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Portal:Anna Augusta Kershaw

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Anna Augusta Kershaw

Anna Augusta Kershaw (1841-1931) was married to Charles Frederick Lindauer (1836-1921). She died in 1931 at age 90. (b. February 1841; Glen Cove, Nassau County, New York, USA - d. September 24, 1931, 9:20 am; 38 Elm Place, Rye, Westchester County, New York, USA)

Anna Augusta Kershaw

Works about Anna Augusta Kershaw

Death of her daughter. "Anna Lowe, a Rye resident for over 60 years, died on Saturday at the United Hospital. She was seventy five years old and resided at 21 Oakwood Avenue. The widow of Ira Lowe, she was born in New York City on October 20, 1881 [sic], daughter of the late Charles and Anna Augustus [sic] Kershaw Lindauer. …"
Death of her son. "Mr. Lindauer, a bachelor, was a retired circus performer. He was born in Plainfield, New Jersey, the son of the late Charles Frederick Lindauer and Anna Augusta Kershaw."
Her death. "Mrs. Anna Augusta Lindauer, ninety-one year old widow of [Charles Frederick Lindauer, died to]day at her home, 38 Elm Place, Rye."
Death of her sister. "Mrs. Amy O. Rappleyea, 83, died yesterday morning of complications at the M. E. Home for the Aged, Ocean Grove. She had been a resident of the home since 1926. Her nearest surviving relative is grandson, L. S. Gallandet, of Baltimore, Maryland. Funeral arrangements, in charge of Funeral Directors Matthew & Francioni, are pending word from the grandson."
Death of her husband. "… Deceased is survived by his widow and five children: Mrs. Anna Lowe, Arthur, LeBaron and Harry Lindauer, all of Rye, and Mrs. Eloise Freudenberg of Jersey City Heights, New Jersey."
"Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lindauer of Locust avenue were surprised at their home last night by members of their family, it being the sixty-third anniversary of their marriage. Their children, five in number were present. They are Mrs. Eloise Freudenberg, of Jersey City, New Jersey; Mrs. Anna Lindauer Lowe, Harry Lindauer, Arthur Lindauer, and Le Baron Lindauer of Rye, New York. Fifteen grandchildren and nine great grandchildren were also at the gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Lindauer are in perfect health. Mr. Lindauer is eighty-four years and Mrs. Lindauer seventy-nine years of age. Mrs. Lindauer danced during the evening with Miss Blanche Lowe of Rye, New York, one of the grandchildren."
His son-in-law as a bigamist. "Ira Lowe, the tailor arrested yesterday on a charge of bigamy, the warrant being sworn out by Adelaide Lowe, of 171 East 109th street, New York City, who claims to have been married to Lowe on August 30, 1894 was held in $500 bail today."
Her family. "Date, March 4, 1872; Where born, New York; Residence, 192 Bleeker st.; Wife or Husband, Charles Lindauer; Children, Eloise & Willie & Ada; Father, Abraham Kershaw - dead; Mother, Sarah; Bother and Sister, Isaac & Mary E., Sarah & Amy are in Somerville, N.J."
Death of her daughter. "On Sunday, December 18th, Eloise, only daughter of Charles and Ann Augusta Lindauer. The friends and those of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, this (Monday) afternoon at 9 o'clock, from 98 Hester street."

See also
