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Voyage in Search of La Pérouse/Volume 2/Appendix 3

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Voyage in Search of La Pérouse, Volume II (1800)
by Jacques Labillardière, translated by John Stockdale
Appendix III
Jacques Labillardière4683542Voyage in Search of La Pérouse, Volume II — Appendix III1800John Stockdale

Vocabulary of the Language
of the
Friendly Islands.

Agreeable (that is very) Mariché
Armpit (the) Ifaé finé
Arms (the) Nima
Arrow (an) Houloumata
Afraid (to be) Feitama manavaée
Applause (a term denoting) after a song Mâli
Awaken (to) Haha
Arise (to) Tohou
Begone Halé atou
Bring me that Tougué maié
Banana Foudgi, aoba
Beat (to) Taha
Bulla ovum (a shell thus named) Koepoulé
Broken Foa
Bed (to go to) Togoda
Brother (my) Foenna, fanao
Boy (a) Tama
Blow one's nose (to) Fungouyou
Black, blue Ouly
Birds Manou
Basket (a) Cato
Bread (the) Fatta
Bosom Houhou
Bladder of a pig, blown Monou manou
Bring (to) Tohague
Bow (a) Fana
Beard Koumou, kava
Breakers Cacaho
Brother's younger brother Teina
Burial place Tano
Back (the) Toua
Bread fruit Meï
Beads (glass) Kahoa
Bad Kovi
Bone Houï
Bread-fruit tree Toya
Butterfly Pépé, bébé
Breathe Malava
Blood Totto
Call (to) a chief, or a man of the class of Moua Maliou maï
Call that (what do you) koï-koa, koaï hoinghoa
Cerbera mangas (a garland of flowers of the) Kodgi alé
Cocoa-nuts Niou
Cut (a) Lavéa
Cry out (to) Yhoo
Cold Modgia
Club (a) Akao
Canoe Vaka
Carry on one's back (to) Fafa
Clay Oummea
Come hither Haélé maï, halé maï
Call (to) a man of the lower clafs, or a toua Fogui maï
Called (that is) Koï
Chief (a) Egui
Caterpillar (a) Noufé
Cut (to) Taffa
Cut (to) with scissors Pipi
Child (a male) Tahiné
Cheeks (the) Koaé
Columba aenea (a species of pigeon) Touhou
Chicken (a) Moa
Cough (to) Olea
Cloaths (our) Papa langui
Depart (to) Hael atou
Drive away (to) Hâlo, hâlo
Dress victuals (to) Moho
Day after to-morrow Anoya
Dress one's self (to) Poulou poulou
Die (to) Maté
Drink (to) Inou
Dog (a) Kouli
Dance (to) Iva
Descend (to) Halonifa
Day (the) Ao
Dart (a) Tau
Eldest son Toaguédé
Eldest daughter Tofi, finé
East wind Mantangui, mèèlaa
Excrement Méokovi
Evening (this) Apou
Earthen vessel to hold water Coûlo
Exchange (to) Fokatau
Equal Tata, oupé
Eat (to) Hala
Ear Telinga
Earth (the) Tongoutou
Eyes (the) Mata
Friend (a) Offa
Friendship for (to have a) Cahou
Fingers Touau
Female Nafa
Feast (a) Mée
Fire Afi
Flute (a) Fangou, fangou
Fruit of the inocarpus edulis Mahoa
Fruit of the— — — eugenia Mafanga
Fish (a) Ika
Fine Lelley, lelleyi
Forbidden Tabou
Fan (a) Toïto
Fan— — — made of a leaf of the corypha Biou
Fan— — — Another kind of Ayé
Fan— — — (to) Hallo, hálo
Fish-hook Ipa
Father Tamai
Feet (the) Afouivao, afévaé
Go (to) walk Hael
Girl (a young) Mamadgie
Great Laï
Great chief Egui laï
Give (to) Mahi
Give me something Mamaco, omi, oméa, magou
Gain one's point (to) Tahou
Have not (I) Ongouïkaïe
Hats (our) Poulonga
Hatchet Toki
Hibiscus rosa sinensis Kaoutté
Hibiscus (another species of) Yabau
Husband Mocoé
Head Houlou
Hair Oulou
How much Afeya
Here, there Hini, hiné
He, or her Hana
Hand Afenima
Hole (to make a) Fauto
Iron Oukaméa
Island Cau
Knock down (to) Lavé
Knife (a) Hailé
Lie down (to) Fanao
Love (to) Mamana
Lizard Fokaï
Lean Cauno
Little Tchi
Leap (to) Hobau
Look at that Tchiana
Legs (the) Fouivaé, vaée
Lips Longoutou
Linen, as handkerchief, &c. Hólohólo
Looking-glass Tchioata, tchiautta
Lice Lohi
Let me see Maumata, maïmata
Mouth Moudou
Moon (the) Maheina
Mark (a) on the cheek, occasioned by a blow Fouki
Me Ogou
Mother of pearl Laoulahou
Man (a) Tongata
Miss one's aim (to) Hala
Mother Nafa
Mount (to) Kaka
Music Hangui
Mat (common) Nafi, nafi
Mat (a) fine sort, used for cloathing Kil
Now Ini, Héné
Needle, for sewing Itoui, Héoui
Neck (the) Guya
Navel Hingoa
No Hoa
North wind Matangui toguelao
North-east wind Fonga fouloïfoua
North-west wind Fagatohiou
Nail (a) Fau
Nutmeg (large) not aromatic Cotoné
Nose (the) Eou
Night Paolli
Not Ikaï, kaï
Name Hingoa
Natives of the lowest class but one Moua
Natives of the lowest class Toua
Ornament of red feathers worn on the head Poulao
Orange Moly
Open Tatanha
Open that cocoa-nut Oyou
Old Moudona
Pig (a) Boakka
Parroquet (blue headed) Haingha
Present (I make you a) Adoupé
Peel fruit (to) Fohi
Possess something (to) Amou
Ring (a) Mama
Rudder Foéouli
Rough play Léagui
Rub (to) a piece of wood against a larger one, to produce fire Tollo
Relations (near) Anaoua
Sit down Nofe
Sew together (to) Filou
Stick (a) Taha
Sugar-cane To
Scar on the belly, from a wound by a javelin Tâ, obitouagui
Shell (a) Fighota
Seize (to) Faghi
Side (on the other) Ahoué
Sleep (to) Moé
Scratch (to) Ivagou
Shoulder (the) Ouma
Sneeze (to) Ifangou
Stuff (a) made with the bark of the mulberry tree Gnatou
Shave (to) Fafaya kava
Sandal-wood Kaï fidgi
Sister's younger brother Toughané
Sing (to) or a song Oubé
Sky Laghi
Scissars (a pair of) Pipi
Side (on the other) Aliki
Spoon (a) Hebou
Spoon (a great) Lahihé, lahihébou
Spoon— — — (a small) Tchié, tchiébou
Salute (to) by touching with the nose-end, that of the person saluted Houma
Star (a) Fidau
Son (a) Oulou kàlala
Shut (to) Tabouni
Screech-owl Loulou
Shed (a large) Alto
Shew me Behangué
Shark Neloufi
South wind Matangui, tongue
South-west wind Coéoulou
Sore (a) Pala
Sieve (made of coarse stuff for straining kava Faou
Sea (the) Tahé, tahi
Straw colour Kao
Skin Coquili
Sister Faé
South-east wind Alagnifannoua
Sweat (to) Ikacava
Sail (a) Boulou boulou
To (prep.) Hi
This, that
Thigh Tainga
Tortoiseshell Ouno
Throat (the) Houa
Tongue (the) Iléo, léo
Tail of a bird Mouï moï
Tatooing Malé, tatau
Tatooing— — — in large rings round the waist Alla péka
Tatooing— — — the thighs Foui
Tatooing— — — the arms and shoulders Itaï
To-day Anaï
Timber-work of a house Fata
Teeth Nifo
That is Anga
Throw (to) Ilafou, lafou
Toe (the great) Moudoua vahé
Tacca pinnatisida (fruit of the plant of that name Maïa
Tatooing, in the form of large worms Kafa
Term of approbation Coïa
Term of— — — impatience Iffah
Thunder Paoulou
Turtle-dove (red headed) columba sanguinolenta Koulou koulou
Twist (to) Tatao
Thief (a) Kaya
Tell me your name Eyoeïa
Uncover your head Codchi nolélé
Wing Cabacao
White Ina, maha
Warm Mafanna
Woman (a) Vifiné
Wife (to have a) Hoanna
West wind Matangui loulougha
Weep (to) Tangui
Whistle (to) Mabou
What is that Koaia
Wood Lahoubaba
Water Ovaï
Wicked Kino
We Yta
We two Yta oua
Walk Momiho
Wind (the) Matangui
Yawn (to) Mamao, mamaoya
Yellow Mélo
You Coé, haé, hé
Yesterday Anéafi
Yes Io, hio
Numerical Terms.
One Taha
Two Oua
Three Tolou
Four Fa
Five Nima
Six Ono
Seven Fidou
Eight Valou
Nine Hiva
Ten Ongofoulou

To count 20 they repeat the numbers from 1 to 9 inclusive; and when they come to 20 they express it by oua foulou (twice 10); to count 30, after having reckoned 20 in the manner just mentioned, they begin again at 1 and count to 9: thus, tatra, oua, tolou, fanima, ono, fidou, valou, hiva; and to express 30 they say, tolou ongofoulou (three limes 10); to reckon 40 they repeat 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; and to express 40 they say faongo foulou (four times 10); thus 50, nima ongofoulou; 60, ono ongofoulou; 70, fidou ongofoulou; 80, valou ongofoulou; 90, hivo ongofoulou; 100, tehaou; 200, ona tehaou; 300, tolou tehaou; 400, fa tehaou; 500, nima tehaou; 600, ono tehaou; 700, fidou tehaou; 800, valou tehaou; 900, hiva tehaou; 1000, afey; 10,000, kilou afey; 100,000, mano; 1,000,000, panou; 10,000,000, laoualé ; 100,000,000, laounoua;

1,000,000,000, liagui ; 10,000,000,000, tolo;

100,000,000,000, tafé; 1,000,000,000,000, lingha;

10,000,000,000,000, nava;

100,000,000,000,000, kaïmaau;

1,000,000,000,000,000, talomaguitaugha kaïmaau;

an infinite number, oki.