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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 19/Index

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I N D E X.

Abbott, Benjamin Vaughan 372
Aborigines, The Australian 680
Academy of Sciences, Minnesota 131
Accidents, Industrial, etc. 285
African Races, Movements and Mixtures of 568
Agnosticism at Harvard 266
Air-Engine, The Mékarski 429
Air, Impure, and Disease 283
Alcohol, Natural Production of 238
American Association at Cincinnati, The 859
American Association, The Meeting of 422
American Continent, The Primeval 229
Animal Heat, Refrigeration and 278
Animals, the Larger, Gradual Disappearance of 280
Another World down here 43
Anthropology, German 132
Anthropology in Russia 284
Anti-vivisectionists, A Case for the 409
Ants, Cutting and Slave-making 129
Ants, Intelligence of 495
Ants, Intelligence of 816
Arrow-Poison of the South-Sea Islands 714
Arsenical Poisoning, Physiology of 134
Asphalt, Origin and Uses of 539
Atwater, Professor W. O. 261

Behring Strait, Geological Features of 130
Bell, Alexander Graham 186
Bell, Alexander Graham 324
Biblical Criticism, The Science of 408
Blood, The, and its Circulation 460
Blood, The, and its Circulation 644
Books noticed:
"Studies from the Biological Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University" 116
"The Irish Land Question" (George) 119
"Medical Hints on the Production and Management of the Singing Voice" (Browne) 119
"Report of the Commissioner of Education for 1878" 120
"Photometric Researches" (Pickering) 120
"Studies of the Food of Birds, Insects, and Fishes" 120
"United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries," Report for 1878 121
"Natural Theology" (Bascom) 121
"Drainage for Health" (Wilson) 121
"The Care and Culture of Children" (Sozinskey) 122
"Baldwin Locomotive Works' Catalogue" 122
"'Change' as a Mental Restorative" (Mortimer-Granville) 122
"Pueblo Pottery" (Putnam) 122
"Adam Smith" (Farrer) 122
"The Devonian Insects of New Brunswick" (Scudder) 123
"Orange Insects" (Ashmead) 123
"Rural School Architecture" (Clark) 123
"English Rural Schools" (Hulbert) 123
"Electric Lighting by Incandescence" (Sawyer) 124
"The Cause of Color among Races" (Sharpe) 124
"The Boy-Engineers" (Lukin) 125
"American Sanitary Engineering" (Philbrick) 125
"The Food of Fishes" (Forbes) 125
"Extracts from Chordal's Letters" 126
"Tide-Tables for 1881" 126
"Report on the Marine Isopoda of New England" (Harger) 126
"A Syllabus of Anglo-Saxon Literature" (Hart) 126
"Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of Colorado" 126
"Papilio" 126
"Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects" (Helmholtz) 269
"The Human Body" (Martin) 270
"Victor Hugo: his Life and Works" (Barbou) 271
"The Telescope" (Nolan) 271
"Sight; Monocular and Binocular Vision" (Le Conte) 272
"Sketches and Reminiscences of the Radical Club" (Sargent) 272
"Our Native Ferns" (Underwood) 273
"Drugs that enslave" (Kane) 273
"Reminiscences of Dr. Spurzheim and George Combe" (Capen) 273
"History of the Free-Trade Movement in England" (Mongredieu) 273
"Is Consumption contagious?" (Clapp) 274
"The Spirit of Education" (Béesau) 274
"Electricity in Relation to Medicine and Surgery" (Rockwell) 274
"The Logic of Christian Evidences" (Wright) 274
"First German Book" (Worman) 274
"General Physiology of Muscles and Nerves" (Rosenthal) 412
"The Old Testament in the Jewish Church" (Smith) 413
"Trance and Trancoidal States in the Lower Animals" (Beard) 416
"Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia" 417
"United States Entomological Commission Report on Rocky Mountain Locust" 417
"Coöperation as a Business" (Barnard) 417
"Contributions to the Anatomy of the Milk-weed Butterfly" (Burgess) 418
"Locke's Conduct of the Understanding" (Fowler) 418
"Middletown Scientific Association. Occasional Papers" (Gardner) 418
"Railroads and Telegraphs" (Giddings) 418
"The Diet-Cure" (Nichols) 418
"Modern Architectural Details" (Bicknell and Comstock) 418
"The Magazine of Art" 418
"How to tell the Parts of Speech" (Abbott and McElroy) 419
"A Fourth State of Matter" (Outerbridge) 419
"Observatory of the University of Michigan, Report of the Director" 419
"United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, Meteorological Researches" (Ferrel) 419
"Our Trees in Winter" (Robinson) 419
"Cruise of the United States Revenue Steamer Corwin" (Hooper) 419
"Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration" (Weeks) 420
"Observations on Jupiter" (Trouvelot) 420
"Working Drawings and how to use Them" (Haupt) 420
"Imaginary Quantities" (Argand) 420
"The Endowment of Scientific Research" (Davidson) 420
"Anthropological Society of Washington, D.C., Abstract of Transactions" 421
"Thoughts on Agricultural Education" (Sturtevant) 421
"The Nature of Vibration in Extended Media" (Robinson) 421
"History of the Christian Religion to the Year 200" (Waite) 421
"A Practical Treatise on Nervous Exhaustion" (Beard) 421
"Anthropology" (Tylor) 557
"Illusions" (Sully) 559
"Literary Style and other Essays" (Mathews) 560
"The Bolometer and Radiant Energy" (Langley) 561
"Second German Book" (Worman) 561
"Report on Foreign Life-saving Apparatus" (Lyle) 561
"Geological Survey of Alabama" (Smith) 561
"American Nervousness, its Causes and Consequences" (Beard) 562
"The Library" (Lang) 562
"The Microscope, and its Relation to Medicine and Pharmacy" (Stowell) 562
"Principal Characters of American Jurassic Dinosaurs" (Marsh) 562
"The Climate, Soils, Timbers, etc., of Kentucky" (Procter) 562
"Inductive Metrology" (McGee) 563
"Nostrums in their Relation to the Public Health" (Prescott) 563
"On Philadelphite" (Lewis) 563
"On the Geographical Distribution of the Indigenous Plants of Europe and the Northeast United States" (James) 563
"United States Life-saving Service, Annual Report of Operations" 563
"The School of Life" (Alger) 563
"Rapid Breathing as a Pain-Obtunder" (Bonwill) 564
"Gill-Nets in the Codfishery" (Collins) 564
"Philadelphia Water Department, Annual Report of Chief-Engineer" 564
"Antiquities of New Mexico and Arizona" (Hoffman) 564
"Political Eloquence in Greece—Demosthenes" (Brédif and MacMahon) 564
"The Bacteria" (Magnin) 706
"Life of Voltaire" (Parton) 707
"Marine Algæ of New England and Adjacent Coast" (Farlow) 709
"Hand-Book of Chemical Physiology and Pathology" (Vaughan) 709
"English Philosophers—David Hartley and James Mill" (Bower) 709
"Text-Book of Experimental Organic Chemistry" (Jones) 710
"The Botanical Collector's Hand-Book" (Bailey) 710
"The Sun" (Young) 852
"Chinese Immigration in its Social and Economical Aspects" (Seward) 853
"Discovery of Paleolithic Flint Implements in Upper Egypt" (Haynes) 855
"A Memorial of Joseph Henry" 855
"Anniversary Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History" 856
"Indigestion, Biliousness, and Gout in its Protean Aspects." Part I. (Milner) 857
"Ranthorpe" (Lewes) 857
"Sewer-Gas and its Dangers" (Brown) 858
"The Wilderness-Cure" (Cook) 858
"A Text-Book of Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene" (Scovell) 858
Bryant, Charles S 635
Buchanan, J. G. 59
Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm, Sketch of 550

Campos, Life and Nature in the 133
Cattle-Raising in South America 835
Cave-Temples, The, of India 713
Cemeteries, Are, unhealthy? 657
Chesapeake Zoölogical Laboratory 276
Cleve, M. J. 830
Climate and Health 567
Cohn, Professor Herman 54
Color-Blindness 91
Color-Blindness, and Education of the Color-Sense 567
Color-Blindness, Hereditary 423
Colored Men in China 843
Color in Flowers, Conditions of 717
Color-Sense, The, among Uncivilized Peoples 138
Colton, G. H. 554
Comets, About 790
Cope, E. D., Sketch of 110
Copper-Mines, Ancient, of Isle Royale 601
Correspondence 554
Correspondence 697
Correspondence 843
Couty, M. 835
"Craters," Lunar 713
Cremation, Progress of 277
Cynicism, opposed to Progress 78

Darwin, Charles, F. R. S. 663
Deaf, The Horace Mann School for the 84
Death, The Phenomena of 394
Deep-Sea Investigation 59
Degeneration 218
Degeneration 382
Digestive Agent, A Vegetable 574
Diphtheria, Origin of 284
Diseases and the Weather 275
Disinfectant, A New 138
Draper, H. N. 94
Drowned, the, Burial of the Souls of 573
Drowning, How to prevent 369
Duckworth, Dyce, M. D. 491
Dunbar, C. M. 101
Dust, the Nucleus of Fog 142
Dyeing, Influence of Physical Structure on Processes of 570
Dyer, T. F. Thistleton 67
Dynamite, The Safe Manufacture of 286

Earth-Beds, Frost-formed 572
Earth, How the, is weighed 743
Earthquakes in England 282
Earthquakes, The Mental Effect of 257
Earth's Crust, The Secular Changes of Level in the 715
Eddy, William A 78
Editor's Table 114
Editor's Table 265
Editor's Table 408
Editor's Table 555
Editor's Table 698
Editor's Table 846
Education, Physical 7
Education, Physical 145
Education, Physical 334
Education, Physical 450
Education, Physical 595
Education, Physical 721
Educational Progress, Another Step in 267
Education, Self-Government in 555
Education, State 703
Egleston, N. H. 176
Egleston, N. H. 311
Electricity, Storage of 566
Electricity, The Modern Development of Faraday's Conception of 242
Electric Lighting, Recent Advances in 378
Electric Lights for the French Coasts 142
Electric Measurement, Units of 131
Electric Motor, Improved 130
Energy, The Electric Storage of 546
Eucalyptus, The, in the Roman Campagna 94
Explosions, Some Facts about 281
Eyes and School-Books 54

Fairbairn, Dr., and the Synthetic Philosophy 846
Fairchild, Herman L. 460
Fairchild, Herman L. 644
Faraday Lecture, Helmholtz's 268
Fayrer, Dr. J., F. R. S. 171
Field Club, The Buffalo 265
Filtering Apparatus, An Improved 283
Fish, C. F. 24
Food-Animals, Slaughter of, among the Jews 139
Forestry, European Schools of 311
Forestry in India 137
Forest-Culture in Alpine Ravines 830
Forests, our. The Value of 176
Forest-Trees, Undergrowth and 426
Fortress, A, of the Polished-Stone Age 718
Fossil, The Human, of Schipka Cave 571
French Association at Algiers 423
Fruits and Seeds, On 156
Fruits and Seeds, On 354
Fryatt, F. E. 511
Fungi as Insecticides 136

Galton, Francis F. R. S. 519
Geological Action, Efficiency of Present Causes in 430
Germs, Examination of, in the Air 136
Glucose and Grape-Sugar 251
Gratacap, L. P. 229
Great Primitive European Sea 863

Halsted, Byron D. 543
Harvest-Mites or Jiggers 845
Health and Material Prosperity 127
Helmholtz, Professor H. 242
Herring, The 433
Higgins, Dr. P. J. 531
Hitchcock, Romyn 652
Huntington, A. K. 808
Hurt, Alden B. 400
Huxley, Professor T. H., F. R. S. 433
Huxley, Professor T. H., F. R. S. 795
Hypnotic Phenomena, The Reality of 279

Ice-Sheet, The Glacial, in the Interior States 425
Information wanted 698
Inheritance 663
Intellectual Property, Recent Advance in the Law of 372
Irrigation, Alkaline Deposits from Waters of 573

Jackson, Dr. Charles T., Sketch of 404
Johnston-Lavis, H. J., F. G. S. 49
Jordan, Professor David S. 1

Koehler, S. E. 91

"Ladies' Deposit," the Boston, Lessons of 698
Length, About Measures of 652
Life Insurance, Modern Basis of 625
Life Insurance, Origin and History of 482
Life Insurance, Practical Business of 732
Lighthouse, The New Eddystone 574
Literary Notices 116
Literary Notices 269
Literary Notices 412
Literary Notices 557
Literary Notices 706
Literary Notices 852
Lizard, Habits of the Green 286
Lubbock, Sir John 156
Lubbock, Sir John 354
Lunar Lore and Portraiture 511

MacCormac, Henry 369
Malo, Leon, C. E. 539
Mankind, The Races of 289
Manley, Dean V. E. 698
Marcel, Gabriel 680
Matter, Gaseous, Action of Radiant Heat on 33
Medical Science, The Cultivation of 774
Medicine, Connection of the Biological Sciences with 795
Milk, The Insufficient Use of 491
Minnesota Academy of Sciences 131
Molecule? What is a 688
Morrison, M. G. 84
Mortality, in Different Pursuits 716
Mound-Builders, The 128
"Mountain-Sickness," Mr. Whymper's Experiments with 569

New Guinea, Stone-Age Civilization in 429
Newton, Sir Isaac, An Unpublished Letter of 572
Notes 143
Notes 287
Notes 431
Notes 575
Notes 719
Notes 864

Opium, Persian 716
Oswald, F. L., M. D. 7
Oswald, F. L., M. D. 145
Oswald, F. L., M. D. 334
Oswald, F. L., M. D. 450
Oswald, F. L., M. D. 595
Oswald, F. L., M. D. 721

Paget, Sir James 774
Parasites in Food and Drink 712
Patterson, J. Stahl 665
Patterson, J. Stahl 784
Petting, Effects of, on Animals 135
Phodaria, The 285
Photophone, The, in Research 114
Physiological Effects of, Compressed Air 861
Physiology, Book, abroad 114
Pisciculture, The Origin and Progress of 140
Plant-Life, The Unit in 543
Plant-Migrations 430
Political Institutions, The Development of 197
Political Institutions, The Development of 342
Political Institutions, The Development of 577
Political Institutions, The Development of 750
Politics, Science in 711
Popular Miscellany 127
Popular Miscellany 275
Popular Miscellany 422
Popular Miscellany 565
Popular Miscellany 711
Popular Miscellany 859
Population, the Colored, Increase and Movement of 665
Population, the Colored, Increase and Movement of 784
Post and Telegraph, Influence of the, on International Relations 101
Prairies, Why are, Treeless? 424
Preece, W. H. 378
Publications Received 127
Publications Received 274
Publications Received 421
Publications Received 564
Publications Received 710
Publications Received 859

Radiant Energy, Production of Sound by 186
Radiant Energy, Production of Sound by 324
Radiant Heat, Action of, on Gaseous Matter 33
Refrigeration and Animal Heat 278
Research, The Endowment of 572
Robinet, M. G. 657
Romanes, George J. 495
Romanes, George J. 816
Roses, The Otto of 135

Sahara, The, M. Soleillet on 571
Saliva, The, and the Gastric Juice 129
Salmon on the Pacific Coast 565
Salmon, Story of a 1
Sanitary Protection Associations 141
Saratoga, Mineral Springs of 24
School-Books, Eyes and 54
School-Room Ventilation 531
Schuster, Dr. Arthur, F. R. S. 468
Science-Teaching, Progress of Higher 676
Self-Government in Colleges 697
Sewage-Farming 285
Skinner, A. N. 790
Skull-Worship 276
Somnambulism 711
Sound, Production of, by Radiant Energy 186
Sound, Production of, by Radiant Energy 324
Sound-Signals 428
Spectroscopy, Modern, The Teachings of 468
Spencer, Herbert 197
Spencer, Herbert 342
Spencer, Herbert 577
Spencer, Herbert 750
Spencer, Thomas D., M. D. 394
Spouting Springs, The Phenomena of 554
State Education: A Necessity 635
Steel, Progress in the Manufacture of 808
Stevens, W. Le Conte 697
Stöckhardt, Sketch of Julius Adolph 261
Stone, W. H. 676
Study of Anthropology, The 862
Sulphur Formation in the Soil of Paris 574
Sunstroke and some of its Sequel 171

Taylor, George H., M. D. 554
Telegraph and Postal Service, Union of the 400
Telescope, The Great Vienna 712
Tin in Australia and other Countries 425
Tissandier, Gaston 238
Touch, Structure of the Organs of 570
Trees and Lightning 277
Tylor, E. B., F. R. S. 289
Tyndall, Professor John, F. R. S. 33
Tyndall Trust Fund, The 116

Vénukoff, M. 684
Vessels, Some Prehistoric 80
Vibrations, Mechanical, as a Remedy in Neuralgia 280
Vibrations, Mechanical, Control of Pain by 554
Visions, The, of Sane Persons 519
Vivisection, Darwin's Views on 424
Vogt, Carl 620
Volcanic Cones, Origin and Structure of 49

Walterhöfer, Dr. Otto 743
Watson, James Craig, Sketch of 693
Weather, The, and Summer Diarrœheas 426
Wehle, Theodore 482
Wehle, Theodore 625
Wehle, Theodore 732
Wiley, Professor Harvey W. 251
Williams, W. Mattieu 43
Will-o'-the-Wisp, The, and its Folk-Lore 67
Wilson, Dr. Andrew 218
Wilson, Dr. Andrew 382
Winchell, Alexander, LL. D. 693
Winchell, Professor N. H. 601
Woman as a Sanitary Reformer 427
Women, Papuan, and Feasts 427
World, the Old, Unexplored Parts of 684
Writing, physiologically considered 620

Yellowstone Valley, Glacial Action in the 278
Young, Professor O. A., Biographical Notice of 840