental Phenomena 564
Journal of Morphology, Vol. IV, No. 1 419
Kansas Agricultural College Experiment Station. Second Annual Report of Botanical Department 419
Kennedy, John. Stem Dictionary of the English Language 131
Kiddle, Henry. Text-book of Physics 133
Klauser. Julius. The Septonate and the Centralization of the Tonal System 851
Lange, Helene. Higher Education of Women in Europe 847
Leffman, Henry. A Compend of Chemistry 132
Leffman, H., and W. Beam. Progressive Exercises in Practical Chemistry 279
Lindsay, T. B. Satires of Juvenal 422
Litchfield, Mary E. The Nine Worlds 133
Lockyer, J. Norman. The Meteoritic Hypothesis 705
Lucas, F. A. The Expedition to the Funk Island 709
McAdie, A. Tornadoes 420
McCook, Henry C. American Spiders and their Spinning-work, Vol. II 124
Macfarlane, James. An American Geological Railway Guide 276
MacLean, J. P. An Examination of Fingal's Cave 853
McLennan, Evan. Cosmical Evolution 852
Macy, J. Our Government: How it grew, what it does, and how it does it 560
Mason, Edward C. The Veto Power 416
Mercier, C. Sanity and Insanity 128
Mills, Wesley. A Text-book of Comparative Physiology 275
Moll, Albert. Hypnotism 125
Monist, The 711
Morris, I. H. Text-book of Practical Plane and Solid Geometry 708
Mott, Henry A. A Chart relative to the Composition of Food 419
Müller, F. Max. Three Lectures on the Science of Language 133
Nadaillac, Marquis de. Prehistoric America 415
Natural Speller and Word Book 423
New England Meteorological Society. Investigations for the Year 1889 420
New Jersey. Final Report of the State Geologist, Vol. II, Part II, Zoölogy 706
Niblack, Albert P. The Coast Indians of Southern Alaska 707
Northam, Henry C. Manual of Civil Government 280
Ostwald, Wilhelm. Outlines of General Chemistry 278
Peck, H. T. Latin Pronunciation 422
Peet, Stephen D. Emblematic Mounds and Animal Effigies 417
Physical Culture. A. Cuthbertson, Editor 419
Pickard, T. L. School Supervision 125
Pickering, Edward C. The Draper Catalogue of Stellar Spectra 846
Poet Lore. Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke, Editors 564
Powers, Edward. War and the Weather 850
Preble, Henry, and Charles P. Parker. Handbook of Latin Writing 422
Prudden, T. M. Dust and its Dangers 559
Putnam, G. P., and L. E. Jones. Tabular Views of Universal History 422
Reclus, É. North America. Vol. I 705
Report on Medical Education and the Practice of Medicine in the United States and Canada 279
Schreber, D. G. R. Home Exercise for Health and Cure 280
Shufeldt, R. W. The Myology of the Raven 562
Sime, James. Geography of Europe 708
Smith, Edgar F. Electro-Chemical Analysis 132
Smithsonian Institution. Report of the National Museum for 1888 708
Storrs School Agricultural Experiment Station. Second Annual Report 419
Swedenborg, Emanuel. Descriptions of the Spiritual World 565
Taft, L. R. Greenhouse Building and Heating 419
Thruston, Gates P. The Antiquities of Tennessee and the Adjacent States 128
Tolstoi, Leo. The Fruits of Culture 853
Ward, Lester F. Genius and Woman's Intuition 419
Waring, George E., Jr. The Sewerage of Columbus, Ohio 420
Weeden, W. B. Economic and Social History of New England 276
West, Alfred H. A Digest of English and American Literature 421
White, C. A. On the Geology and Physiography of Northwestern Colorado and Parts of Utah and Wyoming 709
Wiechmann, F. G. Sugar Analysis 417
Williams, George H. Elements of Crystallography 851
Willoughby, W. W. The Supreme Court of the United States 710
Wilson, Thomas. A Study of Prehistoric Anthropology 708
Woodward, C. M. The Educational Value of Manual Training 279
Woody, S. E. Medical Chemistry and Urinalysis 132
Wright, G. F. The Glacial Boundary 709
Bore of the Amazon, the Pororóca, or. J. C. Branner 208
Branner, John O. The Pororóca, or Bore of the Amazon 208
Bridges, Flora. Coeducation in Swiss Universities 524
Brinton, Daniel Garrison, Sketch of. (With Portrait.) C. C. Abbott 836
Buddhism, Chinese. W. G. Benton 530
Burial, The Dangers of the Present Mode of. (Misc.) 286

California, Social Changes in. C. H. Shinn 794
Cats, The Intelligence of. W. H. Larrabee 368
Cements, The Relative Value of. C. D. Jameson and H. Remley 663
Chamisso, Adelbert von, as a Naturalist. (With Portrait.) E. Du Bois-Reymond 252
Cheese, Population of. (Misc.) 428
Cherokee Theory of Disease, The. (Misc.) 426
Churches, Democracy and the. (Misc.) 861
Churchill, William. The Duk-duk Ceremonies 236
Clark, Emmons. Street-cleaning in Large Cities 748
Climate, Adaptation to. Saint Y. Menard 670
Coeducation in Swiss Universities. F. Bridges 524
Coffee-drinking. (Misc.) 286
Cold, The Storage of. C. Morris 517
Cold Waves. (Misc.) 143
Colors, Coal-tar, Fast and Fugitive. (Misc.) 862
Consumption, Dr. Koch's Method of treating. G. A. Heron 617
"Modern Views of. (Misc.) 424
"Physical Development, vs. (Misc.) 718
"Cure, Koch's. (Editor's Table) 841
Cooper, Samuel W. The Tyranny of the State 622
Copyright, International. (Editor's Table) 556
Cuadrados, Gaston A. The Influence of Spencer's Philosophy. (Corr.) 264
Culture for its own Sake. (Editor's Table) 411
Currier, Amos N. The Decline of Rural New England 384
Customary Survivals. (Misc.) 859

"Dago," What shall we do with the? A. Morgan 172
""What shall we do with the?" (Corr.) W. H. Larrabee 553
Decoration, The Principles of. G. Aitchison 390
Demeny, Georges. Precision in Physical Training 467
Desert, The Zungarian. (Misc.) 427
Development, The, of American Industries since Columbus.* William F. Durfee 145
Development, The, of American Industries since Columbus.* William F. Durfee 314
Development, The, of American Industries since Columbus.* William F. Durfee 449
Development, The, of American Industries since Columbus.* William F. Durfee 586
"Announcement. (Editor's Table) 271
Disease, Race-influence and. G. B. Hoffmeister 817
Diver, The Experiences of a. H. Fol 216
Dogs, The Battersea Home for. (Misc.) 714
Dragon-fly and the Cricket, The. (Misc.) 574
Duk-duk Ceremonies, The. W. Churchill 236
Durfee, William F. Early Steps in Iron-making* 145
"Iron-mills and Puddling-Furnaces* 314
"Iron-smelting by Modern Methods* 449
"Iron-working with Machine Tools* 586
Dye-stuffs, About Certain. (Misc.) 572

Earth's Crust, Strength of the. (Misc.) 573
"Features, Permanency of the. (Misc.) 861
Eaton, Amos, Sketch of. (With Portrait) 113
Economics, Individual. (Corr.) L. O. Talbott 407
Education, General, Elementary Botany in. M. Ward 363
Egypt, Scientific Jottings in. H. C. Bolton 823
Egyptian Desert, Ancient Maps of the. (Misc.) 575
Electricity, The Storage of.* S. Sheldon 355
Ellis, A. B. On Vôdu-worship 651
Embryological Recapitulation. (Misc.) 284
Eskimos, the Point-Barrow, Dress and Physique of. J. Murdoch 222
Ethics, Evolutionary. (Corr.) Robert Mathews 700

Fatness and its Treatment. (Misc.) 718
Ferree, Barr. Architecture and the Environment 194
Fijians, The. (Misc.) 570
Fire, Bristling with. (Misc.) 429
Fireplaces, Ancient, on the Ohio. (Misc.) 142
Fol, Hermann. The Experiences of a Diver 216
Folk Lore. (Misc.) 134
Folk-Lore Society, The American. (Misc.) 713
Forest, The. (Misc.) 143
Fort Ancient. (Misc.) 717
Fossils, Leonardo da Vinci's Theory of. (Misc.) 571
Fox, The Badger and the* 807
Freedom, From, to Bondage. Herbert Spencer 721
Free Trade and Protection, The Logic of. Arthur Kitson 48

Gas Cooking-stoves. (Misc.) 139
Geography-teaching in Russia. (Misc.) 286
Geology as an Educational Instrument. (Misc.) 139
Geometry, My Class in.* George lies 40
Ghost Idea, Advent of the. (Misc.) 714
Glacial Action in Niagara River. (Misc.) 857
Goodale, Elaine. Some Lessons from Barbarism 82
Graham, William. Supposed Tendencies to Socialism 577
Greeting by Gesture. G. Mallery 477
Greeting by Gesture. G. Mallery 629

Halsted, Byron D. Prairie Flowers of Late Autumn 229
Hamlin, A. D. F. A Defense of the Architects. (Corr.) 699
Heat, Non-conductors of. J. M. Ordway 644
Heron, G. A. Dr. Koch's Method of treating Consumption 617
Hertz, Henri. The Identity of Light and Electricity 179
Hindrances to Scientific Progress. (Editor's Table) 120
Hoffmeister, G. Bernard. Race-influence and Disease 817
Hoskins, T. H. New England Agriculture. (Corr.) 700
Hours, Shorter, and Wages. (Misc.) 862
Houzeau, Jean Charles, Sketch of. (With Portrait) 544
Human Selection. A. R. Wallace 93
"Human Selection." (Editor's Table) 270
Huxley, Professor, on the War-path. Duke of Argyll 775
Huxley, Thomas H. The Aryan Question and Prehistoric Man 341
Huxley, Thomas H. The Aryan Question and Prehistoric Man 502
Hypnotism, An Experiment in. (Misc.) 859
Hypocrisy as a Social Elevator. J. McElroy 599

Identification by Measure. (Misc.) 569
Iles, George. My Class in Geography* 40
Imitative Coloring of Plants and Animals. (Misc.) 429
Indians, The, of Northwest Canada. (Misc.) 425
Individualism, What is? M. H. Jones 205
Inebriate Asylums, The Founder of. (Misc.) 282
Influenza and Children's Growth. (Misc.) 719
Influenza and the Weather. (Misc.) 568
Insect, A Motherly. (Misc.) 426
Insect Aid for our Orange-growers. (Misc.) 136
Insects, Leaf and Stick. (Misc.) 717
Insects, Speed of. (Misc.) 573
Instinctive Movements of Children. (Misc.) 426
Irish Myths. (Misc.) 569
Iron-making, Early Steps in.* W. F. Durfee 145
Iron Mills and Puddling-Furnaces.* W. F. Durfee 314
Iron-smelting by Modern Methods* W. F. Durfee 449
Iron-working with Machine Tools.* W. F. Durfee 586

James, Joseph F. A Brief History of the Ohio River* 739
Jameson, Charles D., and H. Remley. The Relative Value of Cements 663
Jones, M. H. What is Individualism? 205
"Jumpers," African. (Misc.) 137

K. The Basis of Morality. (Corr.) 408
Kasbek, Mount, The Tradition of. (Misc.) 138
Key, Axel. School Life in Relation to Growth and Health 107
Kisch, E. Heinrich. The Sensations of Pleasure and Pain 243
Kitson, Arthur. The Logic of Free Trade and Protection 48

Lands, The Available, of the Globe. (Misc.) 858
Larrabee, William H. The Intelligence of Cats 368
""What shall we do with the Dago?" (Corr.) 553
Lessons from Barbarism, Some. Elaine Goodale 82
Liberty, Intellectual. (Editor's Table) 844
Library, The, as a Laboratory. (Editor's Table) 123
Light and Electricity, The Identity of. H. Hertz 179
Lightning, Zigzag. (Misc.) 569
Lockyer, J. Norman. The History of a Star 66

McCook, Henry C. Defenses of Burrowing Spiders* 189
McElroy, John. Hypocrisy as a Social Elevator 599
Magnetograph, The. (Misc.) 285
Mallery, Garrick. Greeting by Gesture 477
Mallery, Garrick. Greeting by Gesture 629
Man, Tertiary, The Question of. (Misc.) 283
Manual Training and the Brain. (Misc.) 425
Marion, Henri. Training for Character 755
Marshall, William. Animal Life in the Great Desert 247
Mathematics, The Scope of. (Misc.) 284
Mathews, Robert. Evolutionary Ethics. (Corr.) 700
Mayer, Alfred G. Habits of the Box Tortoise* 60
Medals, The Wise Use of. (Misc.) 571
Mediterranean, The. (Misc.) 140
"Physical Geography of the. (Misc.) 859
Ménard, Saint Yves. Adaptation to Climate 670
Metric Standards, New. (Misc.) 855
Miles, Manly. Progress in Agricultural Science* 491
Mississippi, Storage Reservoirs for the. (Misc.) 856
Mitchell, Elisha, Sketch of. (With Portrait) 398
Mitchill, Samuel L., Sketch of. (With Portrait) 691
Mendenhall, T. C. The Relations of Men of Science to the General Public 19
Montezuma's Head-dress. (Misc.) 568
Morality, A Doubtful Prop of. (Editor's Table) 267
Morality, The Basis of. (Corr.) K 408
Morality, The Evolutionary View of. (Editor's Table) 409
Morgan, Appleton. What shall we do with the "Dago"? 172
Morris, Charles. The Storage of Cold 517
Mounds, Some North Dakota. (Misc.) 855
Mummies, Preservation of. (Misc.) 570
Murdoch, John. Dress and Physique of the Point-Barrow Eskimos 222
"Whale-catching at Point Barrow 830
Museums, American Public, Origin of. (Misc.) 282
Music, The Origin of. Herbert Spencer 1
Mussels, Poisonous. (Misc.) 138

Natural Gas Supply, The. (Misc.) 285
New Chapters in the Warfare of Science. A. D. White 289
New Chapters in the Warfare of Science. A. D. White 433
New England, Rural, The Decline of. A. N. Currier 384
Northrop, John I. Cultivation of Sisal in the Bahamas* 606
Notes 144
Notes 287
Notes 430
Notes 575
Notes 719
Notes 863
Nurse, a Good, The Qualifications of. (Misc.) 856
Nyassa-Land, Resources of. (Misc.) 138

Obituary Notes 288
Obituary Notes 432
Obituary Notes 720
Ohio River, A Brief History of the.* J. F. James 739
Ordway, John M. Non-conductors of Heat 644

Palm-wine. (Misc.) 424
Pamir Table-land, The. (Misc.) 572
Pasteur Institute, New York. (Misc.) 566
Petroleum as an Explosive. (Misc.) 716
Phenological Observations, Value of. (Misc.) 142
Philosophy at Harvard. (Misc.) 281
Physical Training, Precision in. G. Demeny 467
Plant Species, Ocean Transportation of. (Misc.) 571
Plants, Intelligence in. (Misc.) 424
Plants, North American, Distribution of. (Misc.) 135
Plants of Columbia, Economic. (Misc.) 141
Ponies, Shetland.* 538
"Pororóca," The, or Bore of the Amazon. J. C. Branner 208
Prairie Flowers of Late Autumn. B. D. Halsted 229
Predisposition, Immunity, and Disease. W. Bernhardt 380
Printing, Early, at Avignon. (Misc.) 860
Printing-machines, Improvement of. (Misc.) 567
Publications Received 133
Publications Received 280
Publications Received 423
Publications Received 565
Publications Received 712
Publications Received 853
Pupils or Machines? (Corr.) A. C. Ray 119

Quatrefages, Armand de. The Peopling of America 305

Ray, Anna O. Pupils or Machines? (Corr.) 119
Reading, Unnatural. (Corr.) V. M. Berthold 266
Relations of Men of Science to the General Public, The. T. C. Mendenhall 19
Religious Teaching in the Public Schools. (Editor's Table) 554
Remley, Hubert, and C. D. Jameson. The Relative Value of Cements 663
Reversion; or Arrested Development. (Misc.) 856
Revolvers, The Taxation of. (Misc.) 572
Reymond, Emil Du Bois-. Adelbert von Chamisso as a Naturalist. (With Portrait) 252
Road Improvement, Photographs in Aid of. (Misc.) 854
Root-tip, The.* F. L. Sargent 31

Sargent, Frederick L. The Root-tip* 31
Sausages, Horse. (Misc.) 430
Schliemann, Dr. Henry T.* 803
School Life in Relation to Growth and Health. Axel Key 107
Science and Civilization. (Editor's Table) 703
Science, Value of, in Industries. (Misc.) 857
Seeds, Green, and Early Fruit. (Misc.) 428
Sensations of Pleasure and Pain, The. E. H. Kisch 243
Serpents, Infant. (Misc.) 715
Serviss, Garrett P. Star-streams and Nebulæ* 338
Sheldon, Samuel. The Storage of Electricity* 355
Shells, Floridian, Evolution in. (Misc.) 574
Shinn, Charles Howard. Social Changes in California 794
Sisal, Cultivation of, in the Bahamas.* J. I. Northrop 606
Slater, J. W. Laws of Government among the Lower Animals 677
Smith, Horace J. Antiseptic Treatment and Sir Joseph Lister. (Corr.) 119
Smith, Margaret K. A Defense of Mechanical Teaching. (Corr.) 265
Socialism, Supposed Tendencies to. W. Graham 577
Solomon Islands. A Young Trader of the. (Misc.) 428
Sparrows and Robins. (Misc.) 860
Spectra, The, of the Metals. (Misc.) 717
Spencer, Herbert. From Freedom to Bondage 721
"The Origin of Music 1
Spencer's Philosophy, The Influence of. (Corr.) G. A. Cuadrados 264
Spiders, Burrowing, Defenses of.* H. C. McCook 189
Spiders, Poisonous. (Misc.) 137
Star, The History of a. J. N. Lockyer 66
Star-streams and Nebulas.* G. P. Serviss 338
State, The Tyranny of the. S. W. Cooper 622
Street-cleaning in Large Cities. E. Clark 748

Talbott, Laura O. Individual Economics. (Corr.) 407
Tarantula, The. (Misc.) 136
Tea, Chinese and Indian. (Misc.) 715
Teaching, Mechanical, A Defense of. (Corr.) M. K. Smith 265
Telegraphy, An Early Form of. (Misc.) 286
Tortoise, Box, Habits of the.* A. G. Mayer 60
Traditions, Living, Value of. (Misc.) 285
Training for Character. U. Marion 755
Transitions of Fauna in the Mississippi Delta. (Misc.) 140
Traps, Prehistoric. (Misc.) 855
Tuscarora Deep, The. (Misc.) 566

Vôdu-Worship, On. A. B. Ellis 651

Wallace, Alfred R. Human Selection 93
Ward, Marshall. Elementary Botany in General Education 363
Warring, Charles B. What keeps the Bicycler Upright?* 766
Warts on Forest Trees, Origin of. (Misc.) 142
Whale-catching at Point Barrow. J. Murdoch 830
White, Andrew D. From Babel to Comparative Philology 289
White, Andrew D. From Babel to Comparative Philology 433
White-fish in Lake Ontario. (Misc.) 712
Wines, The Medoc. (Misc.) 430
Women, A Profession for. (Editor's Table) 701