Weird Tales/Volume 42/Issue 4
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It's all too easy for a cold, once it starts, to spread from one member of the family to another ... with troublesome results. That's why it's so sensible to enlist the aid of the Listerine Antiseptic gargle early and often!
These are some types of the threatening germs that can cause so much of the misery of a cold when they invade the body through throat membranes. |
TOP ROW, left to right: Pneumococcus Type III, Pneumococcus Type IV, Streptococcus hemolyticus, Friedlander's bacillus. BOTTOM ROW, left to right: Streptococcus vividano, Bacillus influenzae, Micrococcus catarrhalis, Streptococcus mutans |
This pleasant antiseptic reaches way back on throat surfaces to kill millions of threatening germs called the "secondary invaders."
Although many colds may be started by a virus, it is these "secondary invaders," say many authorities, that are responsible for much of the misery you know so well. Listerine Antiseptic, if used frequently during the 12 to 36-hour period of "incubation" when a cold may be developing, can often help forestall the mass invasion of these germs and so head off trouble.
Listerine Antiseptic's remarkable germ-killing action has been demonstrated time and again. Tests showed germ reductions on mouth and throat surfaces ranging up to 96.7% fifteen minutes after a Listerine Antiseptic gargle, and up to 80 % an hour later.
This germ-killing power, we believe, accounts for Listerine Antiseptic's remarkable clinical test record against colds. Tests made over a period of 12 years showed that those who gargled with Listerine Antiseptic twice daily had fewer colds and usually had milder colds than those who did not gargle ... and fewer sore throats.
So, whenever there's a cold in your family, prescribe Listerine Antiseptic for everyone. It's a wise thing to do, Lambert Pharmacal Co.
* Here's How it Works * |
1. To join the club, you buy ANY book from the general lsiting below; this purchase entitles you to ANY item in the Premiums, absolutely FREE.
2. When you purchase TWO additional books from the general listing of books costing $2.50 of more, you are entitled to another FREE book.
3. This second free book may be any item in the general listing that costs between $2.50 and $3.50, except books from Arkbam House and Fantasy Press.
4. Your membership in the book club does not end with one complete transaction; you may repeat on the same terms as often at you like.
A. Well of the Unicorn—Fletcher
B. The Mislaid Chorm—Phillips (2 Dust jackets with this)
C. Fantasy Book—Nos. I, 3, & 4
D. Rhode Island on Lovecraft
C. Fantasy Calendar for 1949
F. Porcelain Magician—Owen
G. A. Merritt's "Conquest of the Moon Pool" and "The Ship of Ishtar" (Fantasy Novel Magazines issue).
H. Princess of Mars
I. Gods of Mars
J. Warlord of Mars
K. Mastermind of Mars
L. Chessmen of Mars
M. Fighting Man of Mars
N. Synthetic Men of Mars
O. Swords of Mars
P. Thuvia, Maid of Mars
Q. Pirates of Venus
R. Lost of Venus
S. Carson of Venus
This is the Famous BURROUGHS Set. Also can be bought for $1.00 each.
Away and Beyond—Van Vogt $4.00 Conquest of Space—Willey Ley $3.95 My Best Science Fiction Story—Anthology $3.95 Strange Ports of Call—Anthology $3.75 The Other Side of the Moon—Anthology $3.75
These may not be selected as free books.
Omnibus of Time—Anthology Life Everlasting—Keller Best of Science-Fiction—Anthology Ship of Ishtar—Merritt (Finlay illus.) Conan, the Conqueror—Howard The Man Who Sold the Moon—Heinlein The Kingslayer—Hubbard The Throne of Saturn—Wright The Radium Pool—Repp Port of Peril—Kline The World Below—Wright The 31st of February—Bond Treasury of Science-Fiction—Anthology Without Sorcery—Sturgeon And Some Were Human—del Rey Abyss & Solitary Hunters—Keller Web of Easter Island—Wandrei Fourth Book of Jorkens—Lord Dunsany Genius Loci and Others—C. A. Smith Porcelain Magician—Owen Blind Spot—H. E. Flint Spot of Life—Flint & Hall Lords of Creation—Binder Exiles of Time—Bond Seven Out of Time—Zagat Sidewise in Time—Leinster
Darker Than You Think—Williamson
Black Flame
Martian Odyssey & Others
Mightiest Machine—
jacket by Paul
Incredible Planet
Black Wheel—Merritt Undesired Princess—de Camp Worlds of Wonder—Stapleton Planets of Adventure—Basil Wells After 12,000 Years—Coblentz The Stellar Missiles—Repp Men Against the Stars—Anthology From Off This World—Anthology Adventures in Time and Space—Anthology When Worlds Collide After Worlds Collide Cosmic Engineers—Simek Minions of the Moon Minions of Mars Typewriter in the Sky Death's Deputy Incomplete Enchanter Castle of Iron What Mad Universe—Brawn
Skylark of Space (new edition — jacket by Paul)
Skylark Three
Skylark of Valeron
Spacehaunds of IPC
Venus Equilateral
Book of Ptah
Out of the Unknown
Masters of Time
Slaves of Sleep
Final Blackout
Pattern for Conquest—G. O. Smith
World of A—Van Vogt
Sixth Column—Heinlein
Kid from Mars—Friend
Star Kings—Hamilton
Last Space Ship—Leinster
Astoundings 1931-1938 each $2.00
Astoundings 1939-1949 each $1.00
Planeteer and other stories
H. E. Flint
Bridge of Light—Verrilll
The Cometeers—Williamson
Genius Homo—de Camp & Miller
JULIUS UNGER • Box 35, Brooklyn 4, Now York
May, 1950 | Cover by Boris Dolgov |
TELL YOUR FORTUNE | Robert Bloch | 6 |
It looked like an ordinary barroom scales; but the little professor had trafficked with darkness to bring it into being. | ||
DJINN AND BITTERS | Harold Lawlor | 22 |
Fancy being married at ten o'clock—and having a djinn come out of a bottle by afternoon! | ||
THE ROUND TOWER | Stanton A. Coblentz | 36 |
The ghostly voice pleaded for the stranger to come on: some counter voice, maybe an inward devil, warned him back. | ||
THE LAST MAN | Seabury Quinn | 44 |
"I have been told you can bring back the spirits of the dead. Is that true?" ... "Of course" was the reply. | ||
THE TRIANGLE OF TERROR | William F. Temple | 50 |
The words "Is anybody there?" died in my mouth—for it was manifest there was nobody. Yet I had seen.... | ||
THE MONKEY SPOONS | Mary Elizabeth Counselman | 63 |
These three little monkey spoons were surrounded by forces no one could combat. Forces older than time—older than logic | ||
THE LAST THREE SHIPS | Margaret St. Clair | 70 |
Fifteen deserted ships at night might give a graveyard, eerie effect; but it was all right if one kept away from those last three hulls. | ||
AT THE END OF THE CORRIDOR | Evangeline Walton | 74 |
A story of the Greek undead—if dead men could walk because they had reason for revenge, a lot of them would have done it these last few years. | ||
THE MAN ON B-17 | Stephen Grendon | 82 |
The cinder bull couldn't see the man on the trestle—nor the woman either—but the engineer and the fireman and the conductor, they all did. | ||
MR. HYDE—AND SEEK | Malcolm M. Ferguson | 86 |
Country doctors are supposed to be able to cope with anything. How about the supernatural? | ||
THE EYRIE | 4 | |
VERSE | ||
LUNA AETERNALIS | Clark Ashton Smith | 43 |
Published bi-monthly by Weird Tales. 9 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. Reentered as second-class matter January 26, 1940, at the Post Office of New York, N. Y., under the act of March 8, 1879. Single copies, 15 cents. Subscription rates: One year in the United States and possessions, 90c. Foreign and Canadian postage extra. English Office: Charles Lavell, Limited, 4 Clements Inn, Strand, London, W.C.2, England. The publishers are not responsible for the loss of unsolicited manuscripts although every care will be taken of such material while in their possession.
Copyright, 1950, by Weird Tales. Copyrighted in Great Britain.
Title registered in U. S. Patent Office.
printed in the u. s. a. | Vol. 42, No. 4 |
D. McILWRAITH, Editor.
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IT HAS BEEN SAID that everything in the universe has its counterpart in man. What of your solar plexus? Does it link you with the world beyond . . . the vast cosmos of which earth is but a speck? Centuries ago, man observed that something in the center of his torso responded to his emotional excitements— joy, fear, elation, fright, sudden experiences. In seeking an explanation, there followed many more amazing discoveries.'What did these ancient searchers for truth uncover? Did they learn how to draw energy to their emotional centers — for performing miracles and accomplishing feats that seemed impossible to the uninitiated?
Are you perfectly satisfied with your position in life? Are you enjoying life to its fullest extent? — truly abundantly? If obstacles seem to prevent you from attaining the heights and enjoying the better things in life, you are not using the powers that reside within you,
Let the Rosicrucians (NOT a religious organization), a progressive, practical brotherhood, explain to you the simple, demonstrable laws governing your inner powers. Write for your FREE copy of, The Mastery of Life, which tells how easily you can come to possess tested methods for understanding the powers of personal accomplishment. Send coupon today!
Scribe R. Y. B.
The Rosicrucians (AMORC)
San Jose. California
I am a sincere seeker. Please send me a copy of The Mastery of Life, which I shall read carefully.
Name Address Zone Number State
The ROSICRUCIANS (amorc) San Jose, California
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