Quarterly Review, article on Flinders' case, 363, 386
Queensland coasts, Flinders' voyages on, 157-162, 267-73
Quiros, voyage of, 70, 420
Red Point, 89, 465
Reliance, H.M.S., 77, 80, 86n, 87, 93 et seq., 100, 133, 140, 158, 163, 238
Revesby Isle, 211, 469
Robbins, Acting-Lieutenant, 251
Robinson Crusoe, influence of on Flinders, 11-12
Rowley, Commodore, 379
St. Alouarn, 205
St. Vincent's Gulf, 210, 470
Discovery of, 217, 388
Schanck, Cape, 236
Schanck, Captain John, designs Lady Nelson, 233
Seal-fisheries, 414, 459-60
Shaw and Smith, their use of the word Australia, 423
Shinglar, Reverend John, schoolmaster of Flinders, 11
Ships not elsewhere indexed—
Adventure, 47, 108
Advice, brig, 188-9
Agincourt, 399
Albion, 50
Alert, 18
Aquilon, 50
Assistant, 29 et seq.
Audacious, 44, 48, 53, 54
Barwell, 133
Batavia, 69
Bedford, 382
Bélier, brig, 317
Belle Poule, La, 317
Berceau, Le, 352
Blenheim, 372
Blonde, La, 50
Brunswick, 60
Buffalo, 186, 213n, 285
Ships not elsewhere indexed—
Caesar, 45, 52n, 54, 57-8
Cape Chatham, 205
Captivity, 19. See also Bellerophon,
Casuarina, 250, 253, 254
Cerberus, 163
Circe, frigate, 42
Cygnet, 16
Defence, 48, 58
Dictator, 20
Duyfhen, yacht, 70
Eendragt, 68
Eliza, sloop, 125
Elligood, 220
Endeavour, 74, 107
Eole, 45, 46
Espérance, 205
Ganges, 48
Glatton, 297
Glory, 50
Greyhound, frigate, 369, 372
Harbinger, brig, 236
Harriet, cartel, 381
Heemskirk, 140
Heir Apparent, 391
Hercules, 266
Hunter, 323
Java, 372
Latona, 42, 46, 48, 49, 58
Leviathan, 44, 51n, 53, 54, 58-9
Lowestoft, frigate, 15
Marengo, French frigate, 317-18
Marlborough, 44, 53, 58
Matilda, whaler, 32
Minerva, frigate, 336
Nautilus, 135
Niger, 50
Olympia, 381
Orient, L', 16
Orion, 55
Otter, 381
Pandora, 269
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