Quran (Progressive Muslims Organization)/80
[edit]In the name of God, the Almighty, the Most Merciful. | Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi | |
080:001 | He frowned and turned away. | AAabasa watawalla |
080:002 | When the blind one came to him. | An jaahu al-aAAma |
080:003 | And what makes you know, perhaps he is seeking to purify? | Wama yudreeka laAAallahu yazzakka |
080:004 | Or to remember, so the remembrance will benefit him? | Aw yaththakkaru fatanfaAAahu alththikra |
080:005 | As for the one who was rich. | Amma mani istaghna |
080:006 | You were addressing yourself to him. | Faanta lahu tasadda |
080:007 | And why does it concern you that he does not want to purify? | Wama AAalayka alla yazzakka |
080:008 | And as for the one who came to you seeking. | Waamma man jaaka yasAAa |
080:009 | While he was fearful. | Wahuwa yakhsha |
080:010 | You were too pre-occupied for him. | Faanta AAanhu talahha |
080:011 | No, this is but a reminder. | Kalla innaha tathkiratun |
080:012 | For whoever wills to remember. | Faman shaa thakarahu |
080:013 | In records which are honourable. | Fee suhufin mukarramatin |
080:014 | Raised and pure. | MarfooAAatin mutahharatin |
080:015 | By the hands of scribes. | Bi-aydee safaratin |
080:016 | Honourable and righteous. | Kiramin bararatin |
080:017 | Mankind is killed for his rejection. | Qutila al-insanu ma akfarahu |
080:018 | From what did He create him? | Min ayyi shay-in khalaqahu |
080:019 | From a seed He created him and moulded him. | Min nutfatin khalaqahu faqaddarahu |
080:020 | Then the path He made easy for him. | Thumma alssabeela yassarahu |
080:021 | Then He made him die and buried him. | Thumma amatahu faaqbarahu |
080:022 | Then if He wishes He resurrects him. | Thumma itha shaa ansharahu |
080:023 | Alas, when what has been ordained is complete. | Kalla lamma yaqdi ma amarahu |
080:024 | Let man look to his provisions. | Falyanthuri al-insanu ila taAAamihi |
080:025 | We have poured the water abundantly. | Anna sababna almaa sabban |
080:026 | Then We cracked the land with cracks. | Thumma shaqaqna al-arda shaqqan |
080:027 | And We made grow in it seeds. | Faanbatna feeha habban |
080:028 | And grapes and pasture. | WaAAinaban waqadban |
080:029 | And olives and palm trees. | Wazaytoonan wanakhlan |
080:030 | And gardens in variety. | Wahada-iqa ghulban |
080:031 | And fruits and vegetables. | Wafakihatan waabban |
080:032 | An offering to you and your livestock. | MataAAan lakum wali-anAAamikum |
080:033 | So when the screaming shout comes. | Fa-itha jaati alssakhkhatu |
080:034 | The Day when a person will run from his brother. | Yawma yafirru almaro min akheehi |
080:035 | And his mother and father. | Waommihi waabeehi |
080:036 | And his mate and children. | Wasahibatihi wabaneehi |
080:037 | For every person on that Day is a matter that concerns him. | Likulli imri-in minhum yawma-ithin sha/nun yughneehi |
080:038 | Faces on that Day which are openly displayed. | Wujoohun yawma-ithin musfiratun |
080:039 | Laughing and seeking good news. | Dahikatun mustabshiratun |
080:040 | And faces on that Day with dust on them. | Wawujoohun yawma-ithin AAalayha ghabaratun |
080:041 | Being burdened by remorse. | Tarhaquha qataratun |
080:042 | Those are the rejecters, the wicked. | Ola-ika humu alkafaratu alfajaratu |