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The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Auian/Fable 4

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Numbered 358 in the Perry Index. Click here to create an annotated version of this text.

3929873The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs), The Fables of Avian — Fable 4: The Asse and the skynne of the LyonAvianus

¶ The fourthe fable is of the asse / and of the skynne of the Lyon

NOne ought not to gloryfye hym self of the goodes of other . as recyteth this fable of an ass whiche somtyme fond the skynne of a lyon / the whiche he dyd & wered on hym / but he coude neuer hyde his eres therwith / & when he was / as he supposed wel arayed with the sayd skynne / he ranne in to the forest / And whanne the wyld beestes sawe hym come / they were so ferdfull that they alle beganne to flee / For they wend / that it had be the lyon / And the mayster of the asse serched and soughte his asse in euery place al aboute  And as he had soughte longe / he thoughte that he wold go in to the forest for to see yf his asse were there / And as soone as he was entryd in to the forest / he mette with his asse arayed as before is sayd / but his mayster whiche had soughte hym longe sawe his erys / wherfore he knewe hym wel / and anone toke hym / and sayd in this manere / Ha a mayster asse / arte thow clothed with the skynne of the lyon / thow makest the bestes to be aferd / but yf they knewe the / as wel as I do / they shold haue no fere of the / but I ensure the / that wel I shalle bete the therfore / And thenne he toke fro hym the skynne of the lyon / and sayd to hym Lyon shalt thow be no more / but an asse shalt thow euer be / And his mayster tooke thenne a staf / and smote hym / soo that euer after he remembryd hym wel of hit / And therfore he whiche auaunceth hym self of other mennes goodes is a very foole / For as men sayn comynly he is not wel arayed nor wel appoynted / whiche is clothed with others gowne / ne also it is not honeste to make large thonges of other mennes leder