- Tosi, Pier
- Tosti, Francesco
- Tosto
- Touch
- Touch (bell-ringing)
- Tourdion
- Tourjée, Eben
- Tours, Berthold
- Tourte, François
- Tower Drums, The
- Towers, John
- Toy Symphony, from Appendix
- Tracker
- Tractulus, from Appendix
- Tractus, from Appendix
- Traetta, Tommaso
- Training School for Music, The National
- Tramidamente
- Tranquillo
- Transcription, from Appendix
- Transformation of Themes, from Appendix
- Transition
- Transposing Instruments
- Transposition
- Transposition of the Ecclesiastical Modes
- Trasuntino, Vito
- Trauer-Walzer
- Travenol, Louis
- Travers, John
- Traverso
- Traviata, La
- Treatment of the Organ
- Trebelli, Zelia
- Treble
- Tree, Anna, from Appendix
- Treitschke, Georg
- Tremolo
- Tremulant
- Trenchmore
- Trento, Vittorio
- Trésor des Pianistes, Le
- Trésor Musical, from Appendix
- Triad
- Trial, Jean
- Trial by Jury
- Triangle
- Tribut de Zamora, Le
- Triébert, Charles
- Trihoris
- Trill
- Trillo del Diavolo, Il
- Trinity College, Dublin
- Trinity College, London
- Trio
- Triplet
- Triple Time
- Tristan und Isolde
- Tritone, from Appendix
- Trochee
- Trois Couleurs, Les, from Appendix
- Tromba
- Tromba Marina
- Tromboncino, Bartholomeus
- Trombone
- Trompette, La
- Troppo
- Troubadour, The, from Appendix
- Troupenas, Eugène
- Troutbeck, John
- Trovatore, Il
- Troyens, Les
- Troyers, Ferdinand
- Troyte, Arthur
- Truhn, Friedrich
- Trumpet
- Tschaikowsky, Peter
- Tschudi, Burkhardt
- Tua, Maria
- Tuba
- Tuba (organ stop)
- Tubbs, James
- Tucker, William
- Tuckerman, Samuel
- Tucket
- Tuczek
- Tudway, Thomas
- Türk, Daniel
- Tulou, Jean
- Tuma, Franz
- Tune
- Tune (Entr'acte)
- Tuning
- Tuning-fork
- Tunsted, Simon, from Appendix
- Turandot
- Turca, Alla