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Index of Authors: | |
[edit]- Saalfield, Adah Louise Sutton (1860–1935)
- Sabatini, Rafael (1875–1950)
- Sabina, Karel (1813–1877)
- Sabine, Edward (1788–1883)
- Sabines, Jaime (1926–1999)
- Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von (1836–1895)
- Sacheverell, Henry (1674–1724)
- Sachs, Edwin Otho (1870–1919)
- Sachs, Frank (1858–1923)
- Sachs, Julius von (1832–1897)
- Sackville, 6th Earl of Dorset, Charles (1638–1706)
- Sackville, Thomas (1536–1608)
- Sackville-West, The Hon Lady Nicolson, Victoria Mary (1892–1962)
- Sade, Marquis de (1740–1814)
- Sadler, Sir Michael Ernest (1861–1943)
- Sadler, Michael Thomas (1780–1835)
- Šafárik, Pavel Jozef (1795–1861)
- Sagami (998–1061)
- Sagan, Carl (1934–1996)
- Sage, Dean (1841–1902)
- Sagoyewatha (c. 1750 – 1830)
- Saha, Meghnad (1893–1956)
- Saigyō (1118–1190)
- Saint-Amant, Antoine Girard de (1594–1661)
- Saint-Évremond, Charles de (1610–1703)
- Saint-Hilaire, Étienne Geoffery (1772–1844)
- de Saint-Hilaire, Augustin François César Prouvençal (1779–1853)
- Saint John, Molyneux (1838–1904)
- Saint-Just, Louis Antoine de (1767–1794)
- Saint-Laurent, Louis (1882–1973)
- Saint-Paul, Anthyme (1843–1911)
- Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, duc de (1675–1755)
- Saintsbury, George (1845–1933)
- Saionji Kintsune (1171–1244)
- Saito, Hiroshi (1886–1939)
- Sakanoue no Korenori (9th/10th cent.)
- Saki (1870–1916)
- Salaba-Vojan, Jaroslav Egon (1872–1944)
- Salama, Paul (20th century – )
- Šalda, František Xaver (1867–1937)
- Saleeby, Caleb Williams (1878–1940)
- Salis-Seewis, Johann Gaudenz Gubert von (1762–1834)
- Salisbury, Richard Anthony (1761–1829)
- Salisbury, Rollin Daniel (1858–1922)
- Šaloun, Ladislav Jan (1870–1946)
- Salman of Saudi Arabia (b. 1935)
- Salmon, George (1819–1904)
- Salmond, Stewart Dingwall Fordyce (1838–1905)
- Salomaa, Hiski (1891–1947)
- Salt, Henry (1780–1827)
- Salt, Henry Shakespear Stephens (1851–1939)
- Salter, John Henry (1862–1942)
- Salter, Samuel James Augustus (1825–1897)
- Salter, William Mackintire (1853–1931)
- Saltus, Adgar Everston (1858–1921)
- Saltykov-Shchedrin, Mikhail (1826–1889)
- Salvado, Rosendo (1814–1900)
- Salvioni, Carlo (1858–1920)
- Sampson, Alden (1853–1925)
- Sampson, John (1862–1931)
- Sampson, Ralph Allen (1866–1939)
- Sampson, William Thomas (1840–1902)
- Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin (1831–1917)
- Sanborn, John Wentworth (1848–1922)
- Sanborn, Kate(1839–1917)
- Sand, George (1806–1874)
- Sand, Louis (fl. 1860s)
- Sandars, Mary Frances (1864–1934)
- Sanday, William (1843–1920)
- Sandburg, Carl (1878–1967)
- Sanders, Bernard (1941–)
- Sanders, Francis (1846–1912)
- Sanders, Lloyd Charles (1857–1927)
- Sands, Robert Charles (1799–1832)
- Sandys, John Edwin (1844–1922)
- Sandys, William B. (1792–1874)
- Sanford, Edward Terry (1865–1930)
- Sanford, Fernando (1856–1948)
- Sanford, William Eli (1838–1899)
- Sänger, Eugen (1905–1964)
- Sanger, Larry (b. 1968)
- Sanguinetti, Gianfranco (–)
- Sanjar, Ahmad (11th century – 1157)
- Sanjinés, José Ignacio de (1786–1864)
- Sanjō (976–1017)
- Sanson, Charles-Henri (1739–1806)
- Sansovino, Francesco (1521–1586/1583)
- Santayana, George (1863–1952)
- Santmyer,Helen Hooven (1895–1986)
- Santos, Idelfonso (1896–1984)
- Sapir, Edward (1884–1939)
- de Saporta, Antoine (1855–1914)
- de Saporta, Gaston (1823–1895)
- Saranuprapan, Luang (1896–1954)
- Sarbiewski, Maciej Kazimierz (1595–1640)
- Sargent, Arthur John (1871–1947)
- Sargent, Epes (1813–1880)
- Sargent, Frederick Le Roy (1863–1928)
- Sargent, Jr., Samuel M. (c. 1928)
- Saro-Wiwa, Ken (1941–1995)
- Sassoon, Siegfried (1886–1967)
- Sastre Marínez, Jorge (20th century – )
- Satie, Erik (1866–1925)
- Satoh, Henry (1857–1934)
- Satoskar, Abhay R.
- Satow, Ernest Mason (1843–1929)
- Satran, Joseph (1851–1916)
- Saunders, George (1859–1922)
- Saunders, Prince (1775–1839)
- Saunders, Thomas Bailey (1860–1928)
- Saunderson, Constance Albuera (1833–1915)
- Saurin, Jacques (1677–1730)
- de Saussure, Horace-Bénédict (1740–1799)
- Saussure, René de (1868–1943)
- Sauvage, George Michael Julius Louis (1873–1951)
- Sauvage, Henri Émile (1842–1917)
- Savage, Ernest Albert (1877–1966)
- Savart, Felix (1791–1841)
- Savigny, Friedrich Carl von (1779–1861)
- Savonarola, Girolamo (1452–1498)
- Sawyer, Caroline Mehitable (1812–1894)
- Sawyer, Winona Branch (1847–1938)
- Saxe, John Godfrey (1816–1887)
- Sayce, Archibald
- Sayle, Charles Edward (1864–1924)
[edit]- Scales, Archibald Henderson (1868–1952)
- Scalia, Antonin (1936–2016)
- Scarlatti, Domenico (1685–1757)
- Scartazzini, Giovanni Andrea (1837–1901)
- Scarth, John (1826–1909)
- Scattergood, Thomas (1826–1900)
- Schaeffer, Nathan Christ (1849–1919)
- Schaeffer, Pierre (1910–1995)
- Schaff, Philip (1819–1893)
- Schaffner, Jakob (1875–1944)
- Schauffler, Robert Haven (1879–1964)
- Scheer, Reinhard (1863–1928)
- Scheiner, Artuš (1863–1938)
- Scheiner, Josef Eugen (1861–1932)
- Schellen, Heinrich (1818–1884)
- Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (1775–1854)
- Scherren, Henry (1842–1911)
- Scheuchzer, Johann Jakob (1672–1733)
- Schiaparelli, Ernesto (1856–1928)
- Schiavonetti, Luigi (1765–1810)
- Schidrowitz, Philip (1872–1960)
- Schiemann, Theodor (1847–1921)
- Schierbrand, Wolf von (1851–1920)
- Schiller, F. C. S. (1864–1937)
- Schiller, Friedrich von (1759–1805)
- Schkuhr, Christian (1741–1811)
- Schleiermacher, Friedrich Daniel Ernst (1768–1834)
- Schlesinger, Kathleen (1862–1953)
- Schley, Winfield Scott (1839–1911)
- Schlich, Wilhelm (1840–1925)
- Schliemann, Johann Ludwig Heinrich Julius (1822–1890)
- Schloss, David Frederick (1850–1912)
- Schmidt, Eduard Oscar (1823–1886)
- Schmidt, Friedrich (1832–1908)
- Schmidt, Nathaniel (1862–1939)
- Schmiedel, Paul Wilhelm (1851–1935)
- Schmitt, Joseph (1734–1791)
- Schmitz, Leonhard (1807–1890)
- Schmolke, B. (1731–?)
- Schmoller, Gustave Friedrich von (1838–1917)
- Schneider, Aime (1870–1879)
- Schneider, Elias (1820–1883)
- Schoenberg, Arnold (1874–1951)
- Schoetensack, Otto (1850–1912)
- Scholasticus, Evagrius (536/537–after 594)
- Scholefield, Clement Cotterill (1839–1904)
- Scholes, Percy Alfred (1877–1958)
- Scholz, Wilhelm von (1874–1969)
- Schomburg, Arturo Alfonso (1874–1938)
- Schonland, Selmar (1860–1940)
- Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788–1860)
- Schreiber, Aloys (1761–1841)
- Schreiber, August (1839–1903)
- Schroeder, John Frederick (1800–1857)
- Schroeder, Seaton (1849–1922)
- Schucman, Helen (1909–1981)
- Schulenburg, Sergei Ivanovich (1875–1937)
- Schulthess, Rudolph (1802–1832)
- Schultz, Hans (1630–1680)
- Schulz, Ferdinand (1835–1905)
- Schulz, Joachim Christoph Friedrich (1762–1798)
- Schulze, Ernst Conrad Friedrich (1789–1817)
- Schulze, Friedrich August (1770–1849)
- Schumacher, Hermann A. (1868–1952)
- Schumacher, Paul (1848–1891)
- Schürer, Emil (1844–1910)
- Schurz, Carl (1829–1906)
- Schuster, Franz Arthur Friedrich (1851–1934)
- Schütte, Gudmund (1872-1958)
- Schütz, Heinrich (1585–1672)
- Schützenberger, Paul (1829–1897)
- Schuyler, George (1811–1890)
- Schuyler, Montgomery, Jr. (1877–1955)
- Schwab, John Christopher (1865–1915)
- Schwaiger, Hanuš (1854–1912)
- Schwally, Friedrich (1863–1919)
- Schwartz, Jean (1878–1956)
- Schwarzenegger, Arnold A. (b. 1947)
- Schwarzkopf, Lin (b. 20th century)
- Schweinitz, Lewis David von (1780–1834)
- Schweitzer, Albert (1875–1965)
- Sclater, Philip Lutley (1829–1913)
- Sclater, William Lutley (1863–1944)
- Scoble, John (1799–1877)
- Scofield, Richard Henry (1898–1970)
- Scogan, Henry (1361–1407)
- Scoggin, Gilbert Campbell (d. 1945)
- Scott, Arthur P. (1884–1961)
- Scott, Austin (1848–1922)
- Scott, Charles Anderson (1859–1941)
- Scott, Dukinfield Henry (1854–1934)
- Scott, Edith Margery (c. 1928)
- Scott, Edward John Long (1840–1918)
- Scott, Sir Ernest (1868–1939)
- Scott, Harold Spencer (?–?)
- Scott, Hugh Stowell (1862–1903)
- Scott, James (1885–1938)
- Scott, James George (1851–1935)
- Scott, James Moffat (1848–1910)
- Scott, John (1841–1904)
- Scott, John
- Scott, Leonard (1810–1895)
- Scott, Sir Leslie Frederic (1859–1950)
- Scott, Reginald Thomas Maitland (1882–1966)
- Scott, Robert (1757–1808)
- Scott, Robert (1811–1887)
- Scott, Walter (1771–1832)
- Scott, William Bell (1811–1890)
- Scott, William Berryman (1858–1947)
- Scott, William Robert (1868–1940)
- Scott Delany, Clarissa (1901–1927)
- Scott Ferguson, William (1875–1954)
- Scott-Moncrieff, Charles Kenneth (1889–1930)
- Scowcroft, Brent (1925—)
- Scribner, Gilbert Hilton (1831–1910)
- Scriven, Joseph (1819–1886)
- Scriver, Christian (1629–1693)
- Scroggs, William Oscar (1879–1957)
- Scrope, George Julius Poulett (1797–1876)
- Scudder, Horace Elisha (1838–1902)
[edit]- Seabury, Samuel (1729–1796)
- Seaman, Sir Owen (1861–1936)
- Searle, Arthur (1837–1920)
- Searle, George Frederick Charles (1864–1954)
- Sears, Blanche Burdin (1875–)
- Sears, Edmund Hamilton (1810–1876)
- Seccombe, Thomas (1866–1923)
- Secker, Thomas (1693–1768)
- Secor, H. Winfred (c. 1927)
- Sedding, Edmund (1836–1868)
- Sedding, J. D. (1838–1891)
- Seddon, James (1815–1880)
- Sedgefield, Walter John (1866–1945)
- Sedgwick, Adam (1785–1873)
- Sedgwick, Adam (1854–1913)
- Sedgwick, Catharine Maria (1789–1867)
- Sedgwick, Henry D. (1861–1957)
- Sedgwick, William Fellows (1872–1949)
- Sedgwick, William Thompson (1855–1921)
- Sée, Henri (1864–1936)
- Seebacher, Frank
- Seebeck, Thomas Johann (1770–1831)
- Seebohm, Frederic (1833–1912)
- Seeger, Alan (1888–1916)
- Seeley, Sir John Robert (1834–1895)
- Séguin, Édouard (1812–1880)
- Ségur, Sophie Rostopchine, comtesse de (1799–1874)
- Sei Shōnagon (966–1025)
- Seifert, Jaroslav (1901–1986)
- Sejong (1397–1450)
- Sekanina, František (1875–1958)
- Selassie, Haile (1892–1975)
- Selden, Richard Ely (1797–1868)
- Seldin, Jeff
- Šelepa, Karel (1885–1969)
- Sélincourt, Hugh de (1878–1951)
- Sellar, William Young (1825–1890)
- Sellars, Roy Wood (1880–1973)
- Sellers, George Escol (1808–1899)
- Sells, Cato (1859–1948)
- Sellye, Julius Hawley (1824–1895)
- Selous, Edmund (1857–1934)
- Selous, Frederick Courteney (1851–1917)
- Seltzer, Charles Alden (1875-1942)
- Seltzer, Thomas (1875–1943)
- Sempill, Robert (1590s–1660s)
- Sen, Keshub Chunder (1838–1884)
- Sen, Ramdas (1845–1887)
- de Sénancour, Étienne-Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Ignace Pivert (1770–1846)
- Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator (c. 485–c. 585)
- Seneca, L. Annaeus (4 BCE–65 CE)
- Senior, Nassau William (1790–1864)
- Senior, William (1838–1920)
- Senn, Charles Herman (1862–1934)
- Seong Hon (1535–1598)
- Sergieff, John Iliytch (1829–1908)
- Serenus of Antinouplis (c. 300–c. 360)
- Sergeant, Lewis (1841–1902)
- Service, Robert W. (1874–1958)
- Serviss, Garrett Putnam (1851–1929)
- Šetelík, Jaroslav (1881–1955)
- Seth, Vikram (1952–present)
- Seth-Smith, David (1875–1963)
- Seton, Ernest Thompson (1860–1946)
- Seton-Karr, Henry (1853–1914)
- Seton-Watson, Robert William (1879–1951)
- Seuss Geisel, Dr. Theodor (1904–1991)
- Severin, Guillaume (1862–1938)
- Marquise de Sévigné, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal (1626–1696)
- Sewall, Samuel (1652–1730)
- Seward, Anna (1747–1809)
- Seward, Albert Charles (1863–1941)
- Seward, Mary Coggeshall (1839–1919)
- Seward, William Henry (1801–1872)
- Sewell, Anna (1820–1878)
- Sextus Empiricus (c. 200)
- Seymour, Emily
- Seymour, Ernest Richard (1823–1864)
- Seymour, Horatio (1810–1886)
- Seymour, Thomas Day (1848–1907)
- Seymour, Webb John (1777–1819)
[edit]- Shabini, ʿAbd al-Salam (fl. 1820)
- Shackford, John William (1839–1905)
- Shackleton, Sir Ernest Henry (1874–1922)
- ibn Shaddād, Bahā' ad-Dīn Yusuf ibn Rafi (1145–1234)
- Shadwell, Arthur (1854–1936)
- Shadwell, Lionel Lancelot (1845–1925)
- Shahan, Thomas Joseph (1857–1932)
- Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai (1689–1752)
- bin Shāhrukh, Mīrzā Muhammad Tāraghay (1394–1449)
- Shakespear, John (1861–1942)
- Shakespeare, William (1564–1616)
- Shakespeare, William G.
- Shanly, Charles Dawson (1811–1875)
- Shakir, Mohammed Habib (1866–1939)
- Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate (1841–1906)
- Rudrapatnam Shamasastry (1868–1944)
- Shamlou, Sepideh (1968–present)
- Shankara, Adi (8th c. CE)
- Shanks, Lewis Piaget (1878–1935)
- Shann, Edward (1884–1935)
- Sharon, Ariel (1928–2014)
- Sharp, Archibald (1862–1934)
- Sharp, Cecil James (1859–1924)
- Sharp, David (1840–1922)
- Sharp, Martha
- Sharp, Robert Farquharson (1864–1945)
- Sharp, William (1855–1905)
- Sharpe, John
- Sharpe, Richard Bowdler (1847–1909)
- Sharpey, William (1802–1880)
- Shats, Avner (1959–)
- Shaw, Bernard (b. 1940)
- Shaw, George Bernard (1856–1950)
- Shaw, George Kearsley (1779–1833)
- Shaw, Henry Wheeler (1818–1885)
- Shaw, Thomas (1850–1937)
- Shaw, Wilfred Byron (1881–1959)
- Shaw, William (1749–1831)
- Shaw, William Arthur (1865–1943)
- Shaw, William Napier (1854–1945)
- Shaw-Stewart, Patrick (d. 1917)
- Shaylor, Joseph (1844–1923)
- Shazar, Zalman (1889–1974)
- Shea, Christopher M.
- Shea, John Gilmary (1824–1892)
- Shea, Robert (1933-1994)
- Sheahan, James Washington (1824–1883)
- Shearman, Thomas Gaskell (1834–1900)
- Shedd, William Greenough Thayer (1820–1894)
- Sheehan, Daniel Desmond (1873–1948)
- Shehyn, Joseph (1829–1918)
- Shekhar, Chander (?–?)
- Sheldon, Addison Erwin (1861–1943)
- Sheldon, Charles Monroe (1857–1946)
- Shellabarger, Samuel (1888–1954)
- Shelley, George Ernest (1840–1910)
- Shelley née Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft (1797–1851)
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792–1822)
- Shelton Frederick William (1814–1881)
- Shenstone, William (1714–1763)
- Shepard, Edward Morse (1850–1911)
- Shepard, Elliott Fitch (1833–1893)
- Shepherd, Francis John (1851–1929)
- Shepherd, Richard Herne (1842–1895)
- Sheppard, Edgar (1819–1897)
- Sheppard, Henry Fleetwood (1824–1901)
- Sheppard, Thomas (1876–1945)
- Sheppard, William Fleetwood (1863–1936)
- Sherer, John Walter (1823–1911)
- Sheridan, Louisa Henrietta (1810–1842)
- Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (1751–1816)
- Sheridan, Thomas (divine) (1687–1738)
- Sheridan, Thomas (1719–1788)
- Sheringham, Hugh (1876–1930)
- Sherlock, Thomas (1678–1761)
- Sherman, Charles Colebrook (1860–1927)
- Sherman, John (1823–1900)
- Sherman, Lucius Adelno (1847–1933)
- Sherman, Stuart P. (1881–1926)
- Sherrick, Johnson (1841–1914)
- Sherrington, Charles Scott (1857–1952)
- John Filmore Sherry (1866–1894)
- Sherwin, William F. (1826–1888)
- Sherwood, Rosina Emmet (1854–1948)
- Sherzer, William Hittell (1860–1932)
- Shiel, Matthew (1865–1947)
- Shikishi, Princess (1146–1201)
- Shimek, Bohumil (1861–1937)
- Shimmin, Thomas (1800–1879)
- Shin, Chaeho (1880–1936)
- Shin Suk-ju (1417–1475)
- Shinagawa Yajiro (1843–1900)
- Shipley, Arthur Everett (1861–1927)
- Shipman, Andrew Jackson (1857–1915)
- Shipton, Anna (1815–1901)
- Shipton, Mother (1488–1651)
- Shiras, Jr., George (1832–1924)
- Shirley, James (1596–1666)
- Shoberl, Frederic (1775–1853)
- Shorey, Paul (1857–1934)
- Short, John Thomas (1850–1883)
- Shorter, Clement King (1857–1926)
- Shorter, Dora Sigerson (1866–1918)
- Shower, John (1657–1715)
- Shorthouse, Joseph Henry (1834–1903)
- Shotwell, James Thomson (1874–1965)
- Showerman, Grant (1870–1935)
- Shōtoku, Prince (572–622)
- Shuckburgh, Evelyn Shirley (1843–1906)
- Shufeldt, Robert Wilson (1850–1934)
- Shuler, Ellis William (1881–1955)
- Shun'e (1113–1191)
[edit]- Sibree, James (1836–1929)
- Sibthorp, John (1758–1796)
- Sican, Elizabeth (fl. 18th century)
- Sican, John (fl. 18th century)
- Sidgwick, Arthur (1840–1920)
- Sidgwick, Alfred (1850–1943)
- Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred (1845–1936)
- Sidgwick, Frank (1879–1939)
- Sidgwick, Henry (1838–1900)
- Sidis, Boris (1867–1923)
- Sidney, Adelaide Augusta Willhelmina (1826–1878/1904)
- Sidney, Sir Philip (1554–1586)
- Siebenhaar, Willem (1863–1936)
- Siegel, Eli (1902–1978)
- Siegfried, Andre (1875–1959)
- Siemens, Carl William (1823–1883)
- Sievers, Eduard (1850–1932)
- Sigourney, Lydia (1791–1865)
- Sigwart, Christoph von (1830–1904)
- Sikes, Edward Ernest (1867–1940)
- Silbertstein, Ludwik (1872–1948)
- Sills, Kenneth Charles Morton (1879–1954)
- Silovský, Vladimír (1891–1974)
- Silva, José Asunción (1865–1896)
- Silver, Henry (1828–1910)
- Silvera, Edward S. (1906–1937)
- Silvers, Earl Reed (1891–1948)
- Silvers, Louis (1889–1954)
- Silverstein, Shel (1930–1999)
- Sim, Dave (1956–)
- Sime, James (1843–1895)
- Simkins, William Stewart (1842–1929)
- Simmonds, Peter Lund (1814–1897)
- Simmons, Gene (1929–)
- Simms, William Gilmore (1806–1870)
- Simon, Eugène Louis (1848–1924)
- Simon, Leon (1881–1965)
- Šimon, Tavík František (1877–1942)
- Simond, Louis (1767–1831)
- Simonds, Guy (1903–1974)
- Simons, Menno (1496–1561)
- Simons, William(c. 490–c. 560)
- Simmons, Joe (c. 1928)
- Simplicius of Cilicia
- Simpson, Alexander Russell (1835–1916)
- Simpson, Benjamin Roy (b. 1877)
- Simpson, Bertram Lenox (1877–1930)
- Simpson, Evelyn Blantyre (1856–1920)
- Simpson, James Gilliland (1865–1948)
- Simpson, Sir James Young (1811–1870)
- Simpson, John Palgrave (1807–1887)
- Simpson, Matthew (1811–1884)
- Simpson, Percy (1865–1962)
- Simpson, Thomas (1808–1840)
- Simpson, William (1823–1899)
- Simpson, William Augustus (1854–1930)
- Simpson, William Henry Randolph (1830–1910)
- Sims, Charles N. (1835–1908)
- Sims, John (1749–1831)
- Simson, Robert (1687–1768)
- Sinclair, Angus (1841–1919)
- Sinclair, Upton (1878–1968)
- Šindelář, Frank (1861–1929)
- Sindelar, Joseph B. (1853–1931)
- Sinding, Otto (1842–1909)
- Singer, Margaret Thaler (1921–2003)
- Singh, Bhagat (1907–1931)
- Singh, Nandini (?–?)
- Sinker, Robert (1869–1941)
- Sinnett, Alfred Percy (1840–1921)
- Singleton, Esther (1865–1930)
- Siodmak, Curt (1902–2000)
- Šípek, Jan (1886–1953)
- Sirhan, Sirhan (b. 1944)
- Sissle, Noble (1889–1975)
- Sitter, Willem de (1872–1934)
- Sitwell, Edith (1887–1964)
- Sitwell, George Reresby (1860–1943)
- Sixtus V, Pope (1521–1590)
[edit]- Skeat, Walter William (1835–1912)
- Skelton, John (1460–1529)
- Skene, William Forbes (1809–1892)
- Sketchley, Richard Forster (1826–1911)
- Skey, Joseph (1779–1833)
- Skidelsky, Simon (?–?)
- Skinner, Aaron Nichols (1845–1918)
- Skinner, Carlton (1913–2004)
- Skinner, Charles Montgomery (1852–1907)
- Skinner, Harry Hall (1858–?)
- Skinner, John (1721–1807)
- Skirving, Adam (1719–1803)
- Skottowe, Britiffe Constable (1857–1925)
- Skrine, John Huntley (1848–1923)
- Škroup, František Jan (1801–1862)
[edit]- Slade, Adolphus (1804/1802–1877)
- Sládek, Josef Václav (1845–1912)
- Sladen, Douglas Brooke Wheelton (1856–1947)
- Slahi, Mohamedou Ould (1970– )
- Slater, Francis Carey (1876–1958)
- Slater, Henry Horrocks (1851–1934)
- Slater, John William (1820–1898)
- Slaveikov, Petko Rachov (1827–1895)
- Slavíček, Antonín (1870–1910)
- Slingluff, Fielder Cross (1842–1918)
- Sloane, Sir Hans (1660–1753)
- Sloane, T. O'Conor (1851–?)
- Sloane, William Milligan (1850–1928)
- Sloat, Edwin K. (1895–1986)
- Slocum, Joshua (1844–1909)
- Slosson, Anna Trumbull (1838–1926)
- Slosson, Edward (1814–1871)
- Slosson, Edwin Emery (1865–1929)
[edit]- Smail, James (1828–1905)
- Smalridge, George (1662–1719)
- Smart, Christopher (1722–1771)
- Smart, John Semple (1868–1925)
- Smedes, Susan Dabney (1840–1913)
- Smedley, Jonathan (1671–1729)
- Smedley, William Thomas (1858–1920)
- Smee, Alfred Hutchison (1841–1901)
- Smellie, William (1740–1795)
- Smetana, Bedřich (1824–1884)
- Smetánka, Jaroslav František (1881–1937)
- Smetánka, Václav (1886–?)
- Smetham, James (1821–1889)
- Smiles, Samuel (1812–1904)
- Smiley, Sarah Frances (1830–1917)
- Smillie, Thomas William (1843–1917)
- Šmilovský, Alois Vojtěch (1837–1883)
- Smith, Adam (1723–1790)
- Smith, Alexander (1829–1867)
- Smith, Allan Corstorphin (1884–1962)
- Smith, Alyssa Whitall Pearsall (1867–1951)
- Smith, Ann Maria Carter (1835–1909)
- Smith, Arthur (1870–1929)
- Smith, Arthur Hamilton (1860–1941)
- Smith, Arthur Henderson (1845–1932)
- Smith, Benjamin Eli (1857–1913)
- Smith, Caroline Louisa Sprague (1827–1886)
- Smith, Cecil (1826–1890)
- Smith, Cecil Harcourt (1859–1944)
- Smith, Charles Alphonso (1864–1924)
- Smith, Charles Emory (1842–1908)
- Smith, Charles Stewart (1832–1909)
- Smith, Charlotte Fell (1851–1937)
- Smith, Charlotte Turner (1749–1806)
- Smith, Charlotte (1749–1806)
- Smith, Cicely Fox (1882–1954)
- Smith, Clark Ashton (1893–1961)
- Smith, Clifford P.
- Smith, Constance Isabella Stuart (1859–1930)
- Smith, Edgar Albert (1847–1916)
- Smith, Edgar Fahs (1854–1928)
- Smith, Edward (1839–1919)
- Smith, Edward Elmer (1890–1965)
- Smith, Edward Shrapnell (1875–1952)
- Smith, Edwin Burritt (1854–1906)
- Smith, Elbert Herring (fl. 1849)
- Smith, Elizabeth Oakes (Prince) (1806–1893)
- Smith, Ethan (1762–1849)
- Smith, Francis Hopkinson (1838–1915)
- Smith, Frederick (1805–1879)
- Smith, George A. (1817–1875)
- Smith, George Barnett (1841–1909)
- Smith, George Charles Moore (1858–1940)
- Smith, George Gregory (1865–1932)
- Smith, Goldwin (1823–1910)
- Smith, Harry Bache (1860–1936)
- Smith, Helen (c. 1798 – 1883)
- Smith, Henry A. (1830–1915)
- Smith, Henry Augustus Middleton (1853–1924)
- Smith, Henry Preserved (1847–1927)
- Smith, Herbert Greenhough (1855–1935)
- Smith, Hoke (1855–1931)
- Smith, Horace (1779–1849)
- Smith, Huntington (1857–1926)
- Smith, Isaac Gregory (1826–1920)
- Smith, James (1802–1862)
- Smith, James Edward (1759–1828)
- Smith, James McCune (1813–1865)
- Smith, James Power (1837–1923)
- Smith, Jessie Willcox (1863–1935)
- Smith, John (1781–1855)
- Smith, John (1837–1922)
- Smith, John Alexander (1813–1889)
- Smith, John Alexander (1863–1939)
- Smith, John Francis (c. 1806 – 1840)
- Smith, John Frederick
- Smith, John Thomas (1766–1833)
- Smith, Joseph (1771–1840)
- Smith, Joseph (1805–1844)
- Smith, Joseph Patterson (1856–1898)
- Smith, Junius Bailey (1883–1945)
- Smith, Langdon (1858–1908)
- Smith, Laura Alexandrine (1861–1902)
- Smith, Lucy Toulmin (1838–1911)
- Smith, Nora Archibald (1859–1934)
- Smith, Norman Kemp (1872–1958)
- Smith, Philip (1817–1885)
- Smith, Preserved (1880–1941)
- Smith, Ray Burdick (1867–1939)
- Smith, Reginald John (1857–1916)
- Smith, Robert Angus (1817–1884)
- Smith, Robert Bache (1875–1951)
- Smith, Samuel Francis (1808–1895)
- Smith, Samuel J. (1820 – c. 1909)
- Smith, Seba (1792–1868)
- Smith, Spenser Theyre (1834–1911)
- Smith, Sydney Fenn (1843–1922)
- Smith, Sydney (1771–1845)
- Smith, Thomas (1817–1906)
- Smith, Thorne (1892–1934)
- Smith, W. Browning
- Smith Jr., W. Dexter (1842–1909)
- Smith, Walter George (1854–1924)
- Smith, Wilford H.
- Smith, Sir William (1813–1893)
- Smith, William (1816–1896)
- Smith, William Benjamin (1850–1934)
- Smith, William Charles (1849–1915)
- Smith, William Henry (1833–1896)
- Smith, William Robertson (1846–1894)
- Smith, William Roy (1876–1938)
- Smith, Wyndham (1813–1871)
- Smithells, Arthur (1860–1939)
- Smollett, Tobias George (1721–1771)
- Smyth, Amelia Gillespie: see Gillespie Smyth, Amelia (1788–1876)
- Smyth, Charles Piazzi (1819–1900)
- Smythe, Lewis S.C. (1901–)
- Smythers, Ruth
[edit]- Snagge, Thomas William (1837–1914)
- Šnajdr, Karel Sudimír (1766–1835)
- Snape, A.
- Snell, Frederick John (1862–1935)
- Snodgrass, Robert Evans (1875–1962)
- Snow, Eliza Roxcy (1804–1887)
- Snow, Erastus (1818–1888)
- Snow, Freeman (1841–1894)
- Snow, Lorenzo (1814–1901)
- Snow, Marshall Solomon (1842–1916)
- Snow, Robert Anthony (1955–2008)
- Snowden, Clinton A. (1847–1922)
- Snouck Hurgronje, Christiaan (1857–1936)
- Snyder, Gary (b. 1930)
- Snyder, Kenneth A.
- Snyder, Ted (1881–1965)
[edit]- Soane, George (1790–1860)
- The Socialist Party of Great Britain (1904–present)
- Socin, Albrecht (1844–1899)
- Socrates (c. 469 BCE–399 BCE)
- Sōin, Nishiyama (1605–1682)
- Sokol, John Anton (1875–1943)
- Solander, Daniel Carlsson (1733–1782)
- Sollmann, Torald Hermann (1874–1965)
- Solomon, Gerald Brooks Hunt (1930–2001)
- Somers, A. N. (?–?)
- Somers, Robert (1822–1891)
- Somerville, Alexander (1811–1885)
- Sone no Yoshitada (10th cent.)
- Song Ik-phil (1534–1599)
- Song Siyeol (1607–1689)
- Song Yingxing (–)
- Sonnenschein, Edward Adolf (1851–1929)
- Sonnleithner, Joseph Ferdinand (1766–1835)
- Soong, May-ling (1897–2003)
- Sophocles (496 BC–406 BC)
- Sorel, Georges (1847–1922)
- Sorley, Charles (1895–1915)
- Sorley, William Ritchie (1855–1935)
- Sortais, Gaston (1852–1926)
- Sosigenes of Alexandria (fl. 1st century B.C.E.)
- Sousa, Cruz e (1861–1898)
- Sosei (816–910)
- le Souef, Dudley (1856–1923)
- Soukup, František (1871–1940)
- Soukup, Josef (fl. 1918–1922)
- Soulsby, Basil Harrington (1864–1933)
- Sourakov, Andrei
- Sousa, John Philip (1854–1932)
- Souter, Alexander (1873–1949)
- Souter, David (b. 1939)
- South, Richard (1846–1932)
- South, Robert (1634–1716)
- Southee, Thomas Edwin (1819–1906)
- Southey, Robert (1774–1843)
- Southward, John (1840–1902)
- Southwell, Charles (1814–1860)
- Southwell, Robert (c. 1561–1595)
- Southwell, Thomas (1831–1909)
- Souvay, Charles Léon (1870–1939)
- Souvestre, Émile (1806–1854)
- Sova, Antonín (1864–1928)
- Sowerby, George Brettingham (II) (1812–1884)
- Sowerby, James (1757–1822)
- Sowerby, James de Carle (1787–1871)
- de Soyres, John Author:John de Soyres
- Sozomen, Salminius Hermias (400–450)
[edit]- Spadoni, Adriana (1879–1953)
- Spahn, Martin (1875–1945)
- Spal, Cyrill (fl. 1906)
- Špála, Václav (1885–1946)
- Spalding, Douglas Alexander (1841–1877)
- Spalding, Henry Harmon (1803–1874)
- Spalding, William (1809–1859)
- Spaulding, William Frederick (1879–1963)
- Speed, Lancelot (1860–1931)
- Speidell, John (fl. 1600–1634)
- Speight, Thomas Wilkinson (1830–1915)
- Spelman, Sir Henry (1564–1641)
- Spencer, Anna Garlin (1851–1931)
- Spencer, Hazelton (1893–1944)
- Spencer, Herbert (1820–1903)
- Spencer, Ichabod Smith (1798–1854)
- Spencer, Leonard James (1870–1959)
- Spengler, Oswald (1880–1936)
- Spenser, Edmund (c. 1552–1599)
- Spenzer, John George (1864–1932)
- Spicer, Edward Clarke (1850–1931)
- Spielmann, Marion Harry Alexander (1858–1948)
- Spiers, Richard Phené (1838–1916)
- Spies, August Vincent Theodore (1855–1887)
- Špillar, Karel (1871–1939)
- Spindler, Karl (1796–1855)
- Spinka, Matthew (1890–1972)
- Spinoza, Benedictus de (1632–1677)
- Spinsante, Susanna (20th century – )
- Spitzka, Edward Anthony (1876–1922)
- Spooner, Henry Maxwell (1847–1929)
- Spooner, Lysander (1807–1887)
- Spottiswoode, William (1825–1883)
- Sprague, Charles (1791–1875)
- Sprague, Charles Ezra (1842–1912)
- Sprat, Thomas (1635–1713)
- Spring, Gardiner (1785–1873)
- Spring, Walthère Victor (1848–1911)
- Spring-Rice, Stephen Edward (1856–1902)
- Sprott, George Washington (1829–1909)
- Spurgeon, Charles (1834–1892)
- Spyri, Johanna (1827–1901)
[edit]- Squire, James (1754–1822)
- Squire, Sir John Collings (1884–1958)
- Squire, William Barclay (1855–1927)
[edit]- Šrámek, Fráňa (1877–1952)
- Šrámek, Josef (1892/1882/1885–1984)
- Sridhara (870–930)
- Srirangam Srinivasarao (1910–1983)
- Šrobár, Vavro (1867–1950)
[edit]- St. John, Henry (1678–1751)
- St. John, James Augustus (1795–1875)
- St. John, Marie (?–1749)
- St. John, Molyneux (1838–1904)
- St John, Oliver Beauchamp Coventry (1837–1891)
- St. Lawrence, William (1688–1748)
- Stables, William Gordon (1837–1910)
- Stackhouse, Jonathan Lett (1833–1907)
- Stafford, Thomas Polhill (1866–1942)
- Stafford, William Cooke (1793–1876)
- Stagnelius, Erik Johan (1793–1823)
- Stahl, Henri (1877–1942)
- Stahlecker, Franz (1900–1942)
- Stahr, Adolf (1805–1876)
- Stalin, Joseph (1878–1953)
- Stallo, John Bernhard (1823–1900)
- Stallybrass, James Steven (1826–1888)
- Stallybrass, John Knox (1823–1879)
- Staněk, Emanuel (1862–1920)
- Staněk, František (1867–1936)
- Stanford, Charles Villiers (1852–1924)
- Stanford, John Frederick (1815–1880)
- Stanhope, Philip Dormer (1694–1773)
- Stanhope, Philip Henry (1805–1875)
- Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn (1815–1881)
- Stanley, Edward, Bishop of Norwich (1779–1849)
- Stanley, Edward Smith-, 14th Earl of Derby (1799–1869)
- Stanley, Henry, 3rd Baron Stanley of Alderley (1827–1903)
- Stanley, Edward 15th Earl of Derby (1826–1893)
- Stanley, Owen (1811–1850)
- Stanoyevich, Milivoy Stoyan (b. 1882)
- Stanton, Elizabeth Cady (1815–1902)
- Stanton, Henry (1805–1887)
- Stanton, Vincent Henry (1846–1924)
- Stanyon, Ellis (1870–1951)
- Starbuck, Edwin Diller (1866–1947)
- Stark, Arthur Cowell (1846–1899)
- Starkweather, Chauncey Clark (1851–1922)
- Starr, Frederick (1858–1933)
- Starr, Moses Allen (1854–1932)
- Start, Edwin A. (c. 1900)
- Šťastný, Ferdinand (1873–1957)
- Statham, Henry Heathcote (1839–1924)
- Stauffer, Vernon (1875–1925)
- Stead, David George (1877–1957)
- Stead, William Thomas (1849–1912)
- Stearns, Wallace Nelson (1866–?)
- Stebbing, Edward Percy (1872–1960)
- Stebbing, Thomas Roscoe Rede (1835–1926)
- Stebbing, William (1831–1926)
- Stedman, Arthur Griffin (1859–1908)
- Stedman, Edmund Clarence (1833–1908)
- Steed, Henry Wickham (1871–1956)
- Steele, Anne (1717–1778)
- Steele, Francis Edward (1863–1927)
- Steele, John Charles (c. 1821–1892)
- Steele, Sir Richard (1672–1729)
- Steele, Robert (1860–1944)
- Steele, Thomas (1834–1895)
- Steen, Jan Havickszoon (1626–1679)
- Steffens, Henrik (1773–1845)
- Steffens, Joseph Lincoln (1846–1936)
- Steffler, John (1947–present)
- Stein, Edward de (1887–1965)
- Stein, Gertrude (1874–1946)
- Stein, Marc Aurel (1862–1943)
- Stein, Robert (1857–1917)
- Steinbeck, John (1902–1968)
- Steiner, Rudolf (1861–1925)
- Steinhauer, Henry (11782–1818)
- Steinitz, Wilhelm (1836–1900)
- Steinle, Ernst (fl. 1894–1901)
- Stendhal (1783–1842)
- Step, Edward (1855–1931)
- Stephen the Sabaite (725–796)
- Stephen, Caroline Emilia (1834–1909)
- Stephen, Herbert (1857–1932)
- Stephen, Sir James (1789–1859)
- Stephen, Julia Prinsep (1846–1895)
- Stephen, Leslie (1832–1904)
- Stephens, Alexander (1812–1883)
- Stephens, Ann Sophia (1810–1886)
- Stephens, Frederic George (1828–1907)
- Stephens, Henry Morse (1857–1919)
- Stephens, James Brunton (1835–1902)
- Stephens, James Francis (1792–1852)
- Stephens, John Lloyd (1805–1852)
- Stephens, Percy Somers Tyringham (1860–1934)
- Stephens, Sophia Charlotte Winifred (1870–1944)
- Stephens, William Richard Wood (1839–1902)
- Stephenson, Henry Thew (1870–1957)
- Sterbini, Cesare (1784–1831)
- Sterndale-Bennett, James Robert (1847–1928)
- Sterne, Carus (1839–1903)
- Sterne, John (1660–1745)
- Sterne, Laurence (1713–1768)
- Sterrett, Virginia Frances (1900–1931)
- Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm von (1730–1794)
- Stévart, Tariq (1973-)
- Stevens, Bertram William Mathyson Francis (1872–1922)
- Stevens, Henry (1819–1885)
- Stevens, John Austin (Jr.) (1827–1910)
- Stevens, John Paul (b. 1920)
- Stevens, Samuel (1817–1899)
- Stevens, Wallace (1879–1955)
- Stevens, Walter Barlow (1848–1939)
- Stevens, William Brook Bridges (1835–1876)
- Stevenson, Adlai (1900–1965)
- Stevenson, David Alan (1854–1938)
- Stevenson, John Horne (1855–1939)
- Stevenson, Morley (1851–1930)
- Stevenson, Robert Alan Mowbray (1847–1900)
- Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850–1894)
- Stevenson, Sarah Ann Hackett (1849–1909)
- Stevenson, Thomas (1838–1908)
- Stevin, Simon (1548–1620)
- Stewart, Balfour (1828–1887)
- Stewart, Dugald (1753–1828)
- Stewart, Louisa (c. 1821 – 1881)
- Stewart, Potter (1915–1985)
- Stewart, William (1709–1769)
- Stewart, William James (1831–1863)
- Stiff, James (1808–1897)
- Stickney, Jenny H. (1840–)
- Stiles, Ezra (1727–1795)
- Stiles, Robert (1836–1905)
- Stillingfleet, Edward (1635–1699)
- Stillman, John Maxson (1852–1923)
- Stillman, William James (1828–1901)
- Stimson, Frederic Jesup (1855–1943)
- Stirling, Sir James (1791–1865)
- Stirling, James Hutchison (1820–1909)
- Stirner, Max (1806–1856)
- Stobaeus, Joannes (fl. c. 5th century)
- Stock, Eugene (1836–1928)
- Stock, St. George (1850–?)
- Stockdale, John (1750–1814)
- Stocking, William (1840–1930)
- Stockley, Ernest Norman (1872–1946)
- Stockman, Ralph (1861–1946)
- Stockton, Frank R. (1834–1902)
- Stodart-Walker, Archibald (1869–1934)
- Stoddard, Elizabeth (1823–1902)
- Stoddard, John Tappan (1852–1919)
- Stoddard, Lothrop (1883–1950)
- Stoddard, Richard Henry (1825–1903)
- Stoddart, Thomas Tod (1810–1880)
- Stoev, Pavel
- Stoker, Bram (1847–1912)
- Stokes, Anson Phelps (1834–1913)
- Stokes, Anson Phelps (1874–1958)
- Stokes, 1st Baronet, Sir George Gabriel (1819–1903)
- Stokes, George Thomas (1843–1898)
- Stokes, John Lort (1811–1885)
- Stokes, Isaac Newton Phelps (1867–1944)
- Stokes, Whitley (1830–1909)
- Stoliczka, Ferdinand (1838–1874)
- Stoltenberg, Jens (1959–)
- Stone, Andrew Leete (1815–1892)
- Stone, Harlan Fiske (1872–1946)
- Stone, Henry (1830–1896)
- Stone, Marc (fl. 2023)
- Stone, Samuel John (1839–1900)
- Stone, Sibyl Wilbur (1871–1946)
- Stone, William Henry (1830–1891)
- Stone, William Leete (1835–1908)
- Stoney, George Johnstone (1826–1911)
- Stoney, Henry Butler (1816–1894)
- Stopes, Charlotte Carmichael (1841–1929)
- Stopes, Marie Carmichael (1880–1958)
- Storey, Moorfield (1845–1929)
- Storr, Francis (1839–1919)
- Storrs, Richard Salter (1821–1900)
- Story, Alfred Thomas (1842–1934)
- Story, Joseph (1779–1845)
- Story, Robert (1795–1860)
- Story, William Edward (1850–1930)
- Størmer, Leif (1905–1979)
- Stothard, Thomas (1755–1834)
- Stott, George (c. 1814 – 1911)
- Stout, George Frederick (1860–1944)
- Stout, Rex Todhunter (1886–1975)
- Stout, Z. Barton (–1864)
- Stowe, Charles Edward (1850–1934)
- Stowe, Harriet Beecher (1811–1896)
- Stowell, William Averill (1882–1950)
- Strachan, John (1862–1907)
- Strachey, Giles Lytton (1880–1932)
- Strachey, Richard (1817–1908)
- Strahan, Alexander (1834–1918)
- Strahan, Samuel Alexander Kenny (?–1902)
- Strange, Charles (1815–1870)
- Strange, Edward Fairbrother (1862–1929)
- Stránský, Adolf (1855–1931)
- Strassmaier, Father Johann Nepomuk (1846–1920)
- Stratemeyer, Edward (1862–1930)
- Stratton, Samuel Wesley (1861–1931)
- Stratton-Porter, Gene (1863–1924)
- Strausberger, M. R.
- Strauss, David Friedrich (1808–1874)
- Strauß, Emil (1866–1960)
- Strauss, Richard Georg (1864–1949)
- Stravinsky, Igor (1882–1971)
- Strayer, Joseph (1904–1987)
- Streatfeild, Richard Alexander (1866–1919)
- Stredder, Eleanor (1835–1913)
- Street, Alfred Billings (1811–1881)
- Streight, Abel Delos (1828–1892)
- Stretti, Viktor (1878–1957)
- Stretti-Zamponi, Jaromír (1882–1959)
- Stribling, Thomas Sigismund (1881–1965)
- Jiří Stříbrný (1880–1955)
- Strickland, Agnes (1796–1874)
- Strickland, Walter George (1850–1928)
- Strickland, Walter William (1851–1938)
- Strindberg, Johan August (1849–1912)
- Strong, Josiah (1847–1916)
- Strong, Thomas Banks (1861–1944)
- Strong, William (1828–1902)
- Strunk Jr., William (1869–1946)
- Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh, John William (1842–1919)
- Strutt, Joseph (1749–1802)
- Strutt, 4th Baron Rayleigh, Robert John (1875–1947)
- Strype, John (1643–1737)
- Strzelecki, Paweł Edmund (1797–1873)
- Stuart, Dorothy Margaret (1889–1963)
- Stuart, James Ewell Brown (1833–1864)
- Stuart, James Montgomery (1816–1889)
- Stuart, Jesse (1906–1984)
- Stuart, Leslie (1863–1928)
- Stuart, Moses (1780–1852)
- Stuart-Jones, Henry (1867–1939)
- Stubbs, Charles William (1845–1912)
- Studley, John (1545–1590)
- Stukeley, William (1687–1765)
- Stulginskis, Aleksandras (1885–1969)
- Sturges, Preston (1898–1959)
- Sturgis, Jonathan dates unknown
- Sturluson, Snorri (1179–1241)
- Sturm, Jacques-Charles-François (1803–1855)
- Sturm, Frank Pearce (1879–1942)
- Sturt, Beatrix Marion (1849–1944)
- Sturt, Charles (1795–1869)
- Sturt, Henry (1863–1946)
- Štýbr, Josef (1864–1938)
[edit]- Šubert, František Adolf (1849–1915)
- Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1910–1995)
- Šubrtová, Alena (1935–)
- Suckling, John (1609–1642)
- Sudik, Joseph (1859–1943)
- Śūdraka (??–??)
- Suetonius (ca. 69/75–after 130)
- Sue, Joseph Marie Eugène (1804–1857)
- Le Sueur, William Dawson (1840–1917)
- Sugawara no Michizane (845–905)
- Sugawara no Takasue no musume (1008–?)
- Sullivan, Alan (1868–1947)
- Sullivan, Sir Arthur Seymour (1842–1900)
- Sullivan, Edward (1822–1885)
- Sullivan, Edward Robert (1826–1899)
- Sullivan, James
- Sullivan, William Kirby (1821–1899)
- Sully, James (1842–1923)
- Sulman, Florence (1876–1965)
- Sultan, Georg (1865–1942)
- Sulzer, Johann Georg (1720–1779)
- Sumichrast, Frederic Cesar [de] (1845–1933)
- Summers, James (1828–1891)
- Summers, Walter Coventry (1869–1937)
- Sumner, Charles (1811–1874)
- Sumner, Heywood (1853–1940)
- Sumner, John Bird (1780–1862)
- Sumner, William Graham (1840–1910)
- Suō no Naishi (1037–1109)
- Suppiluliuma I (c. 1344 BCE–1322 BCE)
- Supratman, Wage Rudolf (1903–1938)
- Su Shi (1037–1101)
- Sun Tzu (c. 6th century BCE)
- Sun Yat-sen (1866–1925)
- Supan, Alexander Georg (1847–1910)
- Suranna, Pingali (1500–1550)
- Suslin, Alexander (?–1349)
- Sutermeister, John Rudolph (1803–1826)
- Sutermeister, Paul (1864–1905)
- Sutherland, George (1862–1942)
- Sutherland, William Bruce (fl. 1916)
- Sutoku (1119–1164)
- Sutton, Charles William (1848–1920)
- Sutton, George Augustus (1869–1947)
[edit]- Švabinský, Max (1873–1962)
- Svedenstierna, Erik Thomas (1765–1825)
- Švehla, Antonín (1873–1933)
- Sveinbjörn Sveinbjörnsson (1847–1927)
- Svejkovská, Olga (1923–)
- Světlá, Karolina (1830–1899)
- Svitek, Tomas (1962–)
- Svoboda, František Xaver (1860–1943)
- Svoboda, George (1933–2004)
- Svoboda, Marie (1868–1936)
- Svoboda, Tomáš (1959–)
- Svobodová, Růžena (1868–1920)
[edit]- Swain, Joseph Ward (1891–1971)
- Swainson, William (1789–1855)
- Swaminathan, M. S. (1925–)
- Swammerdam, John (1637–1680)
- Swanwick, Anna (1813–1899)
- Swatmarama, Swami (1350–1400 CE)
- Swarth, Harry Schelwald (1856–1935)
- Swartz, Olof (1760–1816)
- Swayne, George Carless (1818–1892)
- Swayne, Margaret (1827–1917)
- Swayne, Noah Haynes (1804–1884)
- Swedenborg, Emanuel (1688–1772)
- Sweet, Henry (1845–1912)
- Sweetser, Moses Forster (1848–1897)
- Swehla, Francis Joseph (1845–1921)
- Swenson, David Ferdinand (1876–1940)
- Swetchine, Sophie (1782–1857)
- Swinhoe, Rodway Charles John (1863–1927)
- Swift, Jane (1666—)
- Swift, Jonathan (1667–1745)
- Swifte, Edmund Lewis Lenthal (1777–1875)
- Swiggett, Glen Levin (1867–1961)
- Swinburne, Algernon Charles (1837–1909)
- Swinburne, H. Lawrence (1857–1909)
- Swinburne-Hanham, John Castleman (1860–1935)
- Swinton, Robert Blair (1829–1912)
[edit]- Sychrava, Lev (1887–1958)
- Sykes, Ernest William (1870–1958)
- Sykes, William (1827–1891)
- Sylvester II, Pope (946–1003)
- Sylvester, James Joseph (1814–1897)
- Symington, Andrew James (1826–1898)
- Symmons, Charles (1749–1826)
- Symonds, John Addington (1807–1871)
- Symonds, John Addington (1840–1893)
- Symonds, William Law (1833–1862)
- Symonds, William Samuel (1818–1887)
- Symons, Arthur (1865–1945)
- Symons, Henry (1871–1922)
- Symons, Jelinger Cookson (1809–1860)
- Symons, Thomas William (1849–1920)
- Synge, Edward (1691–1762)
- Synge, John Millington (1871–1909)
- Syrianus (?–c. 437)
[edit]- Szalatnay, Rafael De (1884–1963)
- Szymanowski, Karol (1882–1937)