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This template produces links to both the King James Version of the Bible on English Wikisource, and the Stuttgart Vulgate on Latin Wikisource.




book: may be specified by the English name, the Latin name, or an abbreviation, as in the following table. The periods on the abbreviations are optional.

Code KJV Vulgate
Gen. Genesis Genesis
Exod. Exodus Exodus
Lev. Leviticus Leviticus
Num. Numbers Numeri
Deut. Deuteronomy Deuteronomium
Josh. Joshua Iosue
Judg. Judges Iudicum
Ruth Ruth
1 Sam. 1 Samuel Samuelis I
2 Sam. 2 Samuel Samuelis II
1 Kings Regum I
2 Kings Regum II
1 Chron. 1 Chronicles Paralipomenon I
2 Chron. 2 Chronicles Paralipomenon II
Ezra Esdrae
Neh. Nehemiah Nehemiae
Esther Esther
Job Iob
Ps. Psalms Psalmi
Cant. Song of Solomon Canticum Canticorum
Prov. Proverbs Proverbia
Eccles. Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes
Isa. Isaiah Isaias
Jer. Jeremiah Ieremias
Lam. Lamentations Lamentationes
Ezek. Ezekiel Ezechiel
Dan. Daniel Daniel
Hosea Osee
Joel Ioel
Amos Amos
Obad. Obadiah Abdias
Jon. Jonah Ionas
Mic. Micah Michaeas
Nah. Nahum Nahum
Hab. Habakkuk Habacuc
Zeph. Zephaniah Sophonias
Hag. Haggai Aggaeus
Zech. Zechariah Zacharias
Mal. Malachi Malachias
Tob. Tobit Tobiae
Jth. Judith Iudith
Wisd. Wisdom of Solomon Sapientia
Ecclus. Wisdom of Sirach Ecclesiasticus
Bar. Baruch Baruch
1 Macc. 1 Maccabees Machabaeorum I
2 Macc. 2 Maccabees Machabaeorum II
Mt. Matthew Matthaeus
Mk. Mark Marcus
Lk. Luke Lucas
Jn. John Ioannes
Acts Acts of the Apostles Actus Apostolorum
Rom. Romans ad Romanos
1 Cor. 1 Corinthians ad Corinthios I
2 Cor. 2 Corinthians ad Corinthios II
Gal. Galatians ad Galatas
Eph. Ephesians ad Ephesios
Phil. Philippians ad Philippenses
Col. Colossians ad Colossenses
1 Thess. 1 Thessalonians ad Thessalonicenses I
2 Thess. 2 Thessalonians ad Thessalonicenses II
1 Tim. 1 Timothy ad Timotheum I
2 Tim. 2 Timothy ad Timotheum II
Titus ad Titum
Philem. Philemon ad Philemonem
Heb. Hebrews ad Hebraeos
James Iacobi
1 Pet. 1 Peter Petri I
2 Pet. 2 Peter Petri II
1 John Ioannis I
2 John Ioannis II
3 John Ioannis III
Jude Iudae
Rev. Revelation Apocalypsis

c:v: chapter:verse for both sources, or for the KJV if the references differ (as in most Psalms)

c2:v2: chapter:verse for the Vulgate if the references differ. Omit if the references are the same.


Verbum caro factum est {{KJVulgate|Jn|1:14}} Verbum caro factum est (KJV) (Vulgate)
The Lord is my shepherd {{KJVulgate|Ps.|23:1|22:1}} The Lord is my shepherd (KJV) (Vulgate)
Thou shalt not kill {{KJVulgate|Deuteronomy|5:17}} Thou shalt not kill (KJV) (Vulgate)
numerus eius est sescenti sexaginta sex {{KJVulgate|Apocalypsis|13:18}} numerus eius est sescenti sexaginta sex (KJV) (Vulgate)