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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 44/Index

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I N D E X.

Aber, William M. Pestalozzianism in America. (Misc.) 566
Air, Fresh, for Legislators. (Misc.) 424
Alaskan Climate, The. (Misc.) 138
Alcoholism, Legal Preventives of. J. Bergeron 391
Alger, Abby L. The Creation: A Penobscot Indian Myth 195
Alp, The First Climbing of an. (Misc.) 142
Aluminum, The Past and Future of. J. Fleury 397
American, North and South, Aboriginal Names. M. V. Moore 81
Ancestors and Gods, Cheating. (Misc.) 718
Ancient Mexican and Hopi Dances. (Misc.) 143
Anderson, Melville B. Sketch of David Starr Jordan. (With Portrait) 546
Animal and Artificial Mechanism. (Misc.) 714
Life, Diversity of Forms and Conditions of. (Misc.) 423
Life in the Death Valley Region. (Misc.) 137
Animals, Industries of.* F. Houssay 594
"the Eyes of, Variety in. (Misc.) 284
Antarctic Regions, Aspects of the. (Misc.) 572
Anthropology at the University of Michigan. (Misc.) 859
Arbitration, International. (Editor's Table) 412
Arctic Rivers. (Misc.) 716
Art, The Earliest Historical. (Misc.) 425
"The Origin of. L. Popoff 827
Ashley, Charles S. The Relation of Evolution to Political Economy 458
Assessments, Special, The Theory of. (Misc.) 428
Athletics and Scholarship. (Misc.) 282
Australia, The Scrub Lands of. (Misc.) 426

Bacteriology in Chemistry. (Misc.) 716
"and the Public Health. (Misc.) 862
Baldwin, J. Mark. The Origin of Right-handedness 606
Bananas, Where, grow.* J. E. Humphrey 486
Barber, Amherst W. The European Law of Torture 648
Beaver Eater, The.* H. T. Martin 811
Beneficence, Why, should not be enforced. (Editor's Table) 845
Bergeron, J. Legal Preventives of Alcoholism 391
Billson, William W. An Illustrative Chapter on Legal Development 802
Biological Laboratory, a Marine, Notes from.* W. S. Windle 449
Biology, Logical Method in. F. Cramer 372
Birds' Eggs, Protection of. (Misc.) 713
"Judgments of Men. Cunisset-Carnot 110
Birds, Tamability of. (Corr.) P. F. Schofield 409
"Distribution of. (Misc.) 858
"Blue Laws," The, a Myth. (Corr.) O. E. Davis 842
Books noticed 126
Books noticed 270
Books noticed 413
Books noticed 555
Books noticed 701
Books noticed 847
Abbe, Cleveland. The Mechanics of the Earth's Atmosphere 134
American Association for the Study and Cure of Inebriety. The Disease of Inebriety from Alcohol, Opium, and other Narcotic Drugs 130
Arnold, Matthew. Sohrab and Rustum 562
Arnold. First and Second Latin Book and Practical Grammar 708
Practical Introduction to Latin Prose Composition 708
Bailey, M. A. American Mental Arithmetic 135
Bandelier, A. F. The Gilded Man and other Pictures of the Spanish Occupancy of America 417
Bastian, Ad. Ideale Welten in Wort und Bild 704
Bishop, Cortlandt F. History of Elections in the United States 420
Boland, Mary A. A Handbook of Invalid Cooking 128
Bolton, H. Carrington. A Select Bibliography of Chemistry 419
Book of the Fair, The 708
Brinton, Daniel G. The Pursuit of Happiness 132
Brown, Marshall. Bulls and Blunders 854
Browne, A. J. Jukes. Geology 271
Burnham, Lieutenant W. P. Three Roads to a Commission in the United States Army 135
Campbell, H. J., M. D. Text-book of Elementary Biology 706
Church, A. J. Stories from the Greek Comedians 418
Clark, John. Manual of Linguistics 854
Clerk, Agnes M. A Popular History of Astronomy in the Nineteenth Century 560
Cleveland, The Duchess of. The True Story of Caspar Hauser, from Official Documents 563
Conklin, Benjamin G. Practical Lessons in Language 134
Cooke, C. J. Bowen. British Locomotives 706
Coppée, Henry. General Thomas 702
Corroyer, Edouard. Gothic Architecture 415
Cox, Frank P. Continuous-current Dynamos and Motors 702
Crooke, Joseph Henry. The New Bible and its New Uses 850
Dawson, Miles M. Elements of Life Insurance 854
Dodel, Arnold. Moses or Darwin? 274
Duffy, Terence. From Darkness to Light 419
Dunscomb, S. Whitney, Jr. Bankruptcy 133
Ebers, Georg. The Story of My Life from Childhood to Manhood 556
Ecob, Helen Gilbert. The Well-dressed Woman 564
Edwords, Clarence C. Camp Fires of a Naturalist 560
Eiloart, Arnold. A Guide to Stereochemistry 274
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. The American Scholar 562
Everett, Charles Carroll. The Gospel of Paul 708
Bianchi, A. G. Romance of a Born Criminal 555
Ewald, C. A. The Diseases of the Stomach 132
Foreman Pattern-maker, A. The Principles of Fitting 563
Foster, M. A Test-book of Physiology, Book I 850
Gadd, W. Lawrence. Soap Manufacture 131
Geikie, Archibald. Text-book of Geology 558
Gilman, Nicholas Paine. Socialism and the American Spirit 560
Gorton, David Allyn. The Monism of Man 854
Gould, George M., M. D. The Meaning and the Method of Life 559
Greene, C. A., M. D. Build Well: the Basis of Individual, Home, and National Elevation 557
Greene, Francis Vinton. General Greene 271
Guerber, H. A. Myths of Greece and Rome 852
Harkness, James, and Frank Morley. Treatise on the Theory of Functions 564
Harper, William R., and Clarence F. Castle. Exercises in Greek Prose Composition 563
—Inductive Greek Primer 708
—and F. J. Miller, editors. Æneid and Bucolics of Vergil 709
—and James Wallace, editors. Xenophon's Anabasis 709
Hayes, M. Horace. The Points of the Horse 417
Heinzen, Karl. The Rights of Women and the Sexual Relations 275
Hektoen, Ludvig, M. D. The Technique of Post-mortem Examination 852
Hill, David J. Genetic Philosophy 847
Holden, Ward A., M. D. The Outlines of Embryology of the Eye 854
Houston, Edwin J. Outlines of Forestry 705
Howard, B. Douglas. Life with Trans-Siberian Savages 420
Howells, W. D., and others. The Niagara Book 562
Hulme, P. Edward. The Birth and Development of Ornament 273
Huxley, Thomas H. Essays, Vols. I, II, and III 850
Jackson, S. Commercial Arithmetic 135
Jenkins, Oliver P. Primary Lesson in Human Physiology 276
—Advanced Lessons in Human Physiology 276
Jenner, William. Lectures and Essays on Fever and Diphtheria 849
Johns Hopkins University. Studies in the Biological Laboratory. Volume V, No. 2 134
Johnston, W. J. Elementary Treatise on Analytical Geometry 420
Jones, George William. Logarithmic Tables 709
Juglar, Clement. A Brief History of Panics 133
Kemp, James F. The Ore Deposits of the United States 560
Kirk, Hyland C. The Revolt of the Brutes 562
Kirkpatrick, E. A. Inductive Psychology 563
Lachlan, R. Elementary Treatise on Modern Pure Geometry 275
Laurie, S. S. John Amos Comenius 135
Lecky, W. E. H. A History of Ireland in the Eighteenth Century 271
Lee, Rawdon B. A History and Description of the Modern Dogs (Sporting Division) of Great Britain and Ireland 851
Leffmann and Beam. A System of Analysis of Milk and Milk Products 853
Lesquereux, Leo. The Flora of the Dakota Group 277
Letters from Queensland 274
Lewis, B. B. The Cosmic Ether and its Problems 419
Lord, John. Two German Giants: Frederick the Great and Bismarck 703
Love, A. E. H. Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity 565
McAulay, A. Utility of Quaternions in Physics 854
McIlvaine, Charles. The Deadly and Minor Poisons of Toadstools 419
McKendrick, John Gray, M. D., and William Snodgrass, M. B. The Physiology of the Senses 272
Maginnis, Arthur J. The Atlantic Ferry 421
Martin, Horace T. Castorologia, or the History and Traditions of the Canadian Beaver 563
Mayer, I. H., M. D. Domestic Economy 705
Merrill, F. J. H. The Salt and Gypsum Industries of New York 418
Meyer, Bertha. The Child, Physically and Mentally 853
Miers, H. A., and R. Crosskey. The Soil in Relation to Health 129
Migula, Dr. W. An Introduction to Practical Bacteriology for Physicians, Chemists, and Students 129
Milne, William J. Standard Arithmetic 275
Minnesota Geological and Natural History Survey. Twentieth Annual Report 134
Missouri Botanical Garden. Fourth Annual Report 130
Mitchell, Clifford, M. D. A Clinical Study of Diseases of the Kidney 129
Mivart, St. George. American Types of Animal Life 703
Morrow, John T., and Thorburn Reid. The Arithmetic of Magnetism and Electricity 853
Murphy, Joseph John. Natural Selection and Spiritual Freedom 561
Newell, Jane H. Reader in Botany. Part II 276
Newhall, Charles S. The Shrubs of Northeastern America 127
Newton, Alfred, and Hans Gadow. A Dictionary of Birds 559
Nisbet, John. British Forest Trees and their Sylvicultural Characteristics and Treatment 272
Orr, Henry B. A Theory of Development and Heredity 849
Orum, Julia A. The Orum System of Voice Education 276
Owen, Francis Browning. Columbian and other Poems 136
Parker, T. Jeffery. William Kitchen Parker, F. R. A. S. 852
Poore, George Vivian, M. D. Essays on Rural Hygiene 558
Raymond, George Lansing. The Genesis of Art Form 415
Ricks, George. Object Lessons and How to give them 851
Riggs, Stephen Return. A Dakota English Dictionary 277
Ripley, William Zebrina. The Financial History of Virginia 133
Rockwell, Julius Ensign. Shorthand Instruction and Practice 564
Rorer, Mrs. S. T., Editor. Household News 131
Roscoe, Henry, and Joseph Lunt. Inorganic Chemistry for Beginners 705
Russell, J. W. Elementary Treatise on Pure Geometry 275
Sabine, Wallace Clement. Student's Manual of a Laboratory Course in Physical Measurements 276
Savage, M. J. Jesus and Modern Life 850
Scudder, Samuel Hubbard. Brief Guide to the Commoner Butterflies of the Northern United States and Canada 270
—The Life of a Butterfly 270
Shakspere, William. The Merchant of Venice 274
Sherwood, Sidney. The History and Theory of Money 270
Shipley, Authur E. Zoölogy of the Invertebrata 415
Siemens, Werner von, Personal Recollections of 416
Smith, Henry. Religion of the Brain 275
Smithsonian Meteorological Tables 420
Society for Psychical Research, Proceedings. Part XXIV 564
Stebbins, Genevieve. Dynamic Breathing and Harmonic Gymnastics 704
Stoddard, William O. On the Old Frontier 707
Strahan, S. A. K., M. D. Suicide and Insanity 851
Sturgis, Russell, and others. Homes in City and Country 127
Sunderland, J. T., D. D. The Bible: its Origin, Growth, and Character 556
Sweet, Henry. Manual of Current Shorthand 276
Swinton, William. School History of the United States 562
Taylor, D. W. Resistance of Ships and Screw Propulsion 563
Tebb, William. The Recrudescence of Leprosy and its Causation 701
Thorpe, T. E., and others. A Dictionary of Applied Chemistry 273
Todhunter, Isaac. History of the Theory of Elasticity 707
Tucker, Benjamin R. Instead of a Book 275
United States Commissioner of Education. Report for 1889-'90 277
—Commissioner of Labor. Annual Report for 1891 126
—Geological Survey. Eleventh Annual Report 419
Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Schuyler. Art Out of Doors 562
Waldo, Frank. Modern Meteorology 414
Ward, Lester F. The Psychic Factors of Civilization 413
Watts, Francis. Introductory Manual for Sugar Growers 134
Whitfield, Robert Parr. Gasteropoda and Cephalopoda of the Raritan Clays and Greens and Marls in New Jersey 277
Wiechmann, F. G. Lecture Notes on Theoretical Chemistry 273
Williams, C. M. A Review of the Systems of Ethics founded on the Theory of Evolution 706
Williams, Samuel G. The History of Modern Education 134
Willoughby, E. F., M. D. Handbook of Public Health and Demography 853
Wilson, Daniel. Science Stories 135
Wilson, Woodrow. Division and Reunion 133
Woods, Henry. Elementary Paleontology for Geological Students 703
Wright, Mark R. Heat 420
Ziwet, Alexander. An Elementary Treatise on Theoretical Mechanics 708
Boutwell, George S. The Pestalozzian System 55
Boyd, J. Andrew. Dog Psychology. (Corr.) 841
Boyer, Jacques. The Founder of the First Scientific Journal 690
Brandicourt, V. Mathematical Curiosities of the Sixteenth Century 106
Browne, James Crichton. Biology and Ethics 671

Calumet, The, in the Champlain Valley.* G. H. Perkins 238
Cambodian Life, Incidents of.* A. Leclère 776
Carpenter, Frank G. Uncle Sam's Life Savers.* 346
Carroll, Dr. Alfred L. (Misc.) 717
Charcot, Jean Martin, Sketch of. (With Portrait) 693
Chemistry, Ancient Beginnings of. (Misc.) 140
Children, The Scientific Method with. H. L. Clapp 57
Chinese Letter Shops. (Misc.) 713
Choke Damp, Oxygen as a Remedy for. (Misc.) 715
Cinnamon, The Royal, of Tonkin. (Misc.) 429
Circassian Slave, The, in Turkish Harems. E. B. Dietrick 481
Clapp, Henry Lincoln. The Scientific Method with Children 57
Clays, Composition of. (Misc.) 430
Colored Audition. (Corr.) B. Phillips 267
Colors, Indian Basket. (Misc.) 139
Columbus, The Glory of. (Misc.) 283
Cotton Manufacturing, Adaptability of the South to. (Misc.) 140
Coupin, Henri. The Wandering Jew at the Salpêtrière.* 525
Cramer, Frank. Logical Method in Biology 372
Creation, From, to Evolution. A. D. White 433
Creation, From, to Evolution. A. D. White 721
"The: A Penobscot Indian Myth. A. L. Alger 195
Criminal Woman. H. Zimmern 218
Critic Criticised, A. (Corr.). D. G. Thompson 266
Crocodiles, Alligators, and the Heloderm. (Misc.) 423
Ounisset-Carnot. Birds' Judgments of Men 110

Dairy Industry, Advances in the. (Misc.) 281
Dana, James D. On New England and the Upper Mississippi Basin in the Glacial Period 816
Davis, Charles E. The "Blue Laws" a Myth. (Corr.) 842
Deaf Children, Speech for. L. E. Warren 363
Diet, Vegetable. W. Paget 94
Dietrick, Mrs. Ellen Battelle. The Circassian Slave in Turkish Harems 481
Dobson, W. A. Modern War Vessels of the United States Navy* 164
Dyes, Action of Light on. (Misc.) 568

Earth, How Old is the? W. Upham 153
"The Shape of the, from a Pendulum. J. H. Gore 531
Earthquake Phenomena, Investigation of. (Misc.) 716
Education, A Scheme of. (Misc.) 573
"and "Short Cuts to Eutopia." (Misc.) 862
"Heredity in Relation to. W. Mills 472
"Spencer's, in English Training Colleges. (Misc.) 136
"The Place of Geology in. (Misc.) 572
Egyptian Drawings, The Pose of. (Misc.) 283
Electric Eels, Playing with. (Misc.) 285
Electricity at the World's Fair.* C. M. Lungren 39
Emotions and Infection. Ch. Féré 342
Ericsson, John, Sketch of. (With Portrait) 112
Ethics and the Struggle for Existence. L. Stephen 224
"Biology and. J. C. Browne 671
"Evolution and. T. H. Huxley 18
"Evolution and. T. H. Huxley 178
"Evolutionary. E. Mathews 192
"The, of Tribal Society. E. P. Evans 289
Evans, E. P. The Ethics of Tribal Society 289
Explosions, Coal-dust and. (Misc.) 862

Féré, Ch. Emotions and Infection 342
Finger Marks. (Misc.) 572
Fish Commission, the United States, Work of. (Misc.) 428
"Culture in America and Europe. (Misc.) 286
Fleury, J. The Past and Future of Aluminum 397
Fluorine, Isolation of. (Misc.) 715
Flying Machine, Requisites of a. (Misc.) 424
"The Problem of, New Lights on.* J. Le Conte 744
Folklore, Pennsylvania. (Misc.) 137
Forests, Sanitary and Climatic Influence of. (Misc.) 426
Fruit Industry, The, in California.* C. H. Shinn 200

Geographical Exploration, The Future of. (Misc.) 718
Geological Society of America. (Misc.) 710
"Formations, Relations of Floras and. (Misc.) 861
Geology, The Position of. J. Prestwich 537
"The World's Congress on. (Misc.) 278
Glacial Period, On New England and the Upper Mississippi Basin in the. J. D. Dana 816
Glacial Period, Subdivisions or Unity of the. (Misc.) 279
""Close of the. (Corr.) R. W. McFarland 841
Gore, J. H. The Shape of the Earth from a Pendulum 531
Government, Efficient, The Conditions of. (Editor's Table) 697
Graham, Douglas. Action of Massage upon the Muscles 677
Greenleaf, James L. Window Lights and their Value 354

Hale, Horatio. Sketch of Sir Daniel Wilson. (With Portrait) 256
Hallopeau, L. A., and A. Poisson. The Essays of Jean Rey 247
Handwriting, Vertical, An Argument for.* J. V. Witherbee 86
Harvard, Expenses at. (Misc.) 142
Harvard Observatory, The. (Misc.) 711
Heating and Ventilation of Electric-lighted Buildings. (Misc.) 427
Herrick, Francis H, Nature at Sea* 69
Hickson, Sidney J. Physical Conditions of the Deep Sea* 461
Himalayan Landscape, A. (Misc.) 430
Hodge, C. F. The Method of Homing Pigeons* 758
Houssay, Frédéric. Industries of Animals* 594
Humphrey, James E. Where Bananas Grow* 486
Huxley, Thomas H. Evolution and Ethics 18
Huxley, Thomas H. Evolution and Ethics 178
""Professor Tyndall 637
Huxley, Prof., and the Late Sir Andrew Clark. (Misc.) 567
"Professor, Evolution in. St. G. Mivart 319
Hypnotism in Remedial Treatment. (Misc.) 282

Ice Age, The, and its Work. A. R. Wallace 681
Ice Age, The, and its Work. A. R. Wallace 781
Indians, The Biloxi. (Misc.) 285
Inductoscripts. (Misc.) 422
Jamaica, The Blue Mountains of. (Misc.) 569
Jordan, David Starr. The Story of Bob* 145
Jordan, David Starr. Sketch of. (With Portrait.) M. B. Anderson 546

Kashmir, The Land of. (Misc.) 857
Kirk wood, Daniel. Laplace's Plan for Perpetual Moonlight 36

Labor Question, Common Sense on the. (Misc.) 858
Leclère, Adhémard. Incidents of Cambodian Life* 776
Le Conte, Joseph. New Lights on the Problem of Flying* 744
Legal Development, An Illustrative Chapter on. W. W. Billson 802
Le Plongeon, Mrs. A. D. Customs and Superstitions of the Mayas* 661
Library, The World's Fair Model. (Misc.) 280
Life Savers, Uncle Sam's.* F. G. Carpenter 346
Littlehales, G. W, How the Sea is Sounded 334
Lodian, Walter. A Century of the Telegraph in France* 791
Loomis, Lafayette C. Recent Railroad Disasters 314
Lunar Craters, Characteristics of. (Misc.) 429
Lungren, Charles M. Electricity at the World's Fair* 39

Macdonell, Miss Blanche L. Superstitions of the French Canadians 520
McFarland, R. W. Close of the Glacial Period. (Corr.) 841
Man, Fossil.* J. G. Rothermel 616
"The Earliest. (Misc.) 285
Martin, Horace T. The Beaver Eater.* 811
Massage, Action of, upon the Muscles. D. Graham 677
Mathematical Curiosities of the Sixteenth Century. V. Brandicourt 106
Mathews, Robert. Evolutionary Ethics 192
Mayas, Customs and Superstitions of the.* A. D. Le Plongeon 661
Meteorological Station, The Highest, in the World. (Misc.) 859
Mills, Wesley. Heredity in Relation to Education 472
Mineral Resources of Missouri. (Misc.) 573
Mivart, St. George. Evolution in Professor Huxley 319
Molecules, Worlds and. (Misc.) 427
Monteith, John. The Psychology of a Dog 514
Moon of Romance, The. (Editor's Table) 700
Moonlight, Perpetual, Laplace's Plan for. D. Kirkwood 36
Moore, M. V. North and South American Aboriginal Names 81
Morals and the Nervous System. (Misc.) 861
Morgan, Appleton. Abolish all Prohibitive Liquor Laws 577
Moser, E. S. Immaterial Science 84

Nature at Sea.* F. H. Herrick 69
"Co-operation in. (Misc.) 284
Navy, the United States, Modern War Vessels of.* W. A. Dobson 164
Negro Education, Prospects of. (Misc.) 574
Nicholson, Joseph S. State Interference in Social Affairs 196
Night Hawks and Whip-poor-wills.* R. W. Shufeldt 308

Obituary Notes. Daniel Colladon, Henry J. Philpott 288
Traugott Friedrich Kützing, Alexander Strauch, Herman August Hagen 432
Frank Bolles, Samuel Lockwood, Robert Bentley, T. W. Kennard, Marin H. Jansen 720
Heinrich R. Hertz, Pierre Joseph van Beneden, Arthur Milnes Marshall, Paul Henri Fischer, Baron von Bulow 864
Oil Films, Thickness of. (Misc.) 281
Organism, the Living, Concurrence of Parts in. (Misc.) 570
Originality, Conventionalism and. (Misc.) 138
Oyster Supply, The Conservation of our.* R. F. Walsh 1

Paget, Walb. Vegetable Diet 94
Parks, Public, in Massachusetts. (Misc.) 425
Patton, J. Harris. Origin of the Mississippi Valley Rainfall 102
Perkins, G. H. The Calumet in the Champlain Valley.* 238
Pestalozzian System, The. G. S. Boutwell 55
Pestalozzianism in America. (Misc.) W. M. Aber 566
Phillips, Barnet. Colored Audition. (Corr.) 267
Phillips Prize Essay Fund, The. (Misc.) 715
Physics, A Year's Work in. (Misc.) 571
Pigeons, Homing, The Method of.* C. F. Hodge 758
Poisson, Alb., and L. A. Hallopeau. The Essays of Jean Rey 247
Polar Basin, The. (Misc.) 571
Political Economy, The Relation of Evolution to. C. S. Ashley 458
"Science at the Brooklyn Institute. (Misc.) 422
Popoff, Lazar. The Origin of Art 827
Population, Tendencies of. (Misc.) 714
Prestwich, Joseph. The Position of Geology 537
Proctor, R. A., The Grave of. (Misc.) 422
Prohibitive Liquor Laws, Abolish All. A. Morgan 577
Proof, Guesses and. (Misc.) 568
Psychology, The, of a Dog. J. Monteith 514
"Dog. (Corr.) J. A. Boyd 841
Public Opinion. (Editor's Table) 410

Railroad Disasters, Recent. L. C. Loomis 314
Rainfall, the Mississippi Valley, Origin of. J. H. Patton 102
Rain-making, The Conditions of. (Misc.) 860
Reclus, Elisée, and his Opinions. (With Portrait.) H. Zimmern 402
Reform, A Possible. (Editor's Table) 698
Rey, Jean, The Essays of. L. A. Hallopeau and A. Poisson 247
Rich, George A. Trusts their own Corrective 740
Right-handedness, The Origin of. J. M. Baldwin 606
Rothermel, John G. Fossil Man.* 616
Russian Village, The. (Misc.) 712

Schofield, P. F. Tamability of Birds. (Corr.) 409
School Books, American, Accuracy of. (Misc.) 141
Schools, German. (Misc.) 141
Schweinitz, L. D. von. Sketch of. (With Portrait) 833
Science and Civilization. (Editor's Table) 267
"at the Columbian Exposition, (Editor's Table) 123
"Immaterial. E. S. Moser 84
"Immaterial. (Corr.) J. H. Stoller 409
Scientific Journal, the First, The Founder of. J. Boyer 690
Scientist, A, but not a Philosopher. (Editor's Table) 269
Scorpions, Habits of. (Misc.) 569
Sea, How the, is Sounded.* G. W. Littlehales 334
"the Deep, Physical Conditions of.* S. J. Hickson 461
Shinn, Charles H. The Fruit Industry in California.* 200
Shufeldt, R. W. Night-hawks and Whip-poor-wills.* 308
Social Affairs, State Interference in. S. Nicholson 196
"Problems, The Bearing of the Doctrine of Evolution on. (Editor's Table) 121
South, Invention and Industry at the. B. H. Wise 379
Speeds, Various. (Misc.) 714
Spencer, Herbert. The Late Professor Tyndall 819
Spencer-smashing at Washington. (Misc.) 856
Stephen, Leslie. Ethics and the Struggle for Existence 224
Stoller, James H. (Corr.) Immaterial Science 409
Story, The, of Bob.* D. S. Jordan 145
Superstitions of the French Canadians. B. S. Macdonell 520

Tacoma, Mount. (Misc.) 717
Taxes, Inheritance. (Misc.) 286
Telegraph in France, A Century of the.* W. Lodian 791
Thompson, Daniel Greenleaf. A Critic Criticised. (Corr.) 266
Torture, The European Law of. A. W. Barber 648
Trepanning, Prehistoric. (Misc.) 566
Tropical Forest, Characteristics of the. (Misc.) 139
Trusts, their own Corrective. G. A. Rich 740
Tyndall and his American Visit. E. A. Youmans 502
"Professor. T. H. Huxley 637
"Prof., The Late. (Editor's Table) 552
"Professor, The Late. H. Spencer 819

Unemployed, The. (Editor's Table) 842
Upham, Warren. How Old is the Earth? 153

Vegetarian Pedestrians. (Misc.) 281
Vegetation, Tree-top. (Misc) 282

Wallace, Alfred R. The Ice Age and its Work 681
Wallace, Alfred R. The Ice Age and its Work 781
Walsh, Robert F. The Conservation of our Oyster Supply.* 1
Wandering Jew, The, at the Salpêtrière.* H. Coupin 525
Warren, Lillie Eginton. Speech for Deaf Children 363
Weight, Anomalies in. (Misc.) 860
White, Andrew Dickson, From Creation to Evolution 433
White, Andrew Dickson, From Creation to Evolution 721
Wilson, Sir Daniel, Sketch of. (With Portrait.) H. Hale 256
Windle, William S. Notes from a Marine Biological Laboratory.* 449
Window Lights and their Value. J. L. Greenleaf 354
Wise, Barton H. Invention and Industry at the South 379
Witherbee, Joseph V. An Argument for Vertical Handwriting.* 86
Women in Postal and Railway Service. (Misc.) 712

Youmans, Miss E. A. Tyndall and his American Visit 502

Zimmern, Helen. Criminal Woman 218
""Elisée Reclus and his Opinions. (With Portrait) 402
Zoölogical Garden, The, of Philadelphia. (Misc.) 142