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Index of Authors: | |
[edit]- Labbé, Antoine
- Labiche, Eugène (1815–1888)
- Labillardière, Jacques (1755–1834)
- Labilliere, Francis Peter (1840–1895)
- La Boétie, Étienne de (1530–1563)
- Laborde,Alexandre de (1773–1842)
- Laborde, Léon de (1807–1869)
- Labrosse, Henri (1880–1942)
- Lacassagne, Alexandre (1843–1924)
- Lacordaire, Jean-Baptiste Henri (1802–1861)
- Lacouperie, Albert Terrien de (?–1894)
- Lacroix, Sylvestre François (1765–1843)
- Lactantius, Lucius Caelius (or Caecilius?) Firmianus (240–320)
- Lacy, Beverly Tucker (1819–1900)
- Lacy, J. Horace (1823–1906)
- Ladd, Adoniram Judson (1861–1932)
- Ladd, George Trumbull (1842–1921)
- Ladoucette, Jean Charles François de (1772–1848)
- La Fontaine, Jean de (1712–1778)
- Lafontaine, August Heinrich Julius (1758–1831)
- Lagrange, Joseph Louis (1736–1813)
- LaGuardia, Fiorello (1882–1947)
- de La Hire, Philippe (1640–1718)
- Laidler, John (fl. 19th century)
- Laidoner, Johan (1884–1953)
- Laiq, Sulaiman (1930–2020)
- Laing, Alexander Gordon (1793–1826)
- Lake, Kirsopp (1872–1946)
- Lake, Philip (1865–1949)
- Lalande, Joseph Jérôme Lefrançois de (1732–1807)
- Lalor, James Fintan (1807–1849)
- Lamar, Joseph Rucker (1857–1916)
- Lamar, Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus II (1825–1893)
- Lamb, Robert (1812–1872)
- Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste (1744–1829)
- Lamartine, Alphonse de (1790–1869)
- Lamb, Arthur J. (1870–1928)
- Lamb, Charles (1775–1834)
- Lamb, Horace (1849–1934)
- Lamb, Joseph (1887–1960)
- Lamb, Martha Joanna Reade Nash (1829–1893)
- Lamb, Mary (1764–1847)
- Lambe, Lawrence (1849–1934)
- Lambe, Robert (1712–1795)
- Lambert, Aylmer Bourke (1761–1842)
- Lambert, George Washington Thomas (1873–1930)
- Lambert, Richard Stanton (1894–1981)
- Lambton, John (1792–1840)
- Lamentillo, Anna Mae Yu (1991)
- Lamoureux, Andrew Jackson (1850–1928)
- Lamprecht, Karl Gotthard (1856–1915)
- Lana, Francis (1631–1687)
- Lanahan, John (1815–1903)
- Lancaster, William Joseph Cosens (1851–1922)
- Lancey, Magdalene de (1793–1822)
- Lanchester, Frederick W. (1868–1946)
- Lanciani, Rodolfo Amedeo (1845–1929)
- de Landa, Diego (1524–1579)
- Landells, Ebenezer (1808–1860)
- Landis, Arthur Harold (1917–1986)
- Landon, Letitia Elizabeth (1802–1838)
- Landor, Arnold Henry Savage (1872–1924)
- Landor, Walter Savage (1775–1864)
- Lane, Franklin Knight (1864–1921)
- Lane Mullins, George (1857–1918)
- Lane-Notter, James (1843–1923)
- Lane-Poole, Reginald (1857–1939)
- Lane-Poole, Stanley (1854–1931)
- Lanessan, Jean Marie Antoine de (1843–1919)
- Lang, A. M. (fl. 1874)
- Lang, Andrew (1844–1912)
- Lang, Jean (1867–1932)
- Lang, William Henry (1874–1960)
- Langdale, Horace Marmaduke (1855–1902)
- Langdell, Christopher Columbus (1826–1906)
- Lange, Antoni (1861–1929)
- Lange, Dietrich (1863–1940)
- Lange, Friedrich Albert (1828–1875)
- Langevin, Paul (1872–1946)
- Langford, John Alfred (1823–1903)
- Langhans, Jan Nepomuk (1851–1928)
- Langland, William (1330–1387)
- Langley, Baxter (1819–1892)
- Langley, John Newport (1852–1925)
- Langley, Samuel Pierpont (1834–1906)
- Lanier, Sidney Clopton (1842–1881)
- Lankester, Edwin (1814–1874)
- Lankester, Edward Ray (1847–1929)
- Lanman, Charles (1819–1895)
- Lansdell, Sarah (c. 1778–after 1816)
- Lantos, Tom (1928–2008)
- Lanyer, Aemilia (1569–1645)
- Lanza, Clara (1859–1939)
- Laplace, Pierre-Simon (1749–1827)
- Lapworth, Charles (1842–1920}
- Larcom, Lucy (1823–1893)
- Lardner, Ring (1885–1933)
- Larmor, Joseph (1857–1942)
- Larned, Josephus Nelson (1836–1913)
- Larocque, Joseph (1831–1908)
- La Spina, Greye (1880–1969)
- von Lasaulx, Peter Ernst (1805–1861)
- Latham, Robert Gordon (1812–1888)
- Lathbury, Mary Artemisia (1841–1913)
- Latif, Syed Muhammad (1851–1902)
- Latimer, Mary Elizabeth Wormeley (1822–1904)
- Latimer, Hugh (1472–1555)
- Latini, Brunetto (c. 1220–1294)
- Latouche, Robert (1881–1973)
- Latreille, Pierre-André (1762–1833)
- Latta, Robert (1865–1932)
- Lauchert, Friedrich (1863–1944)
- Laue, Max von (1879–1960)
- Laughton, Sir John Knox (1830–1915)
- Laun, Friedrich pseudonym (1770–1849)
- Laun, Henri van (1820–1896)
- Laurel, Jose P. (1891–1959)
- Laurence, Reginald Vere (1876–1934)
- Laurenson, Arthur (1832–1890)
- Lauriat, Charles E. Jr. (d. 1937)
- Laurie, Simon Somerville (1829–1909)
- Laurier, Wilfrid (1841–1919)
- Lauth, Charles (1836–1913)
- Lautréamont, Isidore Lucien Ducasse, Comte de (1846–1870)
- Lavater, Johann Casper (1741–1801)
- de Laveleye, Émile (1822–1892)
- Law, Andrew Bonar (1858–1923)
- Law, Helen Hull (1890–1966)
- Law, Isabella (fl. 1860s)
- Law, Thomas Graves (1836–1904)
- Laws, Benjamin Glover (1861—1931)
- Lawes, 1st Baronet, Sir John Bennet (1814–1900)
- Lawless, Emily (1845–1913)
- Lawley, Francis Charles (1825–1901)
- Lawlor, Harold (1910–1992)
- Lawrence, Amos (1786–1852)
- Lawrence, David Herbert (1885–1930)
- Lawrence, Edmund Tanner (1838–1898)
- Lawrence, Eugene (1823–1894)
- Lawrence, Frederick William (1871–1961)
- Lawrence, Thomas Edward (1888–1935)
- Lawrence, William (1850–1941)
- Lawrence, William John (1862–1940)
- Lawson nee Bredt, Bertha (1876–1957)
- Lawson, Bertha Louisa (1900–1985)
- Lawson, Henry (1867–1922)
- Lawson, Robert William (1890–1960)
- Lawton, Alexander Robert (1818–1896)
- Layard, Sir Austen Henry (1817–1894)
- Layard, George Somes (1852–1925)
- Laynez, Diego (1512–1565)
- Layton, Turner (1894–1978)
- Lazarus, Emma (1849–1887)
- Lazarević, Stephan (1374–1427)
[edit]- Le Cœur, René (1880–1948)
- Lea, Henry Charles (1825–1909)
- Lea, Mathew Carey (1823–1897)
- Leach, Arthur Francis (1851–1915)
- Leach, William Elford (1790–1836)
- Leacock, Stephen (1869–1944)
- Leadam, Isaac Saunders (1848–1913)
- Leadbeater, Charles Webster (1854–1934)
- Leader, Robert Eadon (1839–1922)
- Leaf, Walter (1852–1927)
- Leake, George (1786–1849)
- Leake, James Miller (b. 1879)
- Leakey, Caroline Woolmer (1827–1881)
- Leale, Charles Augustus (1842–1932)
- Lear, Edward (1812–1888)
- Leared, Arthur (1822–1879)
- Leary, Lewis Gaston (1877–1951)
- Leathes, Stanley Mordaunt (1861–1938)
- Leavis, Frank Raymond (1895–1978)
- Lebailly, Antoine-François (1756–1832)
- LeBar, James (1936–2008)
- Leblanc, Maurice (1864–1941)
- Le Brunn, Thomas (fl. 1893)
- M. le Clerc (fl. 1696)
- Le Conte, John (1818–1891)
- LeConte, John Lawrence (1825–1883)
- Le Conte, Joseph (1823–1901)
- Ledbetter, Eleanor (1870–1954)
- Ledbetter, Huddie William (1888–1949)
- Ledbetter, Lilly (1938–2024)
- Ledeganck, Karel Lodewijk (1805–1847)
- Ledwidge, Francis (1887–1917)
- Lee, Agnes (1868–1939)
- Lee, Ann (1736–1784)
- Lee, Bert (1880–1946)
- Lee, Guy Carleton (1862–1936)
- Lee, Henrietta Bedinger (1810–1898)
- Lee, Henry (1756–1818)
- Lee, Henry (1817–1898)
- Lee, Joseph (1876–1949)
- Lee, Nathaniel (1653–1692)
- Lee, Robert E. (1807–1870)
- Lee, Robert Warden (1868–1958)
- Lee, Sir Sidney Lazarus (1859–1926)
- Leech, John (1817–1864)
- Leech, John Henry (1862–1900)
- Leeds, Albert Ripley (1843–1902)
- Leeds, William Henry (1786–1866)
- Leeney, Captain Harold (1852–1934)
- Leers, Johann George Daniel (1727–1774)
- Lees, Charles Herbert (1864–1952)
- Lees, George John Dumville (1848–1906)
- Leeuwenhoek, Antonie van (1632–1723)
- Lee-Warner, Edward (1845–1927)
- Lee-Warner, Sir William (1846–1914)
- Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan (1814–1873)
- Legaré, James Matthews (1823–1859)
- Legendre, Adrien-Marie (1752–1833)
- Léger, Jacques Nicolas (1859–1918)
- Legge, Arthur Edward John (1863–1934)
- Legge, Francis Cecil (1873–1940)
- Legge, James (1815–1897)
- Legge, Robin Humphrey (1862–1933)
- Leggett, William (1801–1839)
- Legrand, Philippe-Ernest (1866–1953)
- Le Guin, Ursula Kroeber (1929–2018)
- Lehane, Con (1877–1919)
- Lehmann, Walter (1878–1939)
- Lehrer, Thomas Andrew (1928– )
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von (1646–1716)
- Leidy, Joseph (1823–1891)
- Leigh, Cholmeley Austen (1829–1899)
- Leigh, Percival (1813–1889)
- Leighton, Frank Thomson (1956– )
- Leighton, Joseph Alexander (1870–1954)
- Leighton, Robert (1611–1684)
- Leighton, Robert (1859–1934)
- Leitfred, Robert Henry (1891–1968)
- Leland, Charles Godfrey (1824–1903)
- Leland, Thomas (1722–1785)
- Lemcke, Ernst Eduard (1844–1919)
- Lemoine, Gustave (1802–1885)
- Le Moine, James MacPherson (1825–1912)
- Lemmon, John Gill (1832–1908)
- Lemon, Mark (1809–1870)
- Lenau, Nikolaus (1802–1850)
- Lenhard, Josef (? – 20th century)
- Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (1870–1924)
- Lenz, Heinrich Freidrich Emil (1804–1865)
- Leo I, Pope (400–461)
- Leo IX, Pope (1002–1054)
- Leo X, Pope (1475–1521)
- Leo XI, Pope (1535–1605)
- Leo XII, Pope (1760–1829)
- Leo XIII, Pope (1810–1903)
- Leodamas of Thasos (c. 380 B.C.E.)
- Leon (c. 400 B.C.E.)
- Leonard, Mary H. (fl. 1895)
- Leonard, Wrexie Louise (1867–1937)
- Leonard of Port Maurice, St. (1676–1751)
- Leonard-Stuart, Charles
- Lenormant, François (1837–1883)
- Leopardi, Giacomo (1798–1837)
- Leopold II of Belgium (1835–1909)
- Le Pera, Alfredo (1900–1935)
- Le Plongeon, Augustus (1825–1908)
- l'Épée, Charles-Michel de (1712–1789)
- Lepsius, Karl Richard (1810–1884)
- Le Queux, William (1864–1927)
- Léris, Claire Josèphe Hippolyte (1723–1803)
- Lermontov, Mikhail Yuryevich (1814–1841)
- Leroux, Gaston (1868–1927)
- Le Sage, Georges-Louis (1724–1803)
- Lesawyer, Joseph (1911–2006)
- Lescarbot, Marc (c. 1570–1641)
- Lešetický z Lešehradu, Emanuel (1877–1955)
- Leskovec, Jure (1980-)
- Leslie, Charles Robert (1794–1859)
- Leslie, Eliza (1787–1858)
- Leslie, Robert Murray (1866–1921)
- Leslie, Thomas Edward Cliffe (1825–1882)
- Lessing, Bruno (1870–1940)
- Lester, Charles Edwards (1815–1890)
- L’Estrange, Roger (1616–1704)
- le Strange, Hamon (1840–1918)
- Lethaby, William (1857–1931)
- Letts, Winifred Mary (1882–1972)
- Leuba, James Henry (1867–1946)
- Leupp, Francis E. (1849–1918)
- Levenson, Lew (fl. 1930s)
- Lever, Charles (1806–1872)
- Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville, Granville George (1815–1891)
- Levey, George Collins (1835–1919)
- Lévi, Eliphas (1810–1875)
- Lewald, August (1792–1871)
- Lewald, Fanny (1811–1889)
- Lewes, George Henry (1817–1878)
- Lewes, Vivian Byam (1852–1915)
- Lewin, Walter (1852–1905)
- Lewins, Robert (1817–1895)
- Lewis, Alfred Lionel (1841–1920)
- Lewis, Angelo John "Professor Louis Hoffmann" (1839–1919)
- Lewis, Austin (1865–1944)
- Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples) (1898–1963)
- Lewis, Charlton Miner (1866–1923)
- Lewis, Charlton Thomas (1834 –1904)
- Lewis, Erasmus
- Lewis, George Cornewall (1806–1863)
- Lewis, Gilbert Newton (1875–1946)
- Lewis, James Hamilton (1863–1939)
- Lewis, John Delaware (1828–1884)
- Lewis, Jonathan (–)
- Lewis, Leopold (1828–1890)
- Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775–1818)
- Lewis, Sinclair (1885–1951)
- Lewis, Tayler (1802–1877)
- Lewis, William Draper (1867–1949)
- Lewis, William Mather (1878–1945)
- Lewkenor, Lewes (c.1560–1627)
- Lewkowitsch, Julius (1857–1913)
- Leybourn, William (1626-1716)
- Leybourne, George (1842–1884)
- Leyden, John (1775–1811)
- Leypoldt, Augusta Harriet (1849–1919)
[edit]- L'Héritier de Brutelle, Charles Louis (1746–1800)
- Lhotsky, John (1795–1866)
[edit]- Li, Bai (701–762)
- Li, Shu-Qiang (also Shuqiang)
- Li, Yu (1610–1680)
- Lias, John James (1834–1923)
- Libby, Orin Grant (1864–1952)
- Libertad, Albert (1875–1908)
- Libornio Ibarra, José Sabas (1858–1915)
- Lichtenstein, Ignatz (1824–1909)
- Liechtenstein, Ulrich von (1200–1275)
- Liddell, Henry George (1811–1898)
- Lie, Jonas (1833–1908)
- von Liebig, Justus (1803–1873)
- Lieberman, Joe (b. 1942)
- Liebig, Gustav Adolph Vincenz Anton (1824–1893)
- Liebscher, Adolf (1857–1919)
- Liebscher, Karel (1851–1906)
- Lightfoot, Joseph Barber (1828–1889)
- Lightfoot, Thomas Bell (1849–1921)
- Lighthizer, Robert Emmett (1947–)
- Ligt, Barthelemy De (1883–1938)
- Liguori, Saint Alphonsus (1696–1787)
- Likhitrakarn, Natdanai (20th c.-)
- Lilienthal, Jesse Warren (1855–1919)
- Lille, Alain de (1128–1202/03)
- Lillo, George (1693–1739)
- Lilly, William Samuel (1840–1919)
- Lily, William (1468–1522)
- Linacre, Thomas (1460–1524)
- Lincoln, Abraham (1809–1865)
- Lincoln, Frederick Charles (1892–1960)
- Lincoln, Heman (1821–1887)
- Lincoln, Henry John (1815–1901)
- Lincoln, Joseph Crosby (1870–1944)
- Linda, Josef (1792/1789–1834)
- Lindley, John (1799–1865)
- Lindsay, Alexander William Crawford, 25th Earl of Crawford and 8th Earl of Balcarres (1812–1880)
- Lindsay, David (1876–1945)
- Lindsay, David, 27th Earl of Crawford and 10th Earl of Balcarres (1871–1940)
- Lindsay, Sir Lionel Arthur (1874–1961)
- Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel (1879–1931)
- Lindsay, Norman Alfred William (1879–1969)
- Lindsay, Robert
- Lindsay, Samuel McCune (1869–1960)
- Lindsay, Thomas (1656–1724)
- Lindsay, Thomas (d. 1843)
- Lindsay, Thomas Martin (1843–1914)
- Lindsay, Wallace Martin (1858–1937)
- Lindsay, William Alexander (1846–1926)
- Lindsey, Ben B. (1869–1943)
- Lindsey, Charles (1820–1908)
- Lindt, John William (1845–1926)
- Lingg, Louis (1864–1887)
- Linnaeus, Carl (1707–1778)
- Linnaeus, Carolus (1741–1783)
- Linnell, John (1792–1882)
- Linton, William James (1812–1897)
- Lippmann, Gabriel (1871–1950)
- Lippmann, Walter (1889–1974)
- Lipscomb, Dabney (1859–1931)
- Lipsett, Henry Caldwell (1869–1913)
- List, Friedrich (1789–1846)
- Lister, Arthur (1830–1908)
- Lister, Gulielma (1860–1949)
- Lister, 1st Baron Lister, Joseph (1827–1912)
- Lister, Joseph Jackson (1857–1927)
- Little, Andrew George (1863–1945)
- Littledale, Richard Frederick (1833–1890)
- Littler, Frank Mervyn (1880–1922)
- von Littrow, Carl (1811–1877)
- Litvinoff, Maxim (1876–1951)
- Liu, Natalie
- Liu Shaoqi (1898–1969)
- Livermore, Mary (1820–1905)
- Livingston, Edward (1764–1836)
- Livingston, Henry (1757–1823)
- Livingstone, David (1813–1873)
- Livius, Titus (59 BCE–17)
[edit]- Lloyd, Anne Porter Lynes (1874–1948)
- Lloyd, Bertram (1881–1944)
- Lloyd, Ernest Marsh (1840–1922)
- Lloyd, Sir John Edward (1861–1947)
- Lloyd, William (?–1716)
- Lloyd, William Forster (1791–1853)
- Lloyd George, David (1863–1945)
- Lloyd Morgan, Conwy (1852–1936)
- Lluellyn, William Raymond (1834–1900)
- Llull, Ramon (1232–1315)
- Llwyd, Morgan (1619–1659)
[edit]- Lo Chên-yü (1866–1940)
- Loat, Lily (1880–1958)
- Lobingier, Charles Sumner (1866–1956)
- Loch, Charles Stewart (1849–1923)
- Locke, George F. (1911- )
- Locke, John (1632–1704)
- Locke, Keith (1944–2024)
- Locker, Arthur (1828–1893)
- Locker-Lampson, Frederick (1821–1895)
- Locker-Lampson, Oliver Stillingfleet (1880–1954)
- Lockhart, John Gibson (1794–1854)
- Lockhart, William Stephen Alexander (1841–1900)
- Lockman, John Thomas (1834–1912)
- Lockwood, James Booth (1852–1884)
- Lockwood, Samuel (1819–1894)
- Lockyer, Joseph Norman (1836–1920)
- Locy, William Albert (1857–1924)
- Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850–1924)
- Lodge, Oliver Joseph (1851–1940)
- Lodge, Reginald Badham (1852–1937)
- von Loeben, Otto Heinrich (1786–1825)
- Loevy, Ram (b. 1940)
- Loew, Oscar (1844–1941)
- Herbert Martin James Loewe (1882–1940)
- Loftus, Cecilia (1876–1943)
- Logan (1725–1780)
- Logan, John (1748–1788)
- Logan, John Alexander (1826–1886)
- Lohmann, Friederike (1749–1811)
- Lohmann, Johanne (1902–2000)
- Lohse, Hinrich (1896–1964)
- Lommel, Eugene (1837–1899)
- Lomonosov, Mikhail (1711–1765)
- London, Jack (1876–1916)
- Long, Amelia Reynolds (1904–1978)
- Long, Anne (1681–1711)
- Long, Armistead Lindsay (1827–1891)
- Long, Basil Kellett (1878–1944)
- Long, Breckinridge (1881–1958)
- Long, George (1800–1879)
- Long, James (1814–1887)
- Long, Sidney Selden (1868–1940)
- Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807–1882)
- Longfellow, Marian Adele (1849–1924)
- Longfellow, Samuel (1819–1892)
- Longfellow, William Pitt Preble (1836–1913)
- Longhurst, Albert Henry (1876–1955)
- Longhurst, Percy William (1876–1959)
- Longnon, Auguste (1844–1911)
- Longstreet, James (1821–1904)
- Longwell, Horace Craig (1876–?)
- Lönnrot, Elias (1802–1884)
- Lope de Vega (1562–1635)
- Lord, John King (1848–1926)
- Lord, Mindret Loeb (1903–1955)
- Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon (1853–1928)
- Lorimer, John Gordon (1804–1868)
- Lorimer, John Gordon (1807–1897)
- Lorimer, John Gordon (1870–1941)
- Lortet, Louis Charles Émile (1836–1909)
- Lorwin, Rose Strunsky (1884–1963)
- Lotze, Rudolf Hermann (1817–1881)
- Louis XIII of France (1601–1643)
- Louis XIV of France (1638–1715)
- Louis XVI of France (1754–1793)
- Lounsbury, Thomas Raynesford (1838–1915)
- Loureiro, João de (1717–1791)
- Louÿs, Pierre (1870–1925)
- Love, Augustus Edward Hough (1863–1940)
- (Nurse) Lovechild (fl. 1744)
- Lovecraft, Howard Phillips (1890–1937)
- Lovejoy, Arthur Oncken (1873–1962)
- Lovelace, Ada (1815–1852)
- Lovelace, Richard (1618–1657)
- Lovell, John (1835–1890)
- Loveman, Robert (1864–1923)
- Lover, Samuel (1797–1868)
- Lovering, Joseph (1813–1892)
- Lovett, Beresford (1839–1926)
- Low, Albert Peter (1861–1942)
- Low, George (1926–1984)
- Low, Seth (1850–1916)
- Low, Sir Sidney James Mark (1857–1932)
- Lowe, Francis Manley (1859–1934)
- Lowe, Martha Perry (1829–1902)
- Lowell, Abbott Lawrence (1856–1943)
- Lowell, Amy (1874–1925)
- Lowell, Edward Jackson (1845–1894)
- Lowell, James Russell (1819–1891)
- Lowell, John (1824–1897)
- Lowell, Maria White (1821–1853)
- Lowell, Percival (1855–1916)
- Lowell, Robert (1816–1891)
- Löwenthal, Johann (1810–1876)
- Lower, Mark Antony (1813–1876)
- Lowie, Robert Harry (1883–1957)
- Lowis, Cecil Champain (1866–1948)
- Lowndes, Marie Adelaide Belloc (1868–1947)
- Lowrie, Walter (1868–1959)
- Lowry, Wilson (1762–1824)
- Lowth, Robert (1710–1787)
- Lowther, William Boswell (1843–1915)
[edit]- Lu Xun (1881–1936)
- Lu You (1125–1210)
- Luard, Henry Richards (1825–1891)
- Lubbock, John (1834–1913)
- Lubensky, Andrei (b. 1959)
- Luca, Olmstead (1826–1869)
- Lucas, Edward Verrall (1868–1938)
- Lucas, Katheleen
- Lucas, St. John (1879–1934)
- Luchaire, Achille (1846–1908)
- Lucian of Samosata (125–180)
- Pseudo-Lucian (?–?)
- Lucius III, Pope (1100–1185)
- Luckwaldt, Friedrich (1875–?)
- Ludendorff, Erich Friedrich Wilhelm (1865–1937)
- Ludlow, Frederick (1796–?)
- Ludlow, Peter
- Ludovici, Anthony (1882–1971)
- Ludwig, Ernest (1876–)
- Luff, Arthur Pearson (1855–1938)
- Lugar, Richard (b. 1932)
- Lugard, Flora, Lady (1852–1929)
- Lukács, György (1885–1971)
- Lumley, George (fl. 1850s–1860s)
- Lummis, Charles Fletcher (1859–1928)
- Lund, Zacharias (1608–1667)
- Lunding, Astrid (1881–1935)
- Lunge, Georg (1839–1923)
- Lunt, George (1803–1885)
- Luo Guanzhong (1330–1400)
- Lupton, Joseph Hirst (1836–1905)
- Lurton, Horace Harmon (1844–1914)
- Lushington, Sir Franklin (1823–1901)
- Luther, Martin (1483–1546)
- Lutwyche, Thomas (1674–1734)
- Lützow, František (1849–1916)
- Luvsanjambyn Mördorj (1919–1996)
[edit]- Lvov, Alexei Fyodorovich (1799–1870)
[edit]- Lyall, Alfred Comyn (1835–1911)
- Lyall, Charles James (1845–1920)
- Lydekker, Richard (1849–1915)
- Lydenberg, Harry Miller (1874–1960)
- Lydgate, John (c. 1370 – c. 1451)
- Lyell, Charles (1797–1875)
- Lyly, John (1554–1606)
- Lyman, Amasa Mason (1813–1877)
- Lyman, Theodore (1833–1897)
- Lynch, H. F. B (1862–1913)
- Lynch, John Joseph (1816–1888)
- Lynn, James Thomas (1927–2010)
- Lyon, Gilberta Marion Fanny Lyon (1863–1944)
- Lyon, Marcus Ward (1875–1942)
- Lyon, Mary Mason (1797–1849)
- Lyons, Timothy Augustine (1845–1919)
- Lysias (c. 445 BCE – c. 380 BCE)
- Lyte, Henry Francis (1793–1847)
- Lyttelton, Caroline Lavinia (1816–1902)
- Lyser, Johann Peter (1804–1870)
- Lyttleton, George (1709–1773)
- Lytton, Rosina Bulwer (1802–1882)