User:Dick Bos/Projects
[edit]Interesting projects
[edit]- Chapman, Frank Michler (1898) - Bird-life; a guide to the study of our common birds. (transcription project)
- Das Kapital (Moore, 1906) <- why is the title not "Capital"?
- Imperialism, the Last Stage of Capitalism <- Lenin
- Odin Essers a.o. (2021) - 'WHERE HISTORY MEETS MODERN: AN OVERVIEW OF ACADEMIC PRIMARY SOURCE RESEARCH-BASED LEARNING PROGRAMS AGGREGATING SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND WIKIMEDIA,' in: Laurie Michelle Bridges a.o. (2021) - Wikipedia and Academic Libraries: A Global Project <- needs validation!
- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1921) - Left-Wing Communism: an Infantile Disorder <- needs validation!
- James Octavius Fagan (1908) - Confessions of a Railroad Signalman <- needs validation!
- Dawkins, William Boyd (1880) - Early Man in Britain and His Place in the Tertiary Period (transcription project) <- needs validation!
- The Birds of America, vol 1:(transcription project), and also other vols.
- White, Gilbert (1789/1879) - The Natural History of Selborne, and the naturalist's calendar (transcription project)
- Coward, T.A. (1912) - The Migration of Birds (transcription project)
- books by Author:Henry Eliot Howard, e.g. The British Warblers A History with Problems of Their Lives (9 vols.) (transcription project)
- Author:Frank Michler Chapman - interesting book(s)! (2018-10-03)
- Niger Delta Ecosystems: the ERA Handbook
I work on validating since 2017-10.
- Ten Days That Shook the World
- needs still a lot of work! (2017-12-25)
- The Botanical Magazine - first volume starting in 1787; the predecessor of Curtis's Botanical Magazine
- The Aborigines of Victoria - Vol. 1 and Vol. 2
- Wallace, Alfred Russel (1889) - Darwinism. London and New York : Macmillan and Co. (index page)
- The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage by Joseph Dalton Hooker - POTM june 2014 (a little bit too ambitious...)
- Ornithological_Biography by John James Audubon
- Burroughs, John (1902) - John James Audubon
- Index:Rossetti_papers,_1862_to_1870_(1903).djvu
- Catalogue_of_Books_Suitable_for_a_Popular_Library (CBSPL) (1901)
- Economic Sophisms (Index) by Frédéric Bastiat (1845 / translation: 1873)
- Du Faur - The Conquest of Mount Cook (Index) by Freda Du Faur (1915)
- An Essay on the Principle of Population by Thomas Robert Malthus (1798)
- On the Pollution of the Rivers of the Kingdom by Fisheries Preserve Society (1868)
Interesting projects (fully proofread)
[edit]- Bradshaw's Monthly XVI (index)
- Chapman, Allen (pseud.) (1906) - Ralph on the Railroad. New York : Grosset & Dunlap. Omnibus edition of Ralph of the Roundhouse etc. (index page)
- On the Origin of Species (1st ed. 1859)
- An_introduction_to_physiological_and_systematical_botany by James Edward Smith (1807)
- Catton, Charles (1788) - Animals drawn from Nature and engraved in aqua-tinta
Interesting projects (fully validated)
[edit]- Moss, Edward George Britton (1908)—Beautiful Shells of New Zealand (2022-12)
- Best, Elsdon (1922) - The Maori Division of Time
- Evans, David John (1921) - Hokitika, N.Z. - a project of User:Giantflightlessbirds (2021-01)
- Gurney e.a. (1885) - The House Sparrow
- Douglass,Frederick (1855) - My Bondage and My Freedom (PotM 2017-09) and other works of this author!
- Codrington, Robert Henry (1891) - The Melanesians: Studies in their Anthropology and Folklore (PotM 2017-08).
- Bisset, Andrew (1884) - Notes on the Anti-Corn Law Struggle.
- Besant, Annie (1877) - The Law of Population: Its Consequences, and Its Bearing upon Human Conduct and Morals.
- Stuart Mill, John (1873) - Autobiography (3rd ed. 1874).
- Dodd, William (1847) - The Laboring Classes of England.
- Tregarthen, J.C. (1909) - The Life Story of an Otter (PotM jan. 2015). The life of an otter in Cornwall.
- Mershon, William Butts (1907) - The Passenger Pigeon.
- Gorky, Maxim (1920) - Reminiscences_of_Leo_Nicolayevitch_Tolstoi.
- Gosse, Philip Henry (1849) - Natural History, Birds. London : printed for The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
- Hetley, Georgina Burne (1888) - Native_Flowers_of_New_Zealand, (with beautiful illustrations).
- Swainson, William (1820) - Zoological_Illustrations. London. In 3 vol. - some more bibliographical information might be useful!
- Picturesque_New_Zealand by David_Paul_Gooding (Boston & New York, 1913) -> (e.g. p. 85f. on Ohinemutu).
- Canterbury Papers (1850), with some nice maps and extract from letter of Bishop Selwyn (p. 32f).
- Swanton, W.E. (1892) - Notes on New Zealand - remark the extensive information on Gold mining in ch. III!
- Songs of the workers (1919); see also other publications of IWW.
Important texts
[edit]- Macdougal, D.T. - Botanic Gardens (I) in PSM 50 (dec. 1896) p. 172f.
- part II (TÜBINGEN AND ITS BOTANISTS) PSM 50 (jan. 1897), p. 312f.
and there's much more about botanic gardens.
History of Economic Thought
[edit]- Cunningham, William (1891) - 'The Progress of Economic Doctrine in England in the Eighteenth Century'. In: The Economic Journal, Vol. 1, p. 73 - 94
Things to keep an eye on
[edit]- Birds_Illustrated_by_Color_Photography_Vol._III._No._5. (from Gutenberg)