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[edit]- Aarne, Antti (1867–1925)
- Aaron
- Aaron, Samuel Francis (1862–1947)
[edit]- d'Abbadie, Arnaud-Michel (1815–1893)
- Abbas, Mahmoud (b. 1935)
- Abbas I of Egypt (1813–1854)
- Abbas I of Persia (1571–1629)
- Abbay, Richard (1844–1927)
- Abbe, Cleveland (1838–1916)
- Abbey, Henry (1842–1911)
- Abbot, Anne Wales (1808–1908)
- Abbot, Austin (1831–1896)
- Abbot, Charles Greeley (1872–1973)
- Abbot, Henry Larcom (1831–1927)
- Abbot, William Greene (1848–1889)
- Abbott, Benjamin Vaughan (1830–1890)
- Abbott, Charles Conrad (1843–1919)
- Abbott, Edward (1801–1869)
- Abbott, Edwin (1808–1882)
- Abbott, Edwin Abbott (1838–1926)
- Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell (1872–1958)
- Abbott, Evelyn (1843–1901)
- Abbott, Frances Matilda (1857–1939)
- Abbott, Frank Frost (1860–1924)
- Abbott, George Francis (1872–1957)
- Abbott, Harold Henry (1891–1976)
- Abbott, Jacob (1803–1879)
- Abbott, Jane Ludlow Drake (1881–1968)
- Abbott, John (1821–1893)
- Abbott, John Henry Macartney (1874–1953)
- Abbott, John Stevens Cabot (1805–1877)
- Abbott, Joseph (1790–1862)
- Abbott, L. A. (1813–?)
- Abbott, Lawrence Fraser (1859–1933)
- Abbott, Lemuel (c. 1730–1776)
- Abbott, Lyman (1835–1922)
- Abbott, Robert (1588–1662)
- Abbott, Robert Tucker (1919–1995)
- Abbott, Thomas Eastoe (1786–1854)
- Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill (1829–1913)
- Abbott, William Henry (1822–1869)
- Caliph Abd al-Malik (646–705)
- Caliph Abd al-Mu'min (1100–1163)
- Abd-ar-Rahman III (889–961)
- Abd-ar-Rahman IV (?–1018)
- Abd-ar-Rahman V (1001–1024)
- Abd-ul-Aziz (1830–1876)
- Abd-ul-Hamid I (?–1789)
- Abd-ul-Hamid II (1842–1918)
- Abd-ul-Mejid I (1823–1861)
- Abderhalden, Emil (1877–1950)
- Abdul Mejid II (1868–1944)
- `Abdu'l-Bahá (Abbas Effendi) (1844–1921)
- King Abdullah II (1962–present)
- Abdullah, Achmed (1881–1945)
- Abdurehim Kashgar, Kasim
- Abdy, Edward Strutt (1791–1846)
- Abdy, John Thomas (1822–1899)
- Abdy, Maria (1797–1867)
- Abe no Nakamaro (698–770)
- Abe Shinzō (1954–)
- A'Becket, John Joseph (1849–1911)
- Abel, Annie Heloise (1873–1947)
- Abel, Clarke (1780–1826)
- Abel, Félix Marie (1878–1953)
- Abélard, Pierre (1079–1142)
- Abell, Lucia Elizabeth Balcombe (1802–1871)
- Aber, Mary Alling (1856–1915)
- Aber, William Martin (1848–1919)
- Abercrombie, John (1726–1806)
- Abercrombie, John (1780–1844)
- Abercrombie, Lascelles (1881–1938)
- Abercrombie, Neil (1938– )
- Abercromby, John (1841–1924)
- Abercromby, Patrick (1656–1716)
- Abercromby, Ralph (1842–1897)
- Aberigh-Mackay (1848–1881)
- Abernethy, John (1764–1831)
- Abgar V (?BCE–50)
- Abhedananda (Swami) (1866–1939)
- Abidor, Mitchell (present day)
- Abney, William de Wiveleslie (1843–1920)
- Abot, Eugène Michel Joseph (1836–1894)
- About, Edmond François Valentin (1828–1885)
- Abraham (2nd millenium BCE)
- Abraham, George Dixon (1871–1965)
- Abraham, Max (1875–1922)
- Abraham, Robert John (1836–1877)
- Abraham, Władysław Henryk Franciszek (1861–1941)
- Abrahams, Barnett Lionel (1869–1919)
- Abrahams, Israel (1858–1925)
- Abrams, Floyd (1936– )
- Abrams, Leroy (1874–1956)
- Abstemius, Laurentius (1440–1508)
- Abu Abdullah Muhammad III ibn Muhammad (1257–1314)
- Abu Bakr (c. 573–634)
- Abu'l-Fawaris, Shirdil (c. 960–c. 988/9)
- Abulfeda (1273–1331)
[edit]- Achard, Amédée (1814–1875)
- Acharius, Erik (1757–1819)
- Acher, Rudolph Adolph (1874–1955)
- Acheson, Anne
- Acheson, Arthur (1688–1748)
- Acheson, Dean Gooderham (1893–1971)
- Ackerman, Albert Ammerman (1859–1932)
- Ackerman, Carl William (1890–1970)
- Ackerman, Forrest James (1916–2008)
- Ackermann, Louise-Victorine (1813–1890)
- Ackermann, Lourens (1934– )
- Ackermann, Rudolph (1764–1834)
- Ackers, Benjamin St John (1839–1915)
- Acland, Arthur Henry Dyke (1811–1857)
- Acland, Charles (1813–1845)
- Acland, Emily Anna (1859–1942)
- Acland, John Barton Arundel (1823–1904)
- Acland, Reginald (1856–1924)
- Acland, Thomas Dyke (1809–1908)
- Acosta, José de (1539–1600)
- Acrel, Olof (1717–1806)
- John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, Lord (1834–1902)
- Acton, Edward Birt (fl. 1875)
- Acworth, Harry Arbuthnot (1849–1933)
- Acworth, William Mitchell (1850–1925)
[edit]- Adair, James (1709–1783)
- Adalbert of Prague (955–997)
- Adalbold II of Utrecht (975–1026)
- Adam
- Adam of Bremen (?–1080s)
- Adam of Saint Victor (1122–1192)
- Adam, Adela Marion (1866–1944)
- Adam, Adolphe Charles (1803–1856)
- Adam, George Jeffreys (1883–1930)
- Adam, Graeme Mercer (1830–1912)
- Adam, Thomas (1701–1784)
- Adam, Thomas Beat (fl. 1890)
- Adam, William Augustus (1865–1940)
- Adamič, Louis (1898–1951)
- Adamnan (?625–704)
- Adams, Abigail (1744–1818)
- Adams, Andrew Leith (1827–1882)
- Adams, Andy (1859–1935)
- Adams, Arthur (1820–1878)
- Adams, Braman Blanchard (1851–1944)
- Adams, Brooks (1848–1927)
- Adams, Charles Darwin (1856–1938)
- Adams, Charles Follen (1842–1918)
- Adams, Charles Francis (1807–1886)
- Adams, Charles Francis (1835–1915)
- Adams, Charles Kendall (1835–1902)
- Adams, Charles Warren (1833–1903)
- Adams, Cyrus Cornelius (1849–1928)
- Adams, Ellinor Davenport (1859–1913)
- Adams, Francis (1796–1861)
- Adams, Francis Alexandre (1874–1975)
- Adams, Francis Colburn (1800's)
- Adams, Francis Mantell (1841–1886)
- Adams, Francis Ottiwell (1825–1889)
- Adams, Francis William Lauderdale (1862–1893)
- Adams, Frank Dawson (1859–1942)
- Adams, Franklin Pierce (1881–1960)
- Adams, Frederick Upham (1859–1921)
- Adams, George Burton (1851–1925)
- Adams, Hannah (1755–1831)
- Adams, Harriet Ada (1845–1885)
- Adams, Henry Brooks (1838–1918)
- Adams, Henry Cadwallader (1817–1889)
- Adams, Henry Carter (1851–1921)
- Adams, Henry Gardiner (1811–1881)
- Adams, James "Grizzly" (1812–1860)
- Adams, James Truslow (1878–1949)
- Adams, John (1735–1826)
- Adams, John (1857–1934)
- Adams, John Coleman (1849–1922)
- Adams, John Couch (1819–1892)
- Adams, John G. (1932–2003)
- Adams, John Quincy (1767–1848)
- Adams, John Wolcott (1874–1925)
- Adams, Joseph Quincy (1880–1946)
- Adams, Lionel Ernest (1854–1945)
- Adams, Mabel Ellery (1865–1935)
- Adams, Mary Newbury (1837–1901)
- Adams, Maxwell Richard Peers (1849–1921)
- Adams, Nehemiah (1806–1878)
- Adams, Oscar Fay (1855–1919)
- Adams, Peter Chardon Brooks (1848–1927)
- Adams, Robert Dudley (1829–1912)
- Adams, Samuel (1722–1803)
- Adams, Samuel Hopkins (1871–1958)
- Adams, Sarah Fuller Flower (1805–1848)
- Adams, Thomas (1583–1652)
- Adams, Thomas Albert Smith (1839–1888)
- Adams, Thomas Sewall (1873–1933)
- Adams, W. H. (fl. 1880s)
- Adams, Walter Marsham (1838–1899)
- Adams, William (1706–1789)
- Adams, William Bridges (1797–1872)
- Adams, William Grylls (1836–1915)
- Adams, William Henry Davenport (1828–1891)
- Adams, William Lysander (1821–1906)
- Adams, William Taylor (1822–1897)
- Adams-Reilly, Anthony (1836–1885)
- Adamson, Henry (1581–1639)
- Adamson, Henry Thomas (1816–1882)
- Adamson, John Ernest (1867–1950)
- Adamson, Robert (1852–1902)
- Adamson, Sydney (1872–1958)
- Adanson, Michel (1727–1806)
- Adcock, Arthur St. John (1864–1930)
- Adcock, Frank Ezra (1886–1968)
- Addams, Jane (1860–1935)
- Adderley, Charles Bowyer (1814–1905)
- Adderley, Henry Arden (1854–1945)
- Addington, Henry (1757–1844)
- Addis, Henry (1864–1934)
- Addis, John (1831–1876)
- Addis, William Edward (1844–1917)
- Addison, Charles Greenstreet (1812–1866)
- Addison, Daniel Dulany (1863–1936)
- Addison, George Augustus (1792–1814)
- Addison, Joseph (1672–1719)
- Addison, Lancelot (1632–1703)
- Addison, William (1803–1881)
- Additon, Lucia Hatch Faxon (1847–1919)
- Addleshaw, William Percy (1866–1916)
- Addy, Sidney Oldall (1848–1933)
- Ade, George (1866–1944)
- Adelardus Bathensis (c. 1080–c. 1152)
- Adeney, Walter Ernest (1857–1935)
- Adeney, Walter Frederic (1849–1920)
- Adeodatus I (570–618)
- Adeodatus II (?–676)
- Adkisson, Richard Blanks (1932–2011)
- Adler, Cyrus (1836–1940)
- Adler, Felix (1851–1933)
- Adler, George J. (1821–1868)
- Adler, Herman Morris (1876–1935)
- Adler, Hermann (1839–1911)
- Adler, Mortimer (1902–2001)
- Adlington, William (fl. 1566)
- Adolphus, John (1768–1845)
- Adolphus, John Leycester (1795–1862)
- Adomnán of Iona (c. 624–704)
- Adorni, Catherine Fieschi (1447–1510)
- Adrian I (700–795)
- Adrian II (792–872)
- Adrian III (?–885)
- Adrian IV (?–1159)
- Adrian V (1205–1276)
- Adrian VI (1459–1523)
- Ady, Mrs. (William) Henry (1851–1924)
- Ady, Thomas (1606–1704)
- Abdallah al-Adil (1170–1227)
[edit]- Ælfric (c. 955–c. 1020)
- Aelianus, Claudius (?–235)
- Aemilianus, Lucius Octavius Cornelius Publius Salvius Julianus (c. 110–c. 170)
- Æmilius Paullus Macedonicus, Lucius (229 BCE–160 BCE)
- Aeschines (389 BCE–314 BCE)
- Aeschylus (525–456 BCE)
- Aesop (c. 620–c. 560 BCE)
[edit]- Afanasyev, Alexander Nikolaevich (1826–1871)
- Affleck, James Ormiston (1840–1922)
- Affleck, William (1838–1923)
- ibn Aflaḥ, Abū Muḥammad Jābir (1100–1150)
- Afong, Lai (1839–1890)
- Afranius, Lucius (c. 150 BCE–90 BCE)
- Africanus, Scipio (235 BCE–183 BCE)
- Africanus, Sextus Julius (c. 160–c. 240)
- Afzelius, Adam (1750–1837)
[edit]- Agabeg, Aviet (1844–?)
- Agander, Nils Georg (1760–1792)
- Agapetus I (?–536)
- Agapetus II (?–955)
- Agardh, Carl Adolph (1785–1859)
- Agassiz, Alexander (1835–1910)
- Agassiz, Elizabeth Cabot (1822–1907)
- Agassiz, George Russell (1862–1951)
- Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolophe (1807–1873)
- Agatharchides (208 BCE–? BCE)
- Agathias (536–c. 580)
- Agatho (574–681)
- Ager, John Curtis (1835–1913)
- Agnes, Sister (19th century)
- Agnetti, Mary Prichard (1870–1948)
- Agnew, Andrew Noel (1850–1928)
- Agnew, David Carnegie (1821–1887)
- Agnew, John Holmes (1804–1865)
- Agnew, William Thomas Fischer (1847–1903)
- Agricola, Georgius (1494–1555)
- Agrippa, Henry Cornelius (1486–1535)
- d'Aguesseau, Henri François (1668–1751)
- Aguilar, Grace (1816–1847)
- Aguinaldo, Emilio (1869–1964)
[edit]- Ahaus, Hubert (1877–1944)
- Ahern, Thomas L. (fl. 1979)
- Ahern, Michael Joseph (1877–1951)
- Aherne, Cornelius (1861–1929)
- Aherne, James (1867–1955)
- Ahlborn, Ida A. (fl. 1900)
- Ahle, Johann Rudolph (1625–1673)
- Ahlqvist, August (1826–1889)
- Ahmad Khan, Syed (1817–1898)
- Ahmad, Mirza Ghulam (1835–1908)
- Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud (1956– )
- Ahmed I (1590–1617)
- Ahmed II (1643–1695)
- Ahmed III (1673–1736)
- Ahmose (fl. c. mid–17th century B.C.E.)
- Aho, Juhani (1861–1921)
- Ahrons, Ernest Leopold (1866–1926)
[edit]- Aidé, Charles Hamilton (1826–1906)
- Aiken, Charles Francis (1863–1925)
- Aiken, Conrad (1889–1973)
- Aikin, Arthur (1773–1854)
- Aiken, George David (1892–1984)
- Aikin, John (1747–1822)
- Lucy Aikin (Mary Godolphin) (1781–1864)
- Aikin-Kortright, Fanny (1821–1900)
- Aikins, Herbert Austin (1867–1946)
- Aikman, John Logan (1820–1885)
- Aikman, William (1824–1909)
- d'Ailly, Pierre (1350/1351–1420)
- Aimée de Marie, Sister (dates unknown)
- Ainger, Alfred (1837–1904)
- Ainger, Arthur Campbell (1841–1919)
- Ainslie, Douglas (1865–1948)
- Ainslie, Whitelaw (1767–1837)
- Ainsworth, William Francis (1807–1896)
- Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805–1882)
- Aird, David Mitchell (c. 1822–1876)
- Aird, Thomas (1802–1876)
- Airy, Osmund (1845–1928)
- Airy, Sir George Biddell (1801–1892)
- Airy, Wilfrid (1836–1925)
- Aitchison, Charles Umpherston (1832–1896)
- Aitchison, George (1825–1910)
- Aitken, Edward Hamilton (1851–1909)
- Aitken, George Atherton (1860–1917)
- Aitken, John (1820–1884)
- Aitken, John (1839–1919)
- Aitken, Robert Grant (1864–1951)
- Aitken, William Hay Macdowall Hunter (1841–1927)
- Aiton, William (1731–1793)
- Aiton, William Townsend (1766–1849)
[edit]- Akazome Emon (956–11th cent.)
- Akbarpour, Ahmad (1970–present)
- Akenside, Mark (1721–1770)
- Akerman, John Yonge (1806–1873)
- Akers, Charles Edmond (1861–1915)
- Akhenaten (?–1336 BCE)
- Akhmatova, Anna (1889–1996)
- Aksakov, Sergey Timofeyevich (1791–1859)
- Akutagawa, Ryūnosuke (1892–1927)
[edit]- Alabaster, Chaloner Grenville (1880–1958)
- Alain-Fournier (1886–1914)
- Alamia, Gennady (1949–)
- Alavi, Bozorg (1904–1997)
- Albert I of Belgium (1875–1934)
- Albert the Great (c. 1193–1280)
- Albornoz, Denisse
- Albright, Madeleine (1937–)
- Alcaeus of Mytilene (fl. 6th c. BCE)
- Alcibiades (450 BCE–404 BCE)
- Alcock, Charles William (1842–1907)
- Alcock, Deborah (1825–1913)
- Alcott, Amos Bronson (1799–1888)
- Alcott, Louisa May (1832–1888)
- Aleš, Mikoláš (1852–1913)
- Alcott, William Andrus (1798–1859)
- Aldásy, Antal (1869–1932)
- Alden, Isabella Macdonald (1841–1930)
- Alden, William Livingston (1837–1908)
- Alderman, Edwin Anderson (1861–1931)
- Aldington, Richard (1892–1962)
- Aldrich, Anne Reeve (1866–1892)
- Aldrich, Annie Charlotte Catharine
- Aldrich, Mildred (1853–1928)
- Aldrich, Thomas Bailey (1836–1907)
- Aldunate Phillips, Arturo (1902–1985)
- Alecsandri, Vasile (1821–1890)
- d'Alembert, Jean le Rond (1717–1783)
- Alesius, Alexander (1500–1565)
- Alexander of Alexandria (?–326)
- Alexander of Hales (1185–1245)
- Alexander of Jerusalem (?–251)
- Alexander of Lycopolis (4th century)
- Alexander I, Pope (?–115)
- Alexander I of Russia (1777–1825)
- Alexander II, Pope (?–1073)
- Alexander II of Russia (1818–1881)
- Alexander III of Macedon (356 BCE–323 BCE)
- Alexander III, Pope (?–1181)
- Alexander IV, Pope (1185/1199–1261)
- Alexander VI, Pope (1431–1503)
- Alexander VII, Pope (1599–1667)
- Alexander VIII, Pope (1610–1691)
- Alexander, Archibald (1772–1851)
- Alexander, Cecil Frances (1818–1895)
- Alexander, Edward Porter (1835–1910)
- Alexander, George Gardiner (1821–1897)
- Alexander, George William (1802–1890)
- Alexander, Hartley Burr (1873–1939)
- Alexander, Joel W. (1900's)
- Alexander, Lewis Grandison (1900–1945)
- Alexander, Samuel Davies (1819–1894)
- Alexander, W. (c. 1928)
- Alexander, William Lindsay (1808–1884)
- Alexandre, Aaron (1756–1850)
- Alexis, Joseph
- Aley, Robert Judson (1863–1935)
- Alfieri, Vittorio (1749–1803)
- Alford, Henry (1810–1871)
- Alfred the Great (849–899)
- Alger, Horatio (1832–1899)
- Alger, John Goldworth (1836–1907)
- Alger, William Rounseville (1822–1905)
- Ali, Hafiz Abdullah Yusuf (1872–1953)
- Ali, Maulana Muhammad (1874–1951)
- Ali, Syed Nawab (1800's–1900's)
- Alighieri, Dante (1265–1321)
- Alison, Archibald (disambiguation)
- Alito, Samuel (1950–present)
- Aliyev, Ilham (1961–)
- Allan, William (1837–1899)
- Allbutt, Thomas Clifford (1836–1925)
- Alleine, Joseph (1633–1688)
- Alleine, Richard (1610–1681)
- Allen, Alexander (1814–1842)
- Allen, Elizabeth Chase (1832–1911)
- Allen, Charles Grant Blairfindie (1848–1899)
- Allen, Chester G. (1838–1878)
- Allen, Edward Ellis (1861–1941)
- Allen, Emory Adams (1853–1933)
- Allen, Ethan (1739–1789)
- Allen, George Leonard (1905–1935)
- Allen, Hervey (1889–1949)
- Allen, James (1864–1912)
- Allen, James Lane (1849–1925)
- Allen, James Oswald (1734–1804)
- Allen, John James (1797–1871)
- Allen, John William (1865–1944)
- Allen, Joseph Henry (1820–1898)
- Allen, Littlebury Woodson (1803–1871)
- Allen, Nathan (1813–1889)
- Allen, Percy Stafford (1869–1933)
- Allen, Thomas William (1862–1950)
- Allen, Winfred Emory (1873–1947)
- Allende, Salvador (1908–1973)
- Allibone, Samuel Austin (1816–1889)
- Allin, Thomas (1838–1909)
- Allingham, William (1824–1889)
- Allinson, Alfred Richard (1854–1929)
- Allinson, Thomas Richard (1858–1918)
- Allison, Young E. (1853–1932)
- Allman, George James (1812–1898)
- Allman, George Johnston (1824–1904)
- Allston, Washington (1779–1843)
- Alpen, Hugo (1842–1917)
- Alphandéry, Paul Daniel (1875–1932)
- Altschul, Ernst (1864–?)
- Altsheler, Joseph Alexander (1862–1919)
- Álvarez de Toledo, Fadrique (1537–1583)
- Álvarez de Toledo, Fernando (1507–1582)
- Alvero, Aurelio Sevilla (1913–1958)
[edit]- Ambedkar, Bhimrao Ramji (1891–1956)
- Ambrosiaster (4th century)
- Ambrose of Milan (333–397)
- Ambrose, Robert Steele (1824–1908)
- Amedroz, Henry Frederick (1819–1893)
- Amedroz, Henry Frederick (1855–1917)
- American Youth Congress (1935–1940)
- Ames, Azel (1845–1908)
- Ames, Charles Gordon (1828–1912)
- Ames, Herman V. (1865–1935)
- Ames, James Barr (1846–1910)
- Ames, Winthrop (1870–1937)
- Amhurst, Nicholas (1697–1742)
- Amiel, Henri Frédéric (1821–1881)
- Amirkhani, Reza (1973–present)
- Amitābha (immeasurably ancient)
- Amjentan, Frank (1957–1987)
- Ammianus Marcellinus (320s–390s)
- Amos (d. 745 BCE)
- Amos, Sheldon (1835–1886)
- Ampère, André-Marie (1775–1836)
- Amphlett, John (1845–1918)
- Amsbury, Clifton Holman (1910–2007)
- Amu, Ephraim (1899–1995)
- Amyclas of Heraclea
[edit]- Anacreon c. 582 BCE – c. 485 BCE)
- Anburey, Thomas (1759–1840)
- Anchel, Robert (1880–1951)
- Andagoya, Pascual (1495–1548)
- Anastasius I, Pope (?–401)
- Anastasius I, Emperor (430–518)
- Anastasius II, Pope (?–498)
- Anastasius III, Pope (?–913)
- Anastasius IV, Pope (c. 1073–1154)
- Anaximander (c. 610 B.C.E.–c. 546 B.C.E.)
- Anaximenes of Miletus (585 B.C.E.–528 B.C.E.)
- Andersen, Hans Christian (1805–1875)
- Anderson, Adelaide Mary (1863–1936)
- Anderson, Alexander (1845–1909)
- Anderson, Elizabeth (1800's–1900's)
- Anderson, Frank Maloy (1871–1961)
- Anderson, Frederick Irving (1877–1947)
- Anderson, Frederick William (1866–1891)
- Anderson, James (1824–1893)
- Anderson, John (1814–1886)
- Anderson, John (1833–1900)
- Anderson, John George Clark (1870–1952)
- Anderson, John Parker (1841–1925)
- Anderson, Joseph (1832–1916)
- Anderson, Margaret Steele (1867–1921)
- Anderson, Nephi (1865–1923)
- Anderson, Peter John (1852–1926)
- Anderson, Robert Gordon (1881–1950)
- Anderson, Sherwood (1876–1941)
- Anderson, William Edwin (1842–1900)
- Anderson, William Patrick (1851–1927)
- Andersson, Dan (1888–1920)
- Andonov-Poljanski, Hristo (1927–1985)
- Andrade, David A. (1859–1928)
- André, John (1750–1780)
- André, Peter Fox (1831–c. 1869)
- Andrew (1st century)
- Andrew, Elizabeth Wheeler (1845–1917)
- Andrewes, Lancelot (1555–1626)
- Andrews, Charles Freer (1871–1940)
- Andrews, Christopher Columbus (1829–1922)
- Andrews, Eliza Frances (1840–1931)
- Andrews, Ethan Allen (1787–1858)
- Andrews, Henry Charles (1770–1830)
- Andrews, Herbert Tom (1864–1928)
- Andrews, Jane (1833–1887)
- Andrews, John (1837–1906)
- Andrews, John Arthur (1865–1903)
- Andrews, William (1848–1908)
- Andreyev, Leonid Nikolayevich (1871–1919)
- Angell, James Burrill (1829–1916)
- Angell, Ralph Norman (1872–1967)
- Angellotti, Marion Polk (1894–1979)
- Angers, François-Réal (1812–1860)
- Angulo, Jaime de (1887–1950)
- Annesley, Arthur (1678–1737)
- d'Annunzio, Gabriele (1863–1938)
- Anselm of Canterbury (1033–1109)
- Anstey, Christopher (1724–1805)
- Anstice, Joseph (1809–1836)
- Anthony of Padua (1195–1231)
- Anthony the Great (251–356)
- Anthony, Alfred Webster (1865–1939)
- Anthony, Anthony (?–1562?)
- Anthony, C. H. (1812–1872)
- Anthony, Susan B. (1820–1906)
- Anthony, William Arnold (1835–1908)
- Antin, Mary (1881–1949)
- Antiphon the Sophist (fl. 400 B.C.E.)
- Antonius, Marcus (83 BCE–30 BCE)
- Antoninus Augustus, Marcus Aurelius (121–180)
- Antonio, Nicolás (1617–1684)
- Antrobus, Clara Louisa (1846–1919)
- Antrobus, Reginald Laurence (1853–1942)
- Anukulchandra, Thakur (1888–1969)
[edit]- Apel, Henry Ferdinand Augustus (1840–1880)
- Apel, Johann August (1771–1816)
- Apel, Johann Heinrich Jakob (c.1810 – 1881)
- Aplin, Oliver Vernon (1858–1940)
- Apollinaire, Guillaume (1880–1918)
- Apollonius of Perga (263 B.C.E.–191 B.C.E.)
- Apparao, Gurajada (1861–1915)
- Apperson, John Samuel (1837–1908)
- Appleby, Thomas
- Appleton, Thomas Gold (1812–1884)
- Appleton, Victor (pen name for a syndicate formed in 1904)
- Apthorp, William Foster (1848–1913)
- Apuleius, Lucius (c. 123–180)
[edit]- Aquinas, St. Thomas (1225–1274)
- Aquino, Corazon (1933–2009)
- Aquino, Benigno (1960–2021)
[edit]- Arafat, Yasser (1929–2004)
- Arago, François Jean Dominique (1786–1853)
- Aratus (c. 315 BCE – c. 240 BCE)
- Arber, Agnes (1879–1960)
- Arber, Edward (1836–1912)
- Arbes, Jakub (1840–1914)
- Arbuthnot, Sir Alexander John (1822–1907)
- Arbuthnot, John (1667–1735)
- Arbuthnot, Robert
- Arbuthnot-Lane, William (1856–1943)
- Archard, Charles John (1860–1916)
- Archbold, William Arthur Jobson (1865–1947)
- Archer, Edward Caulfield
- Archer, John Wykeham (1808–1864)
- Archer, Thomas Andrew (1853–1905)
- Archer, Thomas Croxen (1817–1885)
- Archer, William (1856–1924)
- Archer, W. G. (1907–1979)
- Arendt, Hannah (1906–1975)
- Arendzen, John Peter (1873–1949)
- Arima, Sumitomo (?–1908)
- Ariosto, Ludovico (1474–1533)
- Aristaeus the Elder (fl. 370 B.C.E.–300 B.C.E.)
- Aristophanes (448–385 BC)
- Aristotle (384–322 BC)
- Arius (256–336)
- Ariwara no Narihira (825–880)
- Ariwara no Yukihira (818–893)
- Arkwright, Godfrey Edward Pellew (1864–1944)
- Arlen, Michael (1895–1956)
- Armitage, Elkanah (1844–1929)
- Armour, Rebecca Agatha (1846–1891)
- Armsby, Henry Prentiss (1853–1921)
- Armstrong, A. (fl. 1859)
- Armstrong, Andrew Campbell (1860–1935)
- Armstrong, Edward (1846–1928)
- Armstrong, Henry Edward (1848–1937)
- Armstrong, Henry W. (1879–1951)
- Armstrong, John (1709–1779)
- Armstrong, Walter (1850–1918)
- Armstrong, William George (1859–1941)
- Arndt, Walter Tallmadge (1873–1932)
- Arne, Thomas (1710–1778)
- Arnett, Edward John (1876–1940)
- Arnim, Elizabeth Gräfin von (1866–1941)
- Arnold, Arthur (1833–1902)
- Arnold, Benedict (1741–1801)
- Arnold, Charles Thomas (1823–1900)
- Arnold, Edward Carleton (1868-1949)
- Arnold, Edwin (1832–1904)
- Arnold, Edwin Lester (1857–1935)
- Arnold, Frederick (1833–1891)
- Arnold, H.F. (1902–1963)
- Arnold, Henry Harley (1886–1950)
- Arnold, Isaac N. (1815–1884)
- Arnold, Mary Foote (1851–1930)
- Arnold, Matthew (1822–1888)
- Arnold, Thomas (1795–1842)
- Arnold, Thomas James (1804?–1877)
- Arnot, William (1808–1875)
- Arnott, George Arnott Walker (1799–1868)
- Arps, George Frederick (1874–1939)
- Arrianus, Lucius Flavius (c. 89–c. 175)
- Arrigoni degli Oddi, Ettore (1867–1942)
- Arroyo, Gloria Macapagal- (1947–present)
- Arthur, Chester A. (1829–1886)
- Arthur, Timothy Shay (1809–1885)
- Arthur, William (1819–1901)
- Arthur, William (1837–1885)
- Artsybashev, Mikhail Petrovich (1878–1927)
- Arvers, Félix (1806–1850)
- Aryabhata (476–550)
[edit]- Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen (1812–1885)
- Ascham, Roger (1515–1568)
- Sholem Asch (1880–1957)
- Ascoli. Graziadio Isaia (1829–1907)
- Asgill, John (1659–1738)
- Ash, Roy Lawrence (1918–2011)
- Ashbee, Henry Spencer (1834–1900)
- Ashbrook, Harriette
- Ashby, Thomas Almond (1874–1931)
- Asher (16th century BCE)
- Asher, Georg Michael (1827–1905)
- Ashley, William James (1860–1927)
- Aškerc, Anton (1856–1912)
- Ashmole, Elias (1617–1692)
- Ashton, John (1834–1911)
- Ashworth, Philip A. (1853–1921)
- Ashworth, Thomas Ramsden (1864–1935)
- Asimov, Isaac (c. 1920–1992)
- Asquith, Herbert Henry (1852–1928)
- d'Assier, Adolphe (1827–1889)
- Assing, Volker Matthias (1956–2022)
- Aston, William George (1841–1911)
- al-Asturlabi, Abu Hamid Ahmed ibn Mohammed al-Saghani (?–990)
- Asukai Masatsune (1170–1221)
[edit]- Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal (1881–1938)
- St. Athanasius of Alexandria (c. 296–373)
- Atcherley, Charlotte (1818–1891)
- Atchley, Chewton (1850–1922)
- Athenaeus of Naucratis (fl. c. 200)
- Athenagoras I (1886–1972)
- Atherton, Gertrude (1857–1948)
- Atkins, John (1685–1757)
- Atkinson, Arthur Richmond (1863–1935)
- Atkinson, Charles Francis (1880–1960)
- Atkinson, Edmund (1831–1901)
- Atkinson, Edward (1827–1905)
- Atkinson, Eleanor Stackhouse (1863–1964)
- Atkinson, Frederick Cook (1841–1896)
- Atkinson, George H. (1819–1889)
- Atkinson, James Augustus (1832–1911)
- Atkinson, Joseph Beavington (1822–1886)
- Atkinson, William Parsons (1820–1890)
- Atlay, James Beresford (1860–1912)
- Atterbury, Francis (1663–1732)
- Atteridge, Andrew Hilliard (1844–1912)
- Atwater, Wilbur Olin (1844–1907)
- Atwood, Isaac Morgan (1838–1917)
[edit]- Auber, Charles Bransby (1820–1867)
- Auber, Henry Peter (1770–1866)
- Aubigné, Jean-Henri Merle de (1794–1872)
- Aublet, Jean Baptiste Christophore Fusée (1720–1778)
- Aubrey, John (1626–1697)
- Auden, W.H. (1907–1973)
- Audiffredi, Giovanni Battista (1734–1794)
- Audouin, Jean Victoire (1797–1841)
- Audoux, Marguerite (1863–1937)
- Audsley, George Ashdown (1838–1925)
- Audubon, John James (1785–1851)
- Aufderheide, May (1888–1972)
- Auffenberg, Moritz von (1852–1928)
- Aughey, Samuel (1831–1912)
- St. Augustine of Hippo (354–430)
- Augustus, Publius Aelius Hadrianus (76–138)
- Auředníček, Otakar (1868–1947)
- Aurobindo, Sri (1871–1950)
- Aust, Sarah (1744–1811)
- Austen, Ernest Edward (1867–1938)
- Austen, Jane (1775–1817)
- Austen-Leigh, Cholmeley (1829–1899)
- Austerlitz, Friedrich (1862–1931)
- Austin, Alfred (1835–1913)
- Austin, Andrew Donald
- Austin, Caroline (1800's)
- Austin, Frederick Britten (1885–1941)
- Austin, Jane Goodwin (1831–1894)
- Austin, Kate (1864–1902)
- Austin, Mary Hunter (1868–1934)
- Austin, Preston Bruce (1859–1927)
- Austin, Wiltshire Stanton (1826–1875)
[edit]- Aveling, Francis (1875–1941)
- Avenarius, Richard (1843–1896)
- Averchenko, Arkady (1881–1925)
- Avery, Harold (1869–1943)
- Averroës (1126–1198)
[edit]- d'Axa, Zo (1864–1930)
- Axon, Ernest Charles Armytage (1868–1947)
- Axon, William Edward Armytage (1846–1913)
[edit]- Aycard, Marie (1794–1859)
- Aydelotte, Frank (1880–1956)
- Ayres, Kristen
- Ayres, William Orville (1817–1887)
- Ayrton, William Scrope (1804–1885)
- Ayton, Sir Robert (1570–1638)
- Aytoun, William Edmonstoune (1813–1865)
[edit]- Azevedo, Aluísio Tancredo Gonçalves de (1857–1913)
- Azuela, Mariano (1873–1952)