lesson | page | |
XLIV. | Irregular Nouns of the Third Declension — Gender in the Third Declension— The First Bridge over the Rhine | 111-112 |
XLV. | Adjectives of the Third Declension— The Romans Invade the Enemy's Country | 113-115 |
XLVI. | The Fourth or U-Declension 116-117 | |
XLVII. | Expressions of Place — Place to Which, Place from Which, Place at or in Which, the Locative — Declension of domus — Dædalus and Icarus | 117-121 |
XLVIII. | The Fifth or Ē-Declension — Ablative of Time — Dædalus and Icarus (Continued) | 121-123 |
XLIX. | Pronouns — Personal and Reflexive Pronouns — Dædalus and Icarus (Concluded) | 123-126 |
L. | The Intensive Pronoun ipse and the Demonstrative īdem — How Horatius Held the Bridge | 126-127 |
LI. | The Demonstratives hic, iste, ille — A German Chieftain Addresses his Followers — How Horatius Held the Bridge (Continued) | 128-130 |
LII. | The Indefinite Pronouns — How Horatius Held the Bridge (Concluded) | 130-132 |
LIII. | Regular Comparison of Adjectives | 133-i35 |
LIV. | Irregular Comparison of Adjectives — Ablative with Comparatives | 135-136 |
LV. | Irregular Comparison of Adjectives (Continued) — Declension of plūs | 137-138 |
LVI. | Irregular Comparison of Adjectives (Concluded) — Ablative of the Measure of Difference | 138-139 |
LVII. | Formation and Comparison of Adverbs | 140-142 |
LVIII. | Numerals — Partitive Genitive | 142-144 |
LIX. | Numerals (Continued) — Accusative of Extent — Cæsar in Gaul | 144-146 |
LX. | Deponent Verbs — Prepositions with the Accusative | 146-147 |
LXI. | The Subjunctive Mood — Inflection of the Present — Indicative and Subjunctive Compared | 148-151 |
LXII. | The Subjunctive of Purpose | 151-153 |
LXIII. | Inflection of the Imperfect Subjunctive — Sequence of Tenses | 153-155 |
LXIV. | Inflection of the Perfect and Pluperfect Subjunctive — Substantive Clauses of Purpose | 156-159 |