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Report on the Radiolaria/Phaeocystina

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1584116Report on the Radiolaria — PhaeocystinaErnst Haeckel


vel Cannopylea, vel Pansolenia (Pls. 99-128).

Phæodaria, Haeckel, 1879.
Tripylea, Hertwig, 1879.
Cannopylea, Haeckel, 1881.
Pansolenia, Haeckel, 1878.

Definition.—Radiolaria with a double membrane surrounding the central capsule, which bears on one pole of the main axis a peculiar astropyle, or a tubular main-opening, in the centre of a circular radiate operculum. Usually (but not constantly) a pair of small, lateral, accessory openings (or parapylæ) on the opposite pole of the main axis. Extracapsulum constantly with a phæodium, or with a voluminous aggregation of peculiar dark pigment bodies (phæodella) covering the astropyle of the central capsule. Skeleton siliceous or silicated, always extracapsular, very rarely wanting. Fundamental form very variable, originally monaxon, often dipleuric or bilateral.

The legion Phæodaria, or Cannopylea, in the extent here defined, was constituted by me in 1878, in my Protistenreich (p. 102) under the name Pansolenia. This name was given on the supposition that the skeleton of these interesting Radiolaria is always composed of hollow tubules, in contrast to that of the other Radiolaria, where it is never tubular. But I was soon convinced that this supposition was erroneous, that in a great part of the Pansolenia the skeleton is not composed of hollow tubules but of solid bars, and that a constant, very characteristic, and never failing mark of this group is to be found in the peculiar phæodium, a voluminous, constant, extracapsular pigment body. Therefore, in 1879, I changed the name into Phæodaria, and having discovered in the collection of the Challenger an astonishing number of new and wonderful types of this group, I described, in a preliminary note on it, four different orders and ten families with thirty-eight genera (Ueber die Phæodarien, eine neue Gruppe kieselschaliger mariner Rhizopoden; in Sitzungsberichte der Jenaischen Gesellschaft für Medicin und Naturwissenschaft. Sitzung vom 12th December 1879).

In the same year (1879), Richard Hertwig, in his excellent work entitled Der Organismus der Radiolarien, published the first accurate description of the intimate structure of the soft body of the Pansolenia, and mainly of their central capsule; and having always observed, in the few representatives examined by him, three openings in the capsule (one main-opening and two accessory openings), he called them Tripylea (loc. cit. p. 87), being guided by the erroneous supposition that these three openings are constant in all members of the group. But this is by no means the case. The two accessory openings are completely absent in several families, whilst in others their number is increased. A constant and very striking character, however, of all Phæodaria, is the peculiar structure of their tubular main-opening, which I call astropyle, with its radiate operculum and cannular proboscis. On account of this important and startling characteristic I proposed in 1881 to call this group Cannopylea. The two names Phæodaria and Cannopylea both express a very striking and quite constant character of these curious Radiolaria, whilst the two names Pansolenia and Tripylea are applicable only to a part of the whole legion.

The history of our knowledge of the Phæodaria is short, but very remarkable. Although hundreds of species, many of them cosmopolitan, are distributed over all oceans and all zones, although their size is in general much greater than that of the other Radiolaria (usually 1 to 2 mm., often even 5 to 10 mm. or more), and although their form and structure are usually striking, nevertheless the Phæodaria remained completely unknown up to the year 1859. During that year I observed the first forms living in the Gulf of Messina, and described and figured in 1862 in my Monograph five genera and seven species, viz., (1) Aulacantha scolymantha (p. 263), (2) Thalassoplancta cavispicula (p. 261, now Cannobelos cavispicula), (3) Aulosphæra trigonopa, and Aulosphæra elegantissima (p. 359), (4) Spongodictyum trigonizon (p. 459, now Sagoplegma trigonizon), and (5) Cœlodendrum ramosissimum, and Cœlodendrum gracillimum (p. 361). I recognised the structure of the three genera enumerated as 1, 3, and 5, as so remarkable and so different from that of the other Radiolaria, that I founded three peculiar families for them, the Aulacanthida, Aulosphærida, and Cœlodendrida.

The first note on the numerous remarkable Phæodaria discovered by the Challenger, and mainly on the large-sized inhabitants of the deep-sea, was published in 1876 by Dr. John Murray, in his Preliminary Reports on Work done on Board the Challenger (Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. xxiv., read March 16, 1876). He pointed out (loc. cit., p. 535), that the tow-nets, sent down to a great depth (according to a new plan, adopted in April 1875) brought up on every occasion a great many new and peculiar Rhizopods, which had never been observed in the nets used near the surface. "The shells of all have an exceedingly beautiful tracery, a fenestrated appearance often, which a closer examination shows to be caused by pit-like depressions. Some have only one, others have several openings, through which the sarcode flows. The sarcode of all these deep-sea Rhizopods has many large black-brown pigment-cells. At times they come up with a good deal of the sarcode outside of the shell; and two specimens have been seen to throw out elongated pseudopodia" (loc. cit., p. 536). Dr. John Murray distinguished at that time not less than fifty species of these interesting deep-sea Rhizopods and called them provisionally Challengerida; a term which we retain here for the largest and most characteristic family. He gave at the same time, in an accompanying plate (xxiv.), six figures of new Phæodaria, the names of which (as found by me in 1879 in the corresponding preparations) are the following; (1) Challengeria naresii, (2) Challengeria aldrichii, (3) Bivalva compressa (now = Conchopsis compressa), (4) Tuscarora belknapii, (5) Challengeria circopora (now = Circoporus sexfurcus), and (6) Haeckeliana porcellana. A great number of these Challengerida (twenty species) were afterwards figured by Dr. John Murray in the Narrative of the Cruise of H.M.S. Challenger, 1885, vol. i. part 1, p. 226, Pl. A; viz., fourteen species of Challengeria and six species of Tuscarora.

The most important advance in the knowledge which we had of the peculiar organisation of the Phæodaria, was made by the accurate description which Richard Hertwig published, in 1879, of the intimate structure of their central capsule, and mainly of its peculiar openings. He examined living at Messina the following three forms, described in my Monograph; (1) Aulacantha scolymantha, (2) Aulosphæra elegantissima, and (3) Cœlodendrum ramosissimum. Besides, he described an interesting new genus, Cœlacantha anchorata; and another new form, which he placed in the Aulosphærida, as Aulosphæra gracilis, but which really was a new genus of Sagosphærida, here described as Sagoscena gracilis. Finally, Hertwig first discovered that the peculiar bodies, described by Ehrenberg as Dictyocha and placed by him in the Diatomea (Polygastrica), were the isolated pieces of the skeleton of a true Phæodarium, and that they were scattered loosely in great numbers over the surface of the jelly-sphere, just as are the hollow spicula of Thalassoplancta or Cannobelos.

The six species mentioned, of which Hertwig gave a very accurate description and very instructive figures, belong to six different genera, and these represent six different families of Phæodaria, viz.; Aulacanthida, Aulosphærida, Cœlodendrida, Cannosphærida, Sagosphærida and Cannorrhaphida. He found that all these six forms, in spite of great differences in the form and structure of their skeleton, were identical in the structure of the central capsule; and since he observed constantly three openings in its double wall (a large main-opening on the oral pole, and a pair of lateral accessory openings on the aboral pole of its main axis) he called them Tripylea (loc. cit., p. 87, 94). But he also pointed out the remarkable shape of their voluminous extracapsular body, and especially the characteristic position, size, colour and composition of the large pigment body, which I had called the phæodium.

The accurate description of the gigantic and elegant skeleton of a new Phæodarium, surpassing all other known Radiolaria in its extraordinary size (15 mm.), was published in 1882 by O. Bütschli (in Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., vol. xxxvi. p. 486, Taf. xxxi.). He called it Cœlothamnus davidoffii, in honour of its discoverer, who had found it floating on the surface of the Gulf of Villafranca, near Nice. He placed it among the Cœlodendrida; it belongs, however, to that part of this group which possesses a nasal tube, and which I afterwards separated under the name Cœlographida.

The total number of Phæodaria, hitherto described and illustrated by figures, amounts therefore to seventeen species, viz., the seven species first described by myself (in 1862); the six new species figured by Dr. John Murray (in 1876); the three new species discovered by Hertwig (in 1879) and the single species last-mentioned described by Bütschli (in 1882). The rich collection of the Challenger has added to this small number such an astonishing wealth of new and remarkable forms, that I can describe in the following system of Phæodaria not less than eighty-four genera and four hundred and sixty-five species. These belong to fifteen different families and four different orders. But this great number is probably only a small part of the numerous interesting Phæodaria, which are abundantly distributed over all the oceans; those (e.g.) of the Indian and of the Arctic Oceans are almost unknown.

The great majority of these wonderful Phæodaria are inhabitants of the deep-sea, mainly of the southern hemisphere, and are so common in many stations explored by the Challenger, that its collection contains many thousands (or rather hundreds of thousands) of well-preserved specimens. A smaller part of the legion is found on the surface, widely distributed over all oceans; some of these are very common (as, e.g., Aulacantha, Aulosphæra, Sagosphæra, Cœlodendrum, Castanella, &c.) and it is difficult to explain how they could entirely escape the eyes of all former observers.

The three general characters which distinguish the Phæodaria easily and constantly from all the other Radiolaria are the following:—(1) the double membrane, a thick outer and a thin inner envelope, of the big central capsule; (2) its typical main-opening or astropyle, placed on the oral pole of the main axis, and distinguished by a peculiar radiate operculum, with tubular proboscis; (3) the phæodium, or the peculiar voluminous pigment-body, which constantly lies in the oral half of the calymma, surrounds the oral part of the central capsule, and is composed of numerous phæodella, or singular pigment-granules of green, olive, brown or black colour.

Besides these three general and never failing marks of the Phæodaria, the majority of this legion (but by no means all) possess the three following peculiarities; (1) two parapylæ or accessory openings of the central capsule, placed laterally (at the right and left) on the aboral pole of the main axis (wanting in the Challengerida, Medusettida, Castanellida, and perhaps in some other families); (2) a characteristic skeleton which is always extracapsular, wanting only in the Phæodinida, incomplete in the Cannorrhaphida and Aulacanthida, but perfectly developed and of very various shapes in the twelve other families; usually this silicated skeleton is composed of hollow tubules, which are filled up by jelly (Pansolenia); but in some families it is composed of ordinary solid network, not different from that of the other Radiolaria, e.g., especially in the Castanellida and Sagosphærida; (3) an extraordinary size of the body, as well of the central capsule and its nucleus, as of the extracapsular skeleton; the majority of Phæodaria have a diameter of 1 to 2 mm., and are therefore from ten to twenty times as large as the majority of the other Radiolaria; in some gigantic forms the diameter of the unicellular body reaches 20 or even 30 mm.

The Central Capsule of the Phæodaria is the most important part of their body and preserves in all families of this legion the same essential structure, and nearly the same form, in striking contrast to the extraordinary variety and complication of the skeleton. As already mentioned, it differs from the central capsule of all the other Radiolaria in two most important peculiarities; firstly, the double membrane of the spheroidal capsule, and secondly, the singular structure of its constant main-opening, the astropyle. A third constant character is the considerable size of the enclosed nucleus, the diameter of which usually equals about half of that of the capsule itself.

The diameter of the capsule is, in the majority of Phæodaria, 0.1 to 0.2 mm., often also 0.3 to 0.4, rarely more than 0.5, or less than 0.05 mm.

The position of the central capsule is somewhat different in the four orders into which we have divided the Phæodaria. It lies in the centre of the spherical, concentric calymma in all the Phæocystina, or in those Phæodaria which possess no complete lattice-shell—Phæodinida, Cannorrhaphida, and Aulacanthida (Pls. 101-105). The Phæosphæria (comprising the Orosphærida, Sagosphærida, Aulosphærida, and Cannosphærida, Pls. 106-112) all possess a very big, usually spherical lattice-shell, and here the central capsule is much smaller than the latter and lies in its centre. Another position is constantly occupied by the central capsule in all Phæogromia (Pls. 99, 100, 113-120; the families Challengerida, Medusettida, Castanellida, Circoporida, Tuscarorida), which have a peculiar mouth on the lattice-shell, placed on the oral pole of its main axis; the central capsule lies in the opposite aboral half of the shell cavity. The Phæoconchia finally (Pls. 121-128, the families Concharida, Cœlodendrida, and Cœlographida) all possess a bivalved shell, and the capsule is here enclosed between the two valves of the shell.

The form of the central capsule is constantly spheroidal, slightly depressed in the direction of the main axis, and therefore comparable to the spheroidal form of our globe. The depression is generally very slight, so that the proportion of the minor vertical main axis to the major horizontal or equatorial axis is about 4 : 5 or 5 : 6, often even 8 : 9 or less; but sometimes the proportion becomes 3 : 4, or even 2 : 3, so that the capsule becomes nearly lenticular; very rarely its form becomes almost perfectly spherical (Pl. 101, fig. 1). The main axis stands always vertically, and is distinctly marked by the peculiar shape of the astropyle, placed on its oral pole. Usually this pole, in the living and freely floating Phæodaria seems to be the lower pole, directed downwards (as also in the Nassellaria); but in some families it seems to be inversely directed upwards, as in the Challengerida and Tuscarorida, (Pls. 99, 100).

The two membranes of the central capsule possess in all Phæodaria a very different shape, and were in all preparations which I could accurately examine (some hundreds belonging to all families) separated by a clear, rather wide interval, filled up either by a colourless fluid or by a structureless jelly (Pl. 103, fig. 1; Pl. 123, figs. 8, 9, &c.). They are in direct connection only at the openings. In the living Phæodaria, however, their distance is very small, or they are in immediate contact without any interval (Pl. 101, fig. 10; Pl. 102, fig. 1). According to the observations of Hertwig, the two membranes are always in close contact, and without interspace, in the living Phæodaria; and the space between them is an artificial product due to the influence of the preserving fluid or of certain chemical agents. In every case it is very easy to separate both membranes completely, except at the openings, where they are in direct connection. We distinguish both membranes shortly as ectocapsa and endocapsa.

The ectocapsa, or the outer membrane of the central capsule, is rather firm and durable, double-contoured, elastic and difficult to destroy. Its physical and chemical qualities seem to approach those of chitin. It becomes, however, stained red by carmine, and yellow by nitric acid. Usually it appears structureless and refracts the light strongly. In a few cases, however, it exhibits, when examined by strong lenses, a fine punctation; and in some Aulacanthida (especially in some big forms of Aulographis and Aulospathis) the entire ectocapsa was densely covered with peculiar curved, or S-shaped dark corpuscles (Pl. 114, fig. 13). They were all of the same length, about 0.01, and seemed to lie on its inner face.

The endocapsa, or the inner membrane of the central capsule, is much thinner than the outer, with which it is in immediate connection only at the openings. It encloses the entire contents of the capsule, and becomes very distinct, as soon as the latter are dissolved by chemical agents, or stained by carmine. In the majority of well-preserved preparations it is irregularly plicated, and resembles a thin, but firm, crumpled paper. Isolated pieces of the endocapsa are completely structureless, but exhibit also a considerable resistance, in spite of their minute thickness.

The openings of the central capsule exhibit in the Phæodaria a greater variety than their discoverer, R. Hertwig, supposed. The majority of the legion, certainly, possess the three openings described by him, and are therefore true Tripylea. Some families, however, have only one opening, the astropyle, which is generally present (Challengerida, Medusettida, Castanellida, and Phæocolla among the Phæodinida, Pl. 101, fig. 1). In some other families there is a variable number of accessory openings or parapylæ, one, three, or more, e.g., especially in the Circoporida and Tuscarorida. The former may be called Astropylea, the latter Sporopylea. Thus only a single opening to the central capsule is constant in all Phæodaria without exception, and that is the astropyle, or the large main-opening with its peculiar structure.

The astropyle, or the single constant main-opening of the central capsule, is distinguished by a very remarkable structure, and is sufficient of itself to separate the Phæodaria from all the other Radiolaria, and from the other Rhizopoda in general. It is always placed on the oral pole of the main axis, forming here a peculiar cap-shaped or flatly conical elevation, the centre of which is prolonged into a short, cylindrical tubule; we call the latter shortly a proboscis, and the former an operculum. To understand better the different forms which these important parts assume in the different families, compare Pl. 101, figs. 1-6; Pl. 102, fig. 1; Pl. 103, fig. 1; Pl. 104, figs. 1-3; Pl. 111, fig. 2; Pl. 123, figs. 1-9; Pl. 127, figs. 4-6; Pl. 128, fig. 2, &c. Compare also the first very accurate figures which R. Hertwig has given in 1879 (loc. cit.) in his Taf. x.

The operculum of the astropyle, the most important part of this main opening ("der Oeffnungshof der Hauptöffnung," in the description of Hertwig), is a circular convex plate, always more strongly vaulted than the surrounding part of the capsule membrane, and is sharply separated from it by a circular, often thickened and double-contoured margin. The operculum covers the main-opening like the lid of a tea-kettle, and the proboscis arising from its centre is comparable to the handle of that lid. The diameter of the circular operculum is usually about half as long (rarely as long) as the radius of the central capsule, therefore in the majority of Phæodaria 0.03 to 0.06, sometimes 0.1 and more. Its form is sometimes more conical, sometimes more like a mamma. Its height is usually about equal to half its diameter. It always exhibits a very distinct radial striation, produced by numerous prominent radial ribs, which arise in the centre and end at the circular sharply truncated margin. The usual number of these radial ribs may be, in the operculum of smaller capsules, from thirty to fifty, in those of medium size from sixty to ninety, and in the largest two hundred to three hundred or more. Usually the ribs are simple (Pl. 101, figs. 1, 2, 6, 10; Pl. 127, figs. 4-6; also in all figures given by Hertwig); but sometimes, mainly in the biggest Aulacanthida, they are distinctly branched in a centrifugal direction (Pl. 114, fig. 13; Pl. 115, fig. 3). Hertwig is of the opinion that the radial ribs are thickened ridges of the endocapsa ("leistenartige Verdickungen der inneren Membran"), and that the ectocapsa covering it is structureless (compare his figs. 1 and 1a, in Taf. x.). But I am convinced now, by numerous experiments and observations, that the radiate operculum is a part of the outer, not of the inner membrane. That part of the latter which lies immediately beyond the former, and which may be called the "inner operculum," also exhibits usually a fine radial striation; but this is probably only the cast of the stronger and much more prominent radial ribbing of the "outer operculum" belonging to the ectocapsa. The latter exhibits a large circular opening with thickened margin, when the radiate operculum is taken from it. The operculum becomes stained intensely red by carmine, yellow by nitric acid, corresponding to the ectocapsa, the main-opening of which is closed by it.

The proboscis, or the cylindrical tubule, which arises in the centre of the operculum, is often rather short, and bears the same relation to it as the nipple does to the human breast (Pl. 104, fig. 2). But usually it is more or less prolonged and often about as long as the radius of the capsule, rarely nearly as long as its diameter (Pl. 101, fig. 1). Its form is usually a slender cylinder, sometimes somewhat conical and tapering towards the distal end. It is more or less curved or S-shaped in the majority of preparations (Pl. 115, fig. 3; Pl. 127, fig. 6, &c.). Its thin wall is a direct prolongation of the outer membrane of the capsule, therefore it appears as a direct apophysis of the operculum, when this is detached from the latter. The opening at the distal end of the proboscis, through which the endosarc is thrown out, is circular.

The parapylæ, or the accessory openings of the central capsule, exhibit in all Phæodaria the same form and structure, but vary in number and disposition. They are recognised with difficulty in the smaller species, since they are always of small size, and may be easily overlooked. They seem to be completely wanting in the following families:—Challengerida (Pl. 99), Medusettida (Pls. 118-120), Castanellida (Pl. 113), and in single genera of other families, as in Phæocolla (Pl. 101, fig. 1). The majority of Phæodaria seem to possess the two lateral parapylæ, first described by Hertwig, placed at a variable distance on each side of the aboral pole, to the right and left (Pl. 101, figs. 2, 6, 10; Pl. 103, fig. 1a; Pl. 104, figs. 1, 2a; Pl. 123, figs. 1, 8a &c.). The horizontal axis, on which the two parapylæ lie, is the the frontal or lateral axis; and the plane, which passes through the three openings of these "Tripylea," is the frontal or lateral plane. The number of the parapylæ seems to be variable in the two families, Circoporida and Tuscarorida, which also differ from the other Phæodaria in the peculiar (porcellanous) structure of their shell-wall. The number seems to vary even in the single species of one genus; and the following cases may be found: (A) a single parapyle, placed on the aboral pole of the main axis and directly opposed to the astropyle (on the oral pole), as in Tuscaridium (Pl. 100, fig. 8); (B) three equidistant parapylæ, one of which is placed in the sagittal plane, and the two others one on each side of it, to the right and left, is in Tuscarora (Pl. 100, figs. 1-6); the three parapylæ seem to correspond here to the three long feet, or the tubular aboral apophyses of the shell, which are arranged in a similar manner to the three cortinar feet of the Nassellaria; (C) four equidistant parapylæ, placed in pairs on the poles of the diagonal axes of a horizontal plane, as in Tuscarora (Pl. 100, fig. 7); they seem here to correspond to the four crossed aboral feet; (D) six to eight or more parapylæ probably in the different genera of Circoporida (Pls. 114-117); perhaps each radial tube, which is surrounded on its base by a circle of pores, here corresponds to a separate parapyle. The number of well-preserved central capsules belonging to the two latter families, however, which I could examine was relatively small and their examination very difficult; therefore these numbers are not stated with satisfactory certainty and require a further more accurate examination. The minute structure of the parapylæ (or "Neben-Oeffnungen") has been described already very accurately by Hertwig (loc. cit., p. 95, Taf. x. figs. 1-11b). The two membranes of the capsule are in direct and immediate connection on each parapyle. The strong outer membrane arises in the form of a ring or of a short cylindrical tubule (collare paraboscidis or "Oeffnungshals"), is then reflected inwards, and connected at the bottom of the cylindrical cavity with the delicate inner membrane. From this connective ring arises a short conical or cylindrical tubule, which we call shortly the "paraboscis." According to Hertwig (who calls it "Oeffnungskegel") the paraboscis is a direct prolongation of the inner membrane only. My own observations have led me to the opinion, that the paraboscis of each parapyle is a direct prolongation of the outer membrane (similarly to the larger proboscis of the astropyle), and that the basal connective ring is, therefore, the inner opening of the paraboscis, through which the entosarc enters, being protruded through its outer circular opening. Usually the paraboscis of each parapyle is only a short cylinder, arising by a conical base; but sometimes, especially in some Aulosphærida and Sagosphærida, it is prolonged into a slender tubule, nearly as long as the radius of the central capsule. It has been already figured by Hertwig (loc. cit., Taf. x. figs. 6-8). It seems, therefore, that the paraboscis of the accessory openings is developed in a way similar to the proboscis of the main-opening, and that the chief difference between the two is indicated by the large radiate operculum of the latter.

The cavity of the endocapsa, or the spheroidal space enclosed by the inner membrane of the central capsule, is filled up in its central part by the big nucleus, in its peripheral part by the endoplasm, or by the internal protoplasm, which is in communication with the outer or extracapsular protoplasm by the openings of that capsule. The endoplasm, or the intracapsular sarcode, is rather opaque, finely granulated, and usually filled up by numerous small clear spherules of equal size, which are more or less regularly arranged and equidistant. These spherules have usually a diameter of 0.01 to 0.015, rarely more than 0.02 or less than 0.005 mm.; their size is generally equal in each capsule. They have been already described and figured in my Monograph, as "wasserhelle kugelige Bläschen," and are probably vacuoles or small vesicles filled up by jelly or by a clear fluid. Usually each vesicle contains a small dark granule of fat, or a group of such granules connected together; and in these Hertwig observed a vibrating molecular motion. The central capsule of many Phæodaria contains, besides the vacuoles, often granules of pigment (usually red or yellow) and sometimes numerous groups of small crystals, placed mainly beyond the operculum of the astropyle (Pl. 127, figs. 4-7). The outer layer of the endoplasm, placed immediately beyond the endocapsa, often exhibits a fine striation, as if composed of delicate fibrillæ. This fibrillar striation is usually most distinct on the base of the openings, where also the endoplasm becomes stained very intensely by carmine. The astropyle as well as the parapylæ often exhibit here, when observed from the face, a distinct radial striation (compare Hertwig, loc. cit., p. 98, Taf. x. figs. 6-14) Perhaps the radiate shape of the operculum is only produced by radial folds of the endocapsa placed beyond it, and these folds may be in turn the product of the radial fibrillæ, which are prominent beyond the astropyle. On the other hand, these fibrillæ may be compared to the muscular fibrillæ or "myophane filaments" in the ectosarc of the Infusoria, and may perhaps effect by their contraction a dilatation of the openings of the capsule.

The nucleus of the Phæodaria is always very large, usually about half or two thirds as broad as the central capsule and placed either in its centre, or sometimes nearer to one pole of the main axis, which is common to the capsule and its nucleus. Therefore the diameter of the latter is usually half or even two thirds of that of the capsule, and may be in the majority 0.05 to 0.15, often 0.2 to 0.3, rarely more than 0.4 or less than 0.01 mm. The form of the nucleus is rarely spherical, usually spheroidal, and it is more depressed in the direction of the main axis than the capsule itself. In my Monograph, where I gave the first description of it, I called it "Binnenbläschen." The membrane of the vesicular nucleus is thin but rather firm, and contains a rather clear, finely granulated substance, in which numerous nucleoli are usually scattered. (Compare Pl. 101, figs. 1-10; Pl. 102-104; Pl. 123; Pl.127, &c.; the nucleus is marked by n, the nucleoli by l.)

The nucleoli are very different in respect to their form, size, number and arrangement. Since these differences are very great even in different specimens of a single species (as, e.g., in the common cosmopolitan Aulacantha scolymantha, Aulosphæra trigonopa, Cœlodendrum ramosissimum, &c.), it is probable that they represent different stages of development and multiplication, and that the smallest fragments of the nucleoli, or the final results of their repeated division, become the nuclei of the flagellate spores, which are developed in the Phæodaria just as in the other Radiolaria. In the majority of nuclei examined, the number of the enclosed nucleoli proved to be very great, fifty to eighty or more, often some hundreds, the greater their number the smaller their size. Their form is usually irregular, roundish, or even amœboid—probably the result of amœbiform motions (Pl. 101, fig. 1). Sometimes the nucleoli were regularly spherical, equidistant, and connected apparently by a delicate network (Pl. 101, fig. 2). (Compare Pl. 102-104, 111, 123, and also Taf. x. of Hertwig, loc. cit.).

The calymma, or the extracapsular jelly-veil, is in the Phæodaria always well developed and usually much larger than the enclosed central capsule. The entire volume of the calymma may be three to six times as great as that of the capsule in the majority of this legion; but in the large Aulacanthida, Aulosphærida, Cœlodendrida, Cœlographida, &c., the volume of the former is twenty to fifty as great as that of the latter, or even more. The jelly substance is rather firm and consistent, clear, structureless, and becomes more or less intensely stained by carmine. In the larger forms it is often filled by numerous large alveoles, which are usually absent in the smaller forms. These extracapsular alveoles are most strongly developed in the calymma of the Phæocystina, or the Phæodaria with incomplete skeleton, embracing the three families Phæodinida, Cannorrhaphida and Aulacanthida (Pls. 101-104). Usually the calymma is here very voluminous and entirely filled up by large alveoles, which are either spherical, irregularly roundish, or polyhedral by mutual compression. These alveoles or vacuoles have no peculiar wall, but are only cavities in the homogeneous substance of the jelly, and are filled by a clear aqueous fluid. Between these the network of the anastomosing pseudopodia is expanded. They exhibit, therefore, the same shape, as was first observed in Thalassicolla and in the Polycyttaria (Collozoida, Sphærozoida and Collosphærida).

The relation of the calymma to the skeleton is in the Phæodaria of the same importance as in the other Radiolaria, and we may also here distinguish a primary and a secondary calymma. The primary calymma is that on the surface of which at a certain period of life (in the "shell-building period") the fenestrated shell is secreted in the majority of Phæodaria. The secondary calymma, however, is formed after this period, and envelops the shell itself as well as its apophyses externally. Usually the entire skeleton seems to be enveloped by the secondary calymma.

The parts of the extracapsular body, which are enclosed in the gelatinous calymma possess a peculiar importance in the Phæodaria; these are firstly the sarcomatrix and the pseudopodia arising from it, and secondly the phæodium. The sarcomatrix, or the layer of extracapsular sarcode (ectoplasm), which immediately surrounds the central capsule is very thick and more strongly developed in all Phæodaria than in all other Radiolaria. Its extraordinary size has been already mentioned by Hertwig (1879, loc. cit., p. 99). It is in direct connection with the intracapsular sarcode (or the endoplasm) only by the openings of the central capsule, and mainly by the astropyle. Very numerous radial pseudopodia arise everywhere from the sarcomatrix and run to the surface of the calymma, usually forming a rich network in it by means of numerous branches and anastomoses (compare Pl. 101-104). On the surface of the calymma the meshes of this network are very numerous, and there arise from its nodal points the terminal pseudopodia, which float freely in the surrounding water. The metamorphoses of this network of sarcode, the perpetual changes in the number and size of its meshes, and the movements of the sarcode streams as well as of the small granules running in it, are always very manifest in the Phæodaria and in the big forms of this legion (mainly in the Aulacanthida) they are better observed than in the majority of other Radiolaria. In many Phæodaria (and perhaps in all) a part of the pseudopodia seems to have undergone a local differentiation, for special physiological purposes; and Hertwig has described a peculiar conical contractile body, which arises in Cœlodendrum between the two parapylæ (loc. cit., p. 100, fig. 3). Further examination of these interesting organs in living Phæodaria is required. Usually the sarcode, issuing from the openings of the capsule, forms a stronger cylinder, with peculiar movements.

The phæodium, or the peculiar dark extracapsular pigment-body of the Phæodaria, is one of the most important and most characteristic parts of their organisation, and has induced me to derive their name from it; it is not less typical for the whole legion, than the astropyle with its radiate operculum and the proboscis; and both these important parts are always in direct topographical and physiological connection. Whilst I have missed the phæodium in no Phæodarium in which the soft body was well preserved, I have not found it in any other Radiolaria; for the similar extracapsular pigment bodies, which are found in some species of Thalassicolla and some other Sphærellaria, have a composition and signification different from that of the phæodium—an exclusive peculiarity of the Phæodaria.

The typical importance of the phæodium for all members of this legion is proved by the following five facts:—(1) its constant presence in all Phæodaria; (2) its constant excentric position in the oral half of the calymma; (3) its constant relation to the astropyle, the operculum and the proboscis of which is always surrounded by it; (4) its constant considerable size, its volume being usually greater than that of the central capsule, the aboral half of which is covered by it; (5) its constant colour and morphological as well as chemical composition. These five facts together demonstrate by their absolute constancy the high morphological and physiological importance of the phæodium for this peculiar subclass of Radiolaria, although its true nature is difficult to make out, and its main function is not yet sufficiently known.

The first remarks that have been made on the phæodium were published in 1862 in my Monograph, where I noticed the peculiar dark brown extracapsular pigment body and its excentric position covering only one-half of the central capsule, in Aulacantha (p. 263, Taf. ii. figs. 1, 2), in Thalassoplancta (p. 262, Taf. iii. fig. 10), and in Cœlodendrum (p. 361, Taf. xxxii. fig. 1). Its general presence and peculiar composition were first recognised by Dr. John Murray, who had, during the Challenger Expedition, the first opportunity of examining many big living Phæodaria brought up from great depths. He gives in his first Report (1876, loc. cit., p. 536), the following important notice:—"The sarcode of all these deep-sea Rhizopods has many large black-brown pigment-cells. Small bioplasts are scattered through the sarcode. These collect into capsular-like clumps when the animal is at rest, and are quickly coloured by carmine." In 1877 Dr. John Murray sent me the wonderful collection of Phæodaria brought home by the Challenger, and I had now the best opportunity for examining the phæodium in hundreds of well-preserved specimens. Supported by these extensive observations, I gave, in 1879, in a preliminary paper,[1] a fuller description of the phæodium, and of the phæodella (or the peculiar dark pigment-granules composing it). At the same time R. Hertwig published his observations on the big living Tripylea examined by him at Messina, and pointed out particularly that the constant presence, composition, and arrangement of this excentric extracapsular pigment-body was most characteristic, and sufficient in itself to distinguish this group from all the other Radiolaria (1879, loc. cit., p. 99).

The most striking peculiarity of the phæodium, and the most important on account of its absolute constancy, is its excentric position, covering only the oral hemisphere of the central capsule, and wholly or partly wanting on the aboral hemisphere. This constant topographical relation to the capsule never fails, and may be always observed at the first glance, when the body is seen from the side (the main axis of the capsule being perpendicular to the axis of the eye of the observer), (compare Pl. 101, figs. 6, 10; Pl. 102, fig. 1; Pl. 103, fig. 1, &c.). The phæodium envelops, therefore, the oral half of the capsule completely, and especially the astropyle in its centre; hence, the radiate operculum and the proboscis arising from the latter cannot be seen usually before the former is removed. The general form of the entire phæodium, in consequence of this excentric position, is concavo-convex (or crescentic in longitudinal section), its concave face embracing the oral or anterior face of the capsule, and its convex face being turned to the surface of the calymma.

The topographical relation of the phæodium to the surrounding shell is also very characteristic in the suborder Phæogromia, or in those Phæodaria which possess a peculiar shell-mouth placed on the oral pole of its main axis. Here the capsule is always placed in the aboral half of the shell-cavity, the phæodium in its oral half, separating the astropyle from the mouth of the shell, both of which lie in the main axis; as in the Challengerida (Pl. 99), Tuscarorida (Pl. 100), Castanellida (Pl. 113), Circoporida (Pl. 115), and Medusettida (Pl. 118-120). In this suborder (the Phæogromia), the volume of the phæodium may be, on an average, about as great as that of the central capsule, whilst in the majority of other Phæodaria it is much greater than the latter.

A similar topographical relation between the phæodium and the enclosing shell, as in the Phæogromia, also exists in the suborder Phæoconchia, or in those Phæodaria, which are distinguished from all the others by the possession of a bivalved shell (Pl. 121-128). The two valves of this curious shell, which resembles that of the Brachiopoda, are dorsal and ventral, and the tripylean central capsule is always so placed between them that its two lateral parapylæ (right and left) lie in the frontal plane of the shell, where a large frontal fissure opens between the opposed margins of the two hemispherical or cap-shaped valves. The phæodium is also placed here on the oral half of the capsule and surrounds its astropyle; but it exhibits some differences in the three families of Phæoconchia.

The Concharida, the bivalved shell of which is simple, and without tubular apophyses (Pl. 123-125), possess a relatively small central capsule, which usually fills up only the third or fourth part of the shell-cavity. This is the aboral or posterior part, on the apex of which both valves are united by a ligament in some Concharida (Pl. 123, figs. 8, 9). The oral or anterior part of the shell-cavity (usually two-thirds or more) is filled up by the phæodium, and this is usually bifid, being divided by a frontal constriction into two wings or lobes; the dorsal wing is hidden in the upper valve of the shell, the ventral wing in the lower valve; both wings are usually united only by a small central bridge, and this bridge of the phæodium is pierced in its centre by the proboscis of the astropyle (Pl. 124, figs. 6, 10; Pl. 123, figs. 8, 9).

The Cœlodendrida have a different shape (Pl. 121). Their bivalved shell is relatively small and tiny, and bears on the two poles of the sagittal axis two conical apophyses or galeæ, from each of which three or four very large, dichotomously branched tubes arise. The central capsule fills up the cavity of the bivalved shell almost entirely, and the voluminous dark phæodium envelops both to such an extent that the shell and the enclosed capsule are often hidden in it completely. Therefore I arrived in my first description of Cœlodendrum (1862, loc. cit.) at the erroneous conclusion that the capsule lies outside, not inside the shell. The first accurate figure and description of its structure was given in 1879, by Hertwig (loc. cit., p. 99, Taf. x. fig. 3). The central capsule (v) is here separated from the bivalved shell (m) only by a very small distance, and the oral part of both is hidden in the phæodium. I find, however, in the majority of the numerous preparations of the Challenger collection, the volume of the phæodium much greater, and it often envelops the entire shell.

The Cœlographida, finally, have a phæodium of the most remarkable shape, since in their bivalved shell a peculiar reserve store or magazine of phæodella, which we call the "phæocapsa" is developed for it (Pl. 126-128, g.t.m.). The bivalved shell has in these most perfect Phæodaria a structure similar to that in the Cœlodendrida; but they differ from the latter in the stronger development, and greater differentiation of the two apical galeæ, and the large hollow tubes arising from them. These two helmet-shaped cupolæ, the galeæ (g), which arise from the two valves on the poles of the sagittal axis, are in the Cœlographida usually larger than the valves themselves, and are not closed, as in the Cœlodendrida, but open by a tubular apophysis at their base, the nasal tube or rhinocanna (t). The apex of the galea is connected with the open mouth of the rhinocanna by a single or double frenulum (b). The two nasal tubes or rhinocannæ (a dorsal and a ventral) lie in the sagittal plane of the body and run from the base of each galea along the anterior convexity of the valve to its oral margin. Here is placed the proboscis of the astropyle, between the two opposed mouths of the rhinocannæ (Pl. 128, fig. 2). The phæodium is usually hidden entirely in the two phæocapsæ, which are composed of the two galeæ (g), and the two rhinocannæ arising from them (Pl. 127, figs. 4-9). A part of the phæodella is usually thrown out by the mouth of the latter (m).

The characteristic colour of the phæodium exhibits numerous different tints between green, brown, and black. It seems to be in the majority blackish-brown or greenish-brown, very often olive, more rarely almost quite green or red-brown. Usually the colour is so dark, intense and opaque, that the parts enclosed by the phæodium, mainly the oral hemisphere of the central capsule and the astropyle, are completely hidden in it. The chemical composition of the phæodium demands further accurate researches; unfortunately I have not been able to make out its true nature, since numerous different experiments furnished no certain general results.

The phæodella, or the pigment-corpuscles, which compose the phæodium, aggregated in hundreds, and in the bigger species in thousands, are usually spherical, sometimes somewhat ellipsoidal, at other times spheroidal or lenticular; but usually numerous smaller, irregular, roundish particles are intermingled between the larger and more regular corpuscles, and often the main mass forms a very fine black powder. The size of the phæodella is very variable, not only in the different species, but also in one and the same individual. The larger phæodella have a diameter of 0.01 to 0.02, the smaller of 0.004 to 0.008 mm.; but there also occur very big forms of 0.04 to 0.05 mm., or even more, and very small ones of 0.001 mm. or less. Usually the phæodium appears as an aggregate of numerous larger and smaller phæodella, which are very different in size as well as in the intensity and tint of their colour, and are irregularly crowded in a black, powder-like substance.

The morphological nature of the phæodella is also difficult to make out. I have already pointed out in my first description of Aulacantha, Thalassoplancta and Cœlodendrum (1862, loc. cit.), that a great part of these pigment-corpuscles are true cells, composed of a nucleus and protoplasm, which contains granules of pigment, and is enveloped by a membrane. Dr. John Murray, who had during the Challenger voyage the opportunity of examining numerous different living Phæodaria, and staining them by carmine, also asserts that a great part of those dark corpuscles are "large black-brown pigment-cells" (1876, loc. cit., p. 536). Numerous preparations of the Challenger collection, well preserved in glycerine, and stained by carmine, contain Phæodaria belonging to different families, the phæodium of which contains numerous such "pigment-cells," with a dark red nucleus, and so similar are these cells, that every histologist should recognise them. But in strange contrast to this is the fact, that in numerous other mountings, prepared in the same manner, not a single cell of this kind is found in the phæodium, and that the latter is composed only of irregular pigment-granules. In many Phæodaria belonging to different families I, like Hertwig, could not find a single true nucleated cell in the phæodium.

A great part of the Phæodaria, and usually the bigger forms of Aulacanthida, Cannorrhaphida, Cœlodendrida, Cœlographida, &c., exhibit a peculiar structure of the larger phæodella, viz., a fine parallel striation (Pl. 101, figs. 3, 6; Pl. 102, fig. 1; Pl. 103, fig. 1; Pl. 104, figs. 1-3, &c.). In each phæodellum may be counted about ten to twenty such fine parallel stripes (more in the greater, less in the smaller forms); and in the ellipsoidal phæodella the stripes are either transverse rings, perpendicular to their main axis, or ascending obliquely; they often resemble the convoluted spiral filament of a thread-cell or nettle-cell of an Acaleph. Sometimes these parallel transverse stripes are very striking. Another structure is seen in larger phæodella, namely an aggregate or cluster of smaller globules, often of equal size, resembling a small morula. All these minute structures of the phæodella as well as their changes in the living Phæodaria, require a far more extensive examination (by means of strong lenses and different chemical reagents), than I could, unfortunately, devote to them.

The physiological signification of the phæodella, therefore, is at present not yet known; but the general facts quoted above, their constant presence, position, volume, and composition, make it probable that their physiological value in the Phæodarian organism is very great. The following hypotheses may be taken provisionally into consideration:—A. The phæodella are peculiar symbiontes, or unicellular algæ, comparable to the xanthellæ or zooxanthellæ of the other Radiolaria. This hypothesis is probably correct for those phæodella which are true nucleated cells; and the more so, as the majority of Phæodaria do not exhibit those common yellow xanthellæ, which are usually found in the Spumellaria and Nassellaria. It is even possible that the latter are absent in all Phæodaria. B. The phæodella are dark pigment-bodies, which absorb light and heat in a manner similar to the simple "pigment-eyes" of many lower animals, and may therefore be optical sense-organs of the Phæodaria. This hypothesis may be supported by a comparison with the large-eyed unicellular Protist, Erythropsis agilis, described by R. Hertwig. C. The phæodella are organs of nutrition of the Phæodaria and active in their metastasis ("Stoffwechsel"). Regarding them from this point of view, we may suppose that the phæodella are secreted products which serve for digestion, acting like the bile or the saliva of higher animals. Perhaps they too act like the venomous matter produced in the thread-capsules of the Acalephæ. The suggestion that they are mere excretions, or half-digested matters, as Hertwig supposes ("halb assimilirte Nahrungs-bestandtheile," 1879, loc. cit., p. 99) seems less probable. The most important fact illustrating their high signification for the processes of nutrition, digestion and for effecting changes on matter, seems to be the close relation of the phæodium to the astropyle; the radiate operculum of the latter, and the proboscis arising from it, being constantly covered and completely hidden by the central main mass of the phæodium.

The skeleton of the Phæodaria is always extracapsular, and exhibits in the majority of this legion such a characteristic shape, form, and structure, that these organisms may be easily recognised by it, even apart from the central capsule and the phæodium. In a few cases, however, the skeleton is so similar to that of some Nassellaria and Spumellaria, that it may be accidentally confounded with it. In general the skeleton of the Phæodaria is much larger, and much more highly developed, than that of most other Radiolaria, and exhibits the most wonderful appearances, and the most marvellous complications, which are found in the whole world of Protists, or of unicellular organisms. The varied composition and differentiation of the skeleton alone distinguishes the numerous families, genera, and species of Phæodaria described in the sequel; all the fifteen families, however, agree so completely in the structure of the central capsule and the phæodium described, that we may derive them all phylogenetically from a small skeletonless family, the Phæodinida.

The chemical composition of the skeleton seems to be, in the majority of Phæodaria, somewhat different from that of the other Radiolaria. In a few groups only, especially in the Cannobelida (Dictyocha, Mesocena, &c.), and in a part of the Castanellida and Concharida, the substance of the skeleton seems to be of pure silica, as in the Nassellaria and Spumellaria; these flinty skeletons, therefore, may be also found fossil. In the majority of Phæodaria, however, the skeleton does not consist of pure silica, but of an organic silicate; it becomes more or less intensely stained by carmine, and browned or blacked by fire; in many cases it even becomes completely burned and destroyed by the prolonged action of heat. This circumstance explains why Phæodaria in general are rare in deep-sea deposits, as in the common Radiolarian ooze of the Pacific, and why they are generally absent in fossil deposits. Even the pure Radiolarian rocks of the Barbados, &c., contain only a few Phæodaria, mainly Dictyochida.

According to the different forms of the skeleton, we may divide the legion or subclass of Phæodaria into two sublegions, four orders, and fifteen families. Firstly, we may distinguish as two groups the Phæocystina, without a lattice-shell, and the Phæocoscina, with a lattice-shell (compare above, p. 5). The Phæocystina comprise three different families, viz., (1) Phæodinida, without any skeleton (Pl. 101, figs. 1, 2); (2) Cannorrhaphida, with an incomplete skeleton, composed of numerous separate, not radial pieces, which are scattered around the capsule in the calymma (Pl. 101, figs. 3-14; Pl. 114, figs. 7-13), and (3) Aulacanthida (Pl. 102-105), with an incomplete skeleton, composed of numerous hollow radial tubes, which pierce the calymma and come in contact by their proximal ends with the surface of the central capsule.

The Phæocoscina, or the Phæodaria with a lattice-shell (embracing the great majority of the whole legion) exhibit three principal differences in the shape of their shell, and from these we distinguish the three following orders; (A) Phæosphæria, with a spherical, not bivalved shell (rarely of an ellipsoidal or lenticular, or another modified form), without a shell-mouth or a peculiar constant large opening on the lattice-shell; (B) Phæogromia, with an ovate or polyhedral, not bivalved shell (often also of a subspherical, ellipsoidal, or another modified form), constantly provided with a shell-mouth or a peculiar large opening on one pole of the main axis of the lattice-shell; (C) Phæoconchia, with a bivalved shell, composed of two completely separated, hemispherical, cap-shaped or boat-shaped valves (a dorsal and a ventral), comparable to that of the Brachiopoda.

The Phæosphæria, or those Phæodaria the big shell of which is usually spherical, never bivalved and never provided with a peculiar shell-mouth, comprise a great number of common and large-sized Phæodaria, which may be arranged into four different families, according to the different structure of the shell—(1) Orosphærida (Pl. 106, 107), spherical shell extremely big and robust, composed of single piece of coarse lattice-work, the thick bars of which are stratified and contain partly a fine axial-canal, meshes of the network usually irregularly polygonal, no astral septa in the nodal points; (2) Sagosphærida (Pl. 108), spherical shell large-sized, but extremely delicate and fragile, composed of a single piece of arachnoidal lattice-work, the thin bars of which are simple solid threads, without axial-canal, meshes of the network always large and triangular, no astral septa in the nodal points; (3) Aulosphærida (Pl. 109-111), spherical shell large-sized, but very fragile, composed of numerous hollow cylindrical tubes, which are connected (and at the same time separated) by peculiar astral septa in the nodal points, meshes either triangular or polygonal; (4) Cannosphærida (Pl. 112), spherical shell double, composed of two concentric shells which are connected by thin hollow radial tubes, the inner shell simple, solid or fenestrated, with a shell-mouth on the basal pole, the outer shell composed of hollow cylindrical tubes which are connected by astral septa in the nodal points. The structure of this outer shell is the same as in the Aulosphærida, while the basal mouth of the inner shell brings this family in closer relationship to the Phæogromia.

The Phæogromia, or those Phæodaria the shell of which is not bivalved, but provided with a peculiar constant mouth on the oral pole of the main axis, are in general similar to the Nassellaria (Monocyrtida), and may be divided into five different families, viz., (1) Challengerida (Pl. 99), shell ovate or subspherical, also often triangular or lenticular, distinguished by a peculiar diatomaceous structure, an exceedingly fine tracery of regular hexagonal, very delicate network; (2) Medusettida (Pl. 118-120), shell ovate, campanulate or cap-shaped, distinguished by a peculiar alveolar structure, with a corona of peculiar hollow, large, articulated feet around the mouth; (3) Castanellida (Pl. 113), shell spherical or subspherical, of ordinary simple lattice-work, usually with a corona of simple solid teeth around the mouth; (4) Circoporida (Pl. 114-117), shell spherical or polyhedral, with panelled or dimpled surface, distinguished by a peculiar porcellanous structure (numerous thin needles being embedded in a punctulate cement-substance), with hollow radial spines and with a corona of simple solid teeth around the mouth; (5) Tuscarorida (Pl. 100), shell ovate or subspherical, with smooth surface, of the same peculiar porcellanous structure as the Circoporida, but with hollow, very long tubular teeth around the mouth.

The Phæoconchia are the peculiar and most interesting "Phæodaria bivalva," differing from all other Phæodaria, and from all known Radiolaria in general, in the possession of a bivalved lattice-shell, composed of a dorsal and a ventral valve. They may be divided into three families: (1) Concharida (Pl. 123-125), shell with two thick and firm, regularly latticed valves, which bear no hollow tubes and no cupola or galea on their apex or sagittal pole; (2) Cœlodendrida (Pl. 121), shell with two thin and fragile, scarcely latticed valves, which bear a conical cupola or a helmet-shaped galea on their apex, and hollow branched tubes arising from it (without rhinocanna and frenula); (3) Cœlographida (Pl. 122, 126-128), shell with two thin and fragile, scarcely latticed valves, similar to those of the Cœlodendrida, but differing from them in the development of a peculiar rhinocanna or nasal tube upon each valve; this tube is connected by an odd or paired frenulum with the apex of the galea, and both together contain the phæodium.

The phylogenetic affinity of the fifteen families enumerated, and the morphological relationship based upon it, form a very difficult problem. The whole legion of Phæodaria is probably monophyletic, in as much as all the families may be derived from a single ancestral group, the skeletonless Phæodinida (Phæodina and Phæocolla); but at the same time polyphyletic, in as much as probably many families have been derived, independently one from another, from different branches of Phæodinida; or in other words, the characteristic malacoma of the Phæodaria (the cannopylean central capsule and the calymma with the phæodium) may be a monophyletic product, inherited from a single ancestral form; the manifold skeleton, however, is certainly a polyphyletic product, originating from different skeletonless Phæodinida.

Among the independent families of Phæodaria, derived directly from skeletonless Phæodinida by production of a peculiar skeleton, may be the following: Cannorrhaphida (Pl. 101, probably polyphyletic), Aulacanthida (Pl. 102-105), Castanellida (Pl. 113), Challengerida (Pl. 99), Concharida (Pl. 123-125), Circoporida (Pl. 114-117) and Tuscarorida (Pl. 100). The four families of Phæosphæria (the Orosphærida, Sagosphærida, Aulosphærida and Cannosphærida (Pl. 106-112), may be derived perhaps from the Castanellida; and the Medusettida (Pl. 118-120), have been perhaps derived from the Challengerida. The complicated affinities of these groups are however difficult to explain. The Cœlodendrida (Pl. 121) are probably derived from the Concharida, and the Cœlographida (Pl. 126-128) from the Cœlodendrida.

The geometrical fundamental form of the shell is in the majority of Phæodaria monaxonial, corresponding to the main axis of the enclosed central capsule; the astropyle of the latter, placed on the oral pole of the main axis, corresponds to the mouth of the shell in all Phæogromia. In the Phæosphæria, where no peculiar shell mouth is developed, the general fundamental form of the shell is usually homaxonial or spherical, often an endospherical polyhedron, rarely ellipsoidal or spindle-shaped (with prolonged main axis), or lenticular (with shortened main axis). The bivalved Phæoconchia have usually either an amphithect shell (with the same fundamental form as the Ctenophora), or a dipleuric, bilaterally symmetrical shell (with a dorsal and a ventral valve, a right and a left parapyle). A small number of Phæodaria (mainly Circoporida) are remarkable on account of the regular polyhedral form of their shell, the geometrical axes of which resemble crystalline axes and are defined by regular radial tubes; as the octahedral Circoporus (Pl. 117, fig. 6), the dodecahedral Circorrhegma (fig. 2), and the icosahedral Circogonia (fig. 1).

The siliceous or silicate bars, which compose the skeleton of the Phæodaria, are in the majority hollow tubes, filled up by jelly; in some other families, however, they are solid rods, as in the Nassellaria and Spumellaria. Such usual lattice-work, composed of solid rods, occurs only in the families Sagosphærida (Pl. 108), Castanellida (Pl. 113), and Concharida (Pls. 123-125). A quite peculiar structure, a diatomaceous tracery of extremely fine and regular hexagonal frames, distinguishes the Challengerida (Pl. 99). The hollow cylindrical tubes, which are found in the other families, appear in three different forms, simple, articulate, and provided with an axial thread. Simple hollow tubes, which are neither articulate nor provided with an axial thread, occur in the Cannorrhaphida (Pl. 101), Aulacanthida (Pl. 102-105), Cœlodendrida (Pl. 121, 122), and Cœlographida (Pl. 126-128). In all these families the hollow cylindrical tubes have a very thin wall and contain a wide cavity, filled only by jelly. The Orosphærida (Pl. 106, 107), differ in the reduction of the cavity, which becomes very narrow (often rudimentary or lost), whilst the walls of the tubes become extremely thickened and stratified, numerous concentric layers of silica being disposed one over the other. The hollow cylindrical tubes contain an axial filament, or a thin thread of silica, placed in its axis, in the families Aulosphærida (Pl. 109-111), Cannosphærida (Pl. 112), Circoporida (Pl. 114-117), and Tuscarorida (Pl. 100). Usually the axial filament is connected with the thin wall of the tube by numerous horizontal branches. A quite peculiar structure distinguishes the Medusettida (Pl. 118-120); their hollow tubes, extremely prolonged, are articulate owing to the presence of numerous, regular, equidistant transverse septa; these are pierced by a short tubule, similar to the siphon of the shells of Nautilus; this remarkable alveolar structure also occurs in the peripheral part of their shell-wall (and sometimes in the whole shell), numerous small polyhedral chambers or alveoles which communicate by small openings, being developed; they become easily filled with air in the dry shell (Pl. 120, figs. 11-16).

The substance of the siliceous or silicated shell-wall is, in the majority of Phæodaria, homogeneous and structureless, as in the Spumellaria and Nassellaria; but sometimes it acquires a peculiar structure. The thickened wall of the hollow tubes in the Orosphærida and in several Aulacanthida (Pl. 105, figs. 6-10) becomes distinctly stratified, concentric strata being disposed one over the other. A very remarkable structure, differing from that in all other Radiolaria, is found in the porcellanous shell of the Circoporida (Pl. 114-117), and Tuscarorida (Pl. 100). The thickened wall of the opaque shell is here composed of a peculiar silicated cement, which encloses numerous very thin and irregularly scattered needles (Pl. 115, figs. 6-9; Pl. 116, fig. 3). Dry fragments of these shells, observed by a strong lens, appear finely punctulate, and probably air, entering into these fine porules of the cement, causes the white colour and the calcareous or porcellanous appearance of the opaque dry shell. Its surface is smooth in the Tuscarorida (Pl. 100), panelled in the Circoporida (Pl. 114-117).

The hollow or solid spines, which arise from the shell of the Phæodaria, exhibit an extraordinary variety and elegance in the production of different branches, bristles, hairs, secondary spine, and thorns, hooks, anchor-threads, pencils, spathillæ, &c. These appendages are developed similarly to those of many Spumellaria, but exhibit a far greater variety and richness in form. They are organs partly for protection, partly for retention of food. They are much more interesting than in other Radiolaria.

Synopsis of the Orders and Families of Phæodaria.


Skeleton absent or incomplete, composed of numerous single scattered pieces, without connection. Central capsule placed in the centre of the calymma.

Skeleton completely absent, 1. Phæodinida.
Skeleton composed of numerous scattered pieces, not of radial tubes, 2. Cannorrhaphida.
Skeleton composed of numerous hollow radial tubes, the proximal ends of which are in contact with the central capsule, 3. Aulacanthida.

Skeleton a simple or double lattice-shell, not bivalved, without a peculiar shell-mouth (shell usually spherical, rarely of a modified form, always without peristome). Central capsule placed in the centre of the shell-cavity.

Shell composed of a simple non-articulated lattice-plate, without astral septa in the nodal points. Network very robust and coarse, with irregular polygonal meshes; bars very thick, partly hollow, 4. Orosphærida.
Network very delicate and fragile, with subregular, triangular meshes; rods very thin, filiform, always solid, 5. Sagosphærida.
Shell composed of numerous hollow, tangential cylindrical tubes, which are separated by astral septa in the nodal points. Shell articulated, with astral septa, without a simple central shell, 6. Aulosphærida.
Shell double, composed of two concentric shells; the outer articulated, the inner simple, 7. Cannosphærida.


Skeleton a simple lattice-shell, not bivalved, constantly provided with a peculiar large shell-mouth placed on the oral pole of the main axis; peristome usually surrounded by peculiar feet or teeth. (Shell either spherical or ovate, or of another form). Central capsule excentric, placed in the aboral half of the shell-cavity.

Structure of the shell not porcellanous (without needles imbedded in a punctulate cement-substance). Structure of the shell diatomaceous, with very delicate and regular hexagonal pores. No articulate feet, 8. Challengerida.
Structure of the shell alveolar, with hollow alveoles between a double plate. A corona of articulated feet around the mouth, 9. Medusettida.
Structure of the shell of simple lattice-work, neither diatomaceous nor alveolar. No articulate feet, 10. Castanellida.
Structure of the shell porcellanous, with peculiar fine needles imbedded in a punctulate cement-substance (a circle of pores around the base of each tube). Surface of the shell panelled or dimpled (spherical or polyhedral). Peristome flat, 11. Circoporida.
Surface of the shell smooth, even (ovate or subspherical). Peristome prominent, 12. Tuscarorida.

Skeleton a bivalved lattice-shell, composed of a dorsal and a ventral valve which are completely separated (rarely connected by a ligament on the aboral pole). Central capsule enclosed between the two valves.

The two valves of the bivalved shell thick and firm, regularly latticed, without a galea or cupola on their apex, and without hollow tubes, 13. Concharida.
The two valves of the bivalved shell very thin and fragile, scarcely latticed, each with a conical cupola or a helmet-shaped galea on its sagittal pole or apex, and with hollow tubes. Galea without rhinocanna or nasal tube, without frenula, 14. Cœlodendrida.
Galea with a rhinocanna or nasal tube, both connected by an odd or paired frenulum, 15. Cœlographida.

Order I. PHÆOCYSTINA, Haeckel (1879).

Definition.Phæodaria without lattice-shell, either without any skeleton, or with an incomplete skeleton, composed of numerous single pieces, which are scattered in the calymma without connection. Central capsule placed in the centre of the spherical calymma.

Family LXXI. Phæodinida, Haeckel (Pl. 101, figs. 1, 2).

Phæodinida, Haeckel, 1879, Sitzungsb. med.-nat. Gesellsch. Jena, Dec. 12, p. 4.

Definition.Phæodaria without skeleton. Central capsule with one to three (or more) openings, placed in the centre of the spherical naked calymma.

The family Phæodinida is the simplest and most primitive of the Phæodaria, and differs from all the other families of this legion in the complete absence of a skeleton. It bears, therefore, the same relation to the latter as the Thalassicollida do to the other Spumellaria. The soft body is only composed of the central capsule with the nucleus, and the calymma with the phæodium.

Of course it is quite possible that the skeletonless Phæodaria, which we regard here as the ancestral family of that legion, may be either members of other families which have lost their skeleton accidentally, or young Phæodaria which have not yet developed a skeleton. But in some preparations of the Challenger certain large, well-preserved Phæodaria, without any trace of skeleton, are not rare; and since I myself have observed a complete living Phæodina, I have no doubt that they are independent, primordial forms (like Actissa, Thalassicolla, Cystidium, Nassella, &c.). Probably also two skeletonless Phæodaria belong to this family which are figured by R. Hertwig, in 1879, in his Organismus d. Radiol. (Taf. x. fig. 1, 11); this author, however, supposed that they had lost their original skeleton.

The three species of Phæodinida which are described in the sequel represent two different genera, Phæodina and Phæocolla, already distinguished in my first note on the Phæodaria (Sitzungsb. med.-nat. Gesellsch. Jena, 1879, Dec. 12, p. 4). Phæodina is a true Tripylea, and has the usual three openings which occur in the majority of Phæodaria, a large astropyle or main-opening on the oral pole of the main axis, and a pair of lateral accessory openings, or parapylæ, on the aboral pole. Phæocolla, however, has only a single opening, the astropyle, and agrees therefore with those Phæodaria which possess no parapylæ (Challengerida, Medusettida, Castanellida, &c.).

The complete body is in all observed Phæodinida a small jelly sphere of 1 to 3 mm. in diameter, with a transparent cortical layer and an opaque dark central part. This latter is the phæodium, in which the central capsule is hidden, surrounded on all sides by the gelatinous spherical calymma; the smooth surface of the latter is spherical.

The central capsule of the Phæodinida (Pl. 101, figs. 1, 2), is either spherical or spheroidal, somewhat lenticular, slightly depressed in the direction of the main axis. Its diameter is between 0.15 and 0.25. Its double membrane exhibits the same structure as in the other Phæodaria. The thick, double-contoured outer membrane is separated from the thin and delicate inner membrane by a clear space, filled up by jelly or by a fluid; the two are connected in Phæocolla (fig. 1) only at the astropyle, in Phæodina (fig. 2), they are also connected at the two parapylæ. The radiate operculum of the astropyle opens by a tubular prolongation or proboscis, which is very long in the former, shorter in the latter. The two parapylæ of the latter also bear short tubules. The protoplasm, enclosed in the inner membrane, contains numerous small circular vacuoles. The large central nucleus is sometimes spherical or ellipsoidal, at other times spheroidal or lenticular; it always contains numerous nucleoli. One specimen observed, with two nuclei, was apparently engaged in self-division (fig. 2).

The spherical gelatinous calymma, in the centre of which the central capsule is placed, has a diameter of 1 to 2 mm. In the specimen of Phæodina tripylea, which I observed living, it exhibited exactly the same shape as the figure of Dictyocha stapedia in Pl. 101, fig. 10; the only distinction in this latter being indicated by the pileated pieces of the skeleton on the surface. The jelly-sphere contained numerous roundish or globular alveoles of very different sizes, and between them an areolated network of protoplasm; the latter has arisen from the outer surface of the calymma in the form of very numerous, radiating, partly branched and anastomosing pseudopodia. The dark and opaque centre of the jelly-sphere is filled up by the granular, blackish-brown phæodium, which envelops the oral half of the central capsule completely; it exhibits the same characters as in all the other Phæodaria.

Synopsis of the Genera of Phæodinida.

Central capsule with a single opening (an astropyle on the oral pole), 656. Phæocolla.
Central capsule with three openings (an oral astropyle and two aboral parapylæ), 657. Phæodina.

Genus 656. Phæocolla,[2] Haeckel, 1879, Sitzungsb. med.-nat. Gesellsch. Jena, Dec. 12, p. 4.

Definition.Phæodinida with a single aperture to the central capsule (an astropyle with radiate operculum, placed on the oral pole of the main axis).

The genus Phæocolla may be regarded as the simplest form of all Phæodaria, and perhaps as the common ancestral form of this legion. It has no skeleton, and the central capsule exhibits only a single aperture on one pole of the main axis. In this it agrees with the Challengerida, Medusettida, and Castanellida, which have also no parapylæ or secondary openings.

1. Phæocolla primordialis, n. sp. (Pl. 101, fig. 1).

Central capsule subspherical, or somewhat depressed in the direction of the main axis. The oral pole of the latter exhibits a large astropyle, or a radiate operculum, about as broad as the nucleus. From its centre arises a conical mammilla, prolonged into a thin, cylindrical, S-like tubulus, the proboscis, which is about as long as the diameter of the capsule. The outer membrane of the capsule is thick and double-contoured; the inner is very thin, but distinct, and includes finely granulated protoplasm, and numerous spherical, clear vacuoles, each with some small granules. Nucleus spheroidal, depressed in the direction of the main axis, containing numerous dark, irregularly amœbiform nucleoli. The diameter of the nucleus is about equal to the radius of the central capsule. The extracapsular calymma is an alveolated sphere, the diameter of which is six to eight times that of the capsule. The inner part of it contains an irregular, blackish phæodium, which surrounds and hides the oral half of the central capsule.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the central capsule 0.16, of the nucleus 0.08, of the calymma 1.0 to 1.2.

Habitat.—Central Pacific, Station 271 to 274, surface.

Genus 657. Phæodina,[3] Haeckel, 1879, Sitzungsb. med.-nat. Gesellsch. Jena, Dec. 12, p. 4.

Definition.Phæodinida with three apertures to the central capsule (an astropyle on the oral pole of the main axis, and two lateral parapylæ on both sides of the aboral pole).

The genus Phæodina has the same structure of the central capsule as the majority of Phæodaria; one large main-opening or astropyle on the oral pole of the main axis, and two smaller lateral accessory openings or parapylæ on each side of the aboral pole: it is therefore a true Tripylean genus, like the majority of Phæodaria.

1. Phæodina tripylea, Haeckel (Pl. 101, fig. 2).

? Tripylea sp., R. Hertwig, 1879, Organismus d. Radiol., Taf. x. figs. 1, 11.

Central capsule spheroidal or lenticular, somewhat depressed in the direction of the main axis. Astropyle with a strongly ribbed, radiate operculum, scarcely one-third as broad as the diameter of the capsule, and prolonged into a short tubular proboscis. Parapylæ also with short tubular openings. The outer strong (double-contoured) membrane of the central capsule is separated from the inner thin (simple-contoured) membrane by a wide interval, filled up by a clear fluid or jelly; only at the three apertures both membranes are in direct connection. The granulated protoplasm contains numerous vacuoles, and surrounds a large spheroidal nucleus, with numerous small nucleoli. The voluminous calymma in a specimen, observed living, was alveolar, and the ramification of the pseudopodia, as well as the formation of the dark brown phæodium, very similar to that of Dictyocha stapedia (Pl. 101, fig. 10). Another specimen, figured in Pl. 101, fig. 2, exhibited the first stages of self-division; the reticulated nucleus and the radiate operculum of the astropyle were already doubled, and the two membranes of the capsule between them constricted in the median plane. To this species belong probably the central capsules figured by R. Hertwig, loc. cit.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the central capsule 0.15 to 0.25, of the nucleus 0.06 to 0.1, of the calymma 0.8 to 1.2.

Habitat.—Mediterranean; Portofino, near Genoa (Haeckel); Messina (Hertwig).

2. Phæodina cannopylea, n. sp.

Central capsule subspherical, scarcely depressed in the direction of the main axis. Astropyle with a finely ribbed radiate operculum, about as broad as the radius of the capsule, prolonged into a slender, tubular proboscis which is S-shaped, about as long as the radius, and similar to that of Phæocolla primordialis, Pl. 101, fig. 1. Parapylæ also tubular, with two slender prolongations, half as long and broad as the proboscis of the parapyle. Nucleus spheroidal, about half as broad as the capsule. This species differs from the preceding mainly in the cylindrical slender prolongations of the three apertures, which are similar to those of Aulosphæra and Aularia (Pl. 111, fig. 2).

Dimensions.—Diameter of the central capsule 0.2, of the nucleus 0.1, of the calymma 1.2 to 1.5.

Habitat.—Tropical Atlantic, Station 347, depth 2250 fathoms.

Family LXXII. Cannorrhaphida, Haeckel, 1879 (Pl. 101, figs. 3-14; Pl. 114, figs. 7-13).

Cannorrhaphida, Haeckel, 1879, Sitzungsb. med.-nat. Gesellsch. Jena, Dec. 12, p. 4.

Definition.Phæodaria with an incomplete skeleton, composed of numerous separate, not radially arranged pieces, which are either hollow tangential spicula or cap-shaped dishes, or fenestrated rings, scattered loosely in the calymma. Central capsule placed in the centre of the spherical calymma.

The family Cannorrhaphida comprises those Phæodaria in which the incomplete skeleton is represented by numerous separate pieces of silica, which exhibit very different forms, and are scattered tangentially on the surface of the spherical calymma, sometimes also throughout its jelly-mass. They agree in this peculiar character with the Thalassosphærida (among the Spumellaria) and bear the same relation to the skeletonless Phæodinida as the Thalassosphærida do to the Thalassicollida (compare pp. 10 and 29). The Cannorrhaphida represent the former group among the Phæodaria. They differ from the following family, the Aulacanthida, in the arrangement and position of the hollow spicula, which are never directed radially and never touch the central capsule, as is constantly the case in the latter.

Two genera of Cannorrhaphida have been hitherto known. The first species observed in a complete and living state (at Messina in 1859) was Cannobelos cavispicula, described in 1862 in my Monograph as Thalassoplancta cavispicula (loc. cit., p. 261, Taf. iii. figs. 10-13). I there figured a complete living specimen with expanded pseudopodia and a double central capsule (in the stage of self-division). The latter was surrounded by an alveolar calymma and by a voluminous mass of blackish-brown pigment, the phæodium; numerous, long, hollow, cylindrical tubes were scattered on the surface of the calymma. At that time I did not know the tripylean character of the central capsule and the peculiar radiate operculum in the Phæodaria, and therefore placed Thalassoplancta cavispicula among the Thalassosphærida.

The second description of a complete form of Cannorrhaphida was given in 1879 by R. Hertwig, under the name Dictyocha fibula (Organismus d. Radiol., p. 89, Taf. ix. fig. 5). The genus Dictyocha had been already founded by Ehrenberg in 1838, with the following definition:—"Lorica simplex, univalvis, silicea, laxe reticulata aut stellata" (Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, 1838, p. 128). Ehrenberg had found only scattered pieces of the skeleton, fossil in Tertiary rocks. He placed them among the Bacillaria (= Diatomaceæ), but added, that they may be possibly scattered spicula of Sponges ("forsan Spongiarum ossicula").

In 1859 I myself observed similar forms of Dictyocha at Messina, and first recognised them as true Radiolaria. But I placed them at that time among the Acanthodesmida, beside Prismatium, supposing that a small spherical body which I had sometimes seen in the cavity of the pileated pieces (probably a phæodellum) was the small central capsule (Monogr. d. Radiol., 1862, p. 271, Taf. xii. figs. 3-6). The complete body of Dictyocha was not described till 1879, when R. Hertwig gave a full description of its peculiar structure, and especially of the great central capsule, which resembles that of the other Phæodaria. He first stated that the singular pileated pieces described by Ehrenberg were not complete shells, but isolated pieces of the skeleton, which are scattered in the jelly-envelope around the central capsule in a mode similar to the spicula of Thalassoplancta, Thalassosphæra and Sphærozoum. Hertwig also first recognised that the thin rods, which compose the reticular pileated pieces of the skeleton in Dictyocha, are not solid bars, but thin hollow tubules, similar to the hollow rods of Aulacantha and of other Phæodaria.

Numerous complete and well-preserved specimens of Dictyocha, which I found in the collection of the Challenger, have convinced me that the accurate description of R. Hertwig is correct in every respect, and that these remarkable bodies are true Phæodaria, most closely allied to Cannobelos (= Thalassoplancta) and to Aulacantha (compare Pl. 101, fig. 10). I now regard them as representatives of a peculiar subfamily of Cannorrhaphida, which I call Dictyochida. To the same subfamily also belong the small annular bodies which Ehrenberg described in 1841 as Mesocena (loc. cit., p. 401), and the elegant, more complicated, reticular and pileated bodies, which Stöhr figured in 1880 under the name Distephanus (Palæontogr., vol. xxvi. p. 121). These peculiar bodies are also only isolated pieces of the siliceous skeleton, and are scattered tangentially in great numbers in the calymma, around the tripylean central capsule. A still higher degree of development is attained by the interesting forms which I describe here as Cannopilus (Pl. 114, figs. 7-13). All these peculiar forms may be derived from the simple annular pieces of skeleton, which are aggregated in great numbers in the calymma of Mesocena. The pieces of the skeleton of these Dictyochida never assume the form of slender, cylindrical, tangential tubules which is characteristic of the Cannobelida.

A third subfamily of Cannorrhaphida, the Catinulida, is represented by the remarkable new genus Catinulus (Pl. 117, fig. 8). The single pieces of the skeleton, scattered in hundreds or thousands throughout the calymma, are here not composed of hollow rods, as in the two former subfamilies, but are solid hemispherical caps, or small, more flatly vaulted dishes, with a peculiar radial striation. All the complete specimens of Catinulus which I could examine possessed four equal central capsules, united in one spherical calymma.

The common character which unites the three rather different subfamilies, the Cannobelida, Dictyochida and Catinulida into a single family, and which separates this family, the Cannorrhaphida, from the other Phæodaria, is to be found in the composition of the rudimentary skeleton from numerous single pieces, which are loosely scattered either on the surface of the calymma, or throughout its jelly-mass, and which are never arranged radially and never touch the central capsule as is always the case in the closely allied Aulacanthida.

The slender spicula of the Cannobelida are cylindrical or spindle-shaped, tubular, scattered in variable numbers, but always in a tangential direction on the surface of the calymma. Usually they are 0.2 to 0.5 long, and 0.005 to 0.03 broad; either straight or slightly curved; smooth and simple in Cannobelos, spiny or branched in Cannorrhaphis (Pl. 101, figs. 3-5). Their wall is thin and fragile, their diameter sometimes equal throughout their whole length, at other times tapering towards both ends. Their cavity is filled by jelly, and seems to be open at both ends, since the purified and dried spicula constantly become filled by air.

The peculiar pieces of silica which compose the skeleton of the Catinulida are not hollow, like the rods of the other Cannorrhaphida, but concave hemispherical cups or more flatly vaulted little dishes, the thin flinty wall of which is slightly thickened at the circular margin, and radially striped above it. In all three species of Catinulus observed they were scattered throughout the calymma in hundreds or thousands (Pl. 117, fig. 8). Their relation to the Dictyochida is doubtful. Perhaps the small cups of Catinulus may be derived from the simple rings of Mesocena, by development of an operculum on one side of the ring.

The skeleton of the Dictyochida is much more developed and possesses a higher morphological interest; the numerous different forms, however, which its pieces here assume, may be all derived from the simple circular ring of Mesocena. This ring is formed by a thin, hollow, cylindrical, or prismatic rod, sometimes circular or elliptical, at other times polygonal. From its margin small, hollow, radial spines often proceed (Pl. 101, fig. 9). In Dictyocha there arise from the ring two, three, four or more siliceous bars or arches, which form one or more bulges over one side of the ring; usually the little fenestrated shell thus produced assumes the form of a three-sided or four-sided pyramid, or of a little hat with three or four meshes (Pl. 101, figs. 10-14). From this Dictyocha (in a restricted sense) we separate the genus Distephanus, in which the little pyramids become truncated, so that one central apical mesh (the apical or upper ring) is surrounded by four, five, six or eight lateral meshes, the sides of the pyramid (Pl. 114, figs. 7-9). The edges of the small pyramid are formed by the same number of siliceous bars arising from the ring and alternating with the meshes. Radial spines in different numbers and arrangements arise from the corners of the two parallel rings, as well from the smaller apical as from the larger basal ring. The simple apical ring of Distephanus becomes divided or fenestrated in the highest developed genus of this subfamily, in Cannopilus (Pl. 114, figs. 10-13); each pileated piece of the skeleton exhibits here two rows of alternating lateral meshes, an upper row of smaller and a lower row of larger meshes.

The majority of Dictyochida are armed with spines or thorns, which arise in a regular manner from different points of the annular or pileated pieces. In the ancestral genus, Mesocena, radial spines start from the corners of the simple ring in centrifugal direction, and lie horizontally in its plane. As these primary corner-spines determine the radial composition of the more highly developed genera we call them perradial (lying in rays of the first order). In Dictyocha and Distephanus commonly (but not quite constantly) these perradial spines alternate with the ascending bars which bisect the sides of the basal ring; these bars are therefore interradial (lying in rays of the second order); consequently also the corners of the apical ring of Distephanus are interradial. The latter also often bear small thorns or teeth. Other teeth frequently start in centripetal direction from the lower or basal ring, on the side of the perradial spines, and frequently they are directed obliquely downwards.

In Dictyocha and Distephanus are frequently found remarkable twin pieces, composed of two pileated and reticulated skeleton pieces. These are united by their basal rings loosely in such a way that they form together a small fenestrated subspherical body; the union is strengthened by those small teeth of the basal rings, which are directed downwards and catch one into the other (Pl. 101, fig. 12; Pl. 114, fig. 8). A similar twin piece has been already observed by Stöhr in the fossil Distephanus rotundus, and upon this was founded this genus. Since the teeth of the two opposed basal rings, catching one into the other, seem to be specially adapted for the composition of those small double pyramids, it is probable that the latter possess a special protective function in these Phæodaria, and perhaps envelop their phæodella or their flagellate spores (?). In every case these formations are very remarkable.

The Central Capsule of the Cannorrhaphida seems to possess the same shape in the three subfamilies, and to agree in general with that of the Aulacanthida. In a living specimen of Dictyocha stapedia, which I observed at Ceylon (Pl. 101, fig. 10), the three openings of the Tripylea were distinct; the radiate operculum of the astropyle (on the oral pole) was surrounded by the granules of the dark phæodium, whilst on the opposite aboral side, two parapylæ or conical secondary openings were visible. The voluminous spherical calymma (about four times as broad as the central capsule) contained numerous large alveoles (as in Aulosphæra) and its surface was protected by numerous pileated pieces of the skeleton; the basal ring of the latter was placed tangentially in the spherical surface of the calymma, their apical spine being directed outwards. The pseudopodia, arising from the central capsule and forming a network between the alveoles of the calymma, radiated outwards in great number from its surface (Pl. 101, fig. 10).

The propagation by self-division seems to be very frequent in the Cannorrhaphida. I frequently found two equal central capsules in one calymma, as in the first observed species, Cannobelos cavispicula, and in Cannorrhaphis spinulosa (Pl. 101, fig. 3), sometimes also in Dictyocha and Distephanus. As already mentioned, Catinulus constantly exhibited four central capsules united in each calymma.

Synopsis of the Genera of Cannorrhaphida.

I. Subfamily Cannobelida.

Pieces of the skeleton cylindrical or spindle-shaped tangential tubules.

Tubules simple, smooth, 658. Cannobelos.
Tubules spiny or branched, 659. Cannorrhaphis.
II. Subfamily Catinulida.

Pieces of the skeleton hemispherical or cap-shaped, solid.

Caps or hemispherical pieces of the skeleton solid, with radiate margin and circular opening, 660. Catinulus.
III. Subfamily Dictyochida.

Pieces of the skeleton either simple rings or pileated or pyramidal bodies, composed of thin hollow rods and reticular meshes.

Flinty pieces simple or arched rings, not truncated pyramids, with a basal ring, but without apical ring. Basal ring simple, not arched or fenestrated, 661. Mesocena.
Basal ring fenestrated, with two or more arches, vaulted over one side, 662. Dictyocha.
Flinty pieces of the skeleton resembling a truncated pyramid, with an upper smaller apical ring, and a lower larger basal ring. Apical ring simple, not fenestrated (one girdle of meshes on each piece), 663. Distephanus.
Apical ring fenestrated (two girdles of meshes on each piece), 664. Cannopilus.

Subfamily 1. Cannobelida, Haeckel.

Definition.Cannorrhaphida with numerous hollow cylindrical or spindle-shaped tubes, which lie tangentially scattered on the surface of the spherical calymma.

Genus 658. Cannobelos,[4] n. gen.

Definition.Cannorrhaphida with a skeleton composed of tubular acicular pieces, which are smooth, cylindrical or spindle-shaped tangential needles, without spines and branches.

The genus Cannobelos, and the following closely allied Cannorrhaphis, represent the peculiar subfamily Cannobelida, differing from the other Cannorrhaphida in the acicular form of the pieces of the skeleton, which are tangentially scattered on the surface of the spherical calymma. The cylindrical or spindle-shaped hollow needles are smooth in Cannobelos, whilst in Cannorrhaphis they are studded with lateral spines or branches.

1. Cannobelos cavispicula, Haeckel.

Thalassoplancta cavispicula, Haeckel, 1862, Monogr. d. Radiol., p. 261, Taf. iii. figs. 10-13.

Thalassicolla cavispicula, Haeckel, 1860, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wis. Berlin, p. 798.

Cannorrhaphis cavispicula, Haeckel, 1881, Prodromus, p. 470.

Tangential tubes cylindrical, more or less curved, gradually tapering towards the two pointed ends. Calymma with a voluminous phæodium.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubular spicule 0.25, breadth 0.003.

Habitat.—Mediterranean, Messina, surface.

2. Cannobelos calymmata, n. sp.

Tangential tubes cylindrical, straight, of equal breadth throughout their whole length, closed by a hemispherical cap on the two rounded ends. Calymma very voluminous, with a small phæodium.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubular spicula 0.3 to 0.5, breadth 0.004 to 0.008.

Habitat.—Central Pacific, Stations 263 to 274, surface.

3. Cannobelos thalassoplancta, n. sp.

Tangential tubes spindle-shaped, straight, gradually tapering towards the two pointed ends. Calymma and the included phæodium rather voluminous.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubular spicula 0.15 to 0.2, breadth in the middle part 0.02.

Habitat.—Tropical Atlantic, Station 347, surface.

Genus 659. Cannorrhaphis,[5] Haeckel, 1879, Sitzungsb. med.-nat. Gesellsch. Jena, Dec. 12, p. 4.}}

Definition.Cannorrhaphida with a skeleton composed of tubular acicular pieces, which are spiny, cylindrical or spindle-shaped tangential needles, either with lateral spines or branches.

The genus Cannorrhaphis differs from the preceding closely allied Cannobelos in the spiny shape of the tangential acicular spicula, which are studded either with short spines or with longer lateral branches.

1. Cannorrhaphis spinulosa, n. sp. (Pl. 101, figs. 3, 4).

Tangential tubes cylindrical, straight, gradually tapering towards the two pointed ends, densely studded with conical spines, arising perpendicularly. (The specimen figured, fig. 3, exhibited two ovate central capsules, each of which contained two large nuclei, with numerous nucleoli.)

Dimensions.—Length of the tubular spicula 0.3 to 0.5, breadth 0.01 to 0.015.

Habitat.—North Pacific, Station 244, surface.

2. Cannorrhaphis lampoxanthium, n. sp.

Tangential tubes cylindrical, more or less curved, suddenly tapering towards the two pointed ends, densely studded with irregular conical spines of unequal length, which arise obliquely from their surface.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubular spicula 0.4 to 0.5, breadth 0.005 to 0.008.

Habitat.—South Pacific, Station 289, depth 2550 fathoms.

3. Cannorrhaphis lappacea, n. sp.

Tangential tubes spindle-shaped, gradually tapering towards the two pointed ends, densely studded with irregular lateral branches, which are partly simply, partly forked, more or less curved, and arise obliquely from their surface.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubular spicula 0.2 to 0.3, breadth 0.015 to 0.025.

Habitat.—Central Pacific, Station 271, surface.

4. Cannorrhaphis spathillata, n. sp. (Pl. 101, fig. 5).

Tangential tubes cylindrical, thin and straight, regularly zigzag, with pointed, regularly alternating lateral spines, with an elegant spathilla, or a cap-shaped verticil of eight to ten recurved spines on the two ends.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubular spicula 0.3, breadth 0.003.

Habitat.—Indian Ocean, Cocos Islands (Rabbe), surface.

Subfamily 2. Catinulida, Haeckel.

Definition.Cannorrhaphida with a skeleton composed of numerous cap-shaped pieces, which lie tangentially scattered on the surface of the spherical calymma. Each piece is a hemispherical or flatly cap-shaped siliceous body, often with radial striations, and with a thin solid wall.

Genus 660. Catinulus,[6] n. gen.

Definition.Cannorrhaphida with a skeleton composed of solid, cap-shaped or hemispherical, not fenestrated, pieces.

The genus Catinulus differs from all the other Cannorrhaphida in the peculiar shape of the numerous siliceous pieces, which are scattered on the surface of the calymma and compose their rudimentary skeleton. These pieces are neither hollow rings (as in the Dictyochida), nor hollow tubes (as in the Cannobelida), but solid hemispherical caps or more flatly vaulted small dishes. All the complete specimens of this genus which I observed exhibited four equal central capsules in the spherical calymma.

1. Catinulus quadrifidus, n. sp. (Pl. 117, figs. 8, 8a).

Cap-shaped pieces of the skeleton flatly vaulted, three times as broad as high, smooth; the marginal ring with fine radial ribs and with smooth margin.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the calymma 0.6 to 0.8, of the four central capsules 0.12 to 0.2; breadth of the concave caps 0.024, height 0.008.

Habitat.—South Atlantic, Station 323, depth 1900 fathoms.

2. Catinulus catillum, n. sp.

Cap-shaped pieces of the skeleton flatly vaulted, three times as broad as high, rough, covered with numerous small spinules; the marginal ring with stout radial ribs and a corona of denticles on the margin.

Dimensions.—Breadth of the concave caps 0.03, height 0.01.

Habitat.—South Atlantic, Station 332, depth 2200 fathoms.

3. Catinulus lopadium, n. sp.

Cap-shaped pieces of the skeleton hemispherical, twice as broad as high, smooth; the marginal ring smooth, slightly radiate, with thickened smooth margin.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the calymma 1.2, of the central capsule 0.22; breadth of the concave caps 0.024, height 0.012.

Habitat.—Tropical Atlantic, Station 347, depth 2250 fathoms.

Subfamily 3. Dictyochida, Haeckel.

Definition.Cannorrhaphida with a skeleton composed of numerous annular pieces, which lie tangentially scattered on the surface of the calymma. Each piece is either a simple hollow ring or a pileate and reticulate cap, composed of a ring and several connected bars.

Genus 661. Mesocena,[7] Ehrenberg, 1841, Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 401.

Definition.Cannorrhaphida with a skeleton composed of simple annular pieces, each of which is a circular, elliptical or polygonal, not fenestrated, ring, with or without radial spines.

The genus Mesocena is the simplest form of the Dictyochida, and no doubt the common ancestral form of this subfamily. The siliceous pieces, which are scattered in variable and indefinite number in the calymma, are simple hollow rings, with or without spines on the periphery. Ehrenberg, who first described and figured such rings (found fossil in different Tertiary rocks) has mistaken them for Diatoms. Some species, which I found in the Challenger preparations, leave no doubt that these rings are the siliceous pieces of the skeleton of the simplest Dictyochida. They are scattered in great numbers in the spherical calymma, which surrounds a tripylean central capsule with all the characters of the Phæodaria. In the living body the rings probably always lie in the spherical periphery of the extracapsular jelly-veil, in tangential planes, whilst in some of the Challenger preparations the rings were scattered in hundreds throughout the whole jelly-mass. In a few species the rings are quite simple, circular or elliptical, smooth, and without teeth or spines. In the majority of species some teeth or radial spines, regularly disposed, arise from the periphery of each ring (two, three, four to eight; sometimes sixteen, eight smaller alternating with eight larger spines). In some species small teeth occur on the inner margin of the rings. The number of radial spines seems to be rather constant in all the rings of one and the same individual, with the exception of a few variations. Thus in Mesocena octogona I found here and there single rings with seven or nine teeth, instead of the usual number eight. Ehrenberg enumerated sixteen different species of Mesocena; many, however, of these are synonymous, being founded on slight variations in the number of the teeth; of others he has given only the name, but neither a figure nor a description (e.g., Mesocena stephanolithis, Mesocena spongolithis, &c.).

1. Mesocena circulus, Ehrenberg.

Mesocena circulus, Ehrenberg, 1840, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 208. Mesocena circulus, Ehrenberg, 1854, Mikrogeol., Taf. xix. fig. 44.

Rings of the skeleton circular, smooth or slightly denticulate on the outer margin, without spines. This simple form is probably the ancestral form of the Dictyochida.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the rings 0.02 to 0.03, thickness of the hollow rod 0.001 or less.

Habitat.—Fossil in Tertiary rocks of Barbados and of the Mediterranean (Ægina, Greece; Caltanisetta, Sicily).

2. Mesocena annulus, n. sp.

? Mesocena crenulata, Ehrenberg, 1860, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 822.

Rings of the skeleton elliptical, smooth or slightly denticulate on the outer margin, without spines. This species is possibly identical with Mesocena crenulata of Ehrenberg, of which, however, no figure is given. The major axis of the ellipse is one and a half times as long as the minor.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the rings in the major axis 0.03, in the minor 0.02; thickness of the bars 0.002.

Habitat.—Tropical Atlantic, Station 347, depth 2250 fathoms.

3. Mesocena diodon, Ehrenberg.

Mesocena diodon, Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 84. Mesocena diodon, Ehrenberg, 1854, Mikrogeol., Taf. xxxiii., Nr. xv. fig. 18.

Rings of the skeleton elliptical, smooth, with two opposite spines on the poles of the major axis, which is about one and one-third as long as the minor axis.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the rings in the major axis 0.04, in the minor 0.03; length of the spines 0.01.

Habitat.—Fossil in Barbados, and in North America (Virginia).

4. Mesocena triangula, Ehrenberg.

Mesocena triangula, Ehrenberg, 1840, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 208.

Mesocena triangula, Ehrenberg, 1854, Mikrogeol., Taf. xxii. fig. 41.

Dictyocha triangula, Ehrenberg, 1875, Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 46.

Lithocircus triangularis, Stöhr, 1880, Palæontogr., vol. xxvi. p. 121, Taf. vii. fig. 10.

Rings triangular, with small peripheral thorns, and three larger teeth on the corners of the equilateral triangle.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the rings 0.03 to 0.05, length of the spines 0.01.

Habitat.—Fossil in Tertiary deposits of the Mediterranean; Caltanisetta, Sicily (Ehrenberg, Stöhr).

5. Mesocena quadrangula, Ehrenberg.

? Mesocena quadrangula, Ehrenberg, 1872, Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, pp. 145, 273. ? Mesocena quaternaria, Ehrenberg, 1855, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 302.

Rings square, with four radial spines on the corners of the square. Ehrenberg has given only the name of this species, but neither diagnosis nor figure. I think it may be identical with the species described, which I found in the North Atlantic.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the rings 0.02 to 0.025, length of the spines 0.007 to 0.01.

Habitat.—North Atlantic, Færöe Channel, Gulf Stream (John Murray), depth 600 fathoms.

6. Mesocena elliptica, Ehrenberg.

Mesocena elliptica, Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 84.

Mesocena elliptica, Ehrenberg, 1854, Mikrogeol., vol. i. Taf. xx. fig. 44.

Dictyocha elliptica, Ehrenberg, 1872, Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 44.

Rings elliptical or ovate, with four peripheral spines which lie in two diameters, perpendicular to one another, two opposite in the major, the two others in the minor axis of the ellipse.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the rings 0.015 to 0.03, length of the spines 0.005.

Habitat.—Fossil in Tertiary rocks of the Mediterranean (Placca di furni, from Zante, Greece); Caltanisetta, Sicily.

7. Mesocena pentagona, n. sp.

Rings regularly pentagonal, with smooth straight bars, and with five short and straight radial spines on the five corners.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the rings 0.02, length of the spines 0.005.

Habitat.—Fossil in Barbados.

8. Mesocena hexagona, Haeckel.

? Mesocena senaria, Ehrenberg, 1872, Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, pp. 163, 273. ? Mesocena septenaria, Ehrenberg, 1872, Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, pp. 163, 273.

Rings regular, hexagonal, with six radial spines on the six corners (sometimes between the usual six-radiate rings of one and the same individual are intermingled single rings with five or seven spines).

Dimensions.—Diameter of the rings 0.025 to 0.03, length of the spines 0.007 to 0.01.

Habitat.—Mediterranean, Krim (Ehrenberg), Corfu (Haeckel).

9. Mesocena octogona, Ehrenberg.

Mesocena octogona, Ehrenberg, 1841, Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 417, Taf. i., Nr. iii. fig. 27.

? Mesocena heptagona, Ehrenberg, 1841, Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 417, Taf. i., Nr. iii. fig. 26.

? Mesocena heptagona, Ehrenberg, 1854, Mikrogeol., Taf. xx. fig. 49.

? Mesocena octoradiata, Ehrenberg, 1872, Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, pp. 163, 273.

? Mesocena nonaria, Ehrenberg, 1872, Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, pp. 163, 273.

Rings regular, octagonal, with eight radial spines on the eight corners of the ring (sometimes between the common octoradiate rings single rings with seven or nine teeth are intermingled in one and the same calymma).

Dimensions.—Diameter of the rings 0.02, length of the spines 0.005.

Habitat.—Tropical Pacific; Peru, Ehrenberg; Station 272 to 274, surface.

10. Mesocena bisoctona, Ehrenberg.

Mesocena bisoctona, Ehrenberg, 1845, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 78; Mikrogeol., Taf. xxxv., Nr. xviii. figs. 9, 10. Mesocena binonaria, Ehrenberg, 1845, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 78, loc. cit.

Rings circular, with sixteen teeth; eight stronger teeth regularly disposed on the outer margin, alternating with these eight smaller teeth on the inner margin.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the rings 0.02, length of the outer spines 0.005.

Habitat.—Fossil in Guano from Peru and South Africa, also in Barbados.

11. Mesocena stellata, n. sp. (Pl. 101, fig. 9).

Rings circular, with sixteen teeth regularly disposed on the outer margin of the rings, eight stronger teeth alternating with eight smaller.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the rings 0.03, length of the larger spines 0.01.

Habitat.—Central area of the Pacific, Station 270, depth 2925 fathoms.

Genus 662. Dictyocha,[8] Ehrenberg, 1838, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 128.

Definition.Cannorrhaphida with a skeleton composed of annular pieces, which are fenestrated by one or more arches, arising on one side of the simple ring, but do not form a truncated pyramid (therefore no apical ring).

The genus Dictyocha is a very remarkable and interesting form of Phæodaria, which has had a curious history. Ehrenberg, who first observed single pieces of it fossil in Tertiary rocks, supposed it to be the siliceous carapace of a Diatom, and gave it the following diagnosis: "Dictyocha, e familia Bacillariorum. Lorica simplex univalvis silicea, laxe reticulata aut stellulata" (loc. cit.). In my Monograph (1862, p. 271), I placed it in the class Radiolaria, supposing that it might be a simple form of Acanthodesmida, having found only isolated siliceous pieces. Afterwards (in 1879) Richard Hertwig observed the entire living body, and demonstrated that the hollow siliceous pieces are scattered in great numbers around a tripylean central capsule, which exhibits all the essential characters of Phæodaria (Organismus d. Radiol., 1879, p. 89). Hertwig describes the position of the numerous siliceous pieces in the surface of the extracapsular jelly-sphere so densely aggregated, that they touch one another and produce the appearance of a reticulated sphere. In two specimens, which I observed living (Pl. 101, fig. 10), and in numerous complete specimens which I found in the collection of the Challenger, the number of the siliceous pieces was much smaller, and they were scattered irregularly in the surface of the alveolate jelly-sphere, being separated by wide and unequal intervals. The regular position seems to be that the basal rings lie tangentially in the spherical surface of the calymma, whilst the bars of the reticulum are directed outwards, and the apical spine radially in centrifugal direction. Very often two pieces are united by their basal rings in such a manner that they form a little spheroidal fenestrated body (as in Distephanus, Stöhr; compare p. 1550). The characteristic reticular skeleton-pieces of Dictyocha must be derived from Mesocena; from its simple siliceous ring (on one side of its plane), arise two, three, or four (rarely more) bars, which become united to a loose framework (with two, three, or four meshes). When this network assumes the form of a truncated pyramid (with a central mesh on the apex), Dictyocha passes over into Distephanus. From the corners of the original basal ring several radial spines usually arise in a centrifugal direction, and on the sides of these sometimes small teeth or thorns also run in a centripetal direction. The number of the meshes and the separating rods is usually four, more rarely two or three. The hollow rods are very thin, either cylindrical or prismatic. As the ascending rods alternate regularly with the corner-spines of the basal ring, we may call the latter perradial, the former interradial. Ehrenberg has distinguished in his genus Dictyocha not less than fifty species, thirty-five living and twenty-five fossil (ten species both living and fossil). The greater part of these cannot be retained, as they are only slight varieties or abnormalities of single pieces of the skeleton, such as very frequently occur associated with the common regular forms in one and the same individual. Such abnormal species are, e.g., Dictyocha abnormis, Dictyocha binoculus, Dictyocha bipartita, Dictyocha haliomma, Dictyocha hexathyra, Dictyocha septenaria, &c. One species (Dictyocha splendens), is the fenestrated calcareous body of a Holothurian. Of some other species Ehrenberg has only given the name, but neither a description nor a figure (e.g., Dictyocha borealis, Dictyocha cenostephania, Dictyocha compos, Dictyocha coronata, Dictyocha socialis, Dictyocha specillum). A number of other species must be placed in the genera Distephanus and Cannopilus, so that only eight of his species of true Dictyocha remain.

1. Dictyocha navicula, Ehrenberg.

Dictyocha navicula, Ehrenberg, 1838, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 129; Mikrogeol., Taf. xx., Nr. i. fig. 43. Dictyocha ponticulus, Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 267.

Each individual ring elliptical or oblong, with one transverse arch in the shorter axis, which bisects it into two meshes. No spines or teeth.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the ring 0.02, of the bars 0.001.

Habitat.—Fossil in Tertiary deposits, Barbados, Sicily, &c.; living in the Atlantic, Stations 352, 354, and off Bermuda, surface.

2. Dictyocha quadrata, Ehrenberg.

Dictyocha quadrata, Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 267.

Each individual ring square or rhomboid, with one transverse arch in the shorter axis, forming two meshes. Two peripheral opposite spines on the poles of one axis.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the ring 0.015.

Habitat.—Atlantic, Bermuda Islands; fossil in Barbados.

3. Dictyocha pons, Ehrenberg.

Dictyocha pons, Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 80; Mikrogeol., Taf. xxi. fig. 40. Dictyocha tripyla, Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 80; Mikrogeol., Taf. xxi. fig. 41.

Each individual ring elliptical or oblong, with one transverse arch in the shorter axis, forming two meshes. Four peripheral spines, on the poles of the longer and of the shorter axis. (The individual abnormality, figured as Dictyocha tripyla, loc. cit., Taf. xxi. fig. 41, has the transverse arch bifid at one end, therefore three meshes result; this forms an interesting transition to Dictyocha fibula.)

Dimensions.—Diameter of the ring 0.01, of the bars 0.001.

Habitat.—Fossil in Tertiary rocks, Oran, Africa.

4. Dictyocha triommata, Ehrenberg.

Dictyocha triommata, Ehrenberg, 1845, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 76; Mikrogeol., Taf. xxxiii., Nr. xv. fig. 11.

Dictyocha triactis (= triacantha), Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 80.

Dictyocha trifenestrata, Ehrenberg, 1841, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 410; Mikrogeol., Taf. xix. fig. 38.

Dictyocha abyssorum, Ehrenberg, 1854, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 38.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton is a small three-sided pyramid, the sides of which form three triangular meshes; the three edges between them are three curved interradial beams, united in the centre (the apex of the pyramid). Alternating with these, three horizontal, perradial, centrifugal spines start from the base.

Dictyocha trigona, Zittel, 1876 (L. N. 29, p. 83, Taf. ii. fig. 6), is an interesting Cretaceous species, perhaps a variety of Dictyocha triommata.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal triangle 0.01, of the three meshes 0.005.

Habitat.—Fossil in different Tertiary deposits (of Sicily, Greece, North America); living in the Central Pacific, Stations 270 to 272, depth 2600 to 2925 fathoms.

5. Dictyocha tripyla, Ehrenberg.

Dictyocha tripyla, Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 80. Dictyocha tripyla, Ehrenberg, 1854, Mikrogeol., Taf. xix. fig. 38 (et Taf. xxi. fig. 41?).

Each pileate piece of the skeleton is a small three-sided pyramid, similar to that of Dictyocha triommata, but differs from it in the possession of three small perpendicular teeth, which are directed downwards and start from the basal ring near the origin of the three horizontal spines.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the triangular basal ring 0.015, of the three meshes 0.007.

Habitat.—Fossil in Tertiary deposits. North Africa (Oran), Sicily (Caltanisetta).

6. Dictyocha medusa, n. sp. (Pl. 101, figs. 13, 14).

Each pileated piece of the skeleton has four equal, cruciate, triangular meshes. From the four corners of the square basal ring proceed four perradial horizontal spines, and between these four interradial curved bars, which correspond to the edges of a four-sided pyramid, arise from the centre of the four sides and become united in the centre (on the apex of the pyramid). No apical spine.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.02, of the four meshes 0.01.

Habitat.—Central area of the Pacific, Station 272, depth 2600 fathoms.

7. Dictyocha staurodon, Ehrenberg.

Dictyocha staurodon, Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 80. Dictyocha staurodon, Ehrenberg, 1854, Mikrogeol., Taf. xviii. fig. 58.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton is a small, regular, four-sided pyramid, similar to the foregoing species. It differs from Dictyocha medusa in the development of a vertical apical spine, and of four small centripetal teeth, which start from the inside of the basal square, between the four perradial spines and the four ascending interradial beams.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.025, of the meshes 0.01.

Habitat.—Fossil in Tertiary rocks; Tripel of Richmond, Virginia (Ehrenberg); Barbados, (Haeckel); living in the Tropical Atlantic, Station 347, surface.

8. Dictyocha fibula, Ehrenberg.

Dictyocha fibula, Ehrenberg, 1839, Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 149; Mikrogeol., Taf. xviii. fig. 54, a, b, c, Taf. xix. fig. 43, Taf. xx. fig. 45, Taf. xxi. fig. 42, &c.

Dictyocha abnormis, Ehrenberg, 1845, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 76; Mikrogeol., 1854, Taf. xxxvA., Nr. xvii. fig. 9.

Dictyocha bipartita, Ehrenberg, 1854, Mikrogeol., Taf. xxii. fig. 44.

Dictyocha tenella, Ehrenberg, 1841, Abhandl. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, Taf. ii. fig. 11.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton stirrup-shaped, with two pairs of meshes, and a square basal ring, the four corners of which are prolonged into four perradial spines. Between the latter four interradial beams arise from the sides in pairs, and the two pairs are connected by a diagonal arch. Therefore the two opposite meshes are larger and pentagonal, the other two meshes (alternating with these) are smaller and square. No vertical spine on the apex.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal square ring (diagonal) 0.01 to 0.02, of the meshes 0.005.

Habitat.—Fossil in different Tertiary rocks (Barbados, Oran, Greece, Sicily, &c.), Ehrenberg.

9. Dictyocha messanensis, Haeckel.

Dictyocha messanensis, Haeckel, 1862, Monogr. d. Radiol., p. 272, Taf. xii. figs. 3-6. Dictyocha fibula, R. Hertwig (not Ehrenberg), 1879, Organismus d. Radiol., p. 89, Taf. ix. fig. 5.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton stirrup-shaped, very similar to Dictyocha fibula, but distinguished by a vertical apical spine in the centre of the transverse arch, which connects the two pairs of ascending bars.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.02 to 0.03, of the meshes 0.01 to 0.016.

Habitat.—Mediterranean (Messina), North Atlantic (Canary Islands), Station 354, surface.

10. Dictyocha epiodon, Ehrenberg.

Dictyocha epiodon, Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 79; Mikrogeol., Taf. xviii. fig. 55.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton stirrup-shaped, with four paired meshes similar to the hats of Dictyocha fibula, but distinguished by four small centripetal thorns, which start from the inside of the basal ring, at the side of the four ascending beams. No apical spine.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.03, of the meshes 0.01.

Habitat.—Fossil in Tertiary rocks of North America (Miocene Tripel of Richmond, Virginia, &c.).

11. Dictyocha stapedia, n. sp. (Pl. 101, figs. 10-12).

Each pileated piece of the skeleton stirrup-shaped, with four paired meshes, similar to the hats of Dictyocha fibula and Dictyocha messanensis, but distinguished by four small centripetal teeth, which start from the inside of the basal ring, at the side of the four ascending beams. In the centre of the diagonal arch arises a vertical apical spine (differing from Dictyocha epiodon). This species seems to be the most common of the living forms and widely distributed over all warmer seas. I observed in Ceylon, taken on the surface, the living specimen figured in Pl. 101, fig. 10, the numerous spicula were irregularly scattered over the spherical surface of the alveolate calymma. Other specimens occur in various preparations of the Challenger collection, from the Atlantic and the Pacific. The majority of the siliceous little hats exhibited the stirrup-form shown in fig. 11, and many were united in pairs, forming a twin-piece (fig. 12). Intermingled with these are found some irregular forms, representing the specific form of some allied species, viz., Dictyocha speculum, Dictyocha staurodon, Dictyocha epiodon and Dictyocha messanensis.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.015 to 0.03, of the meshes 0.005 to 0.012.

Habitat.—Cosmopolitan; Atlantic, Pacific, Indian Ocean, in the Tropical and warmer regions; Stations 159, 244, 266-272, 318, 352, &c.

12. Dictyocha rhombus, n. sp.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton stirrup-shaped, similar to Dictyocha stapedia, with four paired meshes. It differs from the latter in the rhomboid form of the basal ring and the larger size of the two opposite meshes, which are two to three times as large as the two others. Therefore the four centripetal teeth of the basal ring do not stand in the four single meshes, but in pairs only in the two larger meshes.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.02, of the meshes 0.005 to 0.01.

Habitat.—North Atlantic; Færöe Channel, Gulf Stream, depth 50 to 600 fathoms, John Murray.

Genus 663. Distephanus,[9] Stöhr, 1880, Palæontogr., vol. xxvi. Taf. ii. p. 121.

Definition.Cannorrhaphida with a skeleton composed of pileated pieces, each of which is a small truncated pyramid with one girdle of meshes (the apical ring being simple).

The genus Distephanus was founded in 1880 by Stöhr (loc. cit.) for a single twin-piece of the skeleton of Dictyocha speculum. Among the common fossil forms of this species he once found in the Tertiary rocks of Caltanisetta, Sicily, a single piece (loc. cit., Taf. vi. fig. 9), which seemed to be composed of two equal pieces so united that they formed a little sphere with fourteen meshes; on each pole of the sphere lies a central hexagonal mesh surrounded by six pentagonal meshes, and from the six corners of the equatorial ring arise six centrifugal spines. No doubt this was a mistake, and the apparent little sphere was one of the above mentioned twin-forms, composed of two separate hexagonal truncated pyramids, which were loosely connected by their basal rings. I have often seen such twin-pieces of Dictyocha speculum and of other species (Pl. 101, fig. 12, Pl. 114, fig. 8), and was always able to separate the two loosely connected halves of the bivalve shell by slight compression.

The genus Distephanus of Stöhr, therefore, is nothing other than the Dictyocha of Ehrenberg. But I think it is more convenient to retain the name Distephanus for those forms of Dictyocha which possess a simple apical mesh surrounded by a ring of lateral meshes, and in which each piece of the skeleton forms a small truncated pyramid. The basal plane of this pyramid is marked by the original basal ring (Mesocena), the truncated upper plane by the parallel apical ring, and the edges of the pyramid by the rising bars which connect both rings. In this sense, so far as the two rings lying in parallel planes are concerned, the term Distephanus is correct (but not in the original sense of Stöhr). The number of the rising bars between the two rings varies from four, five, six to eight or more. It seems rather constant in each species, so that all the pieces of the skeleton of one specimen possess either four or six or eight lateral meshes, &c. But sometimes individual irregularities occur. In the majority of species each skeleton-piece is armed with spines. Usually a radial horizontal spine starts centrifugally from each corner of the basal ring, and on the side of this a small tooth or thorn often starts centripetally or downwards. In the twin-pieces, where the two basal rings are united, these teeth catch into one another. In some species upper spines also occur, starting from the corners of the apical ring. The perradial spines of the corners of the basal ring alternate regularly with the interradial ascending bars, which bisect the sides of the ring, as in Dictyocha.

1. Distephanus crux, Haeckel.

Dictyocha crux, Ehrenberg, 1840, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 207; Mikrogeol., 1854, Taf. xviii. fig. 56, Taf. xx. fig. 46, Taf. xxxiii. Nr. xv. fig. 9. Dictyocha bipartita, Ehrenberg, 1844, loc. cit., p. 79, Taf. xxii. fig. 44.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton exhibits four pentagonal lateral meshes around one square central mesh, and is composed of two horizontal square rings; the smaller upper square is connected with the larger lower square by four ascending interradial beams, which start from the corners of the former and bisect the sides of the latter; from the corners of the basal ring arise four short perradial spines.

Dimensions.—-Diameter of the basal ring 0.02 to 0.03, of the apical ring 0.008.

Habitat.—-Tropical Atlantic, Station 347, surface; fossil in Tertiary deposits of the Mediterranean (Sicily, Oran).

2. Distephanus mesophthalmus, Haeckel.

Dictyocha mesophthalma, Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 80; Mikrogeol., 1854, Taf. xxii. fig. 43.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton exhibits four lateral meshes around the central mesh, and is composed of two parallel horizontal square rings, like those of Distephanus crux, but distinguished from this by eight short teeth, four centripetal on the larger lower ring and four perradial centrifugal on the smaller upper ring.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.03, of the apical ring 0.015.

Habitat.—Fossil in Tertiary rocks of Sicily, Caltanisetta (Ehrenberg); living in the Central Pacific, Station 270 to 272, surface.

3. Distephanus stauracanthus, Haeckel.

Dictyocha stauracanthus, Ehrenberg, 1845, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 76; Mikrogeol., 1854, Taf. xxxiii., Nr. xv. fig. 10.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton exhibits four lateral meshes around the central mesh, and is composed of two horizontal rings, which are connected by four perradial beams arising from the corners of the upper and smaller square ring. Lower ring octagonal, with eight peripheral adradial spines, and with four interradial centripetal teeth on the inside.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.03, of the apical ring 0.004.

Habitat.—Fossil in Tertiary rocks of North America (Hollis Cliff, Virginia; Norwich, Connecticut).

4. Distephanus asteroides, n. sp.

Dictyocha asteroides, Haeckel, 1881, Prodromus.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton exhibits five lateral meshes around the central mesh (or the upper ring). Five peripheral spines (on the corners of the lower ring) simple, not articulated.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.02, of the apical ring, 0.007.

Habitat.—Central Pacific, Station 272, depth 2600 fathoms.

5. Distephanus pentasterias, Haeckel.

Dictyocha pentasterias, Ehrenberg, 1839, Mikrogeol., Taf. xviii. fig. 61.

? Dictyocha quinaria, Ehrenberg, 1842, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 265.

? Dictyocha elegans, Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 80; Mikrogeol., 1854, Taf. xxii. fig. 51.

Actiniscus elegans, Ehrenberg, 1854, Mikrogeol., Taf. xxii. fig. 51.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton exhibits five lateral meshes around the central mesh (or the upper ring). Five peripheral spines (on the corners of the lower ring) articulated, triangular, with three distinct joints (tapering towards the distal end).

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.012 to 0.018, of the apical ring 0.002 to 0.003.

Habitat.—Cosmopolitan; living in the depths of the Atlantic and Central Pacific, Stations 247, 270 to 272, depths 2530 and 2600 to 2925 fathoms; fossil in Tertiary deposits (Tripel of Caltanisetta, Sicily; Richmond, Virginia).

6. Distephanus speculum, Haeckel.

Dictyocha speculum, Ehrenberg, 1837, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 150; Mikrogeol., 1854, Taf. xviii. fig. 57, Taf. xix. fig. 41, Taf. xxi. fig. 44, Taf. xxii. fig. 47, &c.

Dictyocha speculum, Stöhr, 1880, Palæontogr., vol. xxvi., Taf. vii. fig. 8.

Dictyocha anacantha, Ehrenberg, 1854, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 238.

Dictyocha diommata, Ehrenberg, 1854, Mikrogeol., Taf. xxxiii., Nr. xvii. fig. 6.

Dictyocha erebi, Ehrenberg, 1854, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 238.

Dictyocha haliomma, Ehrenberg, 1844, Mikrogeol., 1854. Taf. xxi. fig. 46.

Dictyocha hexathyra, Ehrenberg, 1844, Mikrogeol., 1854, Taf. xxii. fig. 46.

Dictyocha ubera, Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 80.

Dictyocha stella, Ehrenberg, 1854, Mikrogeol., Taf. xxii. fig. 52.

Dictyocha rotundus, Stöhr, 1880, Palæontogr., vol. xxvi., Taf. vii. fig. 9.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton is a truncated, six-sided pyramid, and composed of two regular hexagonal rings which lie in parallel plains, and are connected by six ascending interradial beams; these start from the corners of the upper smaller ring and bisect the sides of the lower larger ring; from the corners of the latter start six perradial centrifugal spines.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.03, of the apical ring 0.01.

Habitat.—Cosmopolitan; Mediterranean, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific; fossil in Barbados, Sicily, &c.

7. Distephanus ornamentum, Haeckel.

Dictyocha ornamentum, Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 80; Mikrogeol., 1854, Taf. xxii. fig. 49. Dictyocha binoculus, Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 79; Mikrogeol., 1854, Taf. xix. fig. 42.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton is a truncated, six-sided pyramid, similar to that of Distephanus speculum, but distinguished by six small (probably vertical) teeth, which start from the inside of the lower (larger) ring, on the sides of the ascending beams.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.03, of the apical ring 0.015.

Habitat.—Fossil in Tertiary deposits of Sicily, Caltanisetta (Ehrenberg).

8. Distephanus aculeatus, Haeckel.

Dictyocha aculeata, Ehrenberg, 1839, Abhandl. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 149; Mikrogeol., 1854, Taf. xxii. Fig. 48, Taf. xix. fig. 40.

Dictyocha aculeata, Stöhr, 1880, Palæontogr., vol. xxvi. p. 120, Taf. vii. fig. 7.

Dictyocha bisternaria, Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 201.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton is a truncated, six-sided pyramid, similar to that of Distephanus speculum, but distinguished by six small perradial, horizontal teeth, which start from the sides of the upper (smaller) ring.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.02, of the apical ring 0.008.

Habitat.—Fossil in Tertiary deposits of the Mediterranean; plastic clay of Greece and Sicily; living in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, Station 352, surface.

9. Distephanus sirius, Haeckel.

Actiniscus sirius, Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 68. Dictyocha sirius, Ehrenberg, 1854, Mikrogeol., Taf. xviii. fig. 59.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton is a truncated six-sided pyramid, similar to that of Distephanus speculum, but distinguished by the six broad, triangular, peripheral spines, which are articulated and connected by a thin siliceous membrane (like a web-membrane); each spine has three articulations (as in Dictyocha pentasterias).

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.02, of the apical ring 0.005.

Habitat.—Fossil in Tertiary rocks (Richmond, Virginia), but also living in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf Stream, Færöe Channel, John Murray, 1880.

10. Distephanus corona, n. sp. (Pl. 114, figs. 7-9).

Dictyocha corona, Haeckel, 1881, Prodromus.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton is a truncate six-sided pyramid like that of Distephanus speculum, but differing in the number (twenty-four) of teeth or spines. Six interradial ascending beams connect the two horizontal rings between these, and six nearly vertical spines arise from the perradial corners of the upper hexagonal ring. In the same meridional (perradial) plains six larger spines descend downwards from the corners of the lower larger ring. Between these six descending spines and the six ascending beams arise from the upper edge of the lower ring twelve shorter teeth of unequal size (the right tooth in each pentagonal lateral mesh being smaller and directed upwards, the left tooth being larger and directed nearly horizontally outwards). The lower ring is nearly dodecagonal.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.025 to 0.03, of the apical ring 0.012 to 0.02.

Habitat.—North-west Pacific, Sea of Japan, Station 231, depth 2250 fathoms.

11. Distephanus octonarius, Haeckel.

Dictyocha octonaria, Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 201.

Dictyocha polyactis, Ehrenberg, 1844, loc. cit., p. 80; Mikrogeol., 1854, Taf. xxii. fig. 50.

Dictyocha septenaria, Ehrenberg, 1844, loc. cit., p. 80; Mikrogeol., 1854, Taf. xxi. fig. 45.

Each pileate piece of the skeleton is a truncated eight-sided pyramid, composed of two regular octagonal rings, which lie in parallel plains, and are connected by eight radial beams. From the eight outer corners of the lower ring (or from the eight interradial meshes, between the eight perradial beams) start eight basal centrifugal spines. (This species is similar to Distephanus speculum, but has eight beams instead of six. In single pieces the number of the beams and meshes varies between seven and nine, the constant number being eight.) A seven-rayed variety is Dictyocha septenaria (loc. cit.), a nine-rayed Dictyocha polyactis.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.02 to 0.03, of the apical ring 0.01 to 0.015.

Habitat.—Fossil in Tertiary rocks (Tripel and Marne from Caltanisetta, Sicily; Oran, Africa); living in the depths of the Atlantic, Station 348, and Pacific, Station 270, &c.

12. Distephanus octogonius, n. sp.

Dictyocha septenaria, Ehrenberg, 1854, Mikrogeol., Taf. xxxvA., Nr. xxi. fig. 8.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton is a truncated eight-sided pyramid, like that of Distephanus octonarius, but differs from it by having eight short erect teeth, which arise from the corners of the upper smaller ring and lie in the same perradial plains as the eight horizontal spines starting from the corners of the lower larger ring. Ehrenberg has figured only an individual abnormality with seven beams instead of eight, taken from the Antarctic ice; but I found the same form frequent in deep-sea soundings from the Antarctic, almost constantly with eight beams, isolated hats with six, seven, or nine beams being intermingled.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.02, of the apical ring 0.012.

Habitat.—Antarctic Ocean; in smolten "Pancake-Ice," taken by Sir James Clark Ross in lat. 78° 10' S., long. 162° W. (Ehrenberg); Station 156, depth 1975 fathoms.

13. Distephanus diadema, n. sp.

Dictyocha diadema, Haeckel, 1881, Prodromus.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton is an eight-sided pyramid, like that of the two foregoing species, but differing in the number and distribution of the teeth or spines, which are thirty-two. From the eight corners of the basal ring start eight long, nearly horizontal perradial spines, which bear on each side a smaller, nearly vertically descending spine. From the eight corners of the upper ring ascend also eight perradial spines, alternating with the eight interradial beams, which connect the two rings.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.04, of the apical ring 0.02.

Habitat.—South Pacific, Station 293, depth 2025 fathoms.

Genus 664. Cannopilus,[10] n. gen.

Definition.Cannorrhaphida with a skeleton composed of pileated pieces, each of which is a small truncated pyramid with two girdles of meshes (the apical ring being fenestrated).

The genus Cannopilus represents the most highly developed form of Dictyochida. Each piece of the skeleton is a little fenestrated hat or topped pyramid, as in Distephanus. But the apical mesh is simple in the latter, in the former it is divided into several meshes by bars which start in a centripetal direction from the upper ring. Therefore we find two annular rows of meshes, one above the other; an apical or upper row of smaller meshes and a basal or lower row of larger meshes. In the apex of the little hat is either a central mesh or an apical spine. Other spines arise from the basal ring, as in the former genera. The number of corner-spines on the basal ring is either four, six, or eight (in individual abnormalities also five or seven).

1. Cannopilus superstructus, Haeckel.

Dictyocha superstructa, Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 80; Mikrogeol., Taf. xxii. fig. 45.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton is a reticulated four-sided pyramid. The base of it (or the lower ring) is a square, from the four perradial corners of which start four centrifugal horizontal spines. In the centres of the four basal bars (or the sides of the square) arise four interradial beams, which unite in the second (or upper) square ring. This latter forms a second (but much smaller) four-sided pyramid, the apex of which is truncated. Therefore the little hat bears nine meshes; around the large central opening four upper smaller and four lower larger quadrangular meshes.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.03, of the apical ring 0.01.

Habitat.—Fossil in Tertiary rocks of Sicily (Caltanisetta).

2. Cannopilus diplostaurus, n. sp. (Pl. 114, fig. 10).

Each pileated piece of the skeleton is a truncated quadrangular pyramid. From the corners of the square basal ring start four perradial, nearly horizontal, spines. Between these arise four interradial beams, which are united above by an upper square ring. This latter is divided into four small square meshes by a regular cross of perradial bars, the distal ends of which are prolonged into four short ascending spines. In the centre of the cross arises a vertical apical spine.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.04, of the apical ring 0.016.

Habitat.—Western Tropical Pacific, Station 225, depth 4475 fathoms.

3. Cannopilus calyptra, Haeckel.

Dictyocha heptacanthus, Ehrenberg, 1840, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 208; Mikrogeol., 1854, Taf. xix. fig. 39 (?).

Each pileated piece of the skeleton is a truncated six-sided pyramid, like that of Dictyocha speculum, but distinguished by the reticulation of the upper (smaller) ring, which is divided by six beams into six meshes, lying in the horizontal plane of the upper ring. Six peripheral spines on the corners of the lower ring. (The irregular form, figured by Ehrenberg as Dictyocha heptacanthus, loc. cit., is probably only an individual abnormality with seven peripheral spines, instead of six; similar abnormalities occur also among the regular hexagonal forms which I found in the Tertiary rocks of Caltanisetta (Sicily).

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.05, of the apical ring 0.02.

Habitat.—Fossil in Tertiary deposits of Greece and Sicily.

4. Cannopilus hemisphæricus (Haeckel).

Dictyocha hemisphærica, Ehrenberg, 1844, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 266.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton is nearly hemispherical, with thirteen meshes; six lower and larger meshes in the sides of the truncated six-sided pyramid, seven others in the convex surface of the upper ring (one central with six surrounding it). From the six corners of the lower ring arise six horizontal perradial spines. From the inside of the same ring (probably on the side of the six ascending interradial beams) spring six centripetal teeth.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.02, of the apical ring 0.01.

Habitat.—North Atlantic; Bermuda (Bailey).

5. Cannopilus cyrtoides, n. sp. (Pl. 114, figs. 11, 12).

Dictyocha cyrtoides, Haeckel, 1881, Prodromus.

Each pileated piece of the skeleton is an eight-sided truncated pyramid, or nearly hemispherical. From the basal ring arise twenty-four thorns or teeth, eight longer perradial centrifugal teeth placed almost horizontally, and between these sixteen shorter adradial teeth, directed downwards and somewhat centripetally. The network of the small hat is composed of seventeen meshes, arranged in two rows. The eight lower meshes are hexagonal, separated by six interradial ascending beams, and twice as large as the eight upper pentagonal meshes, which are separated by eight perradial beams, and enclose an apical central mesh.

Dimensions.—Diameter of the basal ring 0.04, of the apical ring 0.005.

Habitat.—Central area of the Pacific, Station 266, depth 2750 fathoms.

Family LXXIII. Aulacanthida, Haeckel (Pls. 102-105).

Aulacanthida, Haeckel, 1862, Monogr. d. Radiol., p. 262.

Definition.Phæodaria with an incomplete skeleton, composed of numerous hollow radial tubes, which pierce the spherical calymma and touch with their proximal ends the surface of the tripylean central capsule.

The family Aulacanthida represents a large and interesting group of Phæodaria, differing from all other families of this legion in the possession of numerous large radial tubes, which pierce the gelatinous and alveolated calymma in a radial direction, and come in contact with the outer surface of the central capsule by their inner or proximal ends, whilst their outer or distal ends project over the surface of the spherical calymma, and develop a great variety of manifold branches and terminal appendages. Usually (with the exception of a single genus only) the surface of the calymma is covered by an arachnoidal veil or mantle, composed of thousands of very fine, hollow, tangential needles. The skeleton therefore is incomplete, without any direct connection between the isolated pieces, just as in the preceding Cannorrhaphida, but the latter never possess the large, hollow, cylindrical, radial tubes, which are characteristic of all Aulacanthida.

The spherical body of the Aulacanthida has usually a diameter of 1 to 2 mm., and including the radial tubes, of 4 to 5 mm. or more. Some species are very common and cosmopolitan, and some genera contain numerous species, distributed widely over all oceans. In spite of their considerable size and wide distribution, only one species of this great family has been hitherto known, having been discovered by me at Messina in 1859, and described in my Monograph as Aulacantha scolymantha (1862, p. 263, Taf. ii. figs. 1, 2, and Taf. iv. figs. 1-5). I there founded for it the peculiar subfamily Aulacanthida, and annexed it to the Thalassicollida. The same cosmopolitan species has been subsequently observed at Messina by R. Hertwig, who first recognised the three openings in its central capsule, and therefore united it with his Tripylea (Organism. d. Radiol., 1879, p. 88, Taf. ix. figs. 3, 4; Taf. x. figs. 7, 10). The rich collection of the Challenger has added an astonishing number of new and interesting forms of Aulacanthida, so that I can describe here not less than six genera and fifty-eight species. The majority are inhabitants of the colder parts of the South Pacific and South Atlantic, at great depths, whilst a few species only are found in the tropics.

The structure of the body in all Aulacanthida seems to be similar in all important points, and the differences by which we are enabled to separate this great number of species are mainly produced by differences in the development of the radial tubes, their form and their polymorphous apophyses. The entire body represents a rather firm jelly-sphere of 1 to 2 mm. diameter (rarely less or more); the peripheral layer of the spherical calymma is rather clear and transparent, whilst its central part is dark and opaque, containing the big phæodium and the enclosed central capsule. The diameter of the latter is usually between 0.1 and 0.3, often 0.4 to 0.5, or even more. The gelatinous calymma, in the centre of which the capsule is placed, always contains numerous, large, spherical or roundish alveoles, similar to those of Thalassicolla, and between them a delicate network of sarcode (Pl. 102, fig. 1; Pl. 103, fig. 1; Pl. 104, fig. 1).

The spherical surface of the calymma is nearly always protected by that characteristic arachnoidal veil or mantle, which is composed of thousands of very fine tangential needles, densely interwoven in all tangential directions but never directly connected. They are wanting in a single genus only, in Aulactinium (Pl. 101, figs. 6-8). This genus, therefore, may represent a separate subfamily, the Aulactinida, whilst all other genera protected by that mantle constitute the subfamily Aulographida. The tangential needles always seem to have the same shape as I have accurately described, in 1862, of Aulacantha scolymantha. They are constantly smooth, very thin and fragile, but also very elastic cylinders of silica, of equal breadth throughout their whole length, and seem to be open at both ends, since they are easily and constantly filled by air when dried. Their length is usually between 0.2 and 0.3 mm., rarely less than 0.15 or more than 0.5; their diameter is always less than 0.001, usually less than 0.0005.

The large radial tubes of the Aulacanthida constitute the most characteristic structures of this family, and are always so placed that their inner or proximal ends are in loose contact with the outer surface of their central capsule (upon which they rest), whilst their outer or distal ends are more or less prominent over the spherical surface of the calymma. Their position, therefore, is rather loose and movable, since they are fixed only by the consistence of the jelly of the surrounding calymma, and on the surface of the latter by the covering veil or the mantle of tangential needles (compare Pl. 102, fig. 1; Pl. 103, fig. 1; Pl. 104, fig. 1). Their number seems never to be fixed, and is probably very variable in different species. I found, in 1859, in the common Aulacantha scolymantha, the number varying from thirty to one hundred and fifty (loc. cit., p. 264). So also in Aulographis pandora, Aulospathis variabilis, and some other common species, numerous specimens of which I could compare, I found their number very variable, being in one and the same species sometimes only from ten to twenty, at other times from fifty to eighty, and sometimes even from one hundred to one hundred and fifty or more. Perhaps the number increases with the age and the increasing size of the calymma.

The radial tubes are always cylindrical (circular in transverse section), never angular or prismatic. Usually they are straight, more rarely slightly curved (Pl. 105, figs. 1, 2; Pl. 101, fig. 6). The cylinders are usually more or less tapering towards both ends, sometimes even spindle-shaped; the inner or proximal end is always simple and rounded, often slightly swollen or inflated, and ovate; the outer or distal end is often thickened, club-shaped, and exhibits the greatest variety in form and ramification. The length of the radial tubes is usually from 1 to 3 mm., rarely less than 0.8, or more than 3.2; their diameter is usually between 0.02 and 0.03, rarely less than 0.01 or more than 0.05. The smallest radial tubes are found in Aulactinium, the largest in Aulospathis.

The siliceous wall of the cylindrical radial tubes is usually very thin, fragile, and perfectly structureless. Only in a few species, mainly of Aulographis, does the wall become very thick and composed of concentric cylindrical layers (Pl. 105, figs. 6-11). Their cavity is wide and simple, and filled up by jelly (not by sarcode, as I supposed in my first description). The simple cavity of the tubes, though not smaller than in the radial tubes of the Aulosphærida, Circoporida and Tuscarorida, never contains the characteristic axial filament with its branches, which is constantly found in the latter families. According to the description of R. Hertwig, the tubes are perfectly closed and have no opening. I suppose, however, that a small opening always exists in the centre of the rounded base, and perhaps a second on the distal apex. Otherwise the circumstance that the entire and well-preserved tubes become easily and constantly filled up by air, when purified by hot mineral acids and afterwards dried, cannot be explained. I suppose that the jelly contained in the cavity of the tubes remains in constant connection by these openings with the jelly of the surrounding calymma.

The distal ends of the radial tubes exhibit in the Aulacanthida the greatest variety in the production of different branches and capturing apparatus, and this serves for the distinction of the genera and subgenera here described. In two genera only (in Aulactinium Pl. 101, figs. 6-8; and in Aulacantha, Pl. 105, fig. 16), the distal ends are simple, not branched. In the four other genera they are armed with terminal branches, which are usually arranged in elegant verticils. The greatest variety in the formation of these verticils is developed in Aulographis (Pl. 103). The single branches of the terminal verticils are here simple, whilst in the closely allied Auloceros they are forked or elegantly ramified (Pl. 102). Aulospathis, the biggest of all Aulacanthida, is distinguished by the possession of a verticil of lateral branches, placed beyond the terminal verticil, immediately above the veil of tangential needles (Pl. 104). Aulodendron, finally, possesses lateral and terminal branches, which are irregularly scattered.

The branches of the radial tubes are rarely straight, usually more or less curved, either simple or again ramified. Their surface is either smooth or armed with small spines or recurved teeth, often elegantly dentated or serrated (Pl. 103, figs. 20-27; Pl. 105, figs. 7-13). Their distal ends are either simply pointed or armed with a spathilla, or a small crown of verticillate, usually recurved teeth (Pl. 104, figs. 4-17). The variety and elegance of these minute armatures are very interesting, the more so as they occur in very similar and analogous forms among the Aulosphærida, the Cœlographida, and other Phæodaria.

The central capsule of the Aulosphærida and its large nucleus ("Binnenbläschen"), as well as the surrounding alveolate calymma ("Alveolen-Hülle"), and the enclosed dark phæodium ("dunkels Pigment") were first described in my Monograph (1862, loc. cit., p. 362). Their minute structure has been examined afterwards very accurately by R. Hertwig (1879, loc. cit., p. 95). The numerous well-preserved preparations of the Challenger (stained with carmine and preserved in glycerine) which I could examine, confirmed in all respects the detailed description of Hertwig (compare Pl. 102, fig. 1; Pl. 103, fig. 1; Pl. 104, fig. 1).

The spherical or subspherical central capsule is usually slightly depressed in the shortened main axis. Its diameter is usually between 0.1 and 0.3, rarely less than 0.08 or more than 0.4 mm. Its outer membrane (e) is thick and double-contoured, separated by a clear interval from the very thin but firm inner membrane (i). The large astropyle, or the main-opening on the oral pole of the main axis, is closed by a large, convex, radiate operculum (o), from which arises a short tubular proboscis. On both sides of the opposite aboral pole (to the right and left) are two conical parapylæ or secondary openings (u, u). The space between the inner membrane of the capsule and the nucleus is filled up by protoplasm, containing numerous spherical vacuoles of equal size (v); each vacuole encloses a small, dark, fat-granule. The large nucleus (n) is either spherical or lenticular, and more or less depressed in the main axis; its diameter is usually about half as great as that of the enclosing capsule, 0.05 to 0.15, rarely less or more; it contains, enclosed in a clear mass, numerous dark, roundish or oblongish nucleoli (l).

Numerous preparations of Aulacanthida exhibited a central capsule with two nuclei (Pl. 101, fig. 6), or a calymma with two central capsules (Pl. 104, figs. 1, 3); so that the process of propagation by self-division, observed already in many different Phæodaria, seems to happen very frequently in the Aulacanthida. The voluminous phæodium is usually about twice or three times as large as the central capsule, and covers its oral or anterior half; the colour of the roundish phæodella composing it is sometimes more green or brown, at other times more blackish. The roundish alveoles, which fill up the rather firm jelly of the calymma, exhibit nearly the same shape as in the common Thalassicolla nucleata. The surface of the calymma is usually protected by the dense veil of tangential needles, and often forms conical or tent-shaped elevations around the bases of the piercing radial tubes (Pl. 102, fig. 1).

Synopsis of the Genera of Aulacanthida.

Radial tubes simple, without lateral and terminal branches. Surface of the calymma naked, without tangential needles, 665. Aulactinium.
Surface of the calymma covered by a veil of tangential needles, 666. Aulacantha.
Radial tubes without lateral branches, but with a verticil of terminal branches. Terminal branches simple, 667. Aulographis.
Terminal branches forked or again ramified, 668. Auloceros.
Radial tubes with lateral and with terminal branches. Lateral branches verticillate, 669. Aulospathis.
Lateral branches irregularly scattered, not verticillate, 670. Aulodendron.

Subfamily 1. Aulactinida, Haeckel.

Definition.Aulacanthida without external veil of tangential needles on the surface of the calymma.

Genus 665. Aulactinium,[11] n. gen.

Definition.Aulacanthida without a veil of tangential needles, with simple radial tubes, which bear neither lateral nor terminal branches.

The genus Aulactinium differs from all the other Aulacanthida in the complete absence of the characteristic fine tangential needles, which constitute in the latter an arachnoidal veil or mantle around the spherical calymma. We accordingly divide the whole family into two subfamilies, the Aulactinida with a naked calymma, and the Aulographida with a veil of tangential needles. The radial tubes possess in the few species of Aulactinium observed a very simple shape, as in the closely allied Aulacantha.

1. Aulactinium actinastrum, n. sp. (Pl. 101, figs. 6, 7).

Radial tubes slenderly spindle-shaped, slightly curved, gradually tapering from the middle towards both ends. The proximal two-thirds of the tubes enclosed in the calymma are smooth; the distal freely prominent third is armed with six to eight equidistant verticils of small conical teeth (ten to fifteen in each verticil).

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.5 to 1.5, breadth 0.02.

Habitat.—South Pacific, Station 289, depth 2550 fathoms.

2. Aulactinium actinelium, n. sp. (Pl. 101, fig. 8).

Radial tubes cylindrical, straight, slightly tapering towards both ends. Proximal two-thirds smooth, the distal third studded with numerous small recurved thorns.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.6 to 0.9, breadth 0.02.

Habitat.—South Pacific, Station 293, depth 2025 fathoms.

3. Aulactinium actinosphærium, n. sp.

Radial tubes cylindrical, straight, smooth, of nearly equal breadth throughout their whole length, without thorns and spathillæ, pointed at both ends.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1.6 to 2.2, breadth 0.02 to 0.03.

Habitat.—Antarctic Sea, Station 157, depth 1950 fathoms.

Subfamily 2. Aulographida, Haeckel.

Definition.Aulacanthida with an external veil of interwoven, very numerous and thin, hollow, tangential needles, entirely covering the surface of the calymma.

Genus 666. Aulacantha,[12] Haeckel, 1860, Monatsber. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. Berlin, p. 799.

Definition.Aulacanthida with a veil of tangential needles, and with simple radial tubes, which bear neither lateral nor terminal branches.

The genus Aulacantha, hitherto the only representative of this family, was founded by me in 1860 for the cosmopolitan Aulacantha scolymantha, the most common and most widely distributed of all the members of the family. It is the simplest form of the Aulographida, or of those Aulacanthida in which the spherical surface of the calymma is densely covered with interwoven tangential needles. The large radial tubes of Aulacantha possess a very simple shape, as in the preceding Aulactinium, and have neither lateral nor terminal branches.

1. Aulacantha scolymantha, Haeckel.

Aulacantha scolymantha, Haeckel, 1862, Monogr. d. Radiol., p. 263, Taf. ii. figs. 1, 2, Taf. iv. figs. 1-5. Aulacantha scolymantha, R. Hertwig, 1879, Organism. d. Radiol., p. 88, Taf. ix. fig. 3, Taf. x. figs. 7-10.

Radial tubes cylindrical, straight, of nearly equal breadth throughout their whole length, somewhat inflated on the proximal basal end, smooth throughout the greater part of their length, but in the distal third dentate, with numerous (ten to forty) small pointed teeth, which are curved outwards, and shorter than the thickness of the tube.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.5 to 2.0, breadth 0.01 to 0.02.

Habitat.—Cosmopolitan; Mediterranean, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific; at many Stations; surface and at various depths; the most common of all Aulacanthida.

2. Aulacantha tubulosa, n. sp.

Radial tubes cylindrical or nearly spindle-shaped, straight, gradually tapering towards the two pointed ends, twice as broad in the middle third as in the outer and inner third, smooth in the inner half, dentate in the outer half, with very numerous (one hundred to two hundred) short conical teeth, which are scarcely one-fourth as large as the greatest breadth of the tube.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.4 to 0.5, breadth in the middle part 0.02 to 0.03.

Habitat.—Central Pacific, Stations 271 to 274, surface.

3. Aulacantha spinosa, n. sp. (Pl. 105, fig. 4).

Radial tubes cylindrical, straight, of equal breadth throughout their whole length, rounded on the proximal base, smooth in the inner proximal half, dentate or spinescent in the outer distal half, with numerous (fifty to eighty) slender conical teeth, which are curved forwards, increasing in size towards the distal end, and somewhat longer than the breadth of the tube.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.8 to 1.2, breadth 0.015 to 0.02.

Habitat.—North Pacific, Stations 241 to 253, surface.

4. Aulacantha cannulata, n. sp. (Pl. 105, fig. 16).

Radial tubes cylindrical in the inner proximal half, prismatic in the outer distal half, with from three to six, usually four, prominent, thick, parallel edges, which are dentate towards the thicker distal end; their teeth short, conical, directed outwards, scarcely one-fourth as long as the thickness of the tube. The edges are separated in the distal third by more or less deep furrows, like a channelled column.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1.2 to 2.5, breadth 0.03 to 0.04.

Habitat.—South Pacific, Stations 291 to 293, surface.

5. Aulacantha clavata, n. sp.

Radial tubes more or less irregularly curved, in the inner proximal half slenderly conical, and gradually tapering towards the inflated base, in the outer distal half club-shaped, armed with a few (five to twenty) short conical teeth.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1.0 to 1.2, breadth in the middle pact 0.01, in the distal part 0.04.

Habitat.—South Atlantic, Station 318, depth 2040 fathoms.

6. Aulacantha lævissima, n. sp.

Radial tubes cylindrical, straight, of nearly equal breadth throughout their whole length; the inner proximal end rounded, the outer distal end pointed. Surface of the tubes perfectly smooth, without any teeth. The thickness and length of the simple spicula, as well as the thickness of their wall, are very variable in this species.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.5 to 4.2, breadth 0.003 to 0.02.

Habitat.—North Atlantic, Station 253, Færöe Channel, surface, John Murray.

Genus 667. Aulographis,[13] Haeckel, 1879, Sitzungsb. med.-nat. Gesellsch. Jena, Dec. 12, p. 5.

Definition.Aulacanthida with a veil of tangential needles, and with radial tubes, which bear no lateral branches, but at the distal end a verticil of simple terminal branches.

The genus Aulographis, the richest in the number of species among all Aulacanthida, differs from the preceding Aulacantha, its ancestral form, in the development of simple terminal branches, which form either a fork or a verticil. The branches are either smooth or spiny, but not ramified as in the following genus, Auloceros. Their distal ends are either simply pointed or bear a terminal spathilla, or a little crown of recurved teeth. According to these differences we may dispose the twenty-six species described into four subgenera.

Subgenus 1. Aulographantha, Haeckel.

Definition.—Terminal branches of the radial tubes simple, smooth, without lateral teeth and terminal spathillæ. Tubes usually thin and fragile.

1. Aulographis pandora, n. sp. (Pl. 103, figs. 2-9).

Radial tubes cylindrical, slender, straight or slightly curved, of equal breadth. Terminal branches of the tubes very variable in size and number (two to six, usually three or four), without lateral teeth and terminal spathillæ, slender, conical, slightly curved, directed outwards, twice to four times (rarely five to eight times) as long as the breadth of the tubes. This species is extraordinarily variable in the number and size of the simple terminal branches; the eight tubes, shown in figs. 2 to 9, are all found in one and the same specimen.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.5 to 1.5, breadth 0.01 to 0.03; branches 0.02 to 0.12.

Habitat.—Cosmopolitan; Mediterranean, Atlantic, Indian, Pacific; surface and in various depths.

2. Aulographis bovicornis, n. sp. (Pl. 103, figs. 12-14).

Radial tubes cylindrical, slender, straight, of equal breadth. Terminal branches usually two (rarely three), smooth, without lateral teeth and terminal spathillæ, eight to ten times as long as the breadth of the tube, pointed, S-shaped, or curved like the horns of an ox.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.6 to 0.8, breadth 0.015 to 0.02; branches 0.1 to 0.2.

Habitat.—South Atlantic (east of Buenos Ayres), Stations 323 to 325, surface.

3. Aulographis taumorpha, n. sp. (Pl. 103, fig. 16).

Radial tubes cylindrical, slender, straight, gradually tapering towards the pointed proximal end. Terminal branches constantly two, opposite in a tangential, slightly concave or nearly straight line, ten to twelve times as long as the breadth of the tube, smooth, straight in the proximal part, recurved in the distal part.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.7 to 0.8, breadth 0.01 to 0.015; branches 0.1 to 0.15.

Habitat.—North Pacific, Station 231, depth 2250 fathoms.

4. Aulographis triglochin, n. sp. (Pl. 103, fig. 17).

Radial tubes robust, club-shaped at the distal end. Terminal branches three (rarely two or four), widely divergent, geniculated and recurved, smooth, without lateral teeth and terminal spathillæ.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1.2 to 1.8, breadth 0.02; branches 0.12 to 0.15.

Habitat.—Central Pacific, Stations 271 to 274, surface.

5. Aulographis cruciata, n. sp. (Pl. 103, fig. 25).

Radial tubes slender, cylindrical, of equal breadth. Terminal branches almost constantly four, equal, regularly crossed (very rarely three or five), slender, straight or slightly curved, smooth, divergent outwards, six to eight times as long as the breadth of the tube.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1.0 to 1.5, breadth 0.02; branches 0.12 to 0.15.

Habitat.—South Atlantic, Stations 325 to 332, surface.

6. Aulographis ancorata, n. sp. (Pl. 103, fig. 21).

Radial tubes slender, cylindrical, straight. Terminal branches constantly four, equal, regularly crossed, arcuato-recurved or nearly semicircular, smooth, six to eight times as long as the breadth of the tube. Resembling an anchor with four teeth.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.5 to 0.7, breadth 0.012 to 0.015; branches 0.07 to 0.09.

Habitat.—South-west Atlantic, Station 318, depth 2040 fathoms.

7. Aulographis stellata, n. sp. (Pl. 103, figs. 23, a-c).

Radial tubes club-shaped, gradually thickened towards the distal end. Terminal branches stellate, numerous (five to ten or more), diverging in all directions, smooth, straight or slightly curved, slenderly conical, three to five times as long as the distal breadth of the tube. The branches are very variable in size, sometimes very small (figs. a, b).

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.4 to 0.8, breadth 0.02; branches 0.01 to 0.02.

Habitat.—Indian Ocean, Madagascar (Rabbe), surface.

8. Aulographis penicillata, n. sp.

Radial tubes slender, cylindrical, of equal breadth. Terminal branches pencil-shaped, smooth, very numerous (twenty to thirty or more), diverging outwards, curved, eight to ten times as long as the breadth of the tube, very thin and fragile, resembling a brush.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1.0 to 1.5, breadth 0.02; branches 0.15 to 0.2.

Habitat.—North Atlantic (Antilles), Weber, surface.

9. Aulographis pistillum, n. sp. (Pl. 105, fig. 6).

Radial tubes club-shaped, robust, straight, gradually thickened towards the distal end. Terminal branches eight to ten (usually nine), conical, smooth, slightly curved, divergent outwards like a regular corona.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.5 to 0.6, distal breadth 0.04; branches 0.08.

Habitat.—North Atlantic, Station 354, depth 1675 fathoms.

Subgenus 2. Aulographella, Haeckel.

Definition.—Terminal branches of the radial tubes without terminal spathillæ, but with lateral teeth or secondary spines. (Tubes usually very stout and robust, club-shaped.)

10. Aulographis triæna, n. sp. (Pl. 105, fig. 8).

Radial tubes club-shaped, straight, tapering gradually towards the rounded proximal end. Terminal branches constantly three, divergent, very stout, eight to ten times as long as the breadth of the tube, each studded with three to six irregular, conical, secondary spines. Sometimes the branches become forked, the species passing over into Auloceros cervinus.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1.2 to 1.5, breadth 0.004 to 0.06; branches 0.3 to 0.5.

Habitat.—South Pacific, Station 299, depth 2160 fathoms.

11. Aulographis martagon, n. sp. (Pl. 105, fig. 7).

Radial tubes club-shaped or slenderly conical, strongly thickened towards the distal end. Terminal branches six to nine, conical, slightly curved, divergent outwards, studded outside with small, conical, secondary spines, twice to three times as long as the breadth of the tube.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1.0 to 1.2, breadth 0.04 to 0.05; branches 0.1 to 0.15.

Habitat.—South Atlantic, Station 318, depth 2040 fathoms.

12. Aulographis flammabunda, n. sp. (Pl. 105, fig. 9).

Radial tubes club-shaped, more or less curved, with thickened distal ends. Terminal branches three to six, conical, very stout, three to four times as long as the breadth of the tube, densely studded with numerous, crowded, conical, secondary spines, which are very irregular and more or less curved, resembling the flames of a fire.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1.0 to 1.2, distal breadth 0.08 to 0.1; branches 0.2 to 0.4.

Habitat.—South Pacific, Station 302, depth 1450 fathoms.

13. Aulographis gemmascens, n. sp. (Pl. 105, fig. 11).

Radial tubes club-shaped, more or less curved, with thickened distal end. Terminal branches three to nine (usually three larger and six smaller) stout, conical, studded with irregular, straight, conical, secondary spines, crowded and densely aggregated, like the leaves in a bud.

Dimensions.—Length of the spines 1.5 to 1.8, distal breadth 0.07 to 0.1; branches 0.2 to 0.6.

Habitat.—Tropical Atlantic, Station 347, depth 2250 fathoms.

14. Aulographis flosculus, n. sp. (Pl. 105, fig. 10).

Radial tubes club-shaped, straight, tapering gradually towards the rounded proximal end. Terminal branches nine to twelve, stout, conical, twice to three times as long as the breadth of the tube, studded with irregular secondary spines, connected in the proximal half by a solid, cap-shaped, flinty lamella, so that the terminal corona resembles a flower. The hollow canal of the tube sends a thin branch into each branch of the crown.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1.2 to 1.8, distal breadth 0.04 to 0.05; branches 0.1 to 0.2.

Habitat.—North Atlantic, Færöe Channel (Gulf Stream), John Murray, depth 600 fathoms.

Subgenus 3. Aulographidium, Haeckel.

Definition.—Terminal branches of the radial tubes armed with terminal spathillæ (or whorls of small radial teeth), but without lateral denticles or spines.

15. Aulographis furcula, n. sp. (Pl. 103, figs. 10, 11).

Radial tubes cylindrical, slender, slightly curved. Terminal branches usually two, sometimes on single tubes three, eight to ten times as long as the tube is broad, strongly curved, ascending vertically from a horizontal base, with a terminal spathilla of four crossed teeth at the distal end.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.6 to 0.8, breadth 0.006 to 0.008; branches 0.06 to 0.08.

Habitat.—North-west Pacific (off Japan), Station 231, depth 2250 fathoms.

16. Aulographis triangulum, n. sp. (Pl. 103, fig. 15).

Radial tubes cylindrical, slender, straight. Terminal branches constantly three, slender, slightly curved, nearly horizontally (tangentially) expanded, eight to ten times as long as the tube is broad, with a terminal spathilla of four recurved teeth which are opposite in pairs. Since the angles between the three branches are equal (= 120°) they correspond to the axes of an equilateral triangle.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1.2, breadth 0.015 to 0.02; branches 0.1 to 0.12.

Habitat.—South Pacific, Station 289, depth 2550 fathoms.

17. Aulographis tetrancistra, n. sp. (Pl. 103, fig. 22).

Radial tubes slender, cylindrical, straight. Terminal branches four to six (usually four), eight to ten times as long as the tube is broad, slightly curved and widely divergent, with a terminal spathilla of four crossed recurved teeth.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.5 to 0.7, breadth 0.01; branches 0.08 to 0.1.

Habitat.—South Pacific, Station 285, depth 2375 fathoms.

18. Aulographis hexancistra, n. sp. (Pl. 103, figs. 18, 19).

Radial tubes club-shaped, slightly curved, gradually thickened from the proximal to the distal end. Terminal branches four to eight (usually six in the majority of tubes), widely divergent, nearly straight, three to four times as long as the tube is broad, with a terminal spathilla of six (rarely five) recurved teeth.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.4 to 0.6, breadth 0.01 to 0.02; branches 0.04 to 0.08.

Habitat.—North Pacific, Stations 244 to 253, depth 2050 to 3125 fathoms.

19. Aulographis polyancistra, n. sp.

Radial tubes club-shaped, straight, thickened towards the distal end. Terminal branches ten to twenty, smooth, strongly curved, disposed in a corona, six to eight times as long as the tube is broad, each with a terminal spathilla of eight to twelve radial teeth.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.6 to 0.8, distal breadth 0.02; branches 0.12 to 0.16.

Habitat.—Tropical Atlantic, Station 347, depth 2250 fathoms.

20. Aulographis asteriscus, n. sp. (Pl. 103, fig. 24).

Radial tubes slender, cylindrical, straight, equally broad. Terminal branches six to nine, widely divergent, disposed in a radiate corona, around a central branch, which is the distal prolongation of the tube itself. Each branch bears a stellate terminal spathilla, composed of ten to twenty conical teeth, which radiate in all directions.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.5 to 0.8, breadth 0.02; branches 0.06 to 0.09.

Habitat.—South Atlantic, Station 318, depth 2040 fathoms.

Subgenus 4. Aulographonium, Haeckel.

Definition.—Terminal branches of the radial tubes armed with numerous lateral denticles, and with terminal spathillæ (or whorls of small radial teeth).

21. Aulographis dentata, n. sp. (Pl. 103, fig. 20).

Radial tubes slender, cylindrical, equally broad, scarcely inflated at the distal end. Terminal branches six to eight, curved, disposed in a corona around a straight central branch, eight to ten times as long as the tube is broad, armed with numerous stout recurved lateral denticles and with a terminal spathilla of five or six recurved teeth.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1.5 to 2.5, breadth 0.03; branches 0.15 to 0.2 long.

Habitat.—North Atlantic, Station 354, depth 1675 fathoms.

22. Aulographis pulvinata, n. sp. (Pl. 103, fig. 26).

Radial tubes club-shaped, straight, gradually thickened towards the distal end, which bears a broad, circular, biconvex cushion. The margin of this cushion bears two alternating verticils of radially divergent, straight, terminal branches, which are twice to three times as long as the tube is broad. Each branch is armed with two opposite lateral rows of numerous small denticles, and bears a terminal spathilla with six to eight recurved radial teeth.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 2.0 to 2.4, distal breadth 0.03 to 0.07; branches 0.05 to 0.08 long.

Habitat.—South-east Pacific (off Valparaiso), Station 298, depth 2225 fathoms.

23. Aulographis tripentas, n. sp. (Pl. 105, fig. 13, 13a).

Radial tubes club-shaped, straight, thickened towards the inflated distal end, which bears three alternating verticils of terminal branches, each with five radial branches. The ten branches of the inner and outer verticils are perradial, smooth; the alternating five branches of the middle verticil are armed with recurved lateral denticles. Each of the fifteen branches bears a terminal spathilla with five to seven recurved teeth.

Dimensions.—Length of the spines 2.0 to 2.5, distal breadth 0.03 to 0.06; branches 0.1 long.

Habitat.—South-east Pacific (off Juan Fernandez), Station 299, depth 2160 fathoms.

24. Aulographis verticillata, n. sp. (Pl. 105, fig. 12, 12a).

Radial tubes cylindrical, equally broad, with an inflated ellipsoidal knob at the distal end. This knob bears twenty to thirty slender, slightly curved, terminal branches, which are regularly arranged in five radial or meridional rows, and in four to six concentric verticils. The branches are five to ten times as long as the tube is broad, and armed with two opposite rows of lateral denticles, and with a terminal spathilla of six to eight recurved teeth.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1.5 to 1.8, breadth 0.01 to 0.02; branches 0.5 to 1.0 long.

Habitat.—South Pacific, Station 293, depth 2025 fathoms.

25. Aulographis serrulata, n. sp. (Pl. 103, fig. 27).

Radial tubes club-shaped, curved, thickened towards the inflated ellipsoidal distal end, which bears a bunch of fifteen to twenty-five terminal branches, arranged more or less regularly in radial or meridional rows and concentric horizontal verticils. The branches are irregularly curved, twice to four times as long as the distal end of the tube, armed with two opposite rows of lateral denticles, and at the distal end with a spathilla of six radial teeth.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1.5 to 1.8, breadth 0.02 to 0.04; branches 0.1 to 0.15 long.

Habitat.—North Pacific, Stations 253 and 254, depth 3025 to 3125 fathoms.

26. Aulographis candelabrum, n. sp. (Pl. 103, fig. 1).

Radial tubes club-shaped, straight, thickened towards the distal end and constricted beyond the ovate, inflated, terminal knob. This knob is similar to a candelabrum and bears a corona of six to nine strongly curved terminal branches, which are eight to ten times as long as the tube is broad, armed with scattered lateral denticles, and with a spathilla of five to seven radial teeth.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1.6 to 2.4, breadth 0.03 to 0.05; branches 0.2 to 0.3 long.

Habitat.—South-east Pacific (off Juan Fernandez), Station 300, depth 1375 fathoms.

Genus 668. Auloceros,[14] n. gen.

Definition.Aulacanthida with a veil of tangential needles, and with radial tubes, which bear no lateral branches, but at the distal end a verticil of ramified or forked terminal branches.

The genus Auloceros differs from the preceding closely allied Aulographis, its ancestral form, in the ramification of the verticillate terminal branches. They are either simply forked or again ramified, and their distal ends are either simply pointed or armed with a terminal spathilla, or a little crown of recurved teeth. Some forms of this genus belong to the most elegant and graceful Phæodaria, as the Auloceros elegans figured, which I observed living in the Indian Ocean.

Subgenus 1. Auloceræa, Haeckel.

Definition.—Distal ends of the terminal branches pointed, smooth, without spathilla (or corona of radiate denticles).

1. Auloceros furcosus, n. sp. (Pl. 102, figs. 2-6).

Radial tubes slender, spindle-shaped or nearly cylindrical, more or less tapering towards the two ends. Terminal branches slender, curved, twice to four times as long as the tube is broad, very variable in number (usually two or three, rarely four, five, or six; compare figs. 2-6), once or twice forked; the secondary branches are short, irregular, and pointed. No terminal spathillæ. In some specimens of this species all the tubes bear two or three terminal branches, whilst in others there are tubes with four, five, or six branches intermingled. When the number of the terminal branches is constant in single localities, this transformistic or "Darwinian" species may be divided into the following "subspecies:" (1) Auloceros pandora (with variable numbers); (2) Auloceros bifurca (fig. 2); (3) Auloceros trifurca (fig. 3); (4) Auloceros quadrifurca (fig. 4); (5) Auloceros quinquefurca (fig. 5); (6) Auloceros sexfurca (fig. 6).

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1.5 to 2.5, breadth 0.02 to 0.03; branches 0.05 to 0.15 long.

Habitat.—North Pacific, Stations 231 to 253, surface and at various depths.

2. Auloceros trigeminus, n. sp. (Pl. 102, fig. 7).

Radial tubes club-shaped, gradually thickened towards the inflated distal end. Terminal branches short, scarcely longer than the tube is broad, two constantly opposite, each with three equal, conical, short secondary branches. No terminal spathillæ.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.6 to 0.8, breadth 0.02 to 0.03; branches 0.04 to 0.08.

Habitat.—North Atlantic, Station 353, depth 2965 fathoms.

3. Auloceros capreolus, n. sp. (Pl. 102, fig. 8).

Radial tubes cylindrical, equally broad. Terminal branches in two opposite clustered bunches, each with sixteen to eighteen unequal secondary branches. The total length and breadth of each cluster is about four times as great as the tube is broad. No terminal spathillæ.

Dimensions.—Length of the tube 1.5 to 2.0, breadth 0.03; branches 0.07 to 0.1.

Habitat.—South Pacific, Station 295, depth 1500 fathoms.

4. Auloceros cervinus, n. sp. (Pl. 102, figs. 9, 10).

Radial tubes slender, spindle-shaped, slightly curved, tapering gradually from the middle towards the two ends. Terminal branches constantly three, obliquely ascending, each twice or three times forked (often more or less irregularly), with slender, curved, secondary and tertiary branches (twenty to twenty-four on each tube); the latter are scarcely half as broad as the three main branches of each tube. No terminal spathillæ.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 2.0 to 3.5, breadth 0.03 to 0.04; branches 0.12 to 0.15 long.

Habitat.—South Atlantic, Station 325, depth 2650 fathoms.

5. Auloceros elegans, n. sp. (Pl. 102, fig. 1).

Radial tubes slender, cylindrical, straight, equally broad. Terminal branches two or three, more or less irregularly branched, each with twelve to eighteen curved and pointed secondary branches. No terminal spathillæ. Differs from the preceding Auloceros cervinus in the cylindrical form of the thinner straight tubes, and the more irregular ramification; the branches are nearly tangentially expanded, The specimen figured, with expanded pseudopodia, red central capsule, and green phæodium, was observed living by me in 1882 in Ceylon.

Dimensions.—length of the tubes 1.0 to 2.0, breadth 0.02 to 0.03; branches 0.15 to 0.3.

Habitat.—Indian Ocean, Ceylon (south of Matura), Haeckel, surface.

Subgenus 2. Auloceratium, Haeckel.

Definition.—Distal ends of the terminal branches with a spathilla, or a small corona of radial, usually recurved teeth.

6. Auloceros dicranaster, n. sp. (Pl. 105, figs. 14, 15).

Radial tubes cylindrical, straight, equally broad. Terminal branches tangential, forked, expanded horizontally, five to six times as long as the tube is broad; their number is usually five (more rarely four or six), and each is divided into two short, equal, divergent, secondary branches, armed at the distal end with a spathilla of five or six unequal recurved teeth.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1.0 to 1.5, breadth 0.01 to 0.02; branches 0.05 to 0.08.

Habitat.—North Pacific, Stations 244 to 252, depth 2050 to 3050 fathoms.

7. Auloceros spathillaster, n. sp. (Pl. 102, fig. 12).

Radial tubes club-shaped or nearly cylindrical, straight, often thickened towards the distal end. Terminal branches ascending, three to six, usually four, partly simple, partly forked, slightly curved. The branches are from twice to three times as long as the tube is broad, and much thinner; at the distal end they are armed with a spathilla of five or six recurved teeth.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 2.0 to 2.5, breadth 0.02 to 0.03; branches 0.08 to 0.12.

Habitat.—South Atlantic, Station 319, depth 2425 fathoms.

8. Auloceros arborescens, n. sp, (Pl. 102, figs. 11, 13).

Radial tubes club-shaped, irregularly curved, thickened towards the distal end. Terminal branches two opposite (rarely three or four), forked near the base, and either dichotomously or more irregularly branched; each tube bears fifteen to thirty, usually twenty to twenty-four, secondary branches, which are irregularly curved, and armed at the distal end with a spathilla of four to eight recurved teeth. The tubes are more richly branched than in the preceding, smaller, closely allied species, and the branches are more flatly expanded.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 2.6 to 3.3, breadth 0.03 to 0.04; branches 0.1 to 0.2.

Habitat.—South Pacific, Stations 288 to 295, depth 1500 to 3000 fathoms.

Genus 669. Aulospathis,[15] n. gen.

Definition.Aulacanthida with a veil of tangential needles, and with radial tubes, which bear two verticils of branches, a distal verticil of terminal branches, and a proximal verticil of lateral branches.

The genus Aulospathis and the following Aulodendron differ from the preceding Aulacanthida in the possession of lateral branches; these are usually similar to the terminal branches, and irregularly scattered along the distal half of the tubes in Aulodendron. In Aulospathis, however, the largest form in the family, each tube bears two whorls or verticils only, a verticil of terminal branches at the distal end, and a verticil of lateral branches beyond the latter, between the middle and distal third of the tube. The number of branches in each verticil is usually from two to four, rarely more; it is, however, very variable, so that the ten species described in the sequel are "Darwinian species," derived either from Aulospathis polymorpha, or from Aulospathis variabilis. Each branch bears at the distal end a spathilla, the teeth of which are very variable in form, number and arrangement.

Subgenus 1. Aulospathessa, Haeckel.

Definition.—Distal ends of the radial tubes inflated, usually in the form of an ovate or pyriform terminal knob.

1. Aulospathis bifurca, n. sp. (Pl. 104, figs. 1-5).

Radial tubes with an inflated ovate terminal knob at the distal end, which bears two divergent, curved, terminal branches (often a few tubes bear three or four branches instead of the usual two). Proximal whorl usually cruciate, with four irregularly crossed lateral branches (but often with five or six, more rarely with two or three).

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.15 to 25 mm., breadth 0.04 to 0.06; branches 0.1 to 0.15.

Habitat.—South Pacific, Stations 293 to 295, depth 1500 to 2270 fathoms.

2. Aulospathis trifurca, n. sp. (Pl. 104, figs. 6, 7, 7a).

Radial tubes with an inflated ovate terminal knob at the distal end, which bears three divergent, straight, or slightly curved terminal branches (often a few tubes bear two or four branches instead of the usual three). Proximal whorl irregular, usually with six divergent, straight, lateral branches.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 2.2 to 3.4, breadth 0.03 to 0.05; branches 0.1 to 0.15.

Habitat.—South Pacific (off Valparaiso), Stations 298 to 300, depth 1375 to 2225 fathoms.

3. Aulospathis quadrifurca, n. sp.

Radial tubes with an inflated ovate terminal knob at the distal end, which bears four crossed, divergent, curved terminal branches. Proximal whorl also rather regular, with a cross of four straight lateral branches.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 3.0 to 4.0, breadth 0.04 to 0.08; branches 0.2 to 0.3.

Habitat.—South Pacific, Station 291, depth 2250 fathoms.

4. Aulospathis polymorpha, n. sp. (Pl. 104, figs. 10-13).

Radial tubes with an inflated ovate terminal knob at the distal end, which bears a variable number of divergent, curved, irregular, terminal branches. Usually the majority of the tubes bear three branches, whilst others exhibit two or four, sometimes also five or six. Proximal whorl also very variable and irregular, with two to six, usually three or four unequal branches.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 2.0 to 4.0, breadth 0.04 to 0.06; branches 0.1 to 0.3.

Habitat.—South Pacific, Station 289, depth 2550 fathoms.

Subgenus 2. Aulospathilla, Haeckel.

Definition.—Distal ends of the radial tubes of equal breadth or tapering gradually, not inflated, without terminal knobs.

5. Aulospathis diodon, n. sp.

Radial tubes without inflated terminal knob, forked at the tapering distal end, with two divergent curved branches of equal size. Proximal whorl cruciate, with four rather equal, crossed, straight, lateral branches (sometimes three or five instead of four in single tubes).

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 2.0 to 2.5, breadth 0.03 to 0.04; branches 0.1 to 0.3.

Habitat.—North Pacific, Station 231, depth 2250 fathoms.

6. Aulospathis triodon, n. sp. (Pl. 104, fig. 8).

Radial tubes without inflated terminal knob, with three divergent, slightly curved, terminal branches. Proximal whorl with a variable number of curved lateral branches, usually also three (often two or four, rarely more).

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 2 to 3, breadth 0.03 to 0.05; branches 0.2 to 0.3.

Habitat.—North Pacific, Stations 250 to 253, depth 2740 to 3125 fathoms.

7. Aulospathis tetrodon, n. sp. (Pl. 104, fig. 9).

Radial tubes without inflated terminal knob, with four crossed, divergent, slightly curved terminal branches. Proximal whorl usually with an irregular cross of four lateral branches (often five or six, rarely two or three instead of the usual four).

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 2.0 to 2.5, breadth 0.03 to 0.04; branches 0.2 to 0.3.

Habitat.—North Pacific, Stations 244 to 245, depth 2775 to 2900 fathoms.

8. Aulospathis hexodon, n. sp.

Radial tubes without inflated terminal knob, with three forked, curved branches at the distal end, so that each tube usually bears six terminal branches; but other tubes of the same specimen bear only three simple or a few irregularly forked branches. Proximal whorl usually with six curved, irregular, lateral branches.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 2.0 to 3.0, breadth 0.03 to 0.06; branches 0.2 to 0.5.

Habitat.—Western Tropical Pacific, Station 224, depth 1850 fathoms.

9. Aulospathis furcata, n. sp.

Radial tubes without inflated terminal knob, with a variable number of unequal terminal branches, which are partly simple, partly irregularly forked or branched; the usual number of terminal branches is three or four, more rarely two or five or six. Proximal whorl very irregular, usually with four to six unequal, lateral branches.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 2.0 to 2.5, breadth 0.03 to 0.05; branches 0.1 to 0.3.

Habitat.—Stations 265 to 268, depth 2700 to 2900 fathoms.

10. Aulospathis variabilis, n. sp. (Pl. 104, figs. 14-17).

Radial tubes without inflated terminal knob, with a variable number of unequal terminal branches, which are constantly simple, never forked; the usual number is in the majority of the tubes three or four, often also two, rarely five to eight. Proximal whorl irregular, with a variable number of lateral branches (usually four to six).

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 2.0 to 3.0, breadth 0.03 to 0.06; branches 0.1 to 0.3.

Habitat.—Central Pacific, Stations 271 to 274, depth 2350 to 2750 fathoms.

Genus 670. Aulodendron,[16] n. gen.

Definition.Aulacanthida with a veil of tangential needles, and with radial tubes, which bear numerous, irregularly scattered, lateral and terminal branches.

The genus Aulodendron differs from the other Aulacanthida in the possession of lateral and terminal branches, which are irregularly scattered on the radial tubes and not arranged in regular verticils. The branches are usually short, simple or forked, rarely longer and again irregularly ramified.

1. Aulodendron antarcticum, n. sp. (Pl. 105, fig. 5).

Radial tubes cylindrical, more or less curved, in the inner proximal half smooth and half as broad as in the outer distal half, which is studded with irregularly curved, partly branched spines, arising usually perpendicularly from the tube. The majority of the spines usually simple, the minority forked, with two to four short branches, the largest spines scarcely twice as long as the breadth of the tube.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 0.7 to 0.9, breadth 0.01 to 0.02; length of the branches 0.02 to 0.04.

Habitat.—Antarctic Ocean (Kerguelen), Stations 156 to 159, surface.

2. Aulodendron pacificum, n. sp. (Pl. 105, fig. 2).

Radial tubes cylindrical, slightly curved, in the proximal half smooth, in the distal half with scattered lateral branches, which are partly simple, partly forked, about twice as long as the breadth of the tube, and bear at the distal end a spathilla with five to six recurved teeth. The distal end of the tubes bears a spherical knob, which is separated by a deep stricture and armed with a bunch of six to twelve strong conical teeth.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1 to 1.2, breadth 0.015 to 0.02; branches 0.03 to 0.04.

Habitat.—South Pacific, Station 293, depth 2025 fathoms.

3. Aulodendron australe, n. sp. (Pl. 105, fig. 3).

Radial tubes cylindrical, straight, thin, smooth in the proximal half, armed with numerous lateral branches in the distal half; the majority of the branches forked, about as long as the breadth of the tube, with two or three short ramules, each of which bears a spinulate terminal knob. The distal end of the tubes also forked, with two or three divergent branches.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1.2 to 1.6, breadth 0.01 to 0.012.

Habitat.—South Pacific, Station 289; New Zealand, Station 169, surface.

4. Aulodendron atlanticum, n. sp.

Radial tubes cylindrical, tapering gradually towards the two ends; smooth and straight in the proximal half, irregularly curved and branched in the distal half, with ten to twenty (rarely more) branches, which arise almost perpendicularly from the tube. The proximal branches are from four to eight times as long as the greatest breadth of the tube, forked, with two or three short ramules; the distal branches are much smaller and simple. The distal end of each branch bears a spathilla with four to six short teeth.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 2.4 to 3.6, breadth 0.06 to 0.08.

Habitat.—South Atlantic, Station 332, depth 2200 fathoms.

5. Aulodendron indicum, n. sp. (Pl. 105, fig. 1).

Radial tubes cylindrical, irregularly curved, tapering gradually towards the two ends; smooth in the proximal half, irregularly branched in the distal half, with ten to twenty or more curved branches. The proximal branches are very large, one-sixth to one-fourth as long as the tube and irregularly ramified; the distal branches are much shorter, also ramified or simple. All the branches are more or less curved and bear a spinulate knob at the distal end.

Dimensions.—Length of the tubes 1.2 to 1.8, breadth 0.02 to 0.03; length of the branches 0.1 to 0.3.

Habitat.—Indian Ocean; Cocos Islands (Rabbe), surface.

  1. Ueber die Phæodarien, eine neue Gruppe kieselschaliger mariner Rhizopoden, Sitzungsb. med.-nat. Gesellsch. Jena, December 12, 1879, pp. 3, 4.
  2. Phæocolla = Brown jelly; φαιός, κόλλα.
  3. Phæodina = Provided with brown pigment; φαιώδιον.
  4. Cannobelos = Bearing hollow tubular arrows; κάννα, βέλος.
  5. Cannorrhaphis = Bearing hollow tubular needles; κάννα, ῥαφίς.
  6. Catinulus = Small cup or dish.
  7. Mesocena = Hollow in the centre, annular; μέσον, κενός.
  8. Dictyocha = Net-possessing; δίκτυον, ἔχω.
  9. Distephanus = Double corona; διστέφανος.
  10. Cannopilus = Hat with tubes; κάννα, πίλος.
  11. Aulactinium = With radial tubes; ἀυλός, ἀχτίς.
  12. Aulacantha = Tubular spine; ἀυλός, ἄκανθα.
  13. Aulographis = Tubular style; ἀυλός, γραφίς.
  14. Auloceros = Tubular horn; ἀυλός, κέρως.
  15. Aulospathis = Tube with whirls; ἀυλός, σπαθίς.
  16. Aulodendron = Tubular tree; ἀυλός, δένδρον.