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Quran (Progressive Muslims Organization)/81

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  In the name of God, the Almighty, the Most Merciful. Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi
081:001 When the sun implodes. Itha alshshamsu kuwwirat
081:002 And when the stars cannot be seen. Wa-itha alnnujoomu inkadarat
081:003 And when the mountains are made to move. Wa-itha aljibalu suyyirat
081:004 And when the reproduction is ended. Wa-itha alAAisharu AAuttilat
081:005 And when the beasts are gathered. Wa-itha alwuhooshu hushirat
081:006 And when the seas are made to boil. Wa-itha albiharu sujjirat
081:007 And when the souls are paired. Wa-itha alnnufoosu zuwwijat
081:008 And when the girl killed in infancy is asked, Wa-itha almawoodatu su-ilat
081:009 "For what crime was she killed?" Bi-ayyi thanbin qutilat
081:010 And when the records are displayed. Wa-itha alssuhufu nushirat
081:011 And when the sky is removed. Wa-itha alssamao kushitat
081:012 And when Hell is ignited. Wa-itha aljaheemu suAAAAirat
081:013 And when Paradise is made near. Wa-itha aljannatu ozlifat
081:014 Every soul will know what it had done! AAalimat nafsun ma ahdarat
081:015 So, I swear by the receding stars. Fala oqsimu bialkhunnasi
081:016 Their orbits swept away. Aljawari alkunnasi
081:017 And the night when it passes. Waallayli itha AAasAAasa
081:018 And the morning when it breathes. Waalssubhi itha tanaffasa
081:019 It is the saying of an honourable messenger. Innahu laqawlu rasoolin kareemin
081:020 With power and influence from the One of the throne. Thee quwwatin AAinda thee alAAarshi makeenin
081:021 Obeyed, and trustworthy. MutaAAin thamma ameenin
081:022 And your friend is not crazy. Wama sahibukum bimajnoonin
081:023 And he saw him by the clear horizon. Walaqad raahu bialofuqi almubeeni
081:024 And he has no knowledge of the future. Wama huwa AAala alghaybi bidaneenin
081:025 And it is not the saying of an outcast devil. Wama huwa biqawli shaytanin rajeemin
081:026 So where will you go? Faayna tathhaboona
081:027 It is but a reminder for the worlds. In huwa illa thikrun lilAAalameena
081:028 For whomever of you wishes to be straight. Liman shaa minkum an yastaqeema
081:029 And you cannot will anything except if God also wills, the Lord of the worlds. Wama tashaoona illa an yashaa Allahu rabbu alAAalameena