Block-books, great number of
194, 248 |
Block-books,„ inferiority of
195 |
Block-books,„ literary merit of
250 |
Block-books,„ made for priests
248 |
Block-books,„ obscurity of
260 |
Block-books,„ period of
251 |
Block-books,„ permitted to people
249 |
Block-books,„ popularity of
238, 249 |
Block-books,„ where made
252 |
Block-printers, many in number
248 |
Block-printer„faulty work of
248 |
252 |
Block-printing an established trade
253 |
Block-printing„early notices of
91 |
Block-printing„in Holland
256 |
Block-printing„not Gutenberg's secret
395 |
Block-printing„process of
83 |
86, 184 |
Blocks used for engraving
114 |
Bodies, irregularities of, explained
519 |
Bodies of types, cuts of
25, 56, 275, 406 |
bodies„ of types„in Speculum
275 |
bodies„ of types„not made by rule
518 |
bodies„ of types„of Caxton
293 |
bodies„ of types„of unknown printer
292 |
Bodman's spurious documents
436 |
Book of Kings
224 |
Book of Trades
61 |
Book-binding, Chinese
116 |
Book-binding,„ of middle ages
153 |
Book-binding,„ prices paid for
168 |
Book-binding,„ sumptuous forms of
156 |
Book-collecting, a princely hobby
167 |
Book-making, as done in old Rome
42 |
Book-making,„ an ecclesiastical art
148 |
Book-making,„ becomes a trade
187 |
Book-making,„ given up to copyists
159 |
Book-making,„ in Ireland
147 |
Book-making,„ in monasteries
148 |
Book-making,„ oriental method of
136 |
Book of Four Stories
481 |
Book of Fables
482 |
Books, printed, changes in style of
472 |
Books,„ Chinese, cheapness of
119 |
Books,„ common in old Rome
43 |
Books,„ demand for cheapness in
187 |
Books,„ early printed, cheapness of
511 |
Books,„ early printed, prices of
512 |
Books,„ medieval
150 |
Books,„ medieval„character of
162 |
Books,„ medieval„cheap forms of
154, 163 |
Books,„ medieval„large size of
156 |
Books,„ medieval„made by artists
166 |
Books,„ medieval„made for the rich
170 |
Books,„ medieval„neglected by clergy
159 |
Books,„ medieval„obsoleteness of
186 |
Books,„ medieval„of romance
165 |
Books,„ medieval„sale of regulated
160 |
Books,„ medieval„sumptuousness of
168 |
Books,„ of dark ages
45 |
Books,„ of monasteries
216 |
Books,„ of pictures
163 |
Books,„ of unknown printer
284 |
Books,„ number printed before 1500
511 |
Books,„ the right of the educated
251 |
Books,„ injudiciously selected
512 |
Books,„ written and printed
188 |
Book-sellers of Paris
160 |
Book-selling restricted
162 |
Boxhorn, Marcus Zuerius
350 |
Branding in middle ages
38 |
Brass moulds or matrices
61 |
Brass stamps of middle ages
38 |
Brass types impracticable
65 |
Brethren of Life-in-Common
177, 250, 443 |
Bricks, stamped, antiquity of
30 |
Brito John, of Bruges
321 |
Brotherhood of the Life-in-Common at Weidenbach
250, 495 |
Bruges, early printing at
499 |
Bruges,„ a guild of book-makers at
314 |
Brussels print
78 |
Bull of Pope Pius II against the Turks
464 |
Burnisher of engravers
84 |
Calendar of 1457
432 |
Calendar or Almanac of 1460
436 |
Calico-printing, early
127 |
Calligraphy, early
148, 166 |
Cambray, record of
312 |
Canticles, the block-book
215 |
Card-makers, early
91 |
Case of early compositors
523 |
Castaldi Pamphilo
28, 486 |
Catholicon of 1460
434 |
Caxton William, of England
507 |
Celebration of the Mass
436 |
Cennini Bernard
503 |
Chases of wood
306, 527 |
Chinese printing, early method of
111 |
Chinese„ language not fit for types
116 |
Chinese„ paper, invention of
133 |
Chiromancy of Dr. Hartlieb
238 |
Cicero, his speculations on types
36 |
Clog of England
175 |
Codex Argenteus
125 |
Cologne as a school for printers
324, 495 |
Cologne Chronicle of 1499
315 |
Cologne, early printing at
494 |
Color work of Peter Schœffer
456 |
Complaint against Death
483 |
Composing rules, early ignorance of
524 |
Composition as done in 1564
523 |
Composition„ by dictation
524 |
Composition„ double, indications of
464 |
Composition„ in imitation of writing
525 |
Composition„ imperfections of
525 |
Composition of types in China
118 |
Composition„ of types„ a test of age
312 |
Composition„ of types„ cost of
24 |
Compositors often men of education
522 |
Compositors„ sometimes women
523 |
Condition of medieval society
179 |
Confraternity of St. John the Baptist
314 |
Consolation of the Sinner
482 |
Constitutions of Pope Clement V
461 |
Coornhert and Van Zuren
320 |
Copper-plate printing, process of
19 |
Copper-plate„ printing„ invention of
27 |
Copyists, faults of
539 |
Copyists,„ fond of pictures
163 |
Copyists,„ of middle ages
149 |
Copyists,„ of old Rome
42 |
Copyists,„ of Paris
162 |
Cornelis, the binder
284, 332, 343 |
Correctors of the press
540 |