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Primary interests; Linguistics, Ancient Rome + Byzantine Studies, Latin, Africa, The Gambia, Law, North Carolina, the East Asian Cultural Sphere, South East Asia, Theology/Mythology/Religious Studies, Alchemy, Magic, Occult, etc., Calligraphy, Paleography, Political Science, Economics, Socialism/Anarchism/Marxism and etc. (List is not in any particular order)
Feel free to contact me on my user talk page, or at the WikiSource Discord, reboot01!
Currently working on/Want to have time to work on
[edit]- Index:Mother (IA mother00gorkrich).pdf
- Index:The Criterion - Volume 1.djvu
- Index:The Criterion - Volume 4.djvu
- Index:Lltreaties-ustbv001.pdf
- Index:The anatomy of melancholy - vvhat it is, vvith all the kindes, causes, symptomes, prognostickes, and severall cures of it - in three maine partitions with their seuerall sections (IA anatomyofmelanch00burt 2).pdf
Reference Works, Dictionaries, Ecyclopedias, Language etc,
[edit]- Index:Helps for student-writers (IA helpsforstudentw00hawk).pdf
- Index:Short stories in the making; a writers' and students' introduction to the technique and practical composition of short stories (IA shortstoriesinma00nea).pdf
- Index:Lectures on the elements of hieroglyphics and Egyptian antiquities (IA lecturesonelemen00spin).pdf
- Index:Account of Some Recent Discoveries in Hieroglyphical Literature and Egyptian Antiquities (IA dli.granth.37546).pdf
- Index:A grammar of the Samaritan language, with extracts and vocabulary (IA grammarofsamarit00nich).pdf
- Index:The dialect of the southern counties of Scotland - Murray - 1873.djvu
- Index:The place names of Elginshire (IA placenamesofelgi00mathrich).pdf
- Index:A history of English balladry, and other studies (IA historyofenglish00brya).pdf, 1919 reprint
- Index:A history of English balladry, and other studies (IA cu31924017774658).pdf, 1913 print
- Index:A grammar of the Mandingo language- with vocabularies (IA grammarofmanding00macb).pdf
- Index:Modern English - its growth and present use (IA modernenglishits00krap).pdf
- Index:The rise, progress, and present structure of the English language. (IA harrisonriseprog00harr).pdf
- The English Language in America, Volume 1
- The English Language in America, Volume 2
- Index:The American language; an inquiry into the development of English in the United States (IA americanlanguage00menc 0).pdf, 3rd edition
- Index:The American Language.djvu
- Index:American English (IA americanenglish00tuck).pdf
- The English Dialect Grammar
- Index:Phonology and grammar of modern west Frisian, with phonetic texts and glossary (IA phonologygrammar00sipm).pdf
- Index:A grammar of the Old Friesic language (IA grammarofoldfrie00cummrich).pdf, 1st Edition
- Index:A grammar of the Old Friesic language (IA grammarofoldfrie00cummiala).pdf, 2nd Edition
- Index:The Frisian language and literature- a historical study (IA frisianlanguagel00hewerich).pdf
- Index:A key into the language of America- or, An help to the language of the natives in that part of America, called New-England. - Together, with briefe observations of the customes (IA keyintolanguageo00will 0).pdf
- Index:File:A grammar of the Malagasy language, in the Ankova dialect (IA grammarofmalagas00grifrich).pdf
- Index:An introduction to the study of the Maya hieroglyphs (IA introductiontost00morl 0).pdf
- A Grammar of Oscan and Umbrian
- Index:Pronunciation of Latin in the Augustan period (IA pronunciationofl00cambrich).pdf
- Children's Literature
- Index:Rudiments of Grammar for the English-Saxon Tongue (Elstob 1715).djvu
- Index:An Icelandic-English Dictionary - Cleasby & Vigfusson - 1874.djvu
- Index:Encyclopædia Britannica, first edition - Volume I, A-B.pdf
- Index:Encyclopædia Britannica, first edition - Volume II, C-L.pdf
- Index:Encyclopædia Britannica, first edition - Volume III, M-Z.pdf
- Index:Jewish Encyclopedia Volume 1.pdf
- Index:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 1.djvu
- Index:Pantographia - Fry - 1799.djvu
- Index:A practical grammar of the Hebrew language - Felsenthal - 1868.djvu
- Index:The grammar of English grammars.djvu
- Index:The Brasilian language and its agglutination.pdf
- Index:AnEssayTowardsARealCharacterAndAPhilosophicalLanguage.pdf
- Index:A Universal Alphabet, Grammar, and Language (universalalphabe00edmo, George Edmunds, 1856) (IA universalalphabe00edmo).pdf
Theology, Spirituality, Occult, Mythology, old science and medicine etc.
[edit]- Index:The religions of eastern Asia (IA religionsofeaste00underich).pdf
- Index:An account of the rise and progress of Mahometanism.djvu
- Index:Mahommed, "the great Arabian," (IA mahommedthegreat00townrich).pdf
- Index:The life of Mohammed; founder of the religion of Islam, and of the empire of the Saracens (IA lifeofmohammedfo00bushrich).pdf
- The life and religion of Mahommed
- Index:The Columbian Congress of the Universalist Church - papers and addresses at the Congress, held as a section of the World's Congress Auxiliary of the Columbian Exposition, 1893 (IA columbiancongres00colu).pdf
- Index:Our word and work for missions; (IA ourwordworkformi00rugg).pdf
- Index:A handbook of Christian apologetics (IA handbookofchrist00garviala).pdf
- Index:Unitarianism in America; a history of its origin and development (IA cu31924029477852).pdf
- Index:The ordination of women to the pastorate in Baptist churches (IA ordinationofwome00hung).pdf
- Index:Women in the Apostolic church; a critical study of the evidence in the New Testament for the prominence of women in early Christianity (IA womeninapostolic00allwrich).pdf
- The Place of Women in the Church
- Women in the Pulpit
- Index:Development of Muslim theology, jurisprudence, and constitutional theory (IA cu31924029159691).pdf
- The Traditions of Islam
- Muhammad in the Hadees
- A manual of the leading Muhammadan objections to Christianity
- The original sources of the Qur'ân
- Index:The sword of Islam (IA swordofislam00woll).pdf
- Index:The spirit of Islam; or, The life and teachings of Mohammed (IA spiritofislamorl00alisrich).pdf
- Index:A Moslem seeker after God - showing Islam at its best in the life and teaching of al-Ghazali, mystic and theologian of the eleventh century (IA moslemseekeraft00zwem).pdf
- Index:The Moslem doctrine of God; an essay on the character and attributes of Allah according to the Koran and orthodox tradition (IA moslemdoctrineof00zwem).pdf
- Index:The Samaritan Pentateuch- the story of a survival among the sects (IA samaritanpentate00bart).pdf
- The Samaritans : their history, doctrines and literature
- Index:The Samaritans, the earliest Jewish sect; their history, theology and literature (IA cu31924028585929).pdf
- The Samaritans: their testimony to the religion of Israel
- An Account of the Rise and Progress of Mahometanism
- Index:The book of Yahweh (The Yahwist Bible) - fragments from the primitive document in seven early books of the Old Testament (IA cu31924029285661).pdf
- Lectures on Modern Universalism
- History of opinions on the scriptural doctrine of retribution
- The Mystery Hid from Ages and Generations
- Index:Sermons in vindication of reply to "Lectures on Universalism"; (IA sermonsinvindica00mors).pdf
- Index:Our new departure; (IA ournewdeparture00broo).pdf
- Index:Universalism as it is; or, Text book of modern universalism in America (IA universalismasit00hatfrich).pdf
- Index:The plain guide to Universalism - designed to lead inquirers to the belief of that doctrine, and believers to the practice of it (IA plainguidetouniv00whitrich).pdf
- Index:Handbook of Christian symbolism (IA handbookofchrist00auds).pdf
- Index:Bible manual. Introductory course on the Bible, for teachers training classes and Bible classes (IA biblemanualintro00kram).pdf
- History of Opinions on the Scriptural Doctrine of Future Retribution
- Index:Over the river- (IA overriver00thayiala).pdf
- The origin and history of the doctrine of endless punishment
- Theology of Universalism
- index:An examination of the doctrine of future retribution (IA examinationofdoc00ball).pdf
- Index:Christianity against infidelity.. (IA christianityagai00thay).pdf
- Index:The Bible class assistant, or Scriptural guide for Sunday schools.. (IA bibleclassassist00thay).pdf
- The eleven sermons which were preached
- Index:The Christian universalist (IA christianunivers00mitc).pdf
- Index:Bible proofs of universal salvation.. (IA bibleproofsofuni00hans).pdf
- Index:The ancient history of universalism, from the time of the apostles to its condemnation in the fifth general council, A. D. 553 (IA ancienthistoryof00ball 1).pdf, 2nd Edition, 1842
- Index:Universalism, the prevailing doctrine of the Christian church during its first five hundred years; with authorities and extracts (IA universalismpre00hans).pdf
- Index:Ancient history of universalism - from the time of the apostles, to the fifth general council - with an appendix, tracing the doctrine to the Reformation (IA ancienthistoryof00ball 0).pdf, Boston Reprint, 1872
- Index:The divine government (IA divinegovernment00smit).pdf, 5th Edition
- The restoration of all things
- A help to the unlearned in the study of the Holy Scriptures
- Index:The Roman Breviary Bute 1908 - vol. 1.djvu
- Index:The Roman Breviary Bute 1908 - vol. 2.djvu
- Index:The Roman Breviary Bute 1908 - vol. 3.djvu
- Index:The Roman Breviary Bute 1908 - vol. 4.djvu
- Index:A critical exposition of the popular Jihád.pdf
- Index:Te Ika a Maui, or, New Zealand and its inhabitants - with the geology, natural history, productions, and climate of the country, etc. (IA teikamauiornewze1855rich).pdf
- Index:Polynesian Mythology by George Grey (polynesianmythol00greyuoft).djvu
- Index:Myths And Songs From The South Pacific (IA mythsandsongsfro013889mbp).pdf
- Index:Legends of Ma-ui-a demi god of Polynesia (IA legendsofmauiade00west).pdf
- Index:Creation myths of primitive America - in relation to the religious history and mental development of mankind (IA creationmyths00curtrich).pdf
- Index:Hawaiian legends of volcanoes (mythology) (IA hawaiianlegendso01west).pdf
- Index:Legends of gods and ghosts (Hawaiian mythology).djvu
- Index:The legends and myths of Hawaii - the fables and folk-lore of a strange people (IA legendsmythsofha00kala).pdf
- Index:Pele and Hiiaka; a myth from Hawaii (IA pelehiiakamythfr00emeriala).pdf
- Index:Hawaiian antiquities (Moolelo Hawaii) (IA hawaiianantiquit00malorich).pdf
- Index:Unwritten literature of Hawaii; the sacred songs of the hula (IA cu31924026916415).pdf
- Index:Ancient Jewish proverbs (IA ancientjewishpro00cohe).pdf
- Index:The Babylonian Talmud- Tractate Berakot; translated into English for the first time, with introduction, commentary, glossary and indices (IA babyloniantalmud00coheiala).pdf
- Index:Sacred cosmogony; or, Primitive revelation demonstrated by the harmony of the facts of the Mosaic history of the creation, with the principles of general science (IA sacredcosmogonyo00sori).pdf
- Index:A short survey of the literature of rabbinical and mediæval Judaism (IA cu31924029285371).pdf
- Index:The Preaching of Islam, by T. W. Arnold; 1935.djvu
- Index:The religion of Islám (IA religionofislm00kleirich).pdf
- The origins of the Druze people and religion
- Essays on subjects connected with the literature, popular superstitions, and history of England in the Middle Ages, Volume 1
- Essays on subjects connected with the literature, popular superstitions, and history of England in the Middle Ages, Volume 2
- Index:A contribution to the comparative study of the medieval visions of heaven and hell (IA contributiontoco01beck).pdf
- Index:Demon possession and allied themes; being an inductive study of phenomena of our own times (IA demonpossessiona00neviiala).pdf
- Index:Devil Worship.djvu
- Heaven and hell in comparative religion
- Diabolology
- Index:The Book of the Goetia (Mathers-Crowley, 1904).djvu
- Index:The Key of Solomon the king (Clavicula Salomonis) (IA b24884431).pdf
- The Lesser Key of Solomon
- Index:Irish witchcraft and demonology (IA irishwitchcraftd00seymrich).pdf
- Index:Demonology and devil-lore (IA demonologydevill00conw).pdf
- Index:Demonology and devil-lore (IA demonologydevill00conw2).pdf
- Story of the World's Worship
- Moon Lore
- Index:Witch-Cult in Western Europe (1921).djvu
- Woman's Share in Primitive Culture
- Index:Germanic origins (IA germanicorigins00gumm).pdf
- Index:Woman, church and state- a historical account of the status of woman through the Christian ages- with reminiscences of matriarchate - (IA womanchurchstate00gagerich).pdf
- Index:The Golden Bough (1922).djvu
- Index:Myths and myth-makers- old tales and superstitions interpreted by comparative mythology (IA mythsandmythmake00fiskiala).pdf
- Index:Researches in prehistoric and protohistoric comparative philology, mythology, and archæology, in connection with the origin of culture in America and the Accad or Sumerian families (IA researchesinpreh00clar).pdf
- Index:The material culture and social institutions of the simpler peoples; an essay in correlation (IA materialcultures00hobhrich).pdf
- Index:An introduction to the science of comparative mythology and folklore (IA cu31924029075328).pdf
- Index:Fecundity, fertility, sterility, and allied topics (IA cu31924030410801).pdf, 1st Edition
- Index:Fecundity, fertility, sterility and allied topics (IA b21778176).pdf, 2nd Edition
- Index:The Catholic's ready answer; a popular vindication of Christian beliefs and practices against the attacks of modern criticism (IA catholicsreadyan00hill).pdf
- A commentary on the Bible
- Index:The Bible and astronomy; (IA bibleastronomy00kurt).pdf
- Sun Lore of All Ages
- Index:An account of the life and writings of S. Irenæus (IA accountoflifewri00beav).pdf
- Index:Heresy and Chistian doctrine (IA heresychistiando00pres).pdf
- Observations on heresy and orthodoxy
- An historical view of heresies and vindication of the primitive fait
- Index:The gnostic heresies of the first and second centuries (IA gnosticheresieso00mansrich).pdf
- Index:Aryan sun-myths the origin of religions; (IA aryansunmythsori00titcrich).pdf
- Index:Mosaicall philosophy - grounded upon the essentiall truth or eternal sapience (IA mosaicallphiloso00flud).pdf
- Index:The history of four-footed beasts and serpents. (IA historyoffourfoo00tops).pdf
- Index:The historie of foure-footed beastes (1607).pdf
- Immortality and the Unseen World
- Index:Angelology.. (IA angelology00clay).pdf
- Index:Angelology-.. (IA angelology00mcca).pdf
- Index:Medical Heritage Library (IA b30330610).pdf, Blagraves astrological practice of physick
- Index:Anatomical texts of the earlier middle ages; a study in the transmission of culture (1927).djvu
- Index:Books from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (IA mobot31753000703782).pdf, Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris
- Index:The philosophy of witchcraft (IA philosophyofwitc00mitciala).pdf
- Index:Medical Heritage Library (IA b30529906).pdf, The compleat wizzard
- Index:A commentary on the Holy Bible (1909) (IA commentaryonholy01dumm).pdf
- Index:The Christian Book of concord, or, Symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church; comprising the three chief symbols, the unaltered Augsburg confession, the Apology (IA christianbookofc00luth).pdf, 1st edition, 1851
- Index:The Christian Book of concord = or, Symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church - comprising the three chief symbols, the unaltered Augsburg confession, the Apology (IA christianbookofc00henk).pdf, 2nd edition 1854
- Index:Books from the Library of Congress (IA theologicalpropd03scha).pdf, Theological propædeutic; a general introduction to the study of theology
- Index:A Complete System of Christian Theology (Wakefield, 1869, completesystemof0000wake).pdf
- Index:The Queen of Sheba & her only son Menyelek (IA queenofshebahero00budgrich).pdf
- Index:Some answered questions; collected and tr. from the Persian of 'Abdu'l-Baha, by Laura Clifford Barney (IA someansweredques00abdurich).pdf
- Index:Hujajul Beheyyeh (The Behai proofs) (IA hujajulbeheyyeht00abua).pdf
- The Seven Valleys
- Index:Tablet of tarazat, Tablet of the world, Words of Paradise, Tablet of Tajalleyat, The glad tidings; (IA tabletoftarazatt00baharich).pdf
- The Promulgation of Universal Peace, Volume 1
- The Promulgation of Universal Peace, Volume 2
- Index:The Moslem doctrine of God; an essay on the character and attributes of Allah according to the Koran and orthodox tradition (IA moslemdoctrineof00zwem).pdf
- Index:Development of Muslim theology, jurisprudence, and constitutional theory (IA cu31924029159691).pdf
- Index:The Samaritans, the earliest Jewish sect; their history, theology and literature (IA cu31924028585929).pdf
- Index:The theology and ethics of the Hebrews (IA theologyethicsof00duffiala).pdf
- The Six Days of Creation
- Index:The chemical history of the six days of creation (IA cu31924029284399).pdf
- The patriarchal age; or, The history and religion of mankind
- Index:The patriarchal age; (IA patriarchalage00phil).pdf
- Index:The unity of the book of Genesis (IA unityofbookofge00gree).pdf
- Index:The legends of Genesis (IA legendsofgenesis00gunk).pdf
- Index:The book of Genesis in the light of modern knowledge (IA bookofgenesisinl01worc).pdf
- The World before Abraham, according to Genesis I-XI
- Index:The creation - a commentary on the first five chapters of the book of Genesis (IA creationcommenta00luth).pdf
- Index:The genesis of Genesis; (IA genesisofgenesis00bacorich).pdf
- Index:The early traditions of Genesis (IA earlytraditionso00gordrich).pdf
- Teaching values of the legends and myths of Genesis]
- Index:The composition of the book of Genesis (IA compositionofbo00frip).pdf
- Index:Notes on the book of Genesis (IA notesonbookofgen00mackrich).pdf
- Index:Discourses on the book of Genesis (IA discoursesonbook00henriala).pdf
- Index:Indications of the first book of Moses, called Genesis (IA indicationsoffir00latc).pdf
- Index:Outline studies in Genesis (IA outlinestudiesin00russ).pdf
- Index:Studies on the book of Genesis (IA studiesonbookof00prat).pdf
- Index:The early narratives of Genesis; a brief introduction to the study of Genesis I-XI (IA earlynarrativeso00rylerich).pdf
- Index:Notes, critical and explanatory, on the book of Genesis ... (IA notescriticalexp00unse).pdf
- Index:Creation and the fall; a defence and exposition of the first three chapters of Genesis (IA creationfalldefe00macd).pdf
- An exposition of the three first chapters of Genesis, explained and improved
- Index:The historical value of the first eleven chapters of Genesis; with some discussion of the new criticism (IA historicalvalueo00beac).pdf
- Index:Mosaic cosmogony. Literal translation of first chapter of Genesis, with annotations and rationalia (IA cu31924031786928).pdf
- Index:The first chapter of Genesis as the rock foundation for science and religion (IA cu31924031224789).pdf
- Notes and observations upon the three first chapters of Genesis
- A critical and exegetical commentary on the book of Genesis, 1st Edition, Edinburgh, 1863
- Index:Genesis I-II- (IA genesisiii00grot).pdf, 1st Edition, 1880
- Index:Genesis I-II- an essay on the Bible narrative of creation (IA genesisiiiessayo01grot).pdf, 2nd Edition, 1881
- Index:The tabernacle - or the Gospel according to Moses (IA tabernacleorgosp00junk).pdf
- Index:The Tabernacle; its history and structure (IA tabernacleitshis00cald).pdf
- Primeval Revelation: Studies in Genesis
- Messages for the Morning Watch: Devotional Studies in Genesis
- The Beginnings of the Hebrew People: Studies in the Book of Genesis
- Genesis, or, the first book of Moses, together with a general theological and homiletical introduction to the Old Testament
- Index:The myths of Israel, the ancient book of Genesis with analysis and explanation of its composition (IA mythsofisraelanc00fisk).pdf
- Index:The ages before Moses- a series of lectures on the book of Genesis (IA cu31924029289737).pdf
- Index:A Jewish Interpretation of the Book of Genesis (Morgenstern, 1919, jewishinterpreta00morg).pdf
- Index:A commentary upon the first book of Moses called Genesis (IA cuponfi00patr).pdf, 3rd edition
- Index:A commentary upon the first book of Moses, called Genesis (IA comfi00patr).pdf, 2nd edition, missing pages
- Index:A companion to the book of Genesis (IA companiontobook00turn).pdf
- Index:The law of Moses (IA lawofmoses00navi).pdf
- The covenant of nature made with Adam described (external scan)
- Index:The history and philosophy of Judaism (IA historyphilosoph00shawiala).pdf
- Index:Intermediate types among primitive folk- a study in social evolution (IA cu31924021843986).pdf
- Index:Christianity and sex problems (IA cu31924021843259).pdf
- Index:Source book for social origins; ethnological materials, psychological standpoint, classified and annotated bibliographies for the interpretation of savage society (IA sourcebookforsoc00thomiala).pdf
- Index:Sex and society; studies in the social psychology of sex (IA sexsocietystudie00thom).pdf
- Index:Man and woman (electronic resource) - a study of human secondary sexual characters (IA b20410761).pdf
- Index:An introduction to systematic philosophy (IA introductiontosy00marv).pdf
- Index:An introduction to philosophy (IA introductiontoph00flet).pdf
- Index:Book of Mormon (1830, bookofmormonacco1830smit).pdf
- Index:The Holy scriptures (IA holyscriptures00smit).pdf
- Index:Indago astrologica- or a brief and modest enquiry into some principal points of astrology (IA b30333519).pdf
- Index:An encyclopaedia of occultism a compendium of information on the occult sciences, occult personalities, psychic science, magic, demonology, spiritism and mysticism.djvu
- Index:The long lost friend, or, Faithful & Christian instructions ( ,John George Hohman, 1850).djvu
- Index:Summa Theologica (2nd rev. ed.) - Volume 1.djvu
- Index:The abridgment of Christian divinitie.djvu
- Index:Alcoran of Mahomet 1649.djvu
- Index:A dictionary of Islam.djvu
- Index:Thomas Patrick Hughes - Notes on Muhammadanism - 2ed. (1877).djvu
- Index:The discouerie of witchcraft (1584) (IA b30337367).djvu
- Index:The Mirror of Alchimy (1597, mirrorofalchimy00baco).djvu
- Index:The history of Witchcraft and demonology.djvu
- Index:Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia) (1651).djvu
- Index:The Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer - Barrett - 1801.djvu
- Index:St Augustine Of the Citie of God.pdf
- Index:1582 Rhemes New Testament.pdf
- Index:The Holy Bible (LSV).pdf
- Index:Batman upon Bartolome.djvu
- Index:An analysis of the Egyptian mythology- to which is subjoined, a critical examination of the remains of Egyptian chronology (IA b29350074).pdf
- Index:Phenomenology of Mind vol 1.djvu
- Index:Phenomenology of Mind vol 2.djvu
Economic/Social studies/History/Law
[edit]- Index:Local government in Francia and England- a comparison of the local administration and jurisdiction of the Carolingian empire with that of the West Saxon kingdom (IA localgovernmenti00camhiala).pdf
- Index:The making of the English constitution, 449-1485 (IA makingofenglishc00whitiala).pdf
- Index:The story of the shire, being the lore, history and evolution of English county institutions (IA storyofshirebein00hack).pdf
- Index:The polity of the ancient Hebrews (IA polityofancienth00sulzrich).pdf
- Index:The Am ha-aretz - the ancient Hebrew parliament, a chapter in the constitutional history of ancient Israel (IA cu31924089135754).pdf, 2nd Printing, 1910
- Index:The Am ha-aretz, the ancient Hebrew parliament, a chapter in the constitutional history of ancient Israel (IA amhaaretzancient00sulziala).pdf, 1st Edition
- Revolution by Reason, an account of the financial proposals submitted by Oswald Mosley at the 33d Independent Labour Party Conference
- Index:The story of rapid transit (IA storyofrapidtran00willrich).pdf
- Index:Interborough rapid transit; the New York subway, its construction and equipment (IA interboroughrapi00interich).pdf
- Ethnology of A-Kamba and other East African Tribes
- Africa: Past and Present
- The Soul of the Bantu
- A History of the Island of Madagascar
- Madagascar, Vol. 1
- Madagascar, Vol. 2
- The Antananarivo annual and Madagascar magazine
- Index:The history of Dahomy, an inland kingdom of Africa (IA b28764808).pdf
- Index:The Visigothic Code.djvu
- Index:A manual of elementary law (IA cu31924018811376).pdf
- Index:Principles of American state administration, by John Mabry Mathews. (IA principlesofamer00math).pdf
- Index:Lectures on Slavonic law, being the Ilchester lectures for the year 1900; (IA cu31924022021566).pdf
- Ideals of America
- American political ideas; studies in the development of American political thought 1865-1917
- American thought: from Puritanism to pragmatism
- The foundations of American foreign policy
- Liberty, Union and Democracy, The National Ideas of America
- The national government of the United States
- Social laws and agencies of North Carolina
- American ideals, and other essays, social and political
- Americanism, what it is
- Americanization
- Americanism, what it is
- Our dual government, studies in Americanism for young people
- Everyday Americans
- A manual of American ideas
- The American democracy, 1920
- The American Democracy, 1921, 2nd Printing
- Index:A selected bibliography and syllabus of the history of the South, 1584-1876 (IA selectedbibliogr00boydrich).pdf
- Index:The demonstration work; Dr. Seaman A. Knapp's contribution to civilization (IA demonstrationwor00martrich).pdf
- Index:Party organization and machinery (IA partyorgmachiner00macy).pdf
- Index:A decade of Negro extension work, 1914-1924 (IA decadeofnegroext72mart).pdf
- Index:Educational resources of village and rural communities (IA educationalresou00hart).pdf
- Index:The church and the community (IA cu31924014043362).pdf
- Index:Christian Americanization; a task for the churches (IA brookschristiana00broo).pdf
- Index:Our neighborhood; good citizenship in rural communities (IA cu31924080075959).pdf
- Index:The free city; a book of neighborhood (IA freecitybookofne00whitiala).pdf
- Index:Neighborhood entertainments (IA cu31924014493542).pdf
- Index:Rural community organization (IA ruralcommunityor00haye).pdf
- Index:A community center; what it is and how to organize it (IA communitycenterw00jack).pdf
- Index:A community church; the story of a minister's experience which led him from the church militant to the church democratic (IA communitychurchs00jackrich).pdf
- Index:Community organization (IA communityorganiz00hartiala).pdf
- Social Services for Young People
- Index:Pupil self-government, its theory and practice (IA pupilselfgovernm00cron).pdf
- Community Organization: A Study of its Current Theory and Practice
- Index:The little democracy, a text-book on community organization (IA littledemocracyt00clar).pdf
- Index:The country church and community cooperation (IA countrychurchcom00israrich).pdf
- Index:Local and central government; a comparative study of England, France, Prussia, and the United States (IA localcentralgove00ashl).pdf
- Index:Municipal administration in Germany as seen in the government of a typical Prussian city, Halle a-S (IA municipaladminis00jamerich).pdf
- Index:Principles of Prussian administration (IA principlesofprus00jamerich).pdf
- The Government and Administration of Germany
- Index:The government of Wyoming - the history, constitution and administration of affairs (IA governmentofwyom00heba).pdf
- Index:The principles of the administrative law of the United States (IA principlesofadmi00good).pdf
- Index:Statesman's handbook for Russia (IA statesmanshandbo00russrich).pdf
- The war and the Russian government. The central government
- Index:Modern customs and ancient laws of Russia; being the Ilchester lectures for 1889-90; (IA cu31924014085983).pdf
- Lancaster and York, Volume 1
- Index:Lancaster and York; a century of English history (A.D. 1399-1485) (IA cu31924088011436).pdf, Volume 2
- Index:The houses of Lancaster and York, with the conquest and loss of France; (IA housesoflancaste01gair).pdf
- The Wars of the Roses
- Index:Wales and the wars of the Roses (IA waleswarsofroses00evanrich).pdf
- Index:English towns in the wars of the Roses (IA englishtownsinwa00wins).pdf
- Index:Municipal government in Ireland - medieval & modern (IA municipalgovernm00webbrich).pdf
- The Mind and Face of Bolshevism
- Index:Men of the old stone age, their environment, life and art (IA menofoldstoneage00osborich).pdf
- Index:The English in the middle ages; from the Norman usurpation to the days of the Stuarts. Their mode of life, dress, arms, occupations, and amusements. As illustrated in the British Museum (IA englishinmiddlea00hodg).pdf
- Index:Arms and armour in antiquity and the middle ages - also a descriptive notice of modern weapons (IA b24865990).pdf
- Armour & Weapons
- A treatise on ancient armour and weapons
- Index:An illustrated history of arms and armour from the earliest period to the present time (IA illustratedhisto00demmrich).pdf
- Index:Germany in the later Middle Ages, 1200-1500 (IA germanyinlatermi00stub).pdf
- Parergon Juris Canonici Anglicani
- Index:The Effects of Civilisation on the People in European States.djvu
- The Development of European Law
- Index:The Art of War in the Middle Ages (Chadwick, 1885, artofwarinmiddle00omanuoft).pdf
- Index:The History of the Isle of Man (1780, historyofisleofm00dubl).pdf
- Index:The Statutes of the Realm Vol 1 (1101-1377).pdf
- Index:The Statutes of the Realm Vol 2 (1377-1509).pdf
- Index:The Statutes of the Realm Vol 3 (1509-47).pdf
- Index:The Statutes of the Realm Vol 4, Part 1 (1547-84).pdf
- Index:The Statutes of the Realm Vol 4, Part 2 (1586-1625).pdf
- Index:The Statutes of the Realm Vol 5 (1628-80).pdf
- Index:The Statutes of the Realm Vol 6 (1685-94).pdf
- Index:The Statutes of the Realm Vol 7 (1695-1701).pdf
- Index:The Statutes of the Realm Vol 8 (1702-7).pdf
- Index:The Statutes of the Realm Vol 9 (1708-13).pdf
- Index:The Statutes of the Realm (Alphabetical Index).pdf
- Index:The Statutes of the Realm (Chronological Index).pdf
- Index:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu
- Index:An introduction to the study of the middle ages (375-814) (IA introductiontost00emer).pdf
- Index:Villainage in England; essays in English mediaeval history (IA cu31924024908356).pdf
- Index:Law and politics in the middle ages, with a synoptic table of sources (IA cu31924030432532).pdf
- Index:De republica Anglorum. The maner of gouernement or policie of the realme of England, compiled by the honorable sir Thomas Smyth .. (IA ita-bnc-mag-00002562-001).pdf
- Index:A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law (OBP.0188, 2020).pdf
- Index:Runic and heroic poems of the old Teutonic peoples.djvu
- Index:The riddles of the Exeter book (IA riddlesofexeterb00tupp).pdf
- Index:The Law of the Westgoths - tr. Bergin - 1906.djvu
- Index:Laws of the Earliest English Kings.djvu
- Index:The sources of the law of England - an historical introduction to the study of English law (IA cu31924021687227).pdf
- Index:George Philips, Lex parliamentaria (1st ed, 1690).pdf
- Index:The history of economics (IA historyofeconomi00macliala).pdf
- Index:Indian currency and finance (IA indiancurrencyfi00keynuoft).djvu
- Index:An inquiry into the various systems of political economy- their advantages and disadvantages- and the theory most favourable to the increase of national wealth (IA inquiryintovario00gani).pdf
- Index:National system of political economy (IA nationalsystemof00list).pdf
- Index:An introduction to the study of political economy; or, Elementary view of the manner in which the wealth of nations is produced, increased, distributed, and consumed (IA introductiontost00boilrich).pdf
- Index:The Theory of Moral Sentiments.pdf
- Index:Treatise on Probability, Keynes, 1921.djvu
- Index:Monasticon Anglicanum, or, The history of the ancient abbies, and other monasteries, hospitals, cathedral and collegiate churches in England and Wales. With divers French, Irish (IA monasticonanglic00dugd).pdf
- Index:An introduction to the study of Gothic architecture (IA introductiontost00park 9).pdf, 1st edition
- Index:Architecture; an introduction to the history and theory of the art of building (IA architectureintr00leth 0).pdf
- Index:Race distinctions in American Law (IA racedistinctions00stepiala).pdf
- Index:The law of city planning and zoning (IA lawofcityplannin00williala).pdf
- Index:The improvement of towns and cities - or, The practical basis of civic aesthetics (IA improvementoftow00robi 0).pdf
- Index:Modern civic art - or, The city made beautiful (IA moderncivicartor00robi 0).pdf
- Index:A decade of civic development (IA decadeofcivicdev00zueb).pdf
- Index:City planning, with special reference to the planning of streets and lots (IA cu31924064909660).pdf
- Index:Modern city planning and maintenance (IA moderncityplanni00koes).pdf
- Index:City planning; a series of papers presenting the essential elements of a city plan (IA cityplanningseri00noleiala).pdf
Labor, Socialism, Anarchism, Communist, Feminism, LGBTQ+
[edit]- The Mind and Face of Bolshevism
- Index:The revolt of democracy (IA revoltofdemocrac00wallrich).pdf
- Socialism of Christ
- Index:German Social Democracy - Six Lectures by Bertrand Russell.djvu
- Index:Karl Marx - Wage Labor and Capital - tr. Harriet E. Lothrop (1902).djvu
- Index:The ego and his own (IA egohisown00stiriala).pdf
- Index:Ten blind leaders of the blind - by Arthur M. Lewis (IA tenblindleaderso00lewirich).pdf
- Index:Egoists, a book of supermen- (IA egoistsbookofsu00hune).pdf
- The Philosophy of Egoism
- Index:Anarchism (Eltzbacher, 1908 English translation).djvu
- Index:The International Socialist Review (1900-1918), Vol. 1, Issue 1.pdf
- Index:The Jungle (1906).djvu
- Index:Anarchy and Anarchists (Schaack, 1889).djvu
- Index:Anarchism; a criticism and history of the anarchist theory (IA anarchismcritici00zenkiala).pdf
- Index:Anarchism and socialism (IA anarchismsociali00plek).pdf
- Index:Trade unionism in the United States (IA cu31924013988195).pdf
- Index:A history of trade unionism in the United States (IA historyoftradeun00perliala).pdf
- A Theory of the Labor Movement
- Index:Communism in America; (IA communisminameri00jamerich).pdf
- Index:California Digital Library (IA communistsocieties00nordrich).pdf, The Communistic Societies of the United States
- Left Wing Unionism
- Index:Jay Lovestone - Blood and Steel (1923)).djvu
- History of American Socialisms (external scan)
- Index:On labour, its wrongful claims and rightful dues, its actual present and possible future (IA onlabouritswrong00thor).pdf
- Index:Voluntary socialism; a sketch (IA voluntarysociali00tandrich).pdf, 2nd edition
- Voluntary Socialism, 1st Edition
- Index:Arkady Joseph Sack - The Birth of the Russian Democracy (1918).djvu
- Index:The struggle for existence (IA struggleforexist00millrich).pdf, First Edition
- Index:Direct action (IA directaction00mell).pdf
Racism, Antisemitism, National Socialism, KKK, Nationalism, Right, etc.
[edit]- Mussolini and the Pope
- Pope or Mussolini
- The Life of Benito Mussolini, 6th Printing, UK Edition
- The Life of Benito Mussolini, 5th Printing, US Edition
- Is the Antichrist at hand? What of Mussolini
- The historical causes of the present state of affairs in Italy
- Index:L. W. - Fascism, Its History and Significance (1924).pdf
- Making the Fascist State
- The Need for Fascism in Great Britain
- The Fascist Dictatorship in Italy
- Mussolini and the New Italy
- Mussolini as Revealed in His Political Speeches
- Index:Behold Our New Empire Mussolini (IA BeholdOurNewEmpireMussolini).pdf
- The Universal Aspects of Fascism, 1st Edition
- The Universal Aspects of Fascism, 2nd Edition
- Italy To-day
- The Theory of Mind as a Pure Act
- Black Magic
- The Pedigree of Fascism
- Strenuous Italy
- Index:Sociology for the South - or, The failure of free society (IA sociologyforsout00fitz).pdf
- Index:Cannibals all! or, Slaves without masters (IA cannibalsallorsl00fitz).pdf
- Index:Negro-Mania- Being an Examination of the Falsely Assumed Equality of the Various Races of Men (IA DKC0100).pdf
- An Outlaw's Diary, Volume 1: Revolution
- An Outlaw's Diary, Volume 2: The Commune
- Index:Meccania, the super-state (IA meccaniasupersta00greg).pdf
- The Pan-German League
- Index:The pan-Germanic doctrine; being a study of German political aims and aspirations (IA pangermanicdoctr00harrrich).pdf
- Index:Pan-germanism, its plans for German expansion in the world (IA pangermanismitsp00andlrich).pdf
- Index:Antisemitism, its history and causes (IA antisemitismitsh00lazaiala).pdf
- "The Negro A Beast", Or "In The Image Of God"
- The American Negro
- The Negro
- The Negro: The Southernor's Problem
- Negro Criminality
- Sexual Crimes among the Southern Negroes
- White Supremacy and Negro Subordination
- Slavery, as it Relates to the Negro
- Index:Bible Defence of Slavery.djvu
- The Riddle of the Jews Success
- Racial Elements Of European History
- Index:The International Jew - Volume 1.djvu
- Index:The International Jew - Volume 2.djvu
- Index:The International Jew - Volume 3.djvu
- Index:The International Jew - Volume 4.djvu
- Italy under Mussolini
- Rome or Death! The Story of Fascism
- Fascism, Odon Por
- The Fascist Movement in Italian Life
- My Autobiography, by Mussolini
- Index:The ravings of a renegade ; being the War essays of Houston Stewart Chamberlain (IA ravingsofrenegad00chamrich).pdf
- The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, Volume 1
- The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, Volume 2
- Index:Decline of the West (Volume 1).djvu
- Index:Decline of the West (Volume 2).djvu
- Index:The Decline of the West.pdf, combined Volume, 1932 edition
- Index:The inequality of human races (1915).djvu
- Index:The moral and intellectual diversity of races - with particular reference to their respective influence in the civil and political history of mankind (IA bub gb uRvNQHqLj0kC).pdf
- Index:The passing of the great race; or, The racial basis of European history (IA passingofgreatra01gran).pdf, 4th Edition
- Index:The passing of the great race; or, The racial basis of European history (IA cu31924029874330).pdf, 1st Edition
- Index:Ku Klux Klan (H.H. Wilson Reference Shelf) (IA kukluxklan00john).pdf
- Index:The Klan unmasked, (IA klanunmasked00simm).pdf
- Index:Catalogue of Official Robes and Banners - Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Incorporated, Atlanta, Georgia (1925) - Catalogueofoffic00kukl.djvu
- Index:The Ku Klux klan- a study of the American mind (IA kukluxklanastudy00meck).pdf
- Index:Papers read at the meeting of Grand dragons, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan at their first- annual meet (IA papersreadatmeet01kukl).pdf
- Authentic history, Ku Klux Klan, 1865-1877
- The Ku Klux Klan or Invisible Empire
Ancient Rome/Byzantine Studies/Latin/Classics
[edit]- Index:A lecture upon the regal period in Roman history - delivered before the Gamma Nu Literary Society of Yale College, New Haven, Conn., October 3, 1885 (IA lectureuponregal00tolmiala).pdf
- Index:Infamia- its place in Roman public and private law (IA cu31924021131531).pdf
- Index:The reorganization of Spain by Augustus (IA reorganization00vannrich).pdf
- Public Libraries and Literary Culture in Ancient Rome
- A History of Rome
- The Empresses of Constantinople
- Index:Roman public life (IA romanpubliclife00greeiala).pdf
- Index:The middle ages revisited; or, the Roman government and religion and their relations to Britain (IA middleagesrevisi01delm).pdf
- Index:The Arab conquest of Egypt and the last thirty years of the Roman dominion (IA arabconquestofeg00butl).pdf
- The Jurisprudence of the Jewish Courts in Egypt
- Greek and Roman Folklore
- Index:Public lands and agrarian laws of the Roman republic- (IA publiclandsagrar00step).pdf
- Six Roman Laws
- Index:The middle ages revisited; or, the Roman government and religion and their relations to Britain (IA middleagesrevisi01delm).pdf
- Two studies in later Roman and Byzantine administration
- Fresh Light on Roman Bureaucracy
- Christianity and the Roman Empire
- Index:Christianity and the Roman government (IA christianityroma00hardrich).pdf
- Index:The early Christians in Rome (1911).djvu
- Index:Historical revelations of the relation existing between Christianity and paganism since the disintegration of the Roman Empire (IA historicalrevela00juli).pdf
- Index:The Christians in Rome (IA christiansinrome00mobe).pdf
- Index:Woman ; her position and influence in ancient Greece and Rome, and among the early Christians .. (IA womanherposition00donarich).pdf
- Index:The story of the Romans; (IA storyromans00guergoog).pdf
- Index:Roman Africa; an outline of the history of the Roman occupation of North Africa, based chiefly upon inscriptions and monumental remains in that country (IA cu31924028722134).pdf
- Index:An outline of Greek and Roman history, the result of class room work (IA outlineofgreekro00chad).pdf
- The Illustrated History of Rome And The Roman Empire
- Christianity and Nationalism in the Later Roman Empire
- Index:The conversion of the Roman empire (IA conversionofrom00meri).pdf
- Researches into the history of the Roman constitution
- Index:Traces of Greek philosophy and Roman law in the New Testament (IA cu31924029302423).pdf
- Index:UPenn-Translations and Reprints-vol6.djvu
- Index:History of the city of Rome in the Middle Ages (IA cu31924082161302).pdf, Volume 1
- Index:History of the city of Rome in the Middle Ages (IA cu31924082161344).pdf, Volume 2
- Index:History of the city of Rome in the Middle Ages (IA cu31924082161310).pdf, Volume 3
- Index:History of the city of Rome in the Middle Ages (IA cu31924082161419).pdf, Volume 4 Part 1
- Volume 4 Part 2
- Index:History of the city of Rome in the Middle Ages (IA cu31924082161351).pdf, Volume 5 Part 1
- Volume 5 Part 2
- Index:History of the city of Rome in the Middle Ages (IA cu31924082161369).pdf, Volume 6 Part 1
- Volume 6 Part 2
- Index:History of the city of Rome in the Middle Ages (IA cu31924082161377).pdf, Volume 7 Part 1
- Volume 7 Part 2
- Index:History of the city of Rome in the Middle Ages (IA cu31924082161385).pdf, Volume 8 Part 1
- Volume 8 Part 2
- Ancient Town-planning
- Index:The Ancient City- A Study on the Religion, Laws, and Institutions of Greece and Rome.djvu
- Index:Physical science in the time of Nero; being a translation of the Quaestiones naturales of Seneca (IA physicalsciencei00seneiala).pdf
- Index:The Roman and the Teuton; a series of lectures delivered before the University of Cambridge (IA romanteutonserie01king).pdf
- Byzantine Art and Archaeology
- Index:The history of Etruria .. (IA historyofetruria01gray).pdf, Volume 1
- Index:The history of Etruria .. (IA historyofetruria02gray).pdf, Volume 2
- Index:The cities and cemeteries of Etruria (IA etruriacitiesand01denniala).pdf, Volume 1
- Index:The cities and cemeteries of Etruria (IA etruriacitiesand02denniala).pdf, Volume 2
- Index:Etruria-Celtica- Etruscan Literature and Antiquities Investigated, in Two Volumes, Vol. I (IA dli.granth.53608).pdf, Volume 1
- Etruria-Celtica Volume 2
- Etruscan Researches
- Index:Etruscan inscriptions (IA etruscaninscript00crawrich).pdf
- Index:Etruscan Bologna- a study (IA etruscanbolognas00burtiala).pdf
- Index:Roman imperialism (IA romanimperialism00fran).pdf
- Index:Tacitus and Other Roman Studies.djvu
- Index:A constitutional and political history of Rome, from the earliest times to the reign of Domitian (IA cu31924030431435).pdf
- Index:The development of the Roman constitution (IA developmentofrom00tighrich).pdf
- Index:Coins of the Romans relating to Britain, described and illustrated (IA coinsofromansrel00aker).pdf
- Index:History of the ancient Britons, from the earliest period to the invasion of the Saxons (IA historyofancient00gile).pdf
- Index:The Roman era in Britain (IA romanerainbritai00wardiala).pdf
- Index:The Romanization of Roman Britain (IA romanizationofro00haverich).pdf
- Index:Roman roads in Britain (IA romanroadsinbrit00codr).pdf
- Index:The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon; (IA celtromansaxon00wrig).pdf
- Index:The middle ages revisited; or, the Roman government and religion and their relations to Britain (IA middleagesrevisi01delm).pdf
- Index:Ancient Britain in the light of modern archaeological discoveries (IA ancientbritainin00delm).pdf
- Researches into the ecclesiastical and political state of ancient Britain under the Roman emperors, Volume 1
- Researches into the ecclesiastical and political state of ancient Britain under the Roman emperors, Volume 2
- A History of the Picts or Romano-British Wall
- A Roman frontier post and its people
- Index:Illustrations of Roman London (IA illustrationsofr00smitrich).pdf
- Londinium Architecture and the Crafts
- Our Roman Highways
- Index:History of Romulus (IA historyofromulusabbott).pdf
- Index:Varronianus- a critical and historical introduction to the philological study of the Latin language (IA varronianuscriti00don).pdf
- Primitive Italy and the beginnings of Roman imperialism
- The stone and bronze ages in Italy and Sicily
- The Byzantine Empire (Edward Foord)
- Index:The Byzantine Empire (IA byzantineempire00omanrich).pdf
- Index:A treatise on Byzantine music (IA cu31924022269744).pdf
- Index:Constantine, the last emperor of the Greeks; or, The conquest of Constantinople by the Turks (A.D. 1453) after the latest historical researches; (IA constantinelaste00mijarich).pdf
- Index:Byzantine history in the early Middle Ages; the Rede lecture, delivered in the Senate House, Cambridge, June 12, 1900 (IA cu31924005774702).pdf
- Index:Byzantine architecture; illustrated by examples of edifices erected in the East during the earliest ages of Christianity, with historical & archaeological descriptions (IA gri 33125009314648).pdf
- Index:Roman emperor worship (IA cu31924028269490).pdf
- Index:The last Cæsars of Byzantium (IA lastcsarsofbyzan00todi).pdf
- Index:The Latins in the Levant - a history of Frankish Greece, 1204-1566 (IA latinsinlevanthi00mill 0).pdf
- Index:The Fall of Constantinople.djvu
- Index:Destruction of the Greek Empire.djvu
- Index:The Romane historie (IA romanehistorie00livy).pdf
- Index:The Roman assemblies from their origin to the end of the republic (IA cu31924030431534).pdf
- Index:The imperial civil service of Rome (IA imperialcivilser00matt).pdf
- Index:A handbook of Greek constitutional history (IA handbookofgreekc00gree).pdf
- Rome, Regal and Republican
- A Day in Old Rome
- Index:The general, civil and military administration of Noricum and Raetia (IA generalcivilmili00peakrich).pdf
- Index:Life and letters in Roman Africa microform (IA lifelettersinrom00boucrich).pdf
- Index:Romae antiquae notitia, or, The antiquities of Rome - in two parts ... - with copper cuts of the principal buildings, etc. - to which are prefix'd two essays (IA romaeantiquaenot00kenn 0).pdf
- Index:A manual of Greek literature - from the earliest authentic periods to the close of the Byzantine era (IA manualgreek00anthrich).pdf
- The student's companion to Latin authors
- Index:Loeb Classical Library, L001 (1919).djvu
- A History of the Republic of Rome (external scan)
- Index:Philological museum (IA cu31924104094903).pdf, Volume 1
- Index:Philological Museum v2.djvu
- Index:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu
- Index:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 2, 1855.djvu
- Index:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 3, 1857.djvu
- Index:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 4, 1859.djvu
- Index:Harper's dictionary of classical literature and antiquities (IA cu31924027019482).pdf
- Index:A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (1842, dictionaryofgree00smit 5).djvu
- Index:The auxilia of the Roman Imperial Army (IA auxiliaofromanim00cheerich).pdf
- Index:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1827) Vol 1.djvu
- Index:The Topography and Monuments of Ancient Rome (1st Ed., Plattner, 1904, topographymonume0000plat v8a2).pdf
- Index:Byzantine Constantinople - the walls of the city and adjoining historical sites (IA byzantineconstan00vanm).pdf
- A Companion To Latin Studies (external scan)
- Index:A handbook of Rome and the Campagna (IA handbookofromeca00john 0).pdf
- Index:Stories of ancient Rome (IA storiesofancient00rico).pdf
- Index:Early Rome (IA earlyrome00ihne).pdf
- Index:Men, events, lawyers, politics and politicians of early Rome (IA meneventslawyers00wage).pdf
- Index:State and family in early Rome (IA statefamilyinear00launiala).pdf
- Index:The seven kings of the Seven Hills (IA sevenkingsofseve00lain).pdf
- Rome of the Kings: An Archaeological Setting for Livy and Vergil
- Index:The history of the kings of Rome. With a prefatory dissertation on its sources and evidence (IA historyofkingsof00dyerrich).pdf
- Index:The kings of Rome (IA kingsofrome00rico).pdf
- Index:Regal Rome, an Introduction to Roman History (1852, Newman, London, regalromeintrodu00newmuoft).djvu
- Rome of the Kings: An Archaeological Setting for Livy and Vergil
- The primitive fortifications of the city of Rome, 2nd Edition
- handbook of roman law
- Index:The origin and history of contract in Roman law down to the end of the republican period - being the Yorke prize essay for the year 1893 (IA cu31924021131366).pdf
- A new pandect of Roman civil law
- Index:Preliminary Lecture to the Course of Lectures on the Institutions of Justinian (Wilde, 1794, bim eighteenth-century preliminary-lecture-to-t wilde-john 1794).pdf
- An introduction to the study of Justinian's digest (external scan)
- Index:The ecclesiastical edicts of the Theodosian code (IA ecclesiasticaled00boydrich).pdf
- The Legacy of Rome
- Index:Nomos Rhodon nautikos. The Rhodian sea-law (IA nomosrhodonnauti00byzarich).pdf
- Index:Early Roman Law, The Regal Period (Clark, 1872, earlyromanlawreg00claruoft).djvu
- Index:Roman Britain (Collingwood, First Ed., 1924, b29827590).pdf
- Index:Historical introduction to the private law of Rome (IA historicalintrod00muiriala).pdf
- Index:Gaii institutionum iuris civilis commentarii quattuor, or, Elements of Roman law by Gaius (Poste, Third Edition, 1890, gaiiinstitution00gaiu).djvu
- Index:A history and description of Roman political institutions (IA historyanddescri00abbo).pdf
- Index:Britannia Romana, or, The Roman Antiquities of Britain in Three Books (britanniaromanao00hors, John Horsley, 1732).djvu
- Index:The municipalites of the Roman empire (IA municipalitesofr00reidrich).pdf
- Index:Selected Letters of Cicero (Abbott, 1897, selectedletterso0000cice u2i6).pdf
- Index:Society and politics in ancient Rome; essays and sketches (IA cu31924087980326).pdf
- Index:The common people of ancient Rome- studies of Roman life and literature (IA cu31924028267841).pdf
- Index:The Roman system of provincial administration to the accession of Constantine the Great, being the Arnold prize essay for 1879 (IA romansystemofpro00arnoiala).pdf
- Two Studies in Later Roman and Byzantine Administration
- Index:The imperial administrative system in the ninth century, with a revised text of Kletorologion of Philotheos (IA imperialadminist00buryrich).pdf
- Index:Municipal Administration in the Roman Empire (1926, Abbot and Johnson, municipaladminis00abbo).pdf
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
[edit]- Index:Cycling (IA cyclingc00alberich).pdf, Cycling, Badminton Library, 5th Edition
- Index:The bicycle- its care and repair (IA bicycleitscarere00vonc).pdf
- Index:, Bicycling for ladies
- [1]
- Index:Some common mushrooms and how to know them (IA somecommonmushr143char).pdf
- Fungi and How to Know Them
- British Social Wasps
- Index:Origin of Modern Calculating Machines.djvu
- Index:Comptometer News 1.1.djvu
- Index:Comptometer News 1.2.djvu
- Index:Comptometer News 1.3.djvu
- Index:Comptometer News 1.4.djvu
- Index:A general history of mathematics from the earliest times to the middle of the eighteenth century (IA generalhistoryof00bossrich).pdf
- Index:The teaching and history of mathematics in the United States (IA teachinghistoryo00cajorich).pdf
- Index:Higher mathematics - a textbook for classical and engineering colleges (IA highermathematic00merrrich).pdf
- Index:An introduction to mathematics, by A. N. Whitehead (IA introductiontoma00whitiala).pdf
- Index:Cornell University Library digitization (IA cu31924001078777).pdf, Mathematical Dictionary and Cyclopedia of Mathematical Science
- The Principles of Mechanics
- Index:Collected papers in physics and engineering (IA collectedpapersi00thomrich).pdf
- Index:Theory of functions of a complex variable (IA functcomplexvari00forsrich).pdf
- Index:An introduction to the study of the elements of the differential and integral calculus (IA introductiontost00harnrich).pdf
- Index:A treatise on elementary trigonometry (IA treatiseonelemen00lockrich).pdf
- Index:Elementary trigonometry (IA elementarytrigon00paterich).pdf
- Index:The Earliest arithmetics in English (IA earliestarithmet00alexrich).pdf
- Index:Historical introduction to mathematical literature (IA cu31924064123536).pdf
- Calculus
- Electric Circuit Theory and the Operational Calculus
- Index:Graphical and mechanical computation (IA cu31924004667550).pdf
- Index:A treatise on computation; an account of the chief methods for contracting and abbreviating arithmetical calculations (IA treatiseoncomput00langiala).pdf
- Index:An introduction to mathematics, by A. N. Whitehead (IA introductiontoma00whitiala).pdf
- Index:The play of animals (IA playofanimals00groouoft).pdf
- Index:Animals at work and play - their activities and emotions (IA animalsatworkpla00cornuoft).pdf, 1st Edition
- Index:Animals at work and play, their activities and emotions (IA animalsatworkpla00cornrich).pdf, 2nd Edition
- Animals at Work and Play, 3rd Edition
- Index:The Journal of animal behavior (IA journalofanimalb01aalba).pdf
- Index:The Journal of animal behavior (IA journalofanimalb02alba).pdf
- Index:The Journal of animal behavior (IA journalofanimalb03alba).pdf
- Index:The Journal of animal behavior (IA journalofanimalb04alba).pdf
- Index:The Journal of animal behavior (IA journalofanimalb05alba).pdf
- Index:The Journal of animal behavior (IA journalofanimalb06alba).pdf
- Index:The Journal of animal behavior (IA journalofanimalb07alba).pdf
- Psychobiology V1
- Psychobiology V2
- Index:Ants, bees, and wasps. A record of observations on the habits of the social Hymenoptera (IA antsbeeswaspsrec00john).pdf
- Index:The bee and white ants, their manners and habits - with illustrations of animal instinct and intelligence - from "The museum of science and art" ... (IA beewhiteantsthei00lardrich).pdf
- The Life of the White Ant
- Index:British ants, their life-history and classification (IA britishantstheir00donirich).pdf
- The Hymenoptera Aculeata of the British Islands
- Index:Elementary lessons in zoölogy - a guide in studying animal life and structure in field and laboratory (IA elementarylesso00need).pdf
- Index:Field book of insects (IA fieldbookofins00lutz).pdf, 2nd Edition
- Index:Field book of insects, with special reference to those of northeastern United States, aiming to answer common questions (IA fieldbookofinsec00lutz).pdf, 1st Edition
- Index:Ants and their ways, with illustrations, and an appendix giving a complete list of genera and species of the British ants (IA antstheirwayswit00whit).pdf
- Nature's Craftsmen
- Index:Ant communities and how they are governed; a study in natural civics (IA antcommunitiesho00mcco).pdf
- Index:Ants, Wheeler (1910).djvu
- Index:Ants and some other insects; an inquiry into the psychic powers of these animals (IA antssomeotherins00fore).pdf
- Index:Medical Heritage Library (IA treatiseofbuggss00sout).pdf, A treatise of buggs
- Index:Insect transformations (IA b22027191).pdf
- Index:Institutions of entomology- being a translation of Linnaeus's Ordines et genera insectorum; or, Systematic arrangement of insects (IA CUbiodiversity1115923).pdf
- Index:The elements of insect anatomy; an outline for the use of students in the entomological laboratories of Cornell University and Leland Stanford Junior University (IA elementsofinsect00comsto).pdf
- Index:The entomologist's text book - an introduction to the natural history, structure, physiology and classification of insects, including the Crustacea and Arachnida (IA entomologiststex00westw).pdf
- Index:The natural history of ants (IA b29289981).pdf
- Index:The natural history of insects (IA b28755741).pdf
- Index:An Account of English Ants (Gould, 1747, IA accountofenglish00goul).pdf
- Index:Daedalus; or, Science and the Future (1924, E.P. Dutton & Company).pdf
- Index:Science (journal) Volume 1 1883.djvu
- Index:Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (IA journalofacademy01acaduoft).pdf
- Index:Aristotle - History of Animals, 1883.djvu
- Index:Scientific Memoirs, Vol. 1 (1837).djvu
- Index:Scientific Memoirs, Vol. 2 (1841).djvu
- Index:Scientific Memoirs, Vol. 3 (1843).djvu
- Index:Getty Research Institute (IA economiccottageb00dwye).pdf, The Economic Cottage Builder
- Index:The potter's craft - a practical guide for the studio and workshop (IA potterscraftprac00binn 0).pdf
- Index:The book of camping and woodcraft - a guidebook for those who travel in the wilderness (IA bookofcampingwoo00keph).pdf
- Index:Camp craft, modern practice and equipment (IA campcraftmodernp00millrich).pdf
- Index:Camp kits and camp life (IA campkitscamplife00hankiala).pdf
- Index:The book of woodcraft (IA bookofwoodcraft00seto).pdf
- Index:The book of woodcraft and Indian lore (IA bookofwoodcrafti02seto).pdf, 2nd Edition
- Index:Harper's camping and scouting; an outdoor guide for American boys; (IA harperscampingsc00grinrich).pdf
- Index:Shelters, shacks, and shanties (IA sheltersshackssh01bear).pdf
- Index:The electric telegraph - its history and progress.. (IA electrictelegrap00highrich).pdf
- Index:Electricity, magnetism, and electric telegraphy; a practical guide and hand-book of general information for electrical students, operators, and inspectors (IA electricitymagne00lockrich).pdf, 1st Edition, 1883
- Index:Electricity, magnetism, and electric telegraphy; a practical guide and hand-book of general information for electrical students, operators, and inspectors (IA electricitymagne00lock).pdf, 3rd Edition, 1890
- Index:Davis's manual of magnetism - including galvanism, magnetism, electro-magnetism, electro-dynamics, magneto-electricity, and thermo-electricity (IA davissmanualofma00davi).pdf
- Index:Historical sketch of the electric telegraph including its rise and progress in the United States (IA historicalsketch00jonerich).pdf
- Index:An introduction to electricity and galvanism; with cases, shewing their effects in the cure of diseases (IA b22042684).pdf
- Index:An introduction to electricity - in six sections ... (IA introductiontoel1770ferg).pdf, 1st Edition
- Index:An introduction to electricity. In six sections ... - illustrated with copper plates (IA b30501350).pdf, 2nd Edition
- Index:An introduction to electricity. In six sections ... (IA introductiontoel00ferg).pdf, 3rd Edition]]
- Dynamo-electricity
- Radio-activity
- Electrons and Nuclear Physics
- Ions, Electrons, and Ionizing Radiations
- Atoms and Rays
- Index:Atomic theories (IA atomictheories00loririch).pdf
- Index:X-ray manual - U.S. Army (IA xraymanualusarmy00unit).pdf
- Index:American quarterly of roentgenology (IA americanquarterl01amer).pdf
- Index:American quarterly of roentgenology (IA americanquarterl02amer).pdf
- Index:American quarterly of roentgenology (IA americanquarterl03amer).pdf
- Index:American quarterly of roentgenology (IA americanquarterl04amer).pdf
- Index:The study of the atom - or, The foundation of chemistry (IA studyofatomorfou00venarich).pdf
- Index:The method of fluxions and infinite series.djvu
- Index:Practical observations on the generation of statical electricity by the electrical machine (IA
- Index:American Journal of Mathematics Vol. 2 (1879).pdf
- Index:Principles of radio communication (IA principlesofradi00morerich).pdf
- Index:Electrical machine design; the design and specification of direct and alternating current machinery .. (IA electricalmachin00grayrich).pdf
- Index:Incandescent wiring hand-book, (IA incandescentwiri00badt).pdf
- Index:The Bell System Technical Journal, Volume 1, 1922.pdf
- Index:Science Advances, Volume 8, Issue 44, Recursive sequence generation in crows (sciadv.abq3356).pdf
- Index:An Investigation of the Laws of Thought (1854, Boole, investigationofl00boolrich).djvu
- Index:Anatomy of the Human Body (1918).djvu
- An Institution Trigonometricall, 1635
- Euclid's Geometrie, 1570
- Index:Mr. Wingate's Arithmetick Containing a Plain and Familiar Method, for Attaining the Knowledge and Practice of Common Arithmetick (7th Edition, Edmund Wingate, 1678, b30342211).pdf
- Index:Mathematical Recreations or, a Collection of many Problems Extracted out of the Ancient and Modern Philosophers (Jean Leurechon, 1674, b30325882).pdf
- Index:Lux Mercatoria - Bridges - 1661.djvu
- Index:First book of mathematics, being an easy and practical introduction to the study; for self-instruction and use in schools (IA firstbookofmathe00reidrich).pdf
- Index:Indian Basketry.djvu
- Index:Machinery's Handbook, (6th Edition, 1924, machineryshandbo00indu).pdf
- Index:De re metallica (1912).djvu
Fantasy, Fiction, Poetry, Tolkien, Etc.
[edit]- Index:The story of Sigurd the Volsung and the fall of the Niblungs (IA storyofsigurdvol00morriala).pdf
- Index:A Translation of the Anglo-Saxon Poem of Beowulf (Kemble 1837).pdf
- Index:The Worm Ouroboros - 1922.djvu
- Index:Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - Tolkien and Gordon - 1925.djvu
- Index:Tolkien - A middle English Vocabulary.djvu
- Index:Fourteenth_Century_Verse_and_Prose_-_Sisam_-_1921.djvu
- Index:The Review of English Studies Vol 1.djvu
- Index:The Mabinogion; (IA mabinogion00schrrich).pdf
- Index:The gods of Pegana (IA godsofpegana00duns).pdf
- Index:John Martin Crawford - The Kalevala (Vol 1) - (IA cu31924026852917).pdf
- Index:John Martin Crawford - The Kalevala (Vol 2) - (IA cu31924030974038).pdf
- Index:Early English romances in verse- (IA earlyenglishroma00rickrich).pdf
- Index:A Middle English reader - edited, with grammatical introduction notes, and glossary (IA middleenglishrea00emerrich).pdf
- Index:The most delectable history of Reynard the Fox; (IA mostdelectablehi00jacorich).pdf
- Index:The most delectable history of Reynard the Fox, and of his son Reynardine - a revised version of an old romance (IA mostdelectablehi00londiala).pdf
- Index:Reynard the Fox, a poem in twelve cantos (IA reynardfoxpoemin00hollrich).pdf
Games, Tabletop, Wargame, Military, RPG, Videogame, etc.
[edit]- Index:Routine book, including general features of organization, administration, and ordinary station bills (IA routinebookinclu00belk).pdf
- Yashka, my life as peasant, exile and soldier
- Index:An account of the organization of the army of the United States (IA orgzofthearmyusa01robirich).pdf, Volume 1
- Index:An account of the organization of the army of the United States (IA orgofthearmyusa01robirich).pdf, Volume 2
- Index:Military and naval America (IA militaryandnaval00kerriala).pdf
- Index:Routine book, including general features of organization, administration, and ordinary station bills (IA routinebookinclu00belk).pdf
- Index:The Yankee navy (IA yankeenavy00mass).pdf
- Index:The Yankee mining squadron; or, Laying the North sea mine barrage (IA yankeeminingsqua00belk).pdf
- Index:779th Radar Squadron (ADC) Opheim AFS Montana New Personnel Brochure 1973.pdf
- Ancient and Modern Ships: Part I
- Sailing ships : the story of their development from earliest times to the present day
- Index:The British navy (IA cu31924030756146).pdf
- Index:Ships of the Royal Navy (IA shipsofroyalnavy00park).pdf
- Index:The British Navy from within (IA britishnavyfromw00exrorich).pdf
- Index:The British navy in battle (IA britishnavyinbat00poll).pdf
- A Popular history of the British Navy from the earliest times to the present
- Index:The Royal Navy (IA cu31924028018574).pdf
- Index:The German army in war (IA germanarmyinwar00atterich).pdf
- Index:Handbook on German army identification (IA handbookongerman02unit).pdf
- Index:The war book of the German general staff; being "the usages of war on land" issued by the great general staff of the German army; (IA warbookofgermang00newyiala).pdf
- Index:The German army. Department of military art, the Army service schools (IA germanarmydepart00bjorrich).pdf
- Index:Notes on field fortifications (IA notesonfieldfort00armyrich).pdf
- Index:Military organization of the United States (IA militaryorganiza00comm).pdf
- Index:Army and Navy Uniforms and Insignia (Williams, 1918, armynavyuniforms00will).pdf
- Index:Military and naval recognition book; a handbook on the organization, insignia of rank, and customs of the service of the world's important armies and navies (IA militarynavalrec00bunkrich).pdf, 1st Edition
- Index:Military and naval recognition book, a handbook on the organization, insignia of rank, and customs of the service of the world's important armies and navies (IA recognitionmilitary00bunkrich).pdf, 2nd Edition
- Index:Orders, decorations and insignia, military and civil; with the history and romance of their origin and a full description of each (IA ordersdecoration00wyllrich).pdf
- Index:Military Organization and Administration (Collins, 1918, militaryorganiza00colluoft).pdf
- Index:Organization; how armies are formed for war (IA organizationhowa00fostiala).pdf
- Index:Company administration - preparation, disposition, and filing of company records, reports, and returns (IA c00ompanyadministrunitrich).pdf
- Index:Dungeons & Dragons System Reference Document.pdf
- Index:John Banks Wilson - Maneuver and Firepower (1998).djvu
- Index:FM-34-45-Tactics-Techniques-and-Procedures-for-Electronic-Attack.pdf
- Index:Fm100-2-3 - The Soviet Army, Troops, Organization, and Equipment.pdf
- Index:United States Army Field Manual 3-13 Information Operations.djvu
[edit]- Index:History of Corea, ancient and modern - with description of manners and customs, language and geography (IA cu31924023564549).pdf
- Index:History of Corea, Ancient and Modern; with Description of Manners and Customs, Language and Geography WDL2374.pdf, Cheaper Edition, 1891.
- The Anglican Church in Corea
- Index:Corea, the hermit nation. I. Ancient and mediaeval history. II. Political and social Corea. III. Modern and recent history (IA coreahermitnatio00grif).pdf
- Corea, Without and Within
- Index:Who is God in China.djvu
- The early institutional life of Japan
- Index:The development of religion in Japan (IA developmentofrel00knoxrich).pdf
- Index:The religions of Japan - from the dawn of history to the era of Méiji - by William Elliott Griffis (IA religionsofjapan00grifrich).pdf
- Japan
- Japanese Art
- Index:Old and new Japan (IA oldnewjapan00hollrich).pdf
- Index:Japan as it was and is. (IA japanasitwasis00hild 0).pdf
- Index:The Japanese empire- its physical, political, and social condition and history; with details of the late American and British expeditions (IA japaneseempireit01kemi 0).pdf
- Index:The Japanese empire and its economic conditions (IA japaneseempireit00daut).pdf
- Index:The present state of the medical administration of the Japanese empire (IA presentstateofme00japaiala).pdf
- Index:Japan - its architecture, art, and art manufactures (IA japanitsarchitec00dres 0).pdf
- Index:China, Japan and Korea (IA chinajapankorea00blan).pdf
- Index:Korea (IA korea00coul).pdf
- Index:Quaint Korea (IA quaintkorea00milnrich).pdf
- Index:Korean folk tales- imps, ghosts and fairies (IA koreanfolktalesi00impaiala).pdf
- Index:Kaempfer History of Japan 1727 vol 2 (IA historyofjapangi02kaem).pdf
- Index:Kaempfer History of Japan 1727 vol 1 (IA historyofjapangi01kaem).pdf
- Index:A dissertation on the theology of the Chinese, - with a view to the elucidation of the most appropriate term for expressing the Diety in the Chinese language. (IA dissertationonth00medhrich).pdf
- Index:Abstract of four lectures on Buddhist literature in China - delivered at University college, London (IA cu31924023158607).pdf
- Index:Index:The Chinese Classics - Legge - 2nd ed - 1893 - Vol 1.djvu
- Index:Synoptical studies in the Chinese character (1874).djvu
- Index:Elementary Chinese - San Tzu Ching (1900).djvu
- Index:An Anglo-Chinese vocabulary of the Ningpo dialect.djvu
- Index:Easy sentences in the Hakka dialect.pdf
- Index:A dictionary of the Hakka dialect.pdf
- Index:A Chinese-English Dictionary Hakka-dialect.pdf
- Index:Nestorian Monument - Carus.djvu
- Index:An alphabetical index to the Chinese encyclopaedia.pdf
- Index:Sun Tzu on The art of war.djvu
- Index:A Chinese Biographical Dictionary.djvu
- Index:Pekinese Rhymes (G. Vitale, 1896).djvu
- Index:Chinese Life in the Tibetan Foothills.djvu
- Index:California Digital Library (IA dictionaryofhokk00medhrich).pdf
- Index:Excellent ancient adages, together with notes on the writings of Chinese romanized in the Hokkien dialect.djvu
- Index:Essays on the Chinese Language (1889).djvu
- Index:A short history of China; an account for the general reader of an ancient empire and people (IA sh00orthistoryofchboulrich).pdf, 1st Edition
- Index:A short history of China; an account for the general reader of an ancient empire and people (IA shorthistoryofch00boulrich).pdf, 2nd Edition
- Index:A history of China from the earliest days down to the present (IA cu31924091024392).pdf
- Index:The unveiled East (IA unveiledeast00mcke).pdf
- Index:Letters from the Far East (IA lettersfromfarea00evan).pdf
- Index:China and the Far East (IA chinafareast00blak).pdf
- Index:China and the Far East, 1889-99 - contribution toward a bibliography (IA cu31924023967734).pdf
- The Morals of Confucius, 1691
- Chinese novels, translated from the originals
- Index:Notes on Chinese literature (IA notesonchineseli00wyli).pdf
- Chun and Si-Ling
- Index:The Far East (IA fareast00litt).pdf
- Index:The Provinces of China, together with a history of the first year of H.I.M. Hsuan Tung, and an account of the government of China .. (IA provincesofchina00bruciala).pdf
- Index:The Ceremonial Usages of the Chinese, B. C. 1121- Being an Abridgement of the Chow Le Classic (IA ceremonialusage00hugoog).pdf
- The Civilization of China
- Index:A general view of Chinese civilization and of the relations of the West with China (IA generalviewofchi00laffrich).pdf
- Index:Sidelights on Chinese Life (sidelightsonchin00macg, 1907, MacGowan).pdf
- Index:A history of Chinese literature - Giles.djvu
- Index:Notable women of modern China (IA notablewomenofmo00burt).pdf
- Index:The education of women in Japan (IA educationofwomen00burt).pdf
- Index:The education of girls in China (IA educationofgirls00lewi).pdf
- The Chinese: their education, philosophy, and letters
- Index:The lore of Cathay - or, The intellect of China (IA loreofcathayorin00martrich).pdf
- Index:China's only hope - an appeal (IA chinasonlyhopeap00zhan).pdf
- Index:The Chinese Empire. A General & Missionary Survey.djvu
- The Education of Women in China
- Index:Modern education in China (IA moderneducationi00tang).pdf
- Index:The educational system of China as recently reconstructed (IA educationalsyste00king).pdf
- Index:The Chinese system of public education (IA chinesesystemop00kuop).pdf
- Index:Chinese education from the western viewpoint (IA chineseeducation00yens).pdf
- The Si-hia Language
- China: a History of the Laws, Manners and Customs of the People, Volume 1
- Index:China - a history of the laws, manners and customs of the people (IA chinahistoryofla02grayuoft).pdf, Volume 2
- Index:On & off duty in Annam (IA onoffdutyinannam00vassiala).pdf
- Stories and Legends of Annam
- Index:Vietnamese Song Book (U.S. Army Language School, 1961).pdf
- Index:Indo-China and its primitive people (IA indochinaitsprim00baud).pdf
- Index:The persecutions of Annam; a history of Christianity in Cochin China and Tonking (IA persecutionsofan00shoriala).pdf
- Index:The French in Tonkin and South China (IA frenchintonkinso00cunn).pdf
- Index:Tonkin, or, France in the Far East (IA cu31924023040581).pdf
- Index:Tungking (IA cu31924088799386).pdf
- Index:France and Tongking; a narrative of the campaign of 1884 and the occupation of Further India (IA francetongkingna01scot 0).pdf
- The War in Tong-king
- Index:The political ideas of modern Japan (IA politicalideasof00kawarich).pdf
- Index:Studies in Vietnamese (Annamese) grammar (Emeneau).pdf
- Index:The Corean government- constitutional changes, July 1894 to October 1895. With an appendix on subsequent enactments to 30th June 1896 (IA cu31924023425063).pdf
- Index:The history of that great and renowned monarchy of China. Wherein all the particular provinces are accurately described- as also the dispositions, manners, learning, lawes, militia (IA historyofthatgre00seme).pdf
- Index:Code of Gentoo Laws (1776, codeofgentoolaws00halh, Halhed).djvu
- Index:Ancient China, The Shoo King or the Historical Classic (Ancientchinashoo00confuoft, Medhurst, 1846).djvu
- Index:Chinese Moral Maxims - Davis - 1823.djvu
- Index:Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society - Volume 1.djvu
- Index:Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society - Volume 2.djvu
- Index:Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society - Volume 3.djvu
- Index:Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1864-65.pdf
- Index:The Chinese Repository - Volume 01.djvu
- Index:An Ainu-English-Japanese dictionary (including a grammar of the Ainu language).djvu
- Index:How Many Independent Rice Vocabularies in Asia?.pdf
- Index:A Grammar of the Chinese Language (grammarofchinese00morr 1, Morrison, 1815).pdf
- Index:Ta Tsing Leu Lee; Being, The Fundamental Laws, and a Selections from the Supplementary Statutes, of the Penal Code of China.djvu
- Index:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu
- Index:Chinese miscellany; consisting of original extracts from Chinese authors, in the native character; with translations and philological remarks (IA b22009450).pdf
- Index:Translations from the Original Chinese, with Notes (translationsfrom00morruoft, 1815).djvu
[edit]- Index:BL Cotton MS Nero A x (art. 3).pdf
- Index:BL Cotton MS Nero D IV.djvu
- Index:BL Cotton MS Julius A II.djvu
- Index:BL Cotton MS Julius A VII.djvu
- Index:BL Cotton MS Vitellius A XV.djvu
North Carolina
[edit]- Index:Annual report of North Carolina Council of Defense (serial) (IA annualreportofno11918nort).pdf
- Index:Rules and regulations of Mecklenburg County Home Guard (IA rulesregulations00north).pdf
- Index:The North Carolina Council of Defense - plan of organization (IA northcarolinacounort).pdf
- Index:The North Carolina Council of defense historical committee (IA northcarolinacou00no).pdf
- Index:North Carolina, a study in English colonial government (IA northcarolinas00rape).pdf
- Index:Reconstruction in North Carolina (IA cu31924028788664).pdf, 1st Edition
- Index:Reconstruction in North Carolina .. (IA reconstructionin00hami).pdf, 2nd Edition
- Index:Official history of the 120th Infantry "3rd North Carolina" 30th Division, from August 5, 1917, to April 17, 1919 - canal sector, Ypres-Lys offensive, Somme offensive (IA officialhistoryowalk).pdf
- An Account of the Province of Carolina in America
- The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina
- Index:University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (IA govwilliamtryon00hayw).pdf, Governor William Tryon, and his administration in the province of North Carolina
- Index:The Moravians in North Carolina - an authentic history (IA moraviansinnorth00reic).pdf
- Indes:History of Wachovia in North Carolina; the Unitas fratrum or Moravian church in North Carolina during a century and a half, 1752-1902 (IA historyofwachovi00clew).pdf
- Index:History of the University of North Carolina (IA historyofunivers00batt).pdf
- Index:History of the University of North Carolina (IA historyofunivers02batt).pdf
- Index:Laws of the University of North-Carolina (1800, lawsofuniversityuniv1799).djvu
- Index:Report of the Tax Commission to Governor Angus Wilton McLean, 1927.pdf
- Index:Regulations for the North Carolina National Guard, 1907.pdf
- Index:Reminiscences of Randolph County - Blair - 1890.djvu
- Index:West Chowan Baptist Messenger, Volume 1 - Issue 4.pdf
- Index:Revised Statutes of the State of North Carolina - Volume 1.djvu
- Index:Session Laws of North Carolina, April, 1777.pdf
- Index:A bibliography of North Carolina, 1589-1956 - 1958.djvu
- Index:The Asheboro Courier, Volume IX, No. 26.pdf
- Index:The North Carolina Historical Review - Volume 1, Number 1.pdf
- Index:1751 A collection of all the public acts of Assembly, of the province of North-Carolina now in force and use.pdf
- Index:North Carolina Manual (1874).pdf
- Index:NC-Register-Volume-01-Issue-01.pdf
[edit]- Science (journal)
- The China Review
- Amazing Stories
- The Chinese Repository
- Federal Register
- Weird Tales
- The Journal of Religion
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
- Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology
- Journal of Germanic Philology
- Journal of English and Germanic Philology
- Southern Historical Society Papers
- Archaeologia
- The Review of English Studies
- Archaeological Journal
- National Geographic Magazine
- Classical World
- The International Socialist Review (1900-1918)
- Loeb Classical Library
- West Chowan Baptist Messenger, in case more issues show up.
- The Courier
- North Carolina Historical Review
Copyright books, bibliographies, etc.
[edit]Authors I'm working on / might work on
[edit]- John Ronald Reuel Tolkien
- Alexander Ross
- George Lyman Kittredge
- Frank Johnson Goodnow
- Frank Frost Abbott
- John Bagnell Bury
- Edwin Charles Clark
- James Muirhead
- Edward Poste
- James Young Simpson
- Francis Ellingwood Abbot
[edit]- Created the Template:PD-Nauru for Nauruan works