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Index:The Indian Drum (1917 original).pdf

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Title The Indian Drum
Author William MacHarg and Edwin Balmer
Illustrator W. T. Benda
Year 1917
Publisher Little, Brown and Company
Location Boston
Source pdf
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded


I The Man Whom the Storm Haunted 1
II Who Is Alan Conrad? 19
III Discussion of a Shadow 34
IV "Arrived Safe; Well" 57
V An Encounter 69
VI Constance Sherrill 95
VII The Deed in Trust 112
VIII Mr. Corvet's Partner 126
IX Violence 145
X A Walk Beside the Lake 162
XI A Caller 179
XII The Land of the Drum 199
XIII The Things from Corvet's Pockets 210
XIV The Owner of the Watch 229
XV Old Burr of the Ferry 254
XVI A Ghost Ship 266
XVII "He Killed Your Father" 288
XVIII Mr. Spearman Goes North 298
XIX The Watch Upon the Beach 318
XX The Sounding of the Drum 335
XXI The Fate of the Miwaka 347