The Writings of Carl Schurz/Volume 5
1889. | |
PAGE | |
To Thomas F. Bayard, January 30th | 1 |
Detailed account of an interview with Count Arco about the relations between the United States and Germany in regard to Samoan difficulties. | |
From Thomas F. Bayard, February 1st | 7 |
Schurz's friendly motive appreciated—German Government more conciliatory on Samoan question—The difficulties explained—Secret arrangements between Germany and Great Britain should be disclosed—The settlement sought by the United States—Bitterness of Republicans against Democratic Administration and especially Department of State—Bayard's caution and friendliness toward Germany. | |
To Thomas F. Bayard, February 3d | 9 |
Rejoices over favorable turn in negotiations—Protocol should be published. | |
To John Sherman, February 4th | 10 |
Thanks for Samoan speech—How danger may be avoided. | |
To B. B. Cahoon, February 5th | 11 |
Advises against seeking office, although worthy of it—Schurz offers good wishes, but will have no influence with Harrison's Administration. | |
To Oscar S. Straus, February 15th | 13 |
Some prospective members of Harrison's Cabinet—Wanamaker and campaign funds. | |
To John Wanamaker, February 25th | 14 |
Why Schurz inquires about campaign funds—Would gladly help correct public impression, if false. | |
To Thomas F. Bayard, February 27th | 15 |
Praises Bayard's handling of Samoan question—Punishment of Klein demanded? Desires correspondence on Sackville case. | |
From Thomas F. Bayard, February 28th | 16 |
Bayard's important despatch on Samoan question, etc.—No demand for Klein's punishment—Why Bayard had not already settled Samoan question—Sends Sackville correspondence and desires Schurz's opinion. | |
From Thomas F. Bayard, March 9th | 17 |
Reviews opposition of Republican managers in the Senate to the Department of State—Pendleton's illness hampered Bayard—Blaine much enfeebled in seven years—Small politics—“Wanamaker!!” | |
To John Wanamaker, April 9th | 18 |
The occasion and incidents of the correspondence reviewed—Exception taken to Wanamaker's answer—Evil of large campaign funds—Schurz would end corrupt practices, regardless of party. | |
To Franklin H. Head, April 20th | 21 |
Regrets inability to attend a centennial celebration of Washington's first inauguration—Why Washington will always remain one of the most important and precious possessions of the American people. | |
Address: The Need of a Rational Forest Policy, October 15th | 22 |
To Edward L. Pierce, November 23d | 33 |
A reminiscent review of the French Arms case. | |
1890. | |
Remarks: On the Death of a Child, June 13th | 37 |
Address: The Tariff Question, October 20th | 40 |
To Allen G. Thurman, November 8th | 80 |
Regrets inability to attend banquet in celebration of the seventy-seventh anniversary of Thurman's birth—Memory of old days in the Senate—Congratulations and good wishes. | |
From Allen G. Thurman, December 15th | 81 |
Reciprocates Schurz's feelings—Appreciation of the banquet—Contentment with family, friends and books—Compliments Henry Clay. | |
1891. | |
From Ex-President Hayes, May 29th | 82 |
In praise of the “Lincoln” essay. | |
To Moorfield Storey, November 1st | 82 |
Favors united action of Independents to secure Cleveland's nomination—Similar conferences in 1876 and 1884—Suggests that a few confer as to a plan. | |
1892. | |
To Moorfield Storey, March 1st | 83 |
A circular in favor of Cleveland's renomination decided upon—Cleveland consulted—A pro-Cleveland meeting in Boston thought preferable. | |
To Andrew Fiske, April 8th | 84 |
Regrets inability to attend a dinner to be given to Geo. Fred. Williams in recognition of his services in opposition to free-silver coinage—What Williams and his allies did in Congress—Further usefulness expected. | |
To Ex-President Cleveland, June | 85 |
Congratulations on nomination—Why Cleveland is the favorite of the people. | |
To W. H. P——, August 28th | 86 |
Declines to accept more than six per cent. interest on a loan. | |
Public Letter: The Issues of the National Campaign of 1892, September 8th | 87 |
To Edward M. Shepard, September 9th | 121 |
About the foregoing campaign letter—Stevenson should come out squarely against free coinage—Ill-health forbids Schurz speaking in the campaign. | |
To Edward M. Shepard, September 11th | 122 |
If Cleveland considers the conciliation of the New York “machine” all-important, Schurz's campaign letter will not fit the situation—That letter will be withdrawn unless Cleveland assures Schurz that it will not be contradicted by any one with authority to speak—Entire good-faith with the public requires this. | |
To Grover Cleveland, November 9th | 124 |
Congratulations on his election. | |
To Moorfield Storey, December 12th | 124 |
Cleveland approves of the plan of the civil service reformers to get President Harrison to extend the rules. | |
1893. | |
To Grover Cleveland, January 11th | 125 |
Favors retaining Theodore Roosevelt as one of the Civil Service Commission—Cleveland's opportunity to deal a fatal blow to the spoils system—Offers suggestions about the choice of a Cabinet—Why chiefs of division should be brought under the civil service rules. | |
To Grover Cleveland, February 27th | 127 |
Wishes to write an article about Cleveland's inaugural—Relations with Harper's Weekly—Hawaii—Urges appointment of a man of high culture as Minister to Germany. | |
From Grover Cleveland, February 28th | 128 |
Will have inaugural sent—Wishes to see Harper's Weekly articles—Welcomes suggestion about German mission. | |
To Grover Cleveland, March 1st | 129 |
Importance of soon calling an extra session of Congress to stop silver purchases—Compliments inaugural. | |
To President Cleveland, March 11th | 131 |
Forwards his Harper's Weekly article on our relations with Hawaii—Urges objections to ratifications of pending extradition treaty with Russia—Further suggestions as to German mission. | |
From President Cleveland, March 19th | 133 |
Explains attitude toward proposed Russian treaty—Runyon to be nominated for German mission—Pleased by Hawaiian article—“We ought to stop and look and think” as to annexation. | |
To President Cleveland, March 30th | 134 |
Schurz a “hard taskmaster,” and a candid friend—Case of United States district attorney, in Indiana, Burke—How giving patronage in exchange for support always works—Suggests thorough and fearless treatment of the Burke case—“The Postal Scramble”—Schurz's responsibilities as president of National Civil Service Reform League. | |
From President Cleveland, March 31st | 137 |
Explains the Burke case. | |
To President Cleveland, April 5th | 138 |
Urges President Cleveland to stop wholesale removal of postmasters. | |
From President Cleveland, April 6th | 139 |
Gives figures showing that reports as to removals are erroneous. | |
To President Cleveland, April 10th | 139 |
Schurz's attitude toward President Cleveland—What the figures as to removals of postmasters show—A better policy suggested and expected President Cleveland's opportunity and his available source of strength—Why Schurz is so frank and persistent. | |
To William A. Aiken, April 13th | 142 |
Schurz's rule as to applicants for office. | |
Address: Civil Service Reform and Democracy, April 25th | 143 |
To Lucius B. Swift, May 13th | 176 |
Postmaster-General Bissell and a non-partisan service—Thinks Administration has become disgusted with spoils system. | |
To President Cleveland, May 13th | 177 |
Recommends that an extra session of Congress soon be called to deal with the financial situation—The Sturtevant case and Logan Carlisle—No objection to removal of incapables—Again advises that chiefs of division be put under civil service rules—General Johnston not in sympathy with purposes of the Civil Service Commission—Why giving patronage in exchange for legislation is weakening—A fearless reform policy safest and most successful—Introducing Francis E. Leupp. | |
Speech: German Day, June 15th | 181 |
Essay: Manifest Destiny, October | 191 |
1894. | |
Address: Municipal Government and Civil Service Reform, January 25th | 214 |
Editorial Article: The Pension Scandal, May 5th | 226 |
To Edward M. Shepard, October 6th | 231 |
Congratulations and suggestions about plans for a reform Democracy in New York State—Anti-Hill Democrats. | |
To Edward M. Shepard, October 7th | 232 |
If independent Democrats have a platform, it ought to have a declaration against the A. P. A. | |
To Edward M. Shepard, October 10th | 232 |
Compliments Shepard on successful development of his reform movement. | |
Speech: Hill and Hillism, October 29th | 232 |
To W. S. Bissell, November 28th | 249 |
Postmaster-General Bissell's report the weightiest and bravest utterance that has ever come from the Post-Office Department. | |
1896. | |
Speech: The Venezuelan Question, January 2d | 249 |
To Winslow Warren, April 21st | 259 |
There should be an independent movement composed of sound-money business men. | |
Address: International Arbitration, April 22d | 260 |
Speech: Honest Money and Honesty, September 5th | 276 |
From President Cleveland, November 6th | 328 |
Thanks Schurz for his efforts in cause of National honor and sound finance—Compliments the independence of sound-money Democrats—The path of official duty. | |
To Marcus A. Hanna, November 12th | 328 |
Thinks no sound-money Democrat or Independent should become a member of President McKinley's Cabinet—How President McKinley can best show his appreciation of independent supporters. | |
Remarks: William Steinway, December 2d | 330 |
From Thomas F. Bayard, December 13th | 333 |
The address on Steinway—Reminiscences of Steinway—Schurz in the Senate—Return home—Satisfaction. | |
1897. | |
Speech: The German Mothertongue, January 9th | 334 |
To Thomas F. Bayard, January 12th | 338 |
Pleased by Bayard's letters—Bayard's great achievements at the Court of St. James—Our political condition—Desire to meet Bayard. | |
To Simon Wolf, February 13th | 340 |
Unalterable rule not to make recommendations for official positions. | |
To President McKinley, March 4th | 340 |
As President of National Civil Service Reform League he begs that Civil Service Commission may be regarded as an essentially non-partisan body—The League would gladly aid in the line of its principles. | |
From President McKinley, March 16th | 341 |
Will give civil service reform matters careful consideration. | |
Essay: Grover Cleveland's Second Administration, May | 342 |
Address: Civil Service Reform and the “Black Act,” May 6th | 373 |
To President McKinley, June 4th | 396 |
About a memorial from a committee of the Civil Service Reform League—Hopes that Republican platform's pledges to civil service reform will not be violated—How President McKinley could prevent this. | |
Editorial Article: Armed or Unarmed Peace, June 19th | 398 |
To Jacob H. Gallinger, August 16th | 403 |
The occasion of this letter—Schurz's support of the Republican party and sound-money in 1896—A party organization is not an end in itself, but merely a means for attainment of public ends—Political “traitors”—The “practical politician” respects them in spite of himself—The Civil Service Reform League is non-partisan—Gallinger misrepresents the officers of the League—The Republican party's pledges to civil service reform—Gallinger's inconsistencies and dilemma—Willing to continue the correspondence. | |
From Charles Stuart Smith, August 28th | 411 |
Compliments the Gallinger letter. | |
Editorial Article: Murder as a Political Agency, August 28th | 412 |
To Jacob H. Gallinger, October 1st | 417 |
Some valuable lessons—Schurz admits his sins as a non-partisan reformer—Self-stultification of partisans—Principles vs. party—Republican pledges and Republican interpretations—Gallinger's record and logic—Misrepresentations—“A genuine celebrity” and “valiant battles for post-offices.” | |
To President McKinley, October 17th | 429 |
Gratitude for assurances that civil service order will be enforced—Suggests advantage of a strong word in favor of merit system—Anxious to give all possible aid in advancing civil service reform—Glad Administration is not to interfere in New York City election. | |
Essay: Daniel Webster, November | 431 |
To President McKinley, December 24th | 447 |
Administration praised at annual meeting of Civil Service Reform League—Why there should be no further exemptions of “confidential” or “fiduciary” positions—Objection to abrogation of the one-year limit for reinstatements—Effect of making concessions—How violations of removal order might be stopped—The menace of Platt. | |
1898. | |
To Mrs. R. W. Gilder, February 15th | 451 |
Why New York City should have a permanent orchestra. | |
Editorial Article: National Honor, March 19th | 452 |
To President McKinley, April 8th | 457 |
Thinks the war fever is receding—The suspicion that the ultimate annexation of Cuba is the secret motive of our action—The talk of war as a party interest. | |
From Thomas F. Bayard, April 8th | 458 |
An affectionate reminiscence and greeting—Gray-bearded Father Time—Desires visit from Schurz—When Schurz “stepped out ‘solitary and alone.’ ” | |
Editorial Article: About Patriotism, April 16th | 459 |
To Thomas F. Bayard, April 24th | 464 |
The greeting appreciated and reciprocated—Distressed by unhappy state of public affairs—One consolation. | |
To President McKinley, May 9th | 465 |
Importance of remaining true to our promise that this is to be a war of deliverance and not of greedy ambition—Annexation of Hawaii now would have a bad influence—Hopes for an early peace. | |
Speech: The '48ers, May 14th | 466 |
To President McKinley, June 1st | 472 |
Preparing a letter to be published in Germany in hope of winning European sympathy to our side—This should be a war for humanity—What we should do in case any Spanish colonies fall into our possession—The advantage of being the great neutral Power of the world—The dangers of annexing outlying territories—How to prepare for the future—Popular dislike of the war—A prophecy ventured—How the “imperialistic noise” and menace can be ended. | |
To President McKinley, July 29th | 475 |
Suggestions as to the conditions of peace. | |
To Richard Watson Gilder, August 8th | 477 |
The kind of true and lasting friendship desired between the United States and Great Britain. | |
Address: Our Future Foreign Policy, August 19th | 477 |
Essay: Thoughts on American Imperialism, September | 494 |
To Björnstjerne Björnson, September 22d | 513 |
Schurz's Americanism—Why he is opposed to an alliance between the United States and Great Britain—The folly of a voluntary surrender of our unique inheritance of a substantially unarmed peace. | |
To President McKinley, September 22d | 515 |
Sentiment of Saratoga conference as to Spanish colonies—Popular opinion against tropical acquisitions will increase—The President's unused opportunity—Still one more opportunity—Need of a thoroughgoing plan and non-acquisition—Wishes to allay unpleasant feeling between United States and Germany. | |
To Sherman S. Rogers, October 18th | 520 |
What supporting Roosevelt's candidacy for governorship of New York would mean—Regrets. | |
To Theodore Roosevelt, October 18th | 521 |
Regrets that Carnegie Hall speech makes it impossible to support Roosevelt. | |
Open Letter: Opposition to Roosevelt for the Governorship of New York, October 21st | 521 |
To Jacob H. Schiff, October 25th | 527 |
Has chosen his course deliberately and will defend it without irritation. | |
From George F. Hoar, October 26th | 527 |
Disagrees with Schurz as to Roosevelt—What shall we do with the Philippines? | |
To George F. Hoar, October 30th | 528 |
Favors a conference of the Powers most interested in the Philippines—Defeat of Republican party, the thing first and most needed to help solve the Philippine question. | |
From Goldwin Smith, November 6th | 529 |
“Imperialism will be the death of continental union.” | |
To Goldwin Smith, November 9th | 529 |
All other questions are subordinate to that of imperialism—Goldwin Smith could best explain antagonism between imperialism and continental union. | |
To George F. Hoar, December 1st | 530 |
Schurz favors submitting to the whole American people the question of tropical acquisitions—Asks Hoar's consideration and assistance. | |
From Andrew Carnegie, December 27th | 531 |
Offers to pay for printing a pamphlet edition of one of Schurz's speeches against imperialism—The people oppose the Government, but democracy is sound—Good wishes. |
Volume I.
October 20, 1852-November 26, 1870
The Knickerbocker Press
Copyright, 1913
The Knickerbocker Press, New York