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[edit]- Babánek, Karel (1872–1937)
- Babbage, Charles (1791–1871)
- Babcock, Charles Almanzo (1849–1922)
- Babcock, Kendric Charles (1864–1932)
- Babcock, Maltbie (1858–1901)
- Babelon, Ernest Charles François (1854–1924)
- Baber, Edward Cresswell (1850–1910)
- Baber, Henry Hervey (1775–1869)
- Babeuf, François-Noel (1760–1797)
- Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685–1750)
- Bacheler, O. R. (1817–1901)
- Bachelor, Joseph Morris (1887–1947)
- Baildon, Henry Bellyse (1849–1907)
- Bailey, John (1810–1867)
- Bachelet, Michelle (1951–present)
- Bacheller, Irving (1859–1950)
- Bacher, Wilhelm (or William); or Bacher Vilmos (1850–1913)
- Bachet de Méziriac, Claude Gaspard (1581–1638)
- Backhouse, James (1861–1945)
- Backus, Charles (1749–1803)
- Backus, Waldo Elwyn (1892-1979)
- Bacon, Alice Mabel (1858–1918)
- Bacon, Benjamin Wisner (1860–1932)
- Bacon, Francis (1561–1626)
- Bacon, Josephine Dodge Daskam (1876–1961)
- Bacon, Leonard (1802–1881)
- Bacon, Leonard (1887–1954)
- Bacon, Roger (1214–1294)
- von Baczko, Ludwig (1756–1823)
- Badakar, Chandrashekhar M.
- Baden, Frances L. Henshaw (1835–1911)
- Baden-Powell, Baden Fletcher Smyth (1860–1937)
- Baden-Powell, James (1842–1931)
- Baden-Powell, Robert (1857–1941)
- Badger, George Percy (1815–1888)
- Badoureau, Jean Paul Albert (1853–1923)
- von Baerenbach, Friedrich (1856–1914)
- Bagehot, Walter (1826–1877)
- Bagenal, Philip Henry (1850–1927)
- Bagwell, Richard (1840–1918)
- Bahá'u'lláh (Husayn-Ali Nurí) (1817–1893)
- Bahu, Sultan (1628–1691)
- Bai Juyi (772–846)
- Bailey, Alfred Marshall (1894–1978)
- Bailey, Arthur Scott (1877–1949)
- Bailey, Cyril (1871–1957)
- Bailey, Florence Augusta Merriam (1863–1948)
- Bailey, George Cyril (1890–1972)
- Bailey, John Burn (1821–1895)
- Bailey, John Eglington (1840–1888)
- Bailey, Liberty Hyde (1858–1954)
- Baillie, James Black (1872–1940)
- Baily, Francis (1774–1844)
- Bain, Alexander (1818–1903)
- Bain, Robert Nisbet (1854–1909)
- Baines, Sir Jervoise Athelstane (1847–1925)
- Baird, Henry Carey (1825–1912)
- Baird, Henry Martyn (1832–1906)
- Baird, Jean Katherine (1873–1918)
- Baird, Spencer Fullerton (1823–1887)
- Baird, William Raimond (1848–1917)
- Bale, Edwin (1842–1923)
- Balfour, Grant
- Baker, Benjamin (1840–1907)
- Baker, Elizabeth (1876–1962)
- Baker, Henry (1698–1774)
- Baker, Henry (1835–1910)
- Baker, Henry Barton (1845–1906)
- Baker, Henry Frederick (1866–1956)
- Baker, Henry Williams (1821–1877)
- Baker, Ira Osborn (1853–1925)
- Baker, John Gilbert (1834–1920)
- Baker, Julian Levett (1873–1958)
- Baker, Mary Ann (1831–1921)
- Baker, Moses Nelson (1864–1955)
- Baker, Newton D. (1871–1937)
- Baker, Ray Stannard (1870–1946)
- Baker, Richard (1568–1645)
- Baker, Thomas (c. 1625–1689)
- Bakewell, John (1721–1819)
- Bakewell, Robert (1768–1843)
- Bakunin, Mikhail (1814–1876)
- Balbo, Cesare (1789–1853)
- Baldry, Alfred Lys (1858–1939)
- Baldwin, Astley Henry (1834–1914)
- Baldwin, Charles Sears (1867–1935)
- Baldwin, Henry (1780–1844)
- Baldwin, James (1841–1925)
- Baldwin, James Arthur (1924–1987)
- Baldwin, Simeon Eben (1840–1927)
- Baldwin, Stanley (1867–1947)
- Balfe, Michael William (1808–1870)
- Balfour, Sir Andrew (1630–1694)
- Balfour, Sir Andrew (1873–1931)
- Balfour, Arthur (1848–1930)
- Balfour, Isaac Bayley (1853–1922)
- Balfour, John Hutton (1808–1884)
- Ball, Benjamin West (1823–1896)
- Ball, Charles James (1851–1924)
- Ball, Clifford (1896–1947)
- Ball, Henry William (1833–1914)
- Ball, John (1338–1381)
- Ball, John (1818–1889)
- Ball, Robert Stawell (1840–1913)
- Ballagh, James Curtis (1866–1944)
- Ballantine, William Gay (1848–1937)
- Ballantyne, R. M. (1825–1894)
- Ballantyne, Thomas (1806–1871)
- Ballard, Robert (1839–1912)
- Ballin, Ada Sarah (1863–1906)
- Ballou, Adin (1803–1890)
- Ballou, Sullivan (1829–1861)
- Ballou, William Hosea
- Balzac, Honoré de (1799–1850)
- Balzani, Ugo (1847–1916)
- Bambridge, William Samuel (1820–1879)
- Bancroft, Frederic (1860–1945)
- Bancroft, George (1800–1891)
- Bancroft, Hubert Howe (1832–1918)
- Bandyopadhyay, Brajendranath (1891–1952)
- Banerjea, Surendranath (1848–1925)
- Banerjee, Krishna Mohan (1813–1885)
- Bannerman, David Armitage (1886–1979)
- Bangs, John Kendrick (1872–1922)
- Banim, John (1798–1842)
- Bankes, George (1787–1856)
- Bankier, William (1870–1949)
- Banks, Joseph (1743–1820)
- Bannerman, David Douglas (1842–1903)
- Bannerman, Helen (1862–1946)
- Bannister, Thomas (1799–1874)
- Bao Zheng (999–1062)
- Baratynsky, Evgeny (1800–1844)
- Al-Barbahari (867–940)
- Barbauld, Anna Laetitia (1743–1825)
- Barbeau, Charles Marius (1883–1969)
- Barber, Amherst W. (fl. 1894)
- Barber, John
- Barber, Margaret Fairless (1869–1901)
- Barber, Mary (c. 1685–c. 1755)
- Barbey d'Aurevilly, Jules Amédée (1808–1889)
- Barbour, Erwin Hinckly (1856–1947)
- Barbour, John (c. 1316–1395)
- Barbour, Philip Pendleton (1783–1841)
- Barbusse, Henri (1873–1935)
- Barclay, Robert (1648–1690)
- Barclay, Robert (1833–1876)
- Barclay, Sir Thomas (1853–1941)
- Bard, Ralph Austin (1884–1975)
- Barham, Richard Harris (1788–1845)
- Barine, Arvède (1840–1908)
- Baring, Maurice (1874–1945)
- Baring-Gould, Sabine (1834–1924)
- Barker, Aldred Farrer (1868–1964)
- Barker, Ernest (1874–1960)
- Barker, Eugene Campbell (1874–1956)
- Barker, George Fisher Russell (1848–1927)
- Barker, George Frederick (1835–1910)
- Barker, Jacob (1779–1871)
- Barker, James Nelson (1784–1858)
- Barker, Theodore Gaillard (1832–1917)
- Barker, Theodore T.
- Barkley, Henry Charles (1837–1903)
- Barlow, Chester (?–1902)
- Barlow, Henry Clark (1806–1876)
- Barlow, Hilaro William Wellesley (1861–1941)
- Barlow, Robert Hayward (1918–1951)
- Barmby, James (1823–1897)
- Barnabas (d. 61)
- Barnabei, Felice (1842–1922)
- Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter (1809–1889)
- Barnard, Lady Anne (1750–1825)
- Barnard, William Stebbins (1849–1888)
- Barnave, Antoine (1761–1793)
- Barnby, Joseph (1838–1896)
- Barne, Kitty (1883–1961)
- Barnes, Arthur K. (1911–1969)
- Barnes, Djuna (1892–1982)
- Barnes, James Strachey (1890–1955)
- Barnes, William Horatio (1832–1879)
- Barnett, Edith A. (c. 1860 – c. 1900)
- Barnett, Percy Arthur (1858–1941)
- Barnett, Samuel Augustus (1844–1913)
- Barnfield, Richard (1574–1627)
- Barnum, Phineas Taylor (1810–1891)
- Baroja, Pío (1872–1956)
- Baron, David (1855–1926)
- Barr, Elizabeth N. (1800's–1900's)
- Barraclough, Sir Samuel Henry Egerton (1871–1958)
- Barratt, J. Arthur (1857–1944)
- Barrett, Amy Coney (1972–)
- Barrett, Eaton Stannard (1786–1820)
- Barrett, Lawrence (1838–1891)
- Barrie, James Matthew (1860–1937)
- Barrington, Emilie Isabel (1841–1933)
- Barron, Oswald (1868–1939)
- Barroso, Gustavo Adolfo Luiz Dodt da Cunha (1888-1959)
- Barrow, John (1808–1898)
- Barrows, David Prescott (1873–1954)
- Barry, Henry (1790–1850)
- Barry, James (1741–1806)
- Barry, John Stetson (1819–1872)
- Barse, Mary Emma Salisbury (1887–c. 1950)
- Bárta, Jiří (?–present)
- Barthélemon, François Hippolyte (1741–1808)
- Barthélemy St. Hilaire, Jules (1805–1895)
- Bartlet, James Vernon (1863–1940)
- Bartlett, Abraham Dee (1812–1897)
- Bartlett, Edward (1836–1908)
- Bartlett, James (1858–)
- Bartlett, John (1820–1905)
- Bartlett, Landell (1897–1972)
- Bartlett, Rosamund (?–present)
- Bartlett, Willard (1846–1925)
- Bartlett, William Chauncey (1818–1907)
- Bartley, George Christopher Trout (1842–1910)
- Bartol, Cyrus Augustus (1813–1900)
- Bartoli, Adolfo (1833–1894)
- Bartoli, Daniello (1608–1685)
- Barton, Catherine (1679–1739)
- Barton, Clara (1821–1912)
- Barton, Frank Townend (1869–1948)
- Barton, George Burnett (1836–1901)
- Barton, John (1789–1852)
- Bartram, William (1739–1823)
- Bartsch, Rudolf Hans (1873/1872–1952)
- Barua, Benimadhab (1888—1948)
- Baruch ben Neriah (fl. c. 6th century BCE)
- Barvitius, Viktor (1834–1902)
- Barwick, George Frederick (1853–1931)
- Bary, Heinrich Anton de (1831–1888)
- Bascom, Caroline Crowninshield (1858–1914)
- Bascom, John (1827–1911)
- Baseley, Ellen (1844–1907)
- Bashkirtseff, Maria Constantinova (1858–1884)
- Bashō, Matsuo (1644–1694)
- Basil of Caesarea (330–379)
- Basilides (c. 117–138)
- Basilios, Abuna (1891–1970)
- Baskerville, Alfred (fl. 1854–1875)
- Baskett, George Crooks (1821–1906)
- Bassett, John Spencer (1867–1928)
- Bassler, John H. (1834–1916)
- Bastable, Charles Francis (1855–1945)
- Bastian, Henry Charlton (1837–1915)
- Bastiat, Frédéric (1801–1850)
- Batchelor, John (1854–1944)
- Bateman, Edgar (?–?)
- Bateman, Harry (1882–1946)
- Bateman, Henry Mayo (1887–1970)
- Bateman, James (1811–1897)
- Bates, Albert Carlos (1865–1954)
- Bates, Charlotte Fiske (1838–1916)
- Bates, Clara Doty (1838–1895)
- Bates, Frank Amasa (1858–1915)
- Bates, Katharine Lee (1859–1929)
- Bates, William Horatio (1860–1931)
- Bateson, Frederick Wilse (1901–1978)
- Bateson, Mary (1865–1906)
- Bateson, Thomas (c. 1570–1630)
- Batho, Edith Clara (1895–1986)
- Bathurst, Allen (1684–1775)
- Batten, John Dickson (1860–1932)
- Battershall, Walton Wesley (1840–1920)
- Battye, James Sykes (1871–1954)
- Baucus, Max (1941–present)
- Baudelaire, Charles (1821–1867)
- Baudin, Nicolas Thomas (1754–1803)
- Baudiš, Josef (1883–1933)
- Baudouin, Charles (1893–1963)
- Bauer, Ferdinand (1760–1826)
- Bauer, Franz (or Francis) Andreas (1758–1840)
- Bauerman, Hilary (1833–1909)
- Bauhin, Gaspard (or Caspar) (1560–1624)
- Baum, L. Frank (1856–1919)
- Baum, Paull Franklin (1886–1964)
- Baumanis, Kārlis (1835–1905)
- Baumann, Johannes (1805–1847)
- Baumbach, Adolph (1830–1880)
- Baumbach, Friedrich August (1753–1813)
- von Baumhauer, Eduard Hendrik (1820–1885)
- Bax, Ernest Belfort (1854–1926)
- Baxendale, Walter
- Baxter, James Phinney (1831–1921)
- Baxter, Lydia (1809–1874)
- Bayard, Edward (1806–1889)
- Bayen, Malaku E. (1900–1940)
- Bayldon, George (1816–1900)
- Baylee, John Tyrrell (approx 1776–1848)
- Baylee, John Tyrrell (?–1859)
- Baylee, Joseph (1808–1883)
- Bayley, Donovan
- Bayley, Roger Child (1869–1934)
- Bayly, Thomas Haynes (1797–1839)
- Bayliss, Wyke (1835–1906)
- Bayne, Julia Taft (1845–1933)
- Bayne, Peter (1830–1896)
- Bayne, Ronald (1859–1922)
- Bayne, Thomas Levingston (1824–1891)
- Bayne, Thomas Wilson (1845–1931)
- Baynes, Thomas Spencer (1823–1887)
- Baynham, George Walter (1832–1916)
[edit]- Beaman, Charles Cotesworth (1840–1900)
- Becket, Thomas (1118–1170)
- à Becket, Thomas (1808–1890)
- à Beckett, Gilbert Abbott (1811–1856)
- à Beckett, Gilbert Arthur (1837–1891)
- Beach, Chandler B. (1839–1928)
- Beadle, John Hanson (1840–1897)
- Bealby, John Thomas (1858–1944)
- Beale, Foster Ellenborough Lascelles (1840–1916)
- Beale, Jr., Joseph Henry (1861–1943)
- Beale, Lionel Smith (1828–1906)
- Beale, Octavius Charles (1850–1930)
- Beall, Mary Stevens (1855–1917)
- Beard, Charles Austin (1874–1948)
- Beard, George Miller (1839–1833)
- Beare, Sir Thomas Hudson (1859–1940)
- Beasley, Edna Gertrude (1892–1955)
- Beattie, James (1735–1803)
- Beatty, William (1773–1842)
- Beatty-Kingston, William (1837–1900)
- de Beaujeu, Renaud (fl. 12th century)
- Beaumont, Francis (1584–1616)
- Beaumont, William (1785–1853)
- de Beauvois, Palisot (1752–1820)
- Beaver, Diane E. (1900's–)
- Beazley, Sir Charles Raymond (1868–1955)
- Beccaria-Bonessana, Cesare, Marchese de (1738–1794)
- Becher, Johann Joachim (1635–1682)
- Bechhold, Heinrich (1866–1937)
- Beck, Frederick George Meeson (1883–1924)
- Beck, Lewis White (1913–1997)
- Beck, Rollo (1870–1950)
- Beck, Theodric Romeyn (1791–1855)
- Becke, Archibald Frank (1871–1947)
- Becker, August (1900–1967)
- Becket, Thomas à (1118–1170)
- Beckett, 1st Baron Grimthorpe, Edmund (1816–1905)
- Beckford, William Thomas (1760–1884)
- Beckwith, Martha Warren (1871–1959)
- Becquerel, Alexandre-Edmond (1820–1891)
- Becquerel, Antoine-César (1788–1878)
- Becquerel, Antoine-Henri (1852–1908)
- Bécu, Jeanne (1743–1793)
- Beddard, Frank Evers (1858–1925)
- Beddoes, Thomas (1760–1808)
- Beddoes, Thomas Lovell (1803–1849)
- Beddome, Benjamin (1717–1795)
- Bede (c. 673–c. 735)
- Bédier, Joseph (1864–1938)
- Beecher, Henry Ward (1813–1887)
- Beecher, Lyman (1775–1863)
- Beeching, Henry Charles (1859–1919)
- Been, Johan Hendrik (1859–1930)
- Beer, Anthony Stafford (1926–2002)
- Beer, Max (1864–1943)
- Beerbohm, Max (1872–1956)
- Beers, Ethel Lynn (1827–1879)
- Beers, William George (1843–1900)
- Beesly, Augustus Henry (1839–1909)
- van Beethoven, Ludwig (1770–1827)
- Beets, Henry (1869–1947)
- von Beetz, Wilhelm (1822–1886)
- Begbie, Edward Howard (1871–1929)
- le Bègue, Lambert (1131–1177)
- Behn, Aphra (c. 1640–1689)
- Behr, Franz (1837–1898)
- Behrens, Georg Henning (1662–1712)
- Beik, Arthur Kennedy (1882–1949)
- Belcher, Admiral Sir Edward (1799–1877)
- Belding, Lyman (1829–1917)
- Belfour, John (1768–1842)
- Belgrave, Dalrymple James (1851–1922)
- Bell, Alexander Graham (1847–1922)
- Bell, Alonzo (1836–1906)
- Bell, Archibald Graeme (1868–1948)
- Bell, Charles (1774–1842)
- Bell, Charles Frederic Moberly (1847–1911)
- Bell, Clara (1834–1927)
- Bell, Emily Ernst (1840 or 1838–1893)
- Bell, Edward Ingress (1837–1914)
- Bell, George (1883–1958)
- Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian (1868–1926)
- Bell, Henry Thomas Mackenzie (1856–1930)
- Bell, Louis (1864–1923)
- Bell, Malcolm
- Bell, Robert (1800–1867)
- Bell, Walter A. (1889–1969)
- Bellamy, Edward (1842-1891)
- Bellamy, Edward (1850–1898)
- Bellamy, Francis (1855–1931)
- Bellarmine, Robert (1542–1621)
- de Bellesme, Georges Louis Marie Félicien Jousset (1839–1925)
- Bellinger, Alfred Raymond (1893–1978)
- Belloc, Hilaire (1870–1953)
- Bellows, Henry Adams (1803–1873)
- Belmont, A. H. (1907–1977)
- Belmont, Perry (1851–1947)
- Beloe, Edward Milligen (1827–1907)
- Belt, Thomas (1832–1878)
- Bémont, Charles (1848–1939)
- Bemrose, Henry Howe (1827–1911)
- Benamozegh, Elijah (1822–1900)
- Benavente, Jacinto (1866–1954)
- Benda, Władysław Teodor (1873–1948)
- Bendall, Cecil (1856–1906)
- Bender, Louis Prosper (1844–1917)
- von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg, Paul Ludwig Hans Anton (1847–1934)
- Benedict, Erastus Cornelius (1800–1880)
- Benedict, Sir Julius (1804–1885)
- Benedict, Ruth (1887–1948)
- Benedict XIII, Pope (1649–1730)
- Benedict XIV, Pope (1675–1758)
- Benedict XV, Pope (1854–1922)
- Benedict XVI, Pope (1927–present)
- Bénédite, Léonce (1856–1925)
- Benedict, Steve (c. 1928)
- Beneš, Edvard (1884–1948)
- Beneš, Vincenc (1883–1979)
- Beneš, Vojta (1878–1951)
- Benét, Stephen Vincent (1898–1943)
- Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvie (1775–1827)
- Ben-Gurion, David (1886–1973)
- Benham, William (1831–1910)
- Benincasa, Caterina di Giacomo di (1347–1380)
- Benjamin
- Benjamin, Marcus (1857–1932)
- Benjamin, Park (1809–1864)
- Bennet, Gwendolyn B. (1902–1981)
- Bennet, Henry Grey (1777–1836)
- Bennett, Alfred William (1833–1902)
- Bennett, Arnold (1867–1931)
- Bennett, Henry Leigh (1833–1912)
- Bennett, John Hughes (1812–1875)
- Bennett, John Joseph (1801–1876)
- Bennett, Joseph (1831–1911)
- Bennett, Naftali (1972–)
- Bennett, Richard Bedford (1870–1947)
- Bennett, William Cox (1820–1895)
- Bennett, William Henry (1855–1920)
- Benoit, Pierre (1886–1962)
- Benson, Arthur Christopher (1862–1925)
- Benson, Edward Frederic (1867–1940)
- Benson, Ezra T. (1811–1869)
- Benson, George Vere (1848–1929)
- Benson, Louis Fitzgerald (1856–1930)
- Benson, Ralph Augustus (1828–1887)
- Benson, Stephen Allen (1816–1865)
- Benson, W. A. S. (1854–1924)
- Bent, Arthur Cleveland (1866–1954)
- Bent, James Theodore (1852–1897)
- Bentham, George (1800–1884)
- Bentham, Jeremy (1748–1832)
- Bentley, Edmund Clerihew (1875–1956)
- Bentley, Richard (1662–1742)
- Benton, Elbert Jay (1871–1946)
- Benton, Mildred Catherine (1902–unknown)
- Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak (1884–1963)
- Beraki, Solomon Tsehaye
- Béraud, Henri (1885–1958)
- Berdan, John Milton (1873–1949)
- Beresford Hope, Sir Alexander James Beresford (1820–1887)
- Beresford, John George de la Poer (1773–1862)
- Berger, Alwin (1871–1931)
- Berger, Jean-François (1779–1833)
- Bergholt, Ernest (1856–1925)
- Bergson, Henri (1859–1941)
- Berkeley, Charles (1649–1710)
- Berkeley, George (1685–1753)
- Berkeley, Miles Joseph (1803–1889)
- Berkman, Alexander (1870–1936)
- Berle, Adolf (1895–1971)
- von Berlepsch, Emilie (1755–1830)
- Berlin, Irving (1888–1989)
- Berlyn, Peter (fl. 1851)
- Bernard of Clairvaux (1090–1153)
- Bernard of Cluny (fl. 12th century)
- Bernard, Claude (1813–1878)
- Bernard, John Henry (1860–1927)
- Bernard, Mountague (1820–1882)
- Bernays, Edward (1891–1995)
- Bernays, Leopold John (1820–1882)
- Bernelinus (fl. c. 1000)
- Bernhardi, Friedrich Adam Julius von (1849–1930)
- Bernoulli, Jakob (c. 1654–1705)
- Bernstein, Eduard (1850–1932)
- Bernstein, Herman (1876–1935)
- Bernstein, Julius (1839–1917)
- Berridge, John (1716–1793)
- Berry, Alexander (1781–1873)
- Berry, David (1971–present)
- Berry, George Andreas (1853–1940)
- Berry, George Ricker (1865–1945)
- Berry, Walter Van Rensselaer (1859–1927)
- Berryman, Jeff
- Bert, Paul (1833–1886)
- Berthier, Jean-Baptiste (1840–1908)
- Berthoud, Samuel-Henri (1804–1891)
- Bertie, Charles Henry (1875–1952)
- Bertillon, Jacques (1851–1922)
- Bertram, James Glass (1824–1892)
- Bertram, Martin H. (1887–1983)
- Bertrin, Georges Michel (1851–1924)
- Besant, Annie (1847–1933)
- Besant, Walter (1836–1901)
- Besheer, Margaret
- Besser, Johann (1654–1729)
- Beste, John Richard Digby (1806–1885)
- Betham-Edwards, Matilda (1836–1919)
- Bethell, Henry Arthur (1861–1939)
- Bethune, George Washington (1805–1862)
- Bettany, George Thomas (1850–1891)
- Betts, Anna Whelan (1875–1959)
- Betts, Beverly R.
- Betts, John Thomas (1810–1894)
- Beulé, Charles Ernest (1826–1874)
- Bevan, Edwyn Robert (1870–1943)
- Bevan, George Phillips (1830–1889)
- Bevan, Samuel (1816–?)
- Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah (1862–1927)
- Beveridge, Henry (1799–1863)
- Beveridge, Henry (1837–1929)
- Beveridge, William (1637–1708)
- Bevington, Louisa Sara (1845–1895)
- Bevir, Joseph Louis (1856–1928)
- Bewes, Wyndham Anstis (1857–1942)
- Beyer, Johann Hartmann (1563–1625)
- Bezruč, Petr (1867–1958)
- Bezzenberger, Adalbert (1851–1922)
[edit]- Bharata (1st millenium BCE)
- Bhaskaracharya (1114–1185)
- Bhavabhūti (8th century)
- Bhownagree, Mancherjee Merwanjee (1851–1933)
- Bhumibol Adulyadej (1927–2016)
[edit]- Biagi, L. D. (fl. 1898–1911)
- Bianchi, Giovanni Battista (1693–1775)
- Bibó, István (1911–1979)
- Bicheno, James Ebenezer (1785–1851)
- Bickerdike, Percy (1900–1943)
- Bickersteth, Edward Henry (1825–1906)
- Bickersteth, Mary Jane (fl. 1893)
- Bickley, Augustus Charles (1857–1902)
- Bicknell, Algernon Sidney (1832–1911)
- Bicknell, Thomas Williams (1834–1925)
- Bickmore, Albert Smith (1839–1914)
- Biddle, Charles (1745–1821)
- Biddulph, Michael Anthony Shrapnel (1823–1904)
- Biden, Joe (1942–present)
- Bidwell, Shelford (1848–1909)
- Bidwill, John Carne (1815–1853)
- Bierce, Ambrose (1842–c. 1914)
- Bigelow, John (1817–1911)
- Bigg, Charles (1840–1908)
- Biggar, Charles Robert Webster (1847–1909)
- Biggar, Henry Percival (1872–1938)
- Biggers, Earl Derr (1884–1933)
- Bigollo, Leonardo Pisano (c. 1170–c. 1250)
- Bilac, Olavo (1865–1918)
- Bilderbeck, Ludwig Benedict Franz von (1766–1856)
- Bilegiin Damdinsüren (1919–1992)
- Bílek, František (1872–1941)
- Bilhorn, Peter Philip (1858–1936)
- Billings, William (1746–1800)
- Billson, William Weldon (1847–1923)
- Bilson, John (1856–1943)
- Binderup, Charles (1873–1950)
- Bindloss, Harold Edward (1866–1945)
- Binet, Alfred (1857–1911)
- Bing, Julius
- Bingham, Charles William (1810–1881)
- Bingham, Clifton (1859–1913)
- Bingham I, Hiram (1789–1869)
- Bingham III, Hiram (1875–1956)
- Binney, Thomas (1798–1874)
- Binyon, Laurence (1869–1943)
- Birch, John (c.1666–1735)
- Birch, Samuel (1813–1885)
- Bird, Frederic Mayer (1838–1908)
- Bird, Henry (1830–1908)
- Bird, Isabella Lucy (1831–1904)
- Bird, Maurice Charles Hilton (1857–1924)
- Birdwood, George (1832–1917)
- Birgersdotter, Birgitta (1303–1373)
- Birkbeck, William John (1859–1916)
- Birkner, Ferdinand (1868–1944)
- Birrell, Augustine (1850–1933)
- Birukoff, Paul (1860–1931)
- Biruni, Abu Rayhan (973–1048)
- Biryukov, Paul (1800's–1900's)
- Bishop, Elizabeth (1911–1979)
- Bishop, Emily Mulkin (1858–1916)
- Bishop, William Henry (1847–1928)
- Bismil, Ram Prasad (1897–1927)
- Bissel, Daniel (1768–1833)
- Bissell, Edwin Cone (1832–1894)
- Bittleston, Henry (1818–1886)
- Bittner, Bartoš (1861–1912)
- Biumi, Pompeo Litta (1781–1852)
- Bixby, James Thompson (1843–1921)
[edit]- Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne Martinius (1832–1910)
[edit]- Black, Charles Edward Drummond (1845–1917)
- Black, Cornelius (1822–1887)
- Black, Hugo (1886–1971)
- Black, James Milton (1856–1938)
- Black, James Rush (1827–1895)
- Black, James Tait (1826–1911)
- Black, John (1783–1855)
- Black, John Reddie (1826/1827–1880)
- Black, John Sutherland (1846–1923)
- Black, Marion Carrère (1906-1970)
- Black, Robert (1829–1915)
- Black, William (1841–1898)
- Black, William George (1857–1932)
- Blackburne, Thomas (1821–1859)
- Blacker, Beaver Henry (1821–1890)
- Blackett, Herbert Field dates unknown
- Blackie, John Stuart (1809–1895)
- Blackman, Vernon Herbert (1872–1967)
- Blackmar, Frank Wilson (1854–1931)
- Blackmore, R.D. (1825–1900)
- Blackmun, Harry (1908–1999)
- Blackstone, Sir William (1723–1780)
- Blackstone, William Eugene (1841–1935)
- Blackwell, Anna (1816–1900)
- Blackwell, Antoinette Brown (1825–1921)
- Blackwell, Elizabeth Blachrie (1707–1758)
- Blackwell, Emily (1826–1910)
- Blackwell, Sarah Ellen (1828–1901)
- Blackwell, Thomas (1701–1757)
- Blackwood, Algernon (1869–1951)
- Blagden, Charles Otto (1864–1949)
- Blagden, Isa (c. 1816–1873)
- Blaikie, William Garden (1820–1899)
- Blain, William (?–1908)
- Blair, Andrew Alexander (1848–1932)
- Blair, Charles Henry Hunter (1863–1962)
- Blair, David (1820–1899)
- Blair, Emma Helen (1851–1911)
- Blair, John (1732–1800)
- Blair, Robert (1699–1746)
- Blair, Tony (1953–present)
- Blaisdell, James Arnold (1867–1957)
- Blake, Eubie (1887–1983)
- Blake, Euphemia Vale (1817–1904)
- Blake, Frank Ringgold (1875–1962)
- Blake, H. G. O. (1816–1898)
- Blake, Robert (1598–1657)
- Blake, William (1757–1827)
- Blake, William Hume (1861–1924)
- Blakeney, Edward Henry (1869–1955)
- Blakiston, Eleanor Frances (1819–1879)
- Blakiston, Herbert Edward Douglas (1862–1942)
- Blakiston, Thomas Wright (1832–1891)
- Blamey, Thomas (1884–1951)
- Blanc, Louis (1811–1882)
- Blanchard, Charles Émile (1819–1900)
- Blanchard, Edward Litt Laman (1820–1889)
- Blanchard, George Frederic (1868–1926)
- Blanchard, Ralph Harrub (1890–1973)
- Blanchard, Samuel Laman (1804–1845)
- Blanche, Jacques-Émile (1861–1942)
- Blanchet, François (1707–1784)
- Bland, James (1854–1911)
- Bland, John Otway Percy (1863–1945)
- Blandford, George Fielding (1829–1911)
- Blandy, Ernest William (1801–1900)
- Blassière, Jean-Jacques (1736–1791)
- Blatchford, Samuel (1820–1893)
- Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna (1834–1891)
- Blaze de Bury, Marie Pauline Rose, Baroness (1813–1894)
- Blažíček, Oldřich (1887–1953)
- Blease, Walter Lyon (1884–1963)
- Bleecker, Ann Eliza (1752–1783)
- Bleek, Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel (1827–1875)
- Blennerhassett, William Lewis (1882–1958)
- Blewitt, Octavian (1810–1884)
- Blicher, Steen Steensen (1782–1848)
- Bligh, Edward Henry Stuart (1851–1900)
- Bligh, William (1754–1817)
- Bliss, Philip Paul (1838–1876)
- Bloch, Robert (1917–1994)
- Block, Adriaen (Aerjan) (c. 1567–1627)
- Blodgett, Benjamin Coleman (1838–1925)
- Blok, Alexander (1880–1921)
- Blok, Petrus Johannes (1855–1929)
- Blomefield, Francis (1705–1752)
- Blomfield, Reginald (1856–1942)
- Blöndal, Sigfús (1874–1950)
- Bloomfield, Maurice (1855–1928)
- Bloomfield, Robert (1766–1823)
- Blount, Bertram (1867–1921)
- Blount, Charles (1654–1693)
- Blount, Martha (1690–1762)
- Blowitz, Henri Georges Stephane Adolphe Opper de (1825–1903)
- Bloxam, Matthew Holbeche (1805–1888)
- Blum, Paul Charles (1898–1981)
- Blume, Clemens (1862–1932)
- Blume, Wilhelm von (1867–1927)
- Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich (1752–1840)
- Blunt, Charles Jasper (1866–1933)
- Blunt, Herbert William (1864–1940)
- Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen (1840–1922)
- Bly, Nellie (1864–1922)
- Blyden, Edward Wilmot (1832–1912)
- Blyth, James (1839–1906)
- Blyth, Burton Samuel (1831–1889)
- Blyton, Enid (1897–1968)
[edit]- Boake, Barcroft Henry Thomas (1866–1892)
- Boardman, Henry Augustus (1808–1880)
- Boas, Franz (1858–1942)
- Boas, Frederick Samuel (1862–1957)
- Boase, Frederic (1843–1916)
- Boase, George Clement (1829–1897)
- Bobelis, Kazys (1923–)
- Bowdich, Thomas Edward (1791–1824)
- Bower, Herbert Morris (1854–1940)
- Bowes, James Lord (1834–1899)
- Bobowski, Wojciech (1610–1675)
- Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313–1375)
- Bock, Hieronymus (1498–1554)
- Bockenheimer, Philipp (1875–1933)
- Bockus, Charles Edwin (1834–1901)
- Böckh, Philipp August (1785–1867)
- Bode, John Ernest (1816–1874)
- Bodenheimer, Laurie (fl. 2023)
- Bodi, Dimitrije (1850–1942)
- Bodley, John Edward Courtenay (1853–1925)
- Boerhaave, Herman (1668–1738)
- Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus (480–525)
- Boettinger, Hugo (1880–1934)
- Boger, Charlotte Gilson (1826–?)
- Bogg, Edward (19th century)
- Bohan, Elizabeth Baker (1849–1930)
- Böhlau, Helene (1859–1940)
- von Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen (1851–1914)
- Böhme, Jakob (1575–1624)
- Böhme, Traugott (1884–1954)
- Bohn, Henry George (1796–1884)
- Boiardo, Matteo Maria (1441–1494)
- Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas (1636–1711)
- du Bois-Reymond, Emil (1818–1896)
- van Boisot, Lodewijk (c. 1530–1576)
- Boissier, Marie-Louis-Antoine-Gaston (1823–1908)
- Bojer, Johan (1872–1959)
- Bok, Edward (1863–1930)
- Boker, George Henry (1823–1890)
- Bolingbroke, Frances
- Bolintineanu, Dimitrie (1819–1872)
- Bollman, Charles Harvey (1868–1889)
- Bolton, Augustus Samuel (1825–1886)
- Bolton, Edmund Mary (1575–1633)
- Bolton, Guy (1884–1979)
- Bolton, Henry Carrington (1843–1903)
- Bolton, Sarah Tittle (c. 1814–1893)
- Bolton, Theophilus
- Boltzmann, Ludwig Eduard (1844–1906)
- Bombaci, Brendan (fl. 2012)
- Bonaparte, Charles Joseph (1851–1921)
- Bonaparte, Charles Louis Napoléon (1808–1873)
- Bonaparte, Napoleon (1769–1821)
- Bonar, Horatius (1808–1889)
- Bonar, James (1839–1915)
- Bonar, James (1852–1941)
- Bonaventure (1221–1274)
- Bond, Francis (1852–1918)
- Bond, Frederick (1811–1889)
- Bond, Kit (1939–present)
- Bond, Thomas (1841–1901)
- Boner, Charles (1815–1870)
- Bonetti, Augusto (1831–1903)
- Bonhote, J. Lewis (1875–1922)
- Boniface VIII, Pope (1235–1303)
- Bonifacio, Giovanni (1538–1606)
- Bonnat, Léon (1833–1922)
- Bonner, Hypatia Bradlaugh (1858–1935)
- Bonnet, Charles (1720–1793)
- Bonney, Thomas George (1833–1923)
- Bonpland, Aimé (1773–1858)
- Bonvalot, Gabriel (1853–1933)
- Bonwick, James (1817–1906)
- Boodle, R. W. (dates unknown)
- Boodle, Richard George (1816–1902)
- Book, Lauren Frances (1984-)
- Booker, John (1603-1667)
- Booker, Luke (1762–1837)
- Boone, Daniel (1734–1820)
- Booth, Edward Thomas (1840–1890)
- Booth, John Wilkes (1838–1865)
- Booth, William (1829–1912)
- Boothby, Brooke (1743–1824)
- Boothby, Fanny Charlotte Anne (1812–1876)
- Borchgrevink, Carsten E. (1864–1934)
- Borden, Robert (1854–1937)
- Borecký, Jaromír (1869–1951)
- Borgia, Cesare (1457–1507)
- Borlaug, Norman Ernest (1914–2009)
- Borley, John Oliver (1872–1938)
- Born, Ignaz von (1742–1791)
- Börne, Ludwig (1786–1837)
- Bornet, Jean-Baptiste Édouard (1828–1911)
- Borochov, Dov Ber (1881–1917)
- Borradaile, Cuthbert Blizard (1830–1867)
- Borrer, William (1814–1898)
- Borrow, George (1803–1881)
- Borthwick, 1st Baron Glenesk, Sir Algernon (1830–1908)
- Borthwick, Jane Laurie (1813–1897)
- Bosanquet, Robert Holford Macdowall (1841–1912)
- Bosch, Roelof Benjamin van den (1810–1862)
- Bosco, John (1815–1888)
- Bose, Girish Chandra (1853–1939)
- Bose, Jagadish Chandra (1858–1937)
- Bose, Subhas Chandra (1897–1945)
- Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne (1627–1704)
- Boston, Thomas (1676–1732)
- Bostwick, Arthur Elmore (1860–1942)
- Bostwick, Elisha (1749–1834)
- Boswell, James (1740–1795)
- Both, Armand (1881–1922)
- Bothne, Gisle (1860–1934)
- Botsford, George Willis (1862–1917)
- Botta, Anne Lynch (1815–1891)
- Botto, Giuseppe Domenico (1791–1865)
- Bottomley, Gordon (1874–1948)
- Bottomley, William Beecroft (1863–1922)
- Bouček, Vladislav, (1860–?)
- Bouchier, Edmund Spenser (1876–1930)
- Boucicault, Dion (1820–1890)
- Boucke, Ewald Augustus (1871–1943)
- Boudin, Louis Boudianoff (1874–1952)
- Boudinhon, Auguste (1858–1948)
- Bouillier, François "Francisque" Cyrille (1813–1899)
- Bouilly, Jean-Nicolas (1763–1842)
- Bouix, Marcel (1806–1889)
- Boulenger, George Albert (1858–1937)
- Boulger, Demetrius Charles (1853–1928)
- Boulger, George Edward Simonds (1853–1922)
- Bouligny, John Edward (1824–1864)
- Bouligny, Mary Elizabeth Parker (1839–1908)
- Boulton, Sir Harold Edwin (1859–1935)
- Bourbon, Marie Antoine Josephine Jeanne "Marie Antoinette" de (1755–1793)
- Bourchier, James David (1850–1920)
- Bourdaloue, Louis (1632–1704)
- de Bourdeille, Pierre (1540–1614)
- Bourdet, Édouard (1887–1945)
- Bourgeois, Louis (c. 1510–c. 1560)
- Bourget, Paul (1852–1935)
- Bourguignon, Louis Dominique (1693–1721)
- Bourne, Eleanor Elizabeth (1878–1957)
- Bourne, Gilbert Charles (1861–1933)
- Bourne, Henry Eldridge (1862–1946)
- Bourne, Henry Richard Fox (1837–1909)
- Bourne, Randolph (1886–1918)
- Bourne, Thomas (1806–1881)
- Bournon, Jacques Louis de (1751–1825)
- Bousset, Wilhelm (1865–1920)
- Boutell, Charles (1812–1877)
- Bovill, Charles Harry (1887–1918)
- Bowden, John William (1798–1844)
- Bowditch, Nathaniel (1773–1838)
- Bowell, Mackenzie (1823–1917)
- Bowen, Edward Ernest (1836–1901)
- Bowen, Elizabeth (1899–1973)
- Bowen, Rt. Hon. Sir George (1821–1899)
- Bowen, Ivor (1862–1934)
- Bower, Frederick Orpen (1855–1948)
- Bowes, Robert (1835–1919)
- Bowker, Richard Rogers (1848–1933)
- Bowles, Samuel (1826–1878)
- Bowles, William Lisle (1762–1850)
- Bowman, Earl Wayland
- Bowman, Euday Louis (1887–1949)
- Bowman, Henry (1814–1883)
- Bowman, Hetty (1838–1872)
- Bowring, Edgar Alfred (1826–1911)
- Bowring, John (1792–1872)
- Bowyer, William (1699–1777)
- Box, George Herbert (1869–1933)
- Boxer, Barbara Levy (1940–1940)
- Boyce, William (1711–1779)
- Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison (1825–1899)
- Boyd, Charles Walter (1869–1919)
- Boyd, David Ross (1853–1936)
- Boyd, Ernest Augustus (1887–1946)
- Boyd, Palmer (1840–19??)
- Boyd, William Kenneth (1879–1938)
- Boyer, Charles Sumner (1856–1928)
- Boyes, Frederick (1842–1929)
- Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth (1848–1895)
- Boyle, Charles (1674–1731)
- Boyle, George David (1828–1901)
- Boyle, Joseph W. (1867–1923)
- Boyle, Nina (1865–1943)
- Boyle, Robert (1627–1691)
- Boys, Charles Vernon (1855–1944)
- Boyse, Emily Clare (1845–1916)
[edit]- Brabner, John Henry Fryday (1838–1911)
- Brabrook, Edward William (1839–1907)
- Brace, Dewitt Bristol (1859–1905)
- Bracken, Thomas (1843–1898)
- Brackett, Anna Callendar (1836–1911)
- Bradbrook, Muriel Clara (1909–1993)
- Bradbury, Ray (1920–2012)
- Bradbury, William Batchelder (1816–1868)
- Bradby, Godfrey Fox (1863–1947)
- Braddon, Mary Elizabeth (1835–1915)
- Bradford, Ellen Jane Knight (1839–1899)
- Bradford, 1st Baronet, John Rose (1863–1935)
- Bradlaugh, Charles (1833–1891)
- Bradley, Andrew Cecil (1851–1935)
- Bradley, Arthur Granville (1850–1943)
- Bradley, Rev. E. (?–?)
- Bradley, Edward (1827–1889)
- Bradley, Emily Tennyson (1862–1946)
- Bradley, F. H. (1846–1924)
- Bradley, George Granville (1821–1903)
- Bradley, Henry (1845–1923)
- Bradley, Joseph Philo (1813–1892)
- Bradley, Mary Emily (1835–1898)
- Bradshaw, George (1801–1853)
- Bradshaw, George William (1857-1917)
- Bradstreet, Anne (1612–1672)
- Brady, Jasper Ewing (1797–1871)
- Brady, Nicholas (1659–1726)
- Braekstad, Hans Lien (1845–1915)
- Braham, Philip (1881–1934)
- Brahmagupta (598–668)
- Brahms, Johannes (1833–1897)
- Brailsford, Henry Noel (1873–1958)
- Braim, Thomas Henry (1814–1891)
- Brainard, Charles Rollin
- Brainard, David Legge (1856–1496)
- Braithwaite, Lawrence Ytzhak (1963–2008)
- Braithwaite, William Stanley (1878–1962)
- Braley, Berton (1882–1966)
- Bramhall, John (1594–1663)
- Bramhall, Mae St. John (c. 1861 – 1897)
- Bramsen, William (1850–1881)
- Bramwell, Edwin (1873–1952)
- Bramwell, Frederick Joseph (1818–1903)
- Branberger, Jan (1877–1952)
- Branch, Oliver Ernesto (1847-1916)
- Brandeis, Louis Dembitz (1856–1941)
- Brandin, Louis Maurice (1874–1940)
- Brandis, Christian August (1790–1867)
- Brandis, Dietrich (1824–1907)
- Brandreth, Henry (1797–1840)
- Brandstetter, Renward (1860–1942)
- Brandt, Lilian (1873–1951)
- Branner, John Casper (1850–1922)
- Bransom, Paul (1885–1979)
- Brantly, William Theophilus (III) (1852–1945)
- Brassington, William Salt (1859–1939)
- Braun, Joseph (1857–1947)
- Brayshaw, Alfred Neave (1861–1940)
- Breck, Edward (1861–1929)
- Bredon, Simon (c. 1300–1372)
- Bréhier, Emile (1876–1952)
- Bréhier, Louis René (1868–1951)
- Breiter, Yitzchok (1886–1943)
- Brengle, Samuel Logan (1860–1936)
- Brennan, James Alexander (1885–1956)
- Brennan, Joseph Payne (1918–1990)
- Brennan, William Joseph (1906–1997)
- Brent, John (1808–1882)
- Brent Henry Johnson (1811–1880)
- Brent, Joseph Lancaster (1826–1905)
- Brentano, Franz Clemens (1838–1917)
- Brereton, Frederick Sadleir (1872–1957)
- de Bres, Guido (1522-1567)
- Breton, André (1896–1966)
- Breton, Nicholas (1545–1626)
- Bretschneider, Carl Anton (1808–1878)
- Breuer, Josef (1842–1925)
- Breuer, Miles John (1889–1945)
- Breuer Scholten, Libbie (1890–1979)
- Brevoort, James Carson (1818–1887)
- Brewer, Dan
- Brewer, David Josiah (1837–1910)
- Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham (1810–1897)
- Brewer, John Sherren (1810–1879)
- Brewer, Thomas Mayo (1814–1880)
- Brewer, William Henry (1828–1910)
- Brewitt-Taylor, Charles Henry (1857–1938)
- Brewster, Sir David (1781–1868)
- Stanton Brewster, Frances (1860–1933)
- Brewster, William (1851–1919)
- Brewster, William Tenney (1869–1961)
- Breyer, Stephen (1938–present)
- Breytenbach, Jesse
- Brezhnev, Leonid (1906–1982)
- Březina, Otokar (1868–1929)
- Brianchon, Charles Julien (1783–1864)
- Brickwood, Edwin Dampier (1837–1906)
- Bridge, Cyprian Arthur George (1839–1924)
- Bridge, Joseph Cox (1853–1929)
- Bridgeman, George Thomas Orlando (1823–1895)
- Bridges, Matthew (1800–1894)
- Bridges, Frederick (1840–1904)
- Bridges, Robert (1844–1930)
- Briffault, Robert (1876–1948)
- Briggs, Charles Frederick (1804–1877)
- Briggs, Henry (1561–1630)
- Briggs, John Joseph (1819–1876)
- Bright, Charles Tilston (1832–1888)
- Bright, James W. (1852–1926)
- Bright, John (1811–1889)
- Bright, Richard (1789–1858)
- Bright, William (1824–1901)
- Brightman, Rev. Frank Edward (1856–1932)
- Briliant, Oscar (1875–1924)
- Brill, Abraham Arden (1874–1948)
- Brinkley, Francis (or Frank) (1841–1912)
- Brinton, Daniel Garrison (1837–1899)
- Bristol, Augusta Cooper (1835–1910)
- Bristow, Benjamin Helm (1832–1896)
- Britten, James (1846–1924)
- Broadbent, John Francis Harpin (1865–1946)
- Broadfoot, William (1841–1922)
- Broadus, John Albert (1827–1895)
- Broca, Paul (1824–1880)
- Brochard, Victor (1848–1907)
- Brock, Sir Isaac (1769–1812)
- Brock, Robert Alonzo (1839–1914)
- Brockbank, Edward Mansfield (1866–1959)
- Brockhausen, Carl (1859–1951)
- Broderick, Albert (1830–1908)
- Brodie, Benjamin Collins (1817–1880)
- Brodie, James (1744–1824)
- Brodie, Robert Henry (1859–1943)
- Brodie, Thomas Gregor (1866–1916)
- Brodribb, Arthur Aikin (1850–1927)
- Brodribb, William Jackson (1829–1905)
- Brodrick, George Charles (1831–1903)
- Brogan, James C.
- Brome, Richard (1590–1643)
- Bromfield, Louis (1896–1956)
- Brongniart, Adolphe-Théodore (1801–1876)
- Brontë, Anne (1820–1849)
- Brontë, Branwell (1817–1848)
- Brontë, Charlotte (1816–1855)
- Brontë, Emily (1818–1848)
- Brooke, Charles Frederick Tucker (1883–1946)
- Brooke, Rupert (1887–1915)
- Brooke, Stopford Augustus (1832–1916)
- Brooke, William Thomas (1848–1917)
- Brooker, Bertram (1888–1955)
- Brooks, Charles Timothy (1813–1883)
- Brooks, David Marshall (1902–1994)
- Brooks, Elbridge Streeter (1846–1902)
- Brooks, Frederick Vincent (1848–1921)
- Brooks, James Gordon (1801–1841)
- Brooks, Jonathan Henderson (1904–1945)
- Brooks, Mary Elizabeth (1803–1895)
- Brooks, Phillips (1835–1893)
- Brooks, Preston (1819–1857)
- Brooks, Robert Preston (1881–1961)
- Brooks, Shelton (1886–1975)
- Brooks, Shirley (1816–1874)
- Brooks, Sydney (1872–1937)
- Brooks, Thomas (1608–1680)
- Brooks, Walter Henderson (1851–1945)
- Brooks, William Keith (1848–1908)
- Brooks, William Robert (1844–1921)
- Brooksbank, Thomas (1824–1902)
- Brooksmith, Eldred John
- Lady Broome, Mary Anne (1831–1911)
- Broomhall, Marshall (1866–1937)
- Broschi, Carlo Maria Michelangelo Nicola (1705–1782)
- Brose, Patrick H.
- Brotherton, Mary Isabella Irwin (c. 1820–1910)
- Brotuff, Ernst (1497–1565)
- Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux, Henry Peter (1778–1868)
- Broughton, John
- Broughton, William Robert (1762–1821)
- Broun, Peter (1797–1846)
- Broun, Thomas Lee (1823–1914)
- Brown, Abbie Farwell (1875–1927)
- Brown, Alexander (1843–1906)
- Brown, Alexander Crum (1838–1922)
- Brown, Barnum (1873–1963)
- Brown, Edmund Woodward (1831–1902)
- Brown, Ford Madox (1821–1893)
- Brown, Frank Herbert (1868–1959)
- Brown, Gerard Baldwin (1845–1932)
- Brown, Gordon (1951–present)
- Brown, Henry Billings (1836–1913)
- Brown, Horatio Robert Forbes (1854–1926)
- Brown, James Duff (1862–1914)
- Brown, John (1715–1766)
- Brown, John (1735–1788)
- Brown, John (1800–1859)
- Brown, John (1810–1882)
- Brown, John (1830–1922)
- Brown, John Howard (1840–1917)
- Brown, John Newton (1803–1868)
- Brown, John Taylor (1811–1901)
- Brown, Mary Haughton (1856–1918)
- Brown, Olympia (1835–1926)
- Brown, Robert (1773–1858)
- Brown, Robert (1842–1895)
- Brown, Runham (fl. 1926)
- Brown, Sherrod (1952–present)
- Brown, Thomas Edward (1830–1897)
- Brown, Thomas Storrow (1803–1888)
- Brown, William Baker (1864–1947)
- Brown, William Wells (1814–1884)
- Browne, Charles Farrar (1834–1867)
- Browne, Charles Thomas (1825–1868)
- Browne, Edward Granville (1862–1926)
- Browne, Frances (1816–1879)
- Browne, James (1793–1841)
- Browne, John
- Browne, Junius Henri (1833–1902)
- Browne, Montagu
- Browne, Patrick (1720–1790)
- Browne, Richard Charles (1838–1907)
- Browne, Thomas (1605–1682)
- Browne, Thomas Alexander (1826–1915)
- Browne, Walter Raleigh (1842–1884)
- Browne, William (1590–1645)
- Browne, William Hand (1828–1912)
- Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (1806–1861)
- Browning, F. G. (1856–1949)
- Browning, Hanworth Stephen (fl. 1910–1920)
- Browning, Oscar (1837–1923)
- Browning, Robert (1812–1889)
- Brownlie, John (1857–1925)
- Brownlow, William Robert (1830–1901)
- Brownlowe, Elizabeth
- Brownson, Henry Francis (1835–1913)
- Brož, Aleš (1892–1952)
- Brož, Josef (1844–1930)
- Brozek, Yaro Victor (1898–1959)
- Brožík, Václav (1851–1901)
- Bruce, Alexander Balmain (1831–1899)
- Bruce, Charles Alexander (1793–1871)
- Bruce, Charles Granville (1866–1939)
- Bruce, Henry Addington Bayley (1874–1959)
- Bruce, Henry Harvey (1862–1948)
- Bruce, James (1730–1794)
- Bruce, Lewis Campbell (1866–1945)
- Bruce, Mary Grant (1878–1958)
- Bruce, Philip Alexander (1856–1933)
- Bruce, William Cabell (1860–1946)
- Bruce, William Speirs (1867–1921)
- Brueckel, Jr., Frank J. (1910–1976)
- Brumbaugh, Martin Grove (1862–1930)
- Brummel, George Bryan "Beau" (1778–1840)
- Brunetière, Ferdinand (1849–1906)
- Bruni, Leonardo (1369–1444)
- de Bruni d'Entrecasteaux, Antoine Raymond Joseph (1739–1793)
- Brunner von Wattenwyl, Karl (1823–1914)
- Bruno, Guido (1884–1942)
- Brunton, Thomas Lauder (1844–1916)
- Brush, George Jarvis (1831–1912)
- Brutus, Marcus Junius (85 BCE–42 BCE)
- Bryan, Mary Baird (1869–1930)
- Bryan, Mary Edwards (1838–1919)
- Bryan, Vincent (1878–1937)
- Bryan, Wilhelmus Bogart (1854–1938)
- Bryan, William Jennings (1860–1925)
- Bryant, Charles S. (1808–1885)
- Bryant, John Delavau (1811–1817)
- Bryant, Margaret (1871–1942)
- Bryant, Maria Warren Whitman (1808–1888)
- Bryant, William Cullen (1794–1878)
- Bryce, George (1844–1931)
- Bryce, James (1838–1922)
- Brydges, 1st Baronet, Sir Samuel Egerton (1762–1837)
- Brydon, John McKean (1840–1901)
- Bryson of Heraclea (fl. 400 B.C.E.)
[edit]- Buben, Zdenka (1895–1988)
- Bubeníček, Ota (1871–1962)
- Buchan, Alexander (1829–1907)
- Buchan, Ewing (fl. 1908)
- Buchan, John (1875–1940)
- Buchanan, George (1506–1582)
- Buchanan, James (1791–1868)
- Buchanan, John (1819–1898)
- Buchanan, John Penruddocke (1864–1938)
- Buchanan, Joseph Rodes Buchanan (1814–1899)
- Buchanan, Neil (1850–1918)
- Buchanan, Robert Williams (1841–1901)
- Buchanan, Thomas Ryburn (1846–1911)
- Buchanan-Hamilton, Francis (1762–1829)
- Bücher, Karl Wilhelm (1847–1930)
- Buchheim, Carl Adolf (1828–1900)
- Buchner, Max Joseph August Heinrich Markus (1846–1921)
- Büchsel, Carl Albert Ludwig (1803–1889)
- Buchwald, Georg Apollo (1859–1947)
- Buck, Carl Darling (1866–1955)
- Bucka John (14th century – 1430)
- Bucke, Richard Maurice (1837–1902)
- Buckingham, James Silk (1786–1855)
- Buckland, Augustus Robert (1857–1942)
- Buckland, Francis Trevelyan (1826–1880)
- Buckland, William (1784–1856)
- Buckley, William (c.1518–c.1570)
- Buckley, Arabella Burton (1840–1929)
- Buckley, James Monroe (1836–1920)
- Buckley, Robert John (1847–1938)
- Bucknill, John Alexander Strachey (1873–1926)
- Bucknill, John Charles (1817–1897)
- Buddha, Gautama (c.563 BCE–c.483 BCE)
- Budé, Guillaume (1467–1540)
- Budge, Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis (1857–1934)
- Budgell, Eustace (1686–1737)
- Budry, Edmond Louis (1854–1932)
- Buell, Llewellyn Morgan (1888–1975)
- Bühler, Georg (1837–1898)
- Buick, Thomas Lindsay (1865–1938)
- Buisson, Ada (1839–1866)
- Bulfinch, Thomas (1796–1867)
- Bullen, Arthur Henry (1857–1920)
- Buller, Antony (19th century, dates unknown)
- Bullialdus, Ismaël (1605–1694)
- Bullinger, Ethelbert William (1837–1913)
- Bullinger, Heinrich (1504–1575)
- Bulwer, Edward George Earle Lytton (1803–1873)
- Bumstead, Henry Andrews (1870–1920)
- Bunbury, Edward Herbert (1811–1895)
- Bunbury, Robert Clement Sconce (1847–1930)
- Bunce, Oliver Bell Bunce (1828–1890)
- Bunin, Ivan (1870–1953)
- Bunn, Alfred (1796–1860)
- Bunner, Henry Cuyler (1855–1896)
- Bunsen, Christian Charles Josias von (1791–1860)
- Bunsen, Georg von (1824–1896)
- Buntline, Ned (1821/1823–1886)
- Bunyan, John (1628–1688)
- Burbidge, Nancy Tyson (1912–1977)
- Burch, Fernando
- Burckhardt, Jacob (1818–1897)
- Burckhardt, John Lewis (1784–1817)
- Burder, George (1752–1832)
- Burdett, Sir Henry (1847–1920)
- Burdon-Sanderson, Ghetal (1833–1909)
- Burette, Agnes Jane (1800–1863)
- Bürger, Gottfried August (1747–1794)
- Burger, Warren E. (1906–1995)
- Burgess, Ebenezer (1805–1870)
- Burgess, James (1832–1916)
- Burgess, John (1855–1929)
- Burgess, John Hugh (1818–1890)
- Burgess, Thornton (1874–1965)
- Burgon, John William (1813–1888)
- Bürgi, Joost (1552–1632)
- Burke, Edmund (1729–1797)
- Burkitt, Francis Crawford (1864–1935)
- Burkitt, William (1650–1703)
- Burks, Arthur (1915–2008)
- Burman, Nicolaas Laurens (1734–1793)
- von Burmeister, Karl Hermann Konrad (1807–1892)
- Burn, Rev. Andrew Ewbank (1864–1927)
- Burnand, Francis Cowley (1836–1917)
- Burneikiene, Sigita
- Burnet, George Wardlaw (1853–1901)
- Burnet, John (1863–1928)
- Burnett, Alice Hale
- Burnett, Charles P. A. (1849–?)
- Burnett, Ernie (1894–1959)
- Burnett, Frances Hodgson (1849–1924)
- Burnett, Swan Moses (1847–1906)
- Burney, Charles (1726–1814)
- Burney, Frances (1752–1840)
- Burney, James (1750–1821)
- Burnham, Frederick Russell (1861–1947)
- Burnham, John Howard (1834–1917)
- Burnham, Richard (1749–1810)
- Burnie, Robert William (1851–1933)
- Burnley, James (1838–1919)
- Burns, Dawson (1828–1909)
- Burns, James Drummond (1823–1864)
- Burns, James Drummond (1895–1915)
- Burns, Robert (1759–1796)
- Burns, Walter Noble
- Burnside, William (1852–1927)
- Burpee, Lawrence Johnstone (1873–1946)
- Burr, Aaron (1756–1836)
- Burr, Enoch Fitch (1818–1907)
- Burr, Malcolm (1878–1954)
- Burr, Richard (1955–present)
- Burr, Roy C.
- Burrell, Martin (1858–1938)
- Burris, William Paxton (1863–1946)
- Burrough, Edward (1634–1663)
- Burroughs, Bryson (1869–1934)
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice (1875–1950)
- Burroughs, John (1837–1921)
- Burrows, Montagu (1819–1905)
- Burrows, Ronald Montagu (1867–1920)
- Burrows, Winfrid Oldfield (1858–1929)
- Bursill, Henry Wayte (1832–1871)
- Burstall, Sara Annie (1859–1939)
- Burton, Beatrice (1894–1983)
- Burton, Harold Hitz (1888–1964)
- Burton, Henry (1578–1648)
- Burton, Joseph (?–?)
- Burton, Richard Francis (1821–1890)
- Burton, William (1863–1941)
- Bury, Charlotte (1775–1861)
- Bury, John Bagnell (1861–1927)
- Bury, Judson Sykes (1852–1944)
- de Busbecq, Ogier Ghiselin (1520–1592)
- Büsching, Johann Gustav Gottlieb (1783–1829)
- Bush, Charles P. (1813–1880)
- Bush, George (1796–1859)
- Bush, George Herbert Walker (1924–2018)
- Bush, George W. (1946–present)
- Bush, Laura (1946–present)
- Bush, Wendell T. (1866–1941)
- Bushby, Frances, Lady (1838–1925)
- Bushnell, Thomas (1967–present)
- Buss, Kate Meldram (1879–1943)
- von dem Bussche-Haddenhausen, Hilmar (1867–1939)
- Bussell, John (1803–1875)
- Bussenius, Clara E. (? ― ?)
- Bussey, George Moir (1807–1864)
- Butcher, Charles Henry (1833–1907)
- Butcher, Samuel Henry (1850–1910)
- Butler, Alfred Joshua (1850–1936)
- Butler, Arthur Gardiner (1844–1925)
- Butler, Arthur John (1844–1910)
- Butler, Benjamin Franklin (1818–1893)
- Butler, Charles (1559–1647)
- Butler, Charles (1750–1832)
- Butler, Edward Cuthbert (1858–1934)
- Butler, Edward Dundas (1842–1919)
- Butler, Ellis Parker (1869–1937)
- Butler, Francis Henry (1849–1935)
- Butler, Gerald (1907–1988)
- Butler, Harold Beresford (1883–1951)
- Butler, James (1665–1745)
- Butler, Joseph (1692–1752)
- Butler, Josephine Elizabeth Grey (1828–1906)
- Butler, Mary (1664–1733)
- Butler, Nicholas Murray (1862–1947)
- Butler, Pierce (1866–1939)
- Butler, Samuel (1835–1902)
- Butler, William (1818–1899)
- Butler, William Allen (1825–1902)
- Butterfield, Consul Willshire (1824–1899)
- Butterfield, Edwin Philip (1847–1931)
- Butterfield, William Ruskin (1872–1935)
- Butterworth, Hezekiah (1839–1905)
- Büttner, Carl Gotthilf (1848–1893)
- Buttress, Bernard A.E. (1874–1915)
- Butts, Mary Frances (1836–1902)
- Buxton, Sydney Charles (1853–1934)
- al-Būzjānī, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyā ibn Ismāʿīl ibn al-ʿAbbās (940–998)
[edit]- Byers, Samuel Hawkins Marshall (1838–1933)
- Byles, Cyril Beuzeville (1871–1942)
- Byng, John (1704–1757)
- Byrd, Robert C. (1917–2010)
- Byrgius, Justus (1552–1632)
- Byrne, Charles Alfred (1848–1909)
- Byrne, Muriel St. Clare (1895–1983)
- Byrne, Oliver (1810–1880)
- Byrnes, James Francis (1879–1972)
- Byrom, John (1692–1763)
- Byron, Augusta Ada (1815–1852)
- Lord Byron (1788–1824)
- Bywater, Ingram (1840–1914)
- Bywater, Witham Matthew (1826–1911)