- Laudi Spirituali
- Lauds
- Laurent de Rillé, François, from appendix
- Lauterbach, Johann Christoph
- Lavenu, Louis
- Lavigne, Antoine
- Lawes, Henry
- Lawrowska, Mlle., from appendix
- Lay
- Lay Vicar
- Lays, François
- Lazarus, Henry
- Lazzarini, Gustavo
- Leach, James
- Lead, To
- Leader
- Leading Note
- Lebhaft
- Lebrun, Francesca
- Léclair, Jean-Marie
- Lecocq, Alexandre
- Ledger lines
- Lee, George
- Leeds Musical Festival
- Leeves, William
- Lefébure-Wély, Louis
- Leffler, Adam
- Legato
- Leggiero
- Legrenzi, Giovanni
- Lehmann, Lilli, from appendix
- Leidesdorf, Max
- Leighton, William
- Leipzig
- Leit-motif
- Le Jeune, Claude
- Lemmens, Nicolas
- Lenepveu, Charles, from appendix
- Lento
- Lenton, John
- Lenz, Wilhelm von
- Léocadie
- Leo, Leonardo
- Leoline
- Léonard, Hubert, from appendix
- Léonore
- Leonore Prohaska
- Leroy, Adrien
- Leschetitzky, Theodor
- Leslie, Henry
- Lessel, Franz
- Lesson
- Lestocq
- Lesueur, Jean François
- Letzten Dinge, Die
- Leutgeb, Josef
- Levasseur, Nicholas, from appendix
- Leveridge, Richard
- Levey, William, from appendix
- Levi, Hermann, from appendix
- Lewis, Thomas, from appendix
- L'Homme Armé
- Libretto
- License
- Licenza, from appendix
- Lichfild, Henry
- Lichnowsky, Carl
- Lieblich Gedact
- Lied
- Lied-form
- Lied ohne Worte
- Liederkreis
- Liederspiel
- Liedertafel
- Life let us cherish, from appendix
- Ligatostil
- Ligature
- Light of the World, The
- Lilliburlero
- Lilt
- Lily of Killarney
- Limpus, Richard
- Lincke, Joseph
- Lincoln, Henry, from appendix
- Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre
- Lind, Jenny
- Linda di Chamouni
- Lindblad, Adolf
- Lindley, Robert
- Lindpaintner, Peter
- Linley, Francis
- Linley, George, from appendix
- Linley, Thomas
- Lipinski, Karl
- Lisbeth
- Lischen et Fritzchen