Category:Wikisource translations of works in French
Pages in category "Wikisource translations of works in French"
The following 93 pages are in this category, out of 93 total.
- Translation:À Eugène Lefébure - Monday 27 May 1867
- Translation:Accord between different laws of Nature that seemed incompatible
- Translation:An account of the founding of St. Louis
- Translation:Address of the Confederation of the Six Counties to the People of Canada
- Translation:Address of the Fils de la liberté of Montreal to the young people of the colonies of North America
- Translation:Address to the people of Canada
- Translation:Allgemeine Auflosung der Aufgabe die Theile einer gegebenen Flache auf einer andern gegebnen Flache so abzubilden, dass die Abbildung dem Abgebildeten in den kleinsten Theilen ahnlich wird.
- Translation:The Americans in Mexico
- Translation:Calming
- Translation:Chansons
- Translation:Confessions of a Revolutionary
- Translation:Constitution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (1964)
- Translation:Constitution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (1967)
- Translation:Constitution of the Republic of Zaire (1974)
- Translation:The Cricket
- Translation:Dahir n° 1-01-299
- Translation:Declaration of Horace Sébastiani in French Chamber of Deputies about situation in Poland (1831)
- Translation:Declaration of Independence of Lower Canada
- Translation:Declaration of Pillnitz
- Translation:Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
- Translation:Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen
- Translation:The Demonstration of the Luminiferous Aether
- Translation:Derivation of the laws of motion and equilibrium from a metaphysical principle
- Translation:Dictionary of French Architecture from the 11th to 16th Century
- Translation:Le Directeur
- Translation:Last testament of Louis Riel
- Translation:Le Grand Meaulnes
- Translation:Les Épaves
- Translation:Letter from de Sade to the Ministry of Justice
- Translation:Letter from Louis-Joseph Papineau to George Bancroft - December 18, 1837
- Translation:Letter to Arago on biaxial birefringence
- Translation:The Lorentz-Einstein transformation and the universal time of Ed. Guillaume
- Translation:The Naked Ladies' Bar
- Translation:Napoleon Bonaparte's Letter to Josephine, Brunn, le 28 frimaire, an XIV
- Translation:Napoleon Bonaparte's Letter to Josephine, Malmaison, le 4 messidor, an XI
- Translation:Napoleon Bonaparte's Letter to Josephine, Milan, le 29 floréal, 2 hours after midday
- Translation:Napoleon Bonaparte's Letter to Josephine, Nice, le 10 germinal
- Translation:Napoleon Bonaparte's Letter to Josephine, Roverbella, le 18 messidor
- Translation:Note on the article on the ascent of clouds
- Translation:On the Dynamics of the Electron (July)
- Translation:On the Dynamics of the Electron (June)
- Translation:On the Proof of the Reality of the Luminiferous Aether
- Translation:Order of relief, Mrs M. B., Mr P. T., Mr F. D. vs. Wikimedia Foundation Inc.
- Translation:Ordinance 93-027 of 30 March 1993 on copyright, related rights and expressions of folklore
- Translation:The Origins of Statics
- Translation:Second John A. Macdonald death threat
- Translation:Second law on the status of Jews
- Translation:Second Manifesto
- Translation:The Sleeper in the Valley
- Translation:Speech of the Hon. Louis-Joseph Papineau before the Institut canadien on the occasion of the 23rd anniversary of this society, December 17, 1867
- Translation:St. John the Baptist's Day Banquet
- Translation:Statement on the blessed attack in Paris against crusader France
- Translation:Supplementum theoriae combinationis observationum erroribus minimis obnoxiae
- Translation:Theoria combinationis observationum erroribus minimis obnoxiae
- Translation:Travels in Southern France's départements
- Translation:Treatise on Documentation
- Translation:Treaty of Concordia
- Translation:Treaty of the Three Fraudsters
- Translation:Triolets Ollendorfiens
- Translation:Two Papers of Henri Poincaré on Mathematical Physics