Translation:Mishnah/Seder Kodashim/Tractate Kinnim/Chapter 1/1

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In the Vilna edition of the Mishnah, mishnah 1 also incorporates the text which appears here as mishnah 2.



Hebrew Text

חטאת העוף נעשית למטן,
וחטאת בהמה למעלן.
עולת העוף נעשית למעלן,
ועולת הבהמה למטן.
אם שינה בזה ובזה, פסל.

English Translation

[The blood service of] a fowl sin-offering is done below [the Altar's midline],
and [the blood service of] an animal sin-offering [is done] above.
A fowl elevation-offering is done above,
and an animal elevation-offering [is done] below.
If [the kohen] altered [the service of] either one, he has invalidated [it].

