Translation:Qolasta/Prayer 35
- In the name of life.
- I wanted to lift up eyes, shoulders and arms
- towards the place that is all life, splendor, light and glory,
- the place from which one seeks and finds, one speaks and is heard,
- one asks and it is granted, day after day, hour after hour.
- At this hour I address to you, my Lord Mandā d-Haijē,
- a fervent request, great and not small,
- for these bodies that bent their knees to the earth
- and stretched their hands towards the center and above.
- They left the images, statues and shrines of gods made of clay,
- the gods made of blocks and other vain works, and testified to the name of the great alien life:
- let the gate of sins be closed before them and let the gate of light be opened to them.
- Let our petition, our prayer, and our submission rise empcr before the sublime life, which is above all works.
- All hands stole before you, and all lips lied...
- No one is sinless before you, Mandā d-Haijē.
- We are slaves who are all sin;
- you are the Lord who is all forgiveness.
- If you are with us, who will defeat us,
- if you acquit us, who will condemn us?
- Judge us not according to the judgment of the worlds,
- despise us not for our follies,
- and make us not partakers of the lying works
- which the worlds and aeons perpetrate.
- The worlds pushed us, but we did not fall.
- On the side of your Kuštā we had trust very much.
- Trust in life; do you want to trust in people?.
- You spoke with your speech and commanded us with your saying: Do you pray from the Tibil, and I will grant you from the upper fruits.
- Pray ye below the reed, the marsh, and the vapidity, and I will grant you from the upper heights.
- Do you pray with the right hand of the flesh, and I will grant you with the right hand of the Kuštā.
- The former sought and found, so shall the latter seek and find.
- Seek and find for yourselves, for your friends, for the friends of your friends, and for the friends of the great tribe of the life.
- Your eyes shall not turn away from me empty.
- You are the Father who is all Uthras, the Pillar who is all Light, the Vine who is all Life, the Great Tree who is all Mandās.
- You know the hearts, see through the senses, feel the entrails in the lower abaddons of darkness.
- Like the sun they are spread out before you.
- To you are our eyes lifted up, and to you do our lips give praise and blessing: 7 hours of the day, and in the 3 vigils of the night.
- To those who seek from him, they find; to those who ask from him, it is granted.
- To him who stands before a closed gate, you will open the closed gate.
- In the place of light, you will wipe away from us our sins, transgressions, follies, stumbles, and errors,
- and take them away and cast them into the hells of the earth and the lower abaddons of darkness.
- Raise us up and set us up as blameless, not as guilty, as full, not as deficient before you Mandā d-Haijē.
- Let the good see it and find good, let the wicked be broken and let the children of the world be put to shame.
- Let those say:
- there is a place for us in the place of life, where those who seek find, those who ask are granted.
- We pray that you may give of your splendor, your light, and your adornment upon us.
- You are the physician who is above the physicians, the uplifter who is above the uplifters, the radiance who is above the radiant beings, the light who is above the lights.
- You open the gates of the Kuštā, reveal the secrets of wisdom and show miracles in Jerusalem.
- You shut off the demons and Dēws and push away the gods from their temples.
- Great is your name, blessed is your name.
- You are the image of life that you have always been.
- You are the vine, who were in the ether above the heavens and above the earth.
- When the worlds came into being and the creatures were created, you made a grip on the worlds and aeons and laid a path for the true and faithful men to the place of life.
- The spirits and souls sit as guilty ones and will rise as guiltless ones.
- In your name Jōzaṭaq Mandā d-Haijē, (to support the hands of the faithful men) be healing of life granted to the souls of this ascent.
- Life stands firm in its Škīnā, life is victorious.
[edit]- This prayer is suitable for everything good.
- One time it is suitable for an intercession, the other time for the funeral mass and baptism, also for any healing.
- t the requiem mass, after reading about the Pandāmā, about the water of prayer and the saying about the incense, pray "We confessed" (= LXXV), "Praises" (= LXXVI), "You (life)" (= LXXVII), "Lifting up the eyes" (= IX) and "I tvollte lifting up the eyes" (= XXXV),
- then prepare the Pihtā and Mambūhā and the wreath and lay them down for the requiem mass.
- Then read the saying about the oil.
- Let this be in something of bone: a bowl of glass or tin, washed and purified.
- Then read the requiem.
Mandaic transcription
[edit]- b-šuma ḏ-hiia
- bit mišqal ainia kadpia u-draiia l-atra ḏ-kulẖ hiia ziua u-nhura u-ˁqara atra ḏ-baiin minẖ maškia u-amria minẖ u-mištimia u-šailia minẖ u-mithiblun ium b-ium u-šaiia b-šaiia šita haza b-aiina minak marai manda ḏ-hiia
- buta napša rba u-lazuṭa ˁl giuiata halin ḏ-arbik burkaiun l-arqa u-ˁdaihun pšaṭ l-miṣia u-ˁlaiia šbaq ṣilmia ṣuria u-prikia ḏ-ṭina u-alahia qurqsa u-ˁubadia b-aṭlia b-šuma ḏ-hiia rbia nukraiia shad nistkar minaihun baba ḏ-haṭaiia u-niptalun baba ḏ-nhura tisaq šultan u-butan u-dnutan qudam hiia iatiria ḏ-ˁlauia kulhun ˁubadia kulhun ˁdia gnab
- qudamak u-kulhin ˁspia kadib mia b-iardna zakaia
- qudamak laiit manda ḏ-hiia abdia anin ḏ-kulhun haṭaiia u-anat mara ḏ-kulẖ tiaruta ḏ-anat minan man zakilan u-ḏ-anat mzakiatlan man mhaiiblan b-din almia l-atidninan u-b-skilatan l-atizlinan u-bˁubadia ḏ-šiqra ḏ-abdin almia u-daria la-tišatpinan midha dhunan almia mipal la-npalnin ˁl aganbia kušṭa dilak hualan ruhṣana ṭab truṣ l-hiia u-mitruṣ l-bnia anaša anat amart b-mimrak u-paqidtinan b-pugdamak anatun bun mn tibil u-ana ˁtilkun mn mrumia ˁlaiia anatun bun mn b-iamin b-isra u-ana ˁtilakun b-iamin kušṭa bun qadmaiia u-aškun nibun b-atraiia u-naškun bun u-aška l-napšaikun u-l-rahmaikun u-l-rahmia rahmaikun u-l-rahmia šurba rba ḏ-hiia ainaikun riqan mn luat la-nitkamra anat aba ḏ-kulẖ ˁutria u-ˁṣṭuna ḏ-kula nhura u-gupna ḏ-kulẖ hiia u-ˁlana rba ḏ-kulẖ mandia ḏ-iadit b-lilbia u-paršit b-ˁuṣria u-maišit b-tirata b-bdunia titaiia ḏ-hšuka u-kḏ šamša šṭiha l-qudamak ainan lak dilak šqila u-ˁuspan lak dilak iahba tušbihta u-birkta šaba šaiia ḏ-iuma u-tlat maṭarata ḏ-lilia ḏ-baiin minẖ maškia u-dšailia minẖ mithiblun ḏ-ˁl baba ˁhida qaiim baba ˁhida tiptalun b-atra ḏ-nhura tikpar u-tišqal minaian haṭaian u-hauban u-skilatan u-tiqlatan u-šabašatan tirmia b-tasniqia ḏ-arqa u-b-bdunia titaiia ḏ-hšuka u-tarminan u-taqminan b-zakaiia ḏ-lau b-haiabia u-biatiria ḏ-lau b-hasiria
- qudamak manda ḏ-hiia nihzun ṭabia u-niṭaibun u-bišia nitibrun u-bnia alma nibihtun u-nimrun ḏ-ˁtlan atra b-atra ḏ-hiia ḏ-baiin minẖ maškin u-šailia minẖ u-mithiblun b-aiinin mn ziuak u-mn nhurak u-mn ṣautak tišria ˁlan anat asia ḏ-ˁlauia asauata u-mdalia ḏ-ˁlauia mdalauata u-ziua ḏ-ˁlauia ziuia u-nhura ḏ-ˁlauia nhuria ḏ-pahtit tiria kušṭa u-mgalalit razia hikumta u-mhauit gambaruata b-ˁurašlam sadmit sahria u-daiuia u-madihit alahia mn ˁkuraihun npiš šumak u-mšaba šumak dmuta anat ḏ-hiia ḏ-huit mn la-qadmia gupna anat ḏ-huit baiar ˁla šumia u-ˁla arqa kḏ almia hun u-ˁtibria biriata lgaṭt ligiṭta b-almia u-daria urmit dirka l-anašia kšiṭia u-mhaimnia l-atra ḏ-hiia iatbia ruhia u-nišmata kḏ haiabia niqmun kḏ zakaiia b-šumak iuzaṭaq manda ḏ-hiia asmukia ˁdaihun ḏ-anašia ṭabia tihuia asuta ḏ-hiia l-nišmata ḏ-haza masiqta
- u-qaiamin hiia b-škinatun
- u-hiia zakin
- s_____a
- haza buta l-kul ṭabu azla zban l-rahmia azla zban l-masiqta u-l-maṣbuta u-l-kul asuta hˁ u-l-masiqta abatar ḏ-qarit l-pandama u-mia ḏ-buta u-pugdama ḏ-riha bˁia audin u-tušbihan u-ˁlkun dilkun u-mišqal ainia u-bit mišqal ainia u-šauia pihta u-mambuha u-klila u-atna l-masiqta u-qria pugdama ḏ-miša b-mindam dakia b-kapta ḏ-zgauita ˁu anka kḏ hipa u-mdakia u-qria masiqta
- s_____a
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