Three Hundred Æsop's Fables
With fifty illustrations by Harrison Weir
The Broadway, Ludgate
- Preface - p. v
- Life of Æsop - p. xxv
- List of Illustrations - p. xxix
- The Lion and the Mouse - p. 31
- The Wolf and the Lamb - p. 32
- The Ass and the Grasshopper - p. 32
- The Wolf and the Crane - p. 33
- The Father and his Sons - p. 34
- The Bat and the Weasels - p. 34
- The Cock and the Jewel - p. 35
- The Swallow and the Crow - p. 35
- The Kingdom of the Lion - p. 36
- The Traveller and his Dog - p. 36
- The Ants and the Grasshopper - p. 36
- The Hare and the Tortoise - p. 37
- The Charcoal-burner and the Fuller - p. 38
- The Boy hunting Locusts - p. 38
- The Fisherman Piping - p. 38
- The Dog and the Shadow - p. 39
- Hercules and the Waggoner - p. 39
- The Mole and his Mother - p. 40
- The Herdsman and the lost Bull - p. 40
- The Fawn and his Mother - p. 41
- The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion - p. 41
- The Flies and the Honey Pot - p. 42
- The Lioness - p. 42
- The Farmer and the Snake - p. 43
- The Man and the Lion - p. 43
- The Pomegranate, Apple-tree, and Bramble - p. 43
- The Farmer and the Stork - p. 44
- The Mountain in Labour - p. 44
- The Bear and the Fox - p. 44
- The Tortoise and the Eagle - p. 45
- The Fox and the Goat - p. 45
- The Raven and the Swan - p. 46
- The Thirsty Pigeon - p. 46
- The Dog in the Manger - p. 47
- The Oxen and the Axle-trees - p. 47
- The Farmer and the Cranes - p. 48
- The Sick Lion - p. 48
- The Bear and the Two Travellers - p. 49
- The Fox who had lost his Tail - p. 49
- The Cat and the Cock - p. 50
- The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - p. 50
- The Goat and the Goatherd - p. 50
- The Boasting Traveller - p. 51
- The Lion in Love - p. 51
- The Miser - p. 51
- The Porker, the Sheep, and the Goat - p. 52
- The Boy and the Filberts - p. 52
- The Frogs asking for a King - p. 53
- The Labourer and the Snake - p. 54
- The Lion, the Mouse, and the Fox - p. 54
- The Horse and Groom - p. 55
- The Ass and the Mule - p. 55
- The Ass and the Lap-dog - p. 56
- The Oxen and the Butchers - p. 57
- The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf - p. 57
- The Boys and the Frogs - p. 58
- The Salt Merchant and his Ass - p. 58
- The Mischievous Dog - p. 59
- The Goatherd and the Wild Goats - p. 59
- The Man and his Two Sweethearts - p. 60
- The Sick Stag - p. 61
- The Boy and the Nettles - p. 61
- The Astronomer - p. 62
- The Wolves and the Sheep - p. 62
- The Cat and the Birds - p. 62
- The Vain Jackdaw - p. 63
- The Kid and the Wolf - p. 64
- The Old Woman and the Physician - p. 64
- The Ox and the Frog - p. 65
- The Farmer and his Sons - p. 66
- The Heifer and the Ox - p. 66
- The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle - p. 66
- The Charger and the Miller - p. 67
- The Fox and the Monkey - p. 67
- The Horse and his Rider - p. 67
- The Belly and the Members - p. 68
- The Widow and her Little Maidens - p. 68
- The Vine and the Goat - p. 69
- Jupiter and the Monkey - p. 69
- The Hawk, the Kite, and the Pigeons - p. 70
- The Dolphins, the Whales, and the Sprat - p. 70
- The Swallow, the Serpent, and the Court of Justice - p. 70
- The Two Pots - p. 71
- The Shepherd and the Wolf - p. 71
- The Crab and its Mother - p. 71
- The Father and his Two Daughters - p. 72
- The Thief and his Mother - p. 72
- The Old Man and Death - p. 73
- The Fir Tree and the Bramble - p. 73
- The Æthiop - p. 73
- The Mouse, the Frog, and the Hawk - p. 74
- The Fisherman and his Nets - p. 75
- The Wolf and the Sheep - p. 75
- The Old Woman and the Wine-jar - p. 75
- The Man bitten by a Dog - p. 76
- The Huntsman and the Fisherman - p. 76
- The Fox and the Crow - p. 76
- The Widow and the Sheep - p. 77
- The Playful Ass - p. 77
- The Stag in the Ox-stall - p. 78
- The Two Dogs - p. 79
- The Wild Ass and the Lion - p. 79
- The Lion and the Dolphin - p. 80
- The Eagle and the Arrow - p. 81
- The Sick Kite - p. 81
- The Lion and the Boar - p. 82
- The Mice in Council - p. 82
- The One-eyed Doe - p. 83
- The Mice and the Weasels - p. 83
- The Shepherd and the Sea - p. 84
- The Ass, the Cock, and the Lion - p. 85
- The Rivers and the Sea - p. 85
- The Wild Boar and the Fox - p. 85
- The Milkwoman and her Pail - p. 86
- The Bee and Jupiter - p. 86
- The Wolf and the House-dog - p. 87
- The Three Tradesmen - p. 87
- The Ass carrying the Image - p. 88
- The Master and his Dogs - p. 88
- The Old Hound - p. 89
- The Two Travellers and the Axe - p. 90
- The Old Lion - p. 90
- The Wolf and the Shepherds - p. 90
- The Seaside Travellers - p. 91
- The Ass and his Shadow - p. 91
- The Ass and his Masters - p. 92
- Mercury and the Sculptor - p. 92
- The Fox and the Wood-cutter - p. 93
- The Oak and the Reeds - p. 94
- The Lion in a Farmyard - p. 94
- The Wolf and the Lion - p. 95
- The Birdcatcher, the Partridge, and the Cock - p. 95
- The Ant and the Dove - p. 96
- The Hares and the Frogs - p. 97
- The Monkey and the Fishermen - p. 98
- The Swan and the Goose - p. 98
- The Doe and the Lion - p. 98
- The Fisherman and the Little Fish - p. 99
- The Hunter and the Woodman - p. 99
- The Swollen Fox - p. 100
- The Two Frogs - p. 100
- The Lamp - p. 100
- The Camel and the Arab - p. 101
- The Miller, his Son, and their Ass - p. 101
- The Cat and the Mice - p. 103
- The Mouse and the Bull - p. 104
- The Dog and the Cook - p. 104
- The Thieves and the Cock - p. 105
- The Dancing Monkeys - p. 105
- The Farmer and the Fox - p. 106
- The Traveller and Fortune - p. 106
- The Sea-gull and the Kite - p. 106
- The Lion, the Bear, and the Fox - p. 107
- The Philosopher, the Ants, and Mercury - p. 108
- The Peasant and the Eagle - p. 108
- The Fox and the Leopard - p. 109
- The Lion and the Hare - p. 109
- The Image of Mercury and the Carpenter - p. 110
- The Lion, the Fox, and the Ass - p. 110
- The Bull and the Goat - p. 111
- The Bald Knight - p. 112
- The Oaks and Jupiter - p. 112
- The Monkeys and their Mother - p. 112
- The Hare and the Hound - p. 113
- The Shepherd and the Dog - p. 113
- The Oak and the Wood-cutters - p. 114
- The Wasp and the Snake - p. 114
- The Peacock and the Crane - p. 114
- The Hen and the Golden Eggs - p. 115
- The Ass and the Frogs - p. 115
- The Crow and the Raven - p. 115
- The Trees and the Axe - p. 116
- The Wolves and the Sheep-dogs - p. 116
- The Bull, the Lioness, and the Wild-Boar Hunter - p. 117
- The Bowman and Lion - p. 117
- The Camel - p. 118
- The Crab and the Fox - p. 118
- The Ass and the Old Shepherd - p. 118
- The Fox and the Hedgehog - p. 119
- The Woman and her Hen - p. 120
- The Kites and the Swans - p. 120
- The Dog and the Hare - p. 120
- The Hares and the Foxes - p. 121
- The Bull and the Calf - p. 121
- The Stag, the Wolf, and the Sheep - p. 121
- The Eagle, the Cat, and the Wild Sow - p. 121
- The Wolf and the Fox - p. 122
- The Mule - p. 123
- The Prophet - p. 123
- The Two Frogs - p. 124
- The Serpent and the Eagle - p. 124
- The Crow and the Pitcher - p. 125
- The Thief and the Innkeeper - p. 126
- The Hart and the Vine - p. 127
- The Gnat and the Lion - p. 127
- The Fox and the Grapes - p. 128
- The Walnut-tree - p. 128
- The Kid and the Wolf - p. 129
- The Monkey and the Dolphin - p. 130
- The Horse and the Stag - p. 130
- The Jackdaw and the Doves - p. 131
- The Fox and the Monkey - p. 131
- The Man and his Wife - p. 131
- The Man, the Horse, the Ox, and the Dog - p. 132
- The Thief and the House-Dog - p. 133
- The Apes and the Two Travellers - p. 134
- The Fox and the Lion - p. 135
- The Weasel and the the Mice - p. 135
- The Boy Bathing - p. 136
- The Peacock and Juno - p. 136
- The Wolf and the Shepherd - p. 137
- The Hares and the Lions - p. 138
- The Seller of Images - p. 138
- The Hawk and the Nightingale - p. 138
- The Lark and her Young Ones - p. 139
- The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox - p. 140
- The Geese and the Cranes - p. 140
- The Ass and the Wolf - p. 141
- The Goat and the Ass - p. 142
- The Lion and the Bull - p. 142
- The Fox and the Mask - p. 143
- The Grasshopper and the Owl - p. 143
- The Fowler and the Viper - p. 144
- The Horse and the Ass - p. 144
- The Lion and the Three Bulls - p. 145
- The Wolf and the Goat - p. 145
- The Fly and the Draught-mule - p. 146
- The Fishermen - p. 146
- The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse - p. 147
- The Wolf, the Fox, and the Ape - p. 148
- The Wasps, the Partridges, and the Farmer - p. 148
- The Brother and the Sister - p. 149
- The Dogs and the Fox - p. 149
- The Blind Man and the Whelp - p. 150
- The Cobbler turned Doctor - p. 150
- The Wolf and the Horse - p. 151
- The Two Men who were Enemies - p. 152
- The Game-cocks and the Partridge - p. 152
- The Fox and the Lion - p. 152
- The Quack Frog - p. 153
- The Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox - p. 153
- The Dog's House - p. 154
- The North Wind and the Sun - p. 154
- The Crow and Mercury - p. 155
- The Fox and the Crane - p. 155
- The Wolf and the Lion - p. 156
- The Birds, the Beasts, and the Bat - p. 156
- The Spendthrift and the Swallow - p. 156
- The Trumpeter taken Prisoner - p. 157
- The Owl and the Birds - p. 157
- The Goods and the Ills - p. 158
- The Ass in the Lion's Skin - p. 159
- The Sparrow and the Hare - p. 159
- The Flea and the Ox - p. 160
- The Ass and his Purchaser - p. 160
- The Dove and the Crow - p. 161
- The Man and the Satyr - p. 161
- Jupiter, Neptune, Minerva, and Momus - p. 162
- The Eagle and the Jackdaw - p. 163
- The Eagle and the Fox - p. 164
- The Two Bags - p. 164
- The Bitch and her Whelps - p. 165
- The Stag at the Pool - p. 165
- The Lark burying its Father - p. 166
- The Gnat and the Bull - p. 166
- The Monkey and the Camel - p. 166
- The Dogs and the Hides - p. 167
- The Jackdaw and the Fox - p. 167
- Mercury and the Workmen - p. 168
- The Peasant and the Apple-tree - p. 169
- The Two Soldiers and the Robber - p. 169
- The Shepherd and the Sheep - p. 170
- The Trees under the protection of the Gods - p. 170
- The Flea and the Wrestler - p. 170
- The Lion and the Fox - p. 171
- Truth and the Traveller - p. 172
- The Manslayer - p. 172
- The Lion and the Eagle - p. 172
- The Ass and the Driver - p. 173
- The Thrush and the Fowler - p. 173
- The Mother and the Wolf - p. 173
- The Hen and the Swallow - p. 174
- The Rose and the Amaranth - p. 174
- The Travellers and the Plane-tree - p. 174
- The Ass and the Horse - p. 175
- The Crow and the Sheep - p. 175
- The Fox and the Bramble - p. 175
- The Ass and the Charger - p. 176
- The Lion, Jupiter, and the Elephant - p. 176
- The Dog and the Oyster - p. 177
- The Mules and the Robbers - p. 178
- The Lamb and the Wolf - p. 178
- The Partridge and the Fowler - p. 178
- The Flea and the Man - p. 179
- The Rich Man and the Tanner - p. 179
- The Viper and the File - p. 179
- The Lion and the Shepherd - p. 180
- The Camel and Jupiter - p. 180
- The Panther and the Shepherds - p. 180
- The Eagle and the Kite - p. 181
- The Eagle and his Captor - p. 182
- The King's Son and the Painted Lion - p. 182
- The Cat and Venus - p. 183
- The Eagle and the Beetle - p. 183
- The She-goats and their Beards - p. 184
- The Bald Man and the Fly - p. 184
- The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea - p. 185
- The Buffoon and the Countryman - p. 185
- The Crow and the Serpent - p. 187
- The Hunter and the Horseman - p. 187
- The Olive-tree and the Fig-tree - p. 187
- The Frogs' complaint against the Sun - p. 188
- The Brazier and his Dog - p. 188
- Index - p. 189
This work is a translation and has a separate copyright status to the applicable copyright protections of the original content.
Original: |
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse |
Translation: |
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse |