The Boy Travellers in Australasia/Illustrations

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Mount Kosciusko, the Highest Peak in Australia Frontispiece.
Map of Australasia Front Cover.
Map of Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania Back Cover.
Royal School, Honolulu 1
The Physalia 2
The Island of Oahu 3
General View of Honolulu 4
In the Harbor of Honolulu 5
Queen's Hospital, Honolulu 6
Kealakeakua Bay, where Captain Cook was Killed 7
Mrs. Thurston, one of the Missionaries of 1820 8
Kawaiaho Church—First Native Church in Honolulu 9
Bethel Church 10
Native School-house in Honolulu 10
The Court-house in Honolulu 11
Native Gentleman of Honolulu 12
Hawaiian Poi-dealer 13
The Hawaiian Archipelago 14
Hawaiians at a Feast 15
Native Hay Peddler 16
Dress of Hawaiian Women 18
Ancient Idols of Hawaii 19
Grass House, Hawaiian Islands 20
Government Buildings, Honolulu 21
Hawaiian Dancing-girls 22
Map of the Sandwich Isles 23
Lahaina, Island of Maui 25
Women on Horseback, Honolulu 26
A Mountain Valley 27
Hawaiian Temple 28
Mountain Scene in the Sandwich Islands 29
Hilo 31
Surf-bathing at Hilo 32
The Volcano House 33
View of one of the Burning Lakes 35
View on a Lava Field 37
Hawaiian Warriors a Century ago 38
Chain of Extinct Volcanoes, Island of Kauai 39
Map of the Haleakala Crater 41
Kamehameha I., First King of the Sandwich Islands 42
Water-fall on Island of Kauai 43
Implements of Domestic Life 44
Hawaiian Pipe 45
Looking Seaward 48
The Owner of the Yacht 49
"Good-by!" 49
At Home on the "Pera" 50
Below Deck in the Tropics 51
On the Coast of the Marquesas 53
A View in Nookaheeva 55
Gattanewa's Portrait 56
Tattoo Marks on a Chief of the Marquesas 57
The Chief's Daughter 59
A European's Residence in the Marquesas 61
A Marquesan Village 63
Catholic Missionary 64
In a Gale near the Marquesas 65
Commodore Porter's Fleet in Nookaheeva Bay 66
Easter Island House and Children 67
Lava Rock Image, Easter Island 68
Easter Island Man 69
Easter Island Woman 70
Stone Tablet of Character Writing 71
Stone Platform for Images 72
Coast Scenery, Tahiti 74
Specimen of Coral 75
The Coral Worm 76
On the Shore of the Lagoon 77
A Cabin in the Suburbs 78
The Coast in a Storm 79
A French Bishop 81
View in an Orange-grove 82
Native Bamboo House, Tahiti 83
Natives of the Society Islands Fishing 84
A Sea-urchin 85
The Bottom of the Lagoon 86
Sea-anemone and Hermit-crab 87
Hermit-crab and Sea-shell 88
View among the Coral Branches 89
A Fish inside a Sea-slug 90
Coralline 91
Octopus, or Devil-fish 92
Stingaree, or Sea-devil 92
Garden of a Suburban Residence 93
Gathering Oranges for the Feast 95
Tamarind-tree at Point Venus 97
A Grove of Cocoanut-trees 98
Running before the Trade-winds 99
Dr. Coan, Missionary to Hawaii 100
No Respect for Missionaries 101
Trading Station in the Pacific 103
John Wesley, the Founder of Methodism 104
Mission Church and Station 105
Mission Park Monument 106
Mission Ship on her Voyage 107
Landing on an Atoll of the Hervey Group 109
Cocoa Palms in the Hervey Islands 111
Native Houses and Canoe 113
Missionary Station on Aneityum Island 115
Tanna Islander on a Queensland Plantation 116
Group of Islanders on a Feejeean Plantation 117
Firing down the Hatchway 118
The "Rosario" chasing a Man-stealing Schooner 119
A Witness for the Defence 120
Indian Girl House-servant in Feejee 121
Samoan double Canoe 122
Coral Architects in Samoan Waters 123
A Beach comber 124
Growth of Coral on a Mountain slowly Subsiding 125
Ass's Ears, Florida Island 126
A House in the Tonga Islands 127
Native Teacher, Upolu, Samoan Islands 129
Map of the South Sea Islands 131
Crabs eating Cocoanuts 132
A Plantation in the South Sea Islands 133
A Fair Wind 134
Bread-fruit 135
War Canoe of the Olden Time 137
Canoes drawn on Shore 138
Captain James Cook 139
An American Resident 140
Cave near the Picnic Ground 141
Massacre Bay 143
A Village in Vanikoro 144
Hat Island, west of Vanikoro 145
Louis XVI. and La Pérouse 146
A Native of Feejee 147
A Royal Attendant 148
Ancient Feejee Temple 149
A Polynesian Idol 151
A Coast Scene in Kandavu 152
A Planter's Residence 153
A New Arrival 154
Going to Feejee 155
Scene on a Cotton Plantation 156
Sugar-cane Mill 157
Feejeean Head-dress 158
An Accomplished Liar 159
Fork of a Cannibal King 160
Tanoa, former King of Feejee 161
A Cannibal Dance 162
Skull found at the Banquet Ground 162
View in a Valley of the Interior of the Island 163
Avenue of Palms 165
A Part of Levuka 166
Fred's Fly 167
Frank's Mosquito 167
One Variety of Sea-worm 169
Going for Balola 170
Ancient Feejeean War-dance 171
Moonlight on the Waters 172
Mission Church in the Feejee Islands 174
Going to Church.—River Scene 175
Feejeean Head 176
Feejeean Weapons 176
Telling the Story 177
Formation of Clouds before a Feejeean Hurricane 178
After the Storm 179
Coast Scene in a Calm 179
Lost in the Hurricane 180
Mota, or Sugar-loaf Island 181
Two-tree Island 181
A Young Student 182
Stone Monument, Tongataboo 183
A Volcano in the Pacific 184
An Island Cavern 185
Islands on the Coast 186
Auckland in 1840 187
View of Auckland from Mount Eden 189
Mission Station at Tangiteroria, New Zealand 190
Early Days in New Zealand 191
In a State of Decadence 193
A Kainga Maori (Native) Village 195
Carved New Zealand Chest 196
Maori War Clubs 197
Lake in the Crater of an Extinct Volcano 198
Sawing a Kauri Pine 199
Stock-farm in the Suburbs 200
A Water-oak 201
A Pakeha Maori 202
A Pakeha Maori's Home 203
View of a Part of Auckland and its Harbor 204
Maori Tattooing 205
Inland Scenery 206
Captain Cook's Gift to the Maoris 207
Skeleton of the Extinct Moa (Dinornis) 209
Dressing Flax 210
Family of Deer on Kawau Island 212
Prospecting for Gold 213
Stamp-mill at Grahamstown 214
"Struck a Pocket" 215
Gold-mining on the Sea-shore 217
A Miner's Camp in the Mountains 218
Visiting a Mine 219
Inland Scenery 221
Among the Hot Springs 223
The Baths at Rotomahana 224
Hotel Life at the Hot Lakes 225
A Mud Crater 227
The White Terraces, seen from above 229
The Pink Terraces, seen from below 231
Lake Tarawera, in the Hot Lake District 233
The Tabu Removed 234
Maori Village of Wairoa, in the Hot Lake District 235
A Maori Prophet in the King Country 236
British Soldiers attacking a Maori Pah 237
Outworks of a Maori Pah 239
In the Harbor 240
In Napier for his Health 241
Scene on a Sheep Farm.—Off to the Pasture 243
Farm Scenes in the Open Country 244
On the Coast near Wellington 246
Just down from the Interior 247
Mountain and Lake in New Zealand 249
Just arrived from England 250
A Promenader 251
An Afternoon Call 252
Sewing-class in an Industrial School 253
Residence of the Governor, Wellington 255
Down the Slope 257
Logging in "the Bush" 258
Settlers' Cabins in the Open Country 259
Mount Egmout and Ranges 261
Home Scene at Christchurch 263
Harvest-time in Canterbury 264
Maid-servant off Duty 266
Gardening in the Park 267
Under the Shears 268
A Sheep-shearing Shed in New Zealand 269
A Flock of Sheep among the Hills 271
Sheep and Herder killed in a Snow-storm 273
Reducing the Rabbit Population 274
Parrots 277
A New Zealand Pest 277
A Steam Threshing-machine 278
English Sparrows at Home 280
Class in the Industrial School 282
A Perilous Night-watch 283
The Summit of Mount Cook 285
Attempt to climb the Eastern Spur 286
River issuing from a Glacier 287
Hydraulic Mining 288
A Squatter's Home 289
A Mountain Water fall 290
Shotover Gorge Bridge 291
On the Shore of the Lake 292
Bound for Sydney 293
Entrance to Port Jackson 294
General View of Sydney Harbor 295
Statue of Captain Cook, Sydney 297
George III 298
Avenue in the Botanical Gardens 299
Candidates for Transportation 301
Sydney and its Harbor 303
The Town-hall, Sydney 305
Sentenced to Hard Labor 307
View of Sydney from Pyrmont, Darling Harbor 309
Home of an Emancipist 310
A Ticket-of-leave Man 311
Just arrived in Port 312
Ship-yard Scene 313
On the Paramatta River 314
Irrigating an Orange-grove 315
Interior of a Coal-breaker 317
Gold-fields of Mount Alexander, Australia 319
Clearing in an Australian Forest 321
A Waterless Region 322
Australian Lyre-birds 323
A Member of the Legislature 325
Infant Class in an Industrial School 327
Completing the Railway 329
A Fallen Giant 330
Silver-stem Eucalypti 332
From Tenterfield to Stanthorpe 333
A Balcony 335
Palm-trees in the Botanical Gardens 336
"No more Tricks at the Wheel" 337
A Relic of Old Colonial Times 338
Among the Foot-hills 340
Picking Figs 341
A Clearing in the Scrub 342
Suburban Residence on the River's Bank 343
Gathering the Grapes 344
Cellars for Storing Wine 346
Chinese Laborers in a Vineyard 347
Aboriginal Australian 348
West Coast Australians 349
Civilized Aborigines 351
Aboriginal Method of making Fire 352
Australian Warriors watching a Boat 353
Battle between Hostile Tribes of Australians 354
Aboriginal Australians and their Huts 355
Aboriginal Children playing in the Water 357
The Haunt of the Bun-yip 358
The Team 359
Pets at the Station 360
The Tiger Snake 361
Camping-out on a Cattle-run 363
The Poisonous Spider (magnified) 364
The Prosperous Squatter 365
"I'm waiting for You" 366
Performance of a Bucker 366
The Milking yard 367
Coming in from Pasture 368
An Australian Stock-rider 369
An Unsteady Seat 370
A New Chum's First Ride 371
A Stampede 372
A Free Selector at Home 373
Arrival of the Weekly Mail 374
"Cutting Out" 375
Mustering Cattle 377
Branding a Calf 378
Died alone in "the Bush" 379
The Emu 380
The Pride of the Station 382
The Squatter's Pet 383
Cattle going to Water 384
A Home in the Bush 385
Herd of Mixed Cattle on a Station 387
A Shepherd's Dog 388
Ewes and Lambs 389
Mother of a Family 390
Sheep-shearing in Australia 391
Sheds and Chicken-yard of a Station 393
Sheep-washing on the Modern Plan 395
The Rush for the Gold-mines 397
Bush-ranger out of Luck 398
Bush-rangers at Work 399
Leading Citizens of Somerset 401
Pearl Oyster 402
Australian Pearls (full size) 402
Big Ben and his Friends 404
Waiting for Sunset 405
Evening Scene at an Up-country Station 406
An Australian Pest 407
The Sand-flea (natural size and magnified) 408
The Australian Bower-bird 409
Wallace's Standard-wing Birds-of-paradise, male and female 411
Head of the Valley Quail 412
A Quail Family 413
Out Prospecting 414
Quartz-mill in the Gold-mines 415
Australian Gold-hunters 416
A Gold-miner's Home 417
A Chinese Discussion 418
Wrecked on the Reef 420
The Manatee, or Dugong 421
Evening at Home on the North Coast 422
Dingoes, or Australian Wild Dogs 423
Australian Wild Horses 424
A Kangaroo Battue, or Drive 425
Red Kangaroo 426
Short-eared Kangaroo 426
Kangaroos in Captivity 428
A Corroboree 431
Something for Breakfast 432
Near the Camp 433
An Australian Courtship 434
The Night Alarm 435
Reception of a Brickfielder 437
A Brickfielder putting in its Work 438
Building a Railway on the Plains 439
Zigzag Railway in the Blue Mountains 441
The Blue Mountains 442
On the Head-waters of the Murray River 443
Gallery of a Theatre during a Performance 445
Scene in the Riverina 447
Steamboat on the Murray River 449
Fish-hatching Boxes on a small Stream 450
Immigrant's Camp in the Foot-hills of the Range 451
The Founding of Melbourne, August, 1835 453
Public Library, Melbourne 454
Melbourne Post-office 455
Government House, Melbourne 456
Collins Street in 1870 457
Public Offices and Treasury Gardens 458
Town-hall, Melbourne 459
View from South Melbourne, 1868 460
Part of Melbourne in 1838 461
A Suburban Residence 463
Harbor Scene in the Moonlight 465
Boarding-house of 1851 466
A Good Location for Business 467
Loading a Ship from a Lighter 468
The Artillery Rocks, near Lorne, on the Coast of Victoria 471
Waiting to see the Editor 472
Distributing Papers to Newsboys 473
The Race for the Melbourne Cup 475
Head of a Winner 476
A Cricket-match 477
Summer Retreat in the Mountains 479
Caught in a "Burster" on the Australian Coast 481
Seeking Shelter 482
Pioneer Gold-hunters 483
Map of the Gold-fields of Victoria Twenty Years ago 484
Edward Hargreaves, the Gold Discoverer 485
The Rush to Ballarat 486
Lake Scenery 487
A Gippsland Settler 489
The Peach Harvest 491
A Cottage in the Suburbs of Launceston 492
An Old Settler 493
At Bay in the Bush 494
A Camp in the Bush 495
Entrance to Cave 497
Near Deloraine 498
Australia at the Feet of Tasmania 500
Old Convict Church, Port Arthur, Tasmania 501
One of the Watch-dogs 502
"Land, ho!" 502
On the Pier 503
Post-office and Town-hall, Adelaide 505
Adelaide in 1837 507
Reaping Brigade at Work 509
Proclamation Tree at Glenelg, near Adelaide 510
Victoria Regia House, Botanic Garden, Adelaide 511
Exploring Expedition on the March 513
Camp Scene on the Desert Plains of South Australia 515
Government House and Grounds, Adelaide 517
Ready for the Start 519
Explorers in Camp 520
Monument to Burke and Wills, Melbourne 521
Colonel Warburton strapped to his Camel 523
Desert Scenery 525
The Way of Civilization 526
A Boomerang 526
A War-dance of Australian Blacks 527
Americans who use the Boomerang 529
Platypus, or Duck-billed Mole 530
Home of the Duck-bill 531
One of the Miners 532
View of Perth, Capital of Western Australia 533
Forest Scene in the South-west 535
A Kid-gloved Colonist 536
In the Pasture Lands 537
Rocks at the Cape 538