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Works entitled

This is a disambiguation page. It lists works that share the same title. If an article link referred you here, please consider editing it to point directly to the intended page.

Lines may refer to:
  • Lines (Why do I love the evening star)
  • Lines (The dreams of earth obscure our joy)
  • Lines (From some cruel scorn protect me, Lord)
  • Lines ("Sing me that song again")
  • Lines ("I die, but when the grave shall press")
  • Lines ("Far away is the land of rest")
  • Lines ("The soft unclouded blue of air")
  • Lines written in "Letters of an Italian Nun and an English Gentleman, by J. J. Rousseau: Founded on Facts" ("Away, away,—your flattering arts")
  • Lines addressed to the Rev. J. T. Becher, on his advising the Author to mix more with Society ("Dear Becher, you tell me to mix with mankind")
  • Lines addressed by Lord Byron to Mr. Hobhouse on his Election for Westminster ("Would you go to the house by the true gate")
  • Lines Addressed to a Young Lady ("Doubtless, sweet girl! the hissing lead")
  • Lines Inscribed upon a Cup Formed from a Skull ("Start not—nor deem my spirit fled")
  • Lines to Mr. Hodgson, written on board the Lisbon Packet ("Huzza! Hodgson, we are going")
  • Lines Written beneath an Elm in the Churchyard of Harrow ("Spot of my youth! whose hoary branches sigh")
  • Lines ("Little maidens, when you look")
  • Lines ("Love scatters oil")
  • Lines ("Before we part to alien thoughts and aims")
  • Lines (The years bring changes as they come)
  • Lines (May the first song and yet the last I sing)
  • Lines (When I forget the Sacred Power)
  • Lines (Weep not, though lonely and wild be thy path)
  • Lines (Sweet warbling Bird! I cannot sing like thee)
  • Lines (On this delicious morning air)
  • Lines (In grief's dark hour I ask for Thee)
  • Lines (In chains and darkness Peter slept)
  • Lines (In ancient times, one spot)
  • Lines (I saw the waters, as bright they lay)
  • Lines (I saw that eye when it was bright)
  • Lines (Forth from the Saracen's far land)
  • Lines (Deem them not blest whom prosperous fortune guides)
  • Lines (Books! sweet associates of the silent hour)
  • Lines (An apparition passed me by)
  • Lines (A child is born—now ring the bells)
  • Lines Addressed to Alaric A. Watts, Esq. ("There is a dear and a lovely power")
  • Lines ("She kneels by the grave where her lover sleeps")
  • Lines ("There is no smile to answer thine")
  • Lines, Supposed to be the Prayer of the Supplicating Nymph in Mr. Lawrence Macdonald’s Exhibition of Sculptures ("She kneels as if in prayer, one graceful arm")
  • Lines, Suggested by a Drawing of W. Daniel’s, Esq. A. R. A., representing the Hindoo Girls floating their Tributary offerings down the Ganges ("They bend above the moonlit stream")
  • Lines ("When youthful faith hath fled")
  • Lines ("The same good blood that now refills")
  • Lines ("Ignoble hate, defeating its own ends!")
  • Lines ("That time is dead for ever, child")
  • Lines ("Far, far away, O ye")
  • Lines ("The cold earth slept below")
  • Lines, On the death of the Rev. Mr. Washburn, of Farmington, Connecticut, during a storm at midnight, while on his passage to South-Carolina, for the benefit of his health, accompanied by his wife.
  • Lines, On hearing a venerable friend sing at midnight, a short time previous to her death, in consequence of the derangement of a mind, once of the strongest and most amiable character.
  • Lines ("He sung of God, the mighty source")
  • Lines to the Memory of "Annie" ("In the fair garden of celestial Peace")
  • Lines on the Death of Mrs. Stuart ("How quiet, through the hazy autumn air")
  • Lines ("All things are current found")
  • Lines ("Though all the fates should prove unkind")
  • "Lines" (We have looked our last on the well-known walls)
  • "Lines" (Tis almost midnight's hour, and bright on high)
  • "Lines" (Time hurries on)
  • "Lines" (Though many a joy with sunny glow)
  • "Lines" (Thou moon, that now with melancholy grace)
  • "Lines" (The noon of Autumn now with chastened mirth)
  • "Lines" (Strange, strange! what rushing memories come)
  • "Lines" (See yonder Star! that brilliant orb of light)
  • "Lines" (Once more, my love, once more)
  • "Lines" (Once more, mine own beloved, the ray)
  • "Lines" (Oh yes! 'tis sweet indeed to gaze)
  • "Lines" (Oh, nature! beautiful to me art thou)
  • "Lines" (Oh! would that thou wert here, my love)
  • "Lines" (Oh! when some lone familiar strain)
  • "Lines" (Oh! when on yonder moon I gaze)
  • "Lines" (Oh! come and view these scenes so fair)
  • "Lines" (My love, I brought no wreath of song)
  • "Lines" (My firstborn! strange and sweet it seems)
  • "Lines" (My days on earth as yet are few)
  • "Lines" (My children, for whom first these simple lays)
  • "Lines" (It is the birth-morn of another year)
  • "Lines" (It is a morn in Autumn time)
  • "Lines" (I am here in thine own old home again)
  • "Lines" (Husband, dear husband! since I first for thee)
  • "Lines" (Dost thou not feel, dear Love, how every day)
  • "Lines" (Bright shine the dewdrops at the dawning hour)
  • "Lines" (And now my task is done! The last pale flower)
  • "Lines" (And now accept once more from me)
  • "Lines" (And didst thou, then, unchanged, unmoved)
  • "Lines" (Ah, no! thou shalt not be forgot)
  • Lines left upon a seat in a YEW-TREE ("Nay, Traveller! rest. This lonely yew-tree stands")
  • Lines written at a small distance from my House ("It is the first mild day of March")
  • Lines written in early Spring ("I heard a thousand blended notes")
  • Lines written in a boat ("How rich the wave, in front, imprest" / "How richly glows the water's breast")
  • Lines written near Richmond upon the Thames ("Glide gently, thus for ever glide")
  • Lines written a few miles above TINTERN ABBEY ("Five years have passed; five summers, with the length")
  • Lines written with a Slate-pencil upon a Stone ("Stranger! this hillock of mishapen stones")
  • Lines In the School of——is a tablet ("If Nature, for a favorite Child")
  • Lines composed at Grasmere ("Loud is the Vale! the Voice is up") (unindexed)