Shakespeare - First Folio facsimile (1910)/The Taming of the Shrew/Act 2
Actus Secundus.
Enter Katherina and Bianca.
Bian. Good sister wrong me not, nor wrong your self,To make a bondmaide and a slaue of mee,That I disdaine: but for these other goods,Vnbinde my hands, Ile pull them off my selfe,Yea all my raiment, to my petticoate,Or what you will command me, wil I do,So well I know my dutie to my elders.
Kate. Of all thy sutors heere I charge telWhom thou lou'st best: see thou dissemble not.
Bianca. Beleeue me sister, of all the men aliue,I neuer yet beheld that speciall face,Which I could fancie, more then any other.
Kate. Minion thou lyest: Is't not Hortensio?
Bian. If you affect him sister, heere I sweareIle pleade for you my selfe, but you shal haue him.
Kate. Oh then belike you fancie riches more,You wil haue Gremio to keepe you faire.
Bian. Is it for him you do enuie me so?Nay then you iest, and now I wel perceiueYou haue but iested with me all this while:I prethee sister Kate, vntie my hands.
Ka. Strikes herIf that be iest, then all the rest was so.
Enter Baptista.
Bap. Why how now Dame, whence growes this insolence? Bianca stand aside, poore gyrle she weepes: Go ply thy Needle, meddle not with her. For shame thou Hilding of a diuellish spirit, Why dost thou wrong her, that did nere wrong thee? When did she crosse thee with a bitter word?
Kate. Her silence flouts me, and Ile be reueng'd.Flies after Bianca
Bap. Exit.What in my sight? Bianca get thee in.
Kate. What will you not suffer me: Nay now I see She is your treasure, she must haue a husband, I must dance bare-foot on her wedding day, And for your loue to her, leade Apes in hell. Talke not to me, I will go sit and weepe, Till I can finde occasion of reuenge.
Bap. Was euer Gentleman thus greeu'd as I? But who comes heere.
Enter Gremio, Lucentio, in the habit of a meane man,Petruchio with Tranio, with his boybearing a Lute and Bookes.
Gre. Good morrow neighbour Baptista.
Bap. Good morrow neighbour Gremio: God saue you Gentlemen.
Pet. And you good sir: pray haue you not a daughter, cal'd Katerina, faire and vertuous.
Bap. I haue a daughter sir, cal'd Katerina.
Gre. You are too blunt, go to it orderly.
Pet. You wrong me signior Gremio, giue me leaue. I am a Gentleman of Verona sir, That hearing of her beautie, and her wit, Her affability and bashfull modestie: Her wondrous qualities, and milde behauiour, Am bold to shew my selfe a forward guest Within your house, to make mine eye the witnesse Of that report, which I so oft haue heard, And for an entrance to my entertainment, I do present you with a man of mine Cunning in Musicke, and the Mathematickes, To instruct her fully in those sciences, Whereof I know she is not ignorant,Accept of him, or else you do me wrong. His name is Litio, borne in Mantua.
Bap. Y'are welcome sir, and he for your good sake. But for my daughter Katerine, this I know, She is not for your turne, the more my greefe.
Pet. I see you do not meane to part with her, Or else you like not of my companie.
Bap. Mistake me not, I speake but as I finde, Whence are you sir? What may I call your name.
Pet. Petruchio is my name, Antonio's sonne, A man well knowne throughout all Italy.
Bap. I know him well: you are welcome for his sake.
Gre. Sauing your tale Petruchio, I pray let vs that are poore petitioners speake too? Bacare, you are meruaylous forward.
Pet. Oh, Pardon me signior Gremio, I would faine be doing.
Gre. I doubt it not sir. But you will curse Your wooing neighbors: this is a guift Very gratefull, I am sure of it, to expresse The like kindnesse my selfe, that haue beene More kindely beholding to you then any Freely giue vnto this yong Scholler, that hath Beene long studying at Rhemes, as cunning In Greeke, Latine, and other Languages, As the other in Musicke and Mathematickes: His name is Cambio: pray accept his seruice.
Bap. A thousand thankes signior Gremio: Welcome good Cambio. But gentle sir, Me thinkes you walke like a stranger, May I be so bold, to know the cause of your comming?
Tra. Pardon me sir, the boldnesse is mine owne, That being a stranger in this Cittie heere, Do make my selfe a sutor to your daughter, Vnto Bianca, faire and vertuous: Nor is your firme resolue vnknowne to me, In the preferment of the eldest sister. This liberty is all that I request, That vpon knowledge of my Parentage, I may haue welcome 'mongst the rest that woo, And free accesse and fauour as the rest. And toward the education of your daughters: I heere bestow a simple instrument, And this small packet of Greeke and Latine bookes: If you accept them, then their worth is great:
Bap. Lucentio is your name, of whence I pray.
Tra. Of Pisa sir, sonne to Vincentio.
Bap. A mightie man of Pisa by report, I know him well: you are verie welcome sir: Take you the Lute, and you the set of bookes, You shall go see your Pupils presently. Holla, within. Enter a Seruant.Sirrah, leade these Gentlemen To my daughters, and tell them both These are their Tutors, bid them vse them well, We will go walke a little in the Orchard, And then to dinner: you are passing welcome, And so I pray you all to thinke your selues.
Pet. Signior Baptista, my businesse asketh haste, And euerie day I cannot come to woo, You knew my father well, and in him me, Left solie heire to all his Lands and goods, Which I haue bettered rather then decreast, Then tell me, if I get your daughters loue, What dowrie shall I haue with her to wife.
Bap. After my death, the one halfe of my Lands, And in possession twentie thousand Crownes.
Pet. And for that dowrie, Ile assure her of Her widdow-hood, be it that she suruiue me In all my Lands and Leases whatsoeuer, Let specialties be therefore drawne betweene vs, That couenants may be kept on either hand.
Bap. I, when the speciall thing is well obtain'd, That is her loue: for that is all in all.
Pet. Why that is nothing: for I tell you father, I am as peremptorie as she proud minded: And where two raging fires meete together, They do consume the thing that feedes their furie. Though little fire growes great with little winde, Yet extreme gusts will blow out fire and all: So I to her, and so she yeelds to me, For I am rough, and woo not like a babe.
Bap. Well maist thou woo, and happy be thy speed: But be thou arm'd for some vnhappie words.
Pet. I to the proofe, as Mountaines are for windes, That shakes not, though they blow perpetually.
Enter Hortensio with his head broke.
Bap. How now my friend, why dost thou looke so pale?
Hor. For feare I promise you, if I looke pale.
Bap. What, will my daughter proue a good Musitian?
Hor. I thinke she'l sooner proue a souldier,Iron may hold with her, but neuer Lutes.
Bap. Why then thou canst not break her to the Lute?
Hor. Why no, for she hath broke the Lute to me:I did but tell her she mistooke her frets,And bow'd her hand to teach her fingering,When (with a most impatient diuellish spirit)Frets call you these? (quoth she) Ile fume with them:And with that word she stroke me on the head,And through the instrument my pate made way,And there I stood amazed for a while,As on a Pillorie, looking through the Lute,While she did call me Rascall, Fidler,And twangling Iacke, with twentie such vilde tearmes,As had she studied to misvse me so.
Pet. Now by the world, it is a lustie Wench,I loue her ten times more then ere I did,Oh how I long to haue some chat with her.
Bap. Wel go with me, and be not so discomfited.Proceed in practise with my yonger daughter,She's apt to learne, and thankefull for good turnes:Signior Petruchio, will you go with vs,Or shall I send my daughter Kate to you.Exit. Manet Petruchio.
Pet. I pray you do. Ile attend her heere,And woo her with some spirit when she comes,Say that she raile, why then Ile tell her plaine,She sings as sweetly as a Nightinghale:Say that she frowne, Ile say she lookes as cleereAs morning Roses newly washt with dew:Say she be mute, and will not speake a word,Then Ile commend her volubility,And say she vttereth piercing eloquence:If she do bid me packe, Ile giue her thankes,As though she bid me stay by her a weeke:If she denie to wed, Ile craue the dayWhen I shall aske the banes, and when be married.But heere she comes, and now Petruchio speake.Enter Katerina.Good morrow Kate, for thats your name I heare.
Kate. Well haue you heard, but something hard of hearing:They call me Katerine, that do talke of me.
Pet. You lye infaith, for you are call'd plaine Kate,And bony Kate, and sometimes Kate the curst:But Kate, the prettiest Kate in Christendome,Kate of Kate-hall, my super-daintie Kate,For dainties are all Kates, and therefore KateTake this of me, Kate of my consolation,Hearing thy mildnesse prais'd in euery Towne,Thy vertues spoke of, and thy beautie sounded,Yet not so deepely as to thee belongs,My selfe am moou'd to woo thee for my wife.
Kate. Mou'd, in good time, let him that mou'd you hetherRemoue you hence: I knew you at the firstYou were a mouable.
Pet. Why, what's a mouable?
Kat. A ioyn'd stoole.
Pet. Thou hast hit it: come sit on me.
Kate. Asses are made to beare, and so are you.
Pet. Women are made to beare, and so are you.
Kate. No such Iade as you, if me you meane.
Pet. Alas good Kate, I will not burthen thee,For knowing thee to be but yong and light.
Kate. Too light for such a swaine as you to catch,And yet as heauie as my waight should be.
Pet. Shold be, should: buzze.
Kate. Well tane, and like a buzzard.
Pet. Oh slow-wing'd Turtle, shal a buzard take thee?
Kat. I for a Turtle, as he takes a buzard.
Pet. Come, come you Waspe, y'faith you are too angrie.
Kate. If I be waspish, best beware my sting.
Pet. My remedy is then to plucke it out.
Kate. I, if the foole could finde it where it lies.
Pet. Who knowes not where a Waspe does weare his sting? In his taile.
Kate. In his tongue?
Pet. Whose tongue.
Kate. Yours if you talke of tales, and so farewell.
Pet. What with my tongue in your taile.Nay, come againe, good Kate, I am a Gentleman,
Kate. she strikes himThat Ile trie.
Pet. I sweare Ile cuffe you, if you strike againe.
Kate. So may you loose your armes,If you strike me, you are no Gentleman,And if no Gentleman, why then no armes.
Pet. A Herald Kate? Oh put me in thy bookes.
Kate. What is your Crest, a Coxcombe?
Pet. A comblesse Cocke, so Kate will be my Hen.
Kate. No Cocke of mine, you crow too like a crauen
Pet. Nay come Kate, come: you must not looke so sowre.
Kate. It is my fashion when I see a Crab.
Pet. Why heere's no crab, and therefore looke not sowre.
Kate. There is, there is.
Pet. Then shew it me.
Kate. Had I a glasse, I would.
Pet. What, you meane my face.
Kate. Well aym'd of such a yong one.
Pet. Now by S. George I am too yong for you.
Kate. Yet you are wither'd.
Pet. 'Tis with cares.
Kate. I care not.
Pet. Nay heare you Kate. Insooth you scape not so.
Kate. I chafe you if I tarrie. Let me go.
Pet. No, not a whit, I finde you passing gentle:'Twas told me you were rough, and coy, and sullen,And now I finde report a very liar:For thou art pleasant, gamesome, passing courteous,But slow in speech: yet sweet as spring-time flowers.Thou canst not frowne, thou canst not looke a sconce,Nor bite the lip, as angry wenches will,Nor hast thou pleasure to be crosse in talke:But thou with mildnesse entertain'st thy wooers,With gentle conference, soft, and affable.Why does the world report that Kate doth limpe?Oh sland'rous world: Kate like the hazle twigIs straight, and slender, and as browne in hueAs hazle nuts, and sweeter then the kernels:Oh let me see thee walke: thou dost not halt.
Kate. Go foole, and whom thou keep'st command.
Pet. Did euer Dian so become a GroueAs Kate this chamber with her princely gate:O be thou Dian, and let her be Kate, And then let Kate be chaste, and Dian sportfull.
Kate. Where did you study all this goodly speech?
Petr. It is extempore, from my mother wit.
Kate. A witty mother, witlesse else her sonne.
Pet. Am I not wise?
Kat. Yes, keepe you warme.
Pet. Marry so I meane sweet Katherine in thy bed:And therefore setting all this chat aside,Thus in plaine termes: your father hath consentedThat you shall be my wife; your dowry greed on,And will you, nill you, I will marry you.Now Kate, I am a husband for your turne,For by this light, whereby I see thy beauty,Thy beauty that doth make me like thee well,Thou must be married to no man but me,Enter Baptista, Gremio, Trayno.For I am he am borne to tame you Kate,And bring you from a wilde Kate to a KateConformable as other houshold Kates:Heere comes your father, neuer make deniall,I must, and will haue Katherine to my wife.
Bap. Now Signior Petruchio, how speed you with my daughter?
Pet. How but well sir? how but well?It were impossible I should speed amisse.
Bap. Why how now daughter Katherine, in your dumps?
Kat. Call you me daughter? now I promise youYou haue shewd a tender fatherly regard,To wish me wed to one halfe Lunaticke,A mad-cap ruffian, and a swearing Iacke,That thinkes with oathes to face the matter out.
Pet. Father, 'tis thus, your selfe and all the worldThat talk'd of her, haue talk'd amisse of her:If she be curst, it is for pollicie,For shee's not froward, but modest as the Doue,Shee is not hot, but temperate as the morne,For patience shee will proue a second Grissell,And Romane Lucrece for her chastitie:And to conclude, we haue greed so well together,That vpon sonday is the wedding day.
Kate. Ile see thee hang'd on sonday first.
Gre. Hark Petruchio, she saies shee'll see thee hang'd first.
Tra. Is this your speeding? nay thē godnight our part.
Pet. Be patient gentlemen, I choose her for my selfe,If she and I be pleas'd, what's that to you?'Tis bargain'd twixt vs twaine being alone,That she shall still be curst in company.I tell you 'tis incredible to beleeueHow much she loues me: oh the kindest Kate,Shee hung about my necke, and kisse on kisseShee vi'd so fast, protesting oath on oath,That in a twinke she won me to her loue.Oh you are nouices, 'tis a world to seeHow tame when men and women are alone,A meacocke wretch can make the curstest shrew:Giue me thy hand Kate, I will vnto VeniceTo buy apparell 'gainst the wedding day;Prouide the feast father, and bid the guests,I will be sure my Katherine shall be fine.
Bap. I know not what to say, but giue me your hāds,God send you ioy, Petruchio, 'tis a match.
Gre. Tra. Amen say we, we will be witnesses.
Pet. Father, and wife, and gentlemen adieu,I will to Venice, sonday comes apace,We will haue rings, and things, and fine array,And kisse me Kate, we will be married a sonday.Exit Petruchio and Katherine.
Gre. Was euer match clapt vp so sodainly?
Bap. Faith Gentlemen now I play a marchants part,And venture madly on a desperate Mart.
Tra. Twas a commodity lay fretting by you,'Twill bring you gaine, or perish on the seas.
Bap. The gaine I seeke, is quiet me the match.
Gre. No doubt but he hath got a quiet catch:But now Baptista, to your yonger daughter,Now is the day we long haue looked for,I am your neighbour, and was suter first.
Tra. And I am one that loue Bianca moreThen words can witnesse, or your thoughts can guesse.
Gre. Yongling thou canst not loue so deare as I.
Tra. Gray-beard thy loue doth freeze.
Gre. But thine doth frie,Skipper stand backe, 'tis age that nourisheth.
Tra. But youth in Ladies eyes that florisheth.
Bap. Content you gentlemen, I wil co[m]pound this strife'Tis deeds must win the prize, and he of bothThat can assure my daughter greatest dower,Shall haue my Biancas loue.Say signior Gremio, what can you assure her?
Gre. First, as you know, my house within the CityIs richly furnished with plate and gold,Basons and ewers to laue her dainty hands:My hangings all of tirian tapestry:In Iuory cofers I haue stuft my crownes:In Cypres chests my arras counterpoints,Costly apparell, tents, and Canopies,Fine Linnen, Turky cushions bost with pearle,Vallens of Venice gold, in needle worke:Pewter and brasse, and all things that belongsTo house or house-keeping: then at my farmeI haue a hundred milch-kine to the pale,Sixe-score fat Oxen standing in my stalls,And all things answerable to this portion.My selfe am strooke in yeeres I must confesse,And if I die to morrow this is hers,If whil'st I liue she will be onely mine.
Tra. That only came well in: sir, list to me,I am my fathers heyre and onely sonne,If I may haue your daughter to my wife,Ile leaue her houses three or foure as goodWithin rich Pisa walls, as any oneOld Signior Gremio has in Padua,Besides, two thousand Duckets by the yeereOf fruitfull land, all which shall be her ioynter.What, haue I pincht you Signior Gremio?
Gre. Two thousand Duckets by the yeere of land,My Land amounts not to so much in all:That she shall haue, besides an ArgosieThat now is lying in Marcellus roade:What, haue I choakt you with an Argosie?
Tra. Gremio, 'tis knowne my father hath no lesseThen three great Argosies, besides two GalliassesAnd twelue tite Gallies, these I will assure her,And twice as much what ere thou offrest next.
Gre. Nay, I haue offred all, I haue no more,And she can haue no more then all I haue,If you like me, she shall haue me and mine.
Tra. Why then the maid is mine from all the worldBy your firme promise, Gremio is out-vied.
Bap. I must confesse your offer is the best,And let your father make her the assurance, Shee is your owne, else you must pardon me:If you should die before him, where's her dower?
Tra. That's but a cauill: he is olde, I young.
Gre. And may not yong men die as well as old?
Bap. Well gentlemen, I am thus resolu'd,On sonday next, you knowMy daughter Katherine is to be married:Now on the sonday following, shall BiancaBe Bride to you, if you make this assurance:If not, to Signior Gremio:Exit.And so I take my leaue, and thanke you both.
Gre. Adieu good neighbour: now I feare thee not:Sirra, yong gamester, your father were a fooleTo giue thee all, and in his wayning ageSet foot vnder thy table: tut, a toy,Exit.An olde Italian foxe is not so kinde my boy.
Tra. A vengeance on your crafty withered hide,Yet I haue fac'd it with a card of ten:'Tis in my head to doe my master good:I see no reason but suppos'd LucentioMust get a father, call'd suppos'd Vincentio,And that's a wonder: fathers commonlyDoe get their children: but in this case of woing,Exit.A childe shall get a sire, if I faile not of my cunning.