United States Statutes at Large/Volume 5/Lists and Tables/24th Congress

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3667860United States Statutes at Large, Volume 5, Lists and Tables — Acts of the Twenty-fourth Congress of the United StatesUnited States Congress





Acts of the Twenty-Fourth Congress of the United States.

STATUTE Ⅰ.—1836.



Hostilities with the Seminole Indians. An act making an appropriation for repressing hostilities commenced by the Seminole Indians.Jan. 14, 1836.
Hostilities with the Seminole Indians. An act making an additional appropriation for repressing hostilities commenced by the Seminole Indians. (Obsolete.)Jan. 29, 1836.
Banks in the District of Columbia. An act to extend the charters of certain Banks in the District of Columbia to the first day of October one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six. (Expired.)Feb. 9, 1836.
Appropriations for the support of Government. An act making appropriations, in part, for the support of Government, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six. (Obsolete.)Feb. 11, 1836.
Fire Insurance Company of Alexandria. An act to incorporate a fire insurance company in the town of Alexandria, in the District of Columbia.Feb. 17, 1836.
Banks in the District of Columbia. An act to extend the charters of the Bank of Columbia, in Georgetown, and the Bank of Alexandria, in the city of Alexandria. (Expired.)Feb. 25, 1836.
Courts in Florida. An act authorizing a special term of the court of appeals for the Territory of Florida, and for other purposes.Feb. 25, 1836
Relief of sufferers by fire in the city of New York. An act for the relief of the sufferers by the fire in the city of New York. (Obsolete.)March 19, 1836.
Hostilities with the Seminole Indians. An act authorizing the Secretary of War to transfer a part of the appropriation for the suppression of Indian hostilities in Florida, to the credit of subsistence. (Obsolete.)March 19, 1836.
Volunteers and militia corps in the service of the United States. An act to provide for the payment of volunteers and militia corps in the service of the United States.March 19, 1836.
Hostilities with the Seminole Indians. An act making a further appropriation for the suppression of Indian hostilities in Florida. (Obsolete.)April 1, 1836.
Relief of sufferers by fire in the city of New York. An act amendatory of “the Act for the relief of the sufferers by fire in the city of New York,” passed March 19th, 1836. (Obsolete.)April 5, 1836.
Appropriations for the support of the Government. An act to suspend the operation of the second proviso, third section of “An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of Government for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five.” (Expired.)April 9, 1836.
The Bank of the United States not required to perform the duties of Commissioner of Loans. An act to repeal so much of the act entitled “An act transferring the duties of Commissioners of Loans to the Bank of the United States, and abolishing the office of Commissioner of Loans,” as requires the Bank of the United States to perform the duties of Commissioner of loans for the several States.April 11, 1836.
Pensions. An act making appropriations for the payment of the revolutionary and other pensioners of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six.April 14, 1836.
Indian Treaties. An act to carry into effect the treaties concluded by the Chickasaw tribe of Indians on the twentieth October, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, and the twenty-fourth May, eighteen hundred and thirty-four.April 20, 1836.
Wisconsin Territory. An act establishing the Territorial Government of Wisconsin.April 20, 1836.
Mackerel Fisheries. An act in addition to the act of the twenty-fourth of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, entitled “An act to authorize the licensing of vessels to be employed in the mackerel fishery.”April 20, 1836.
Pensions. An act to prescribe the mode of paying pensions heretofore granted by the United States.April 20, 1836.
Hostilities with the Seminole Indians. An act making a further appropriation for suppressing Indian hostilities in Florida. (Obsolete.)April 29, 1836.
Railroad through Public Lands in Massachusetts. An act to authorize the construction of a railroad through lands of the United States in Springfield, Massachusetts. (Obsolete.)April 29, 1836.
Appropriations for the support of Government. An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of Government, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six. (Obsolete.)May 9, 1836.
Salaries of Clerks, &c., in the Public Offices. An act providing for the salaries of certain officers therein named, and for other purposes.May 9, 1836.
Appropriations for the Navy. An act making appropriations for the naval service, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six. (Obsolete.)May 14, 1836.
Appropriations for the Army. An act making appropriations for the support of the army, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six. (Obsolete.)May 14, 1836.
Patents for the Public Lands. An act to give effect to patents for public lands issued in the names of deceased persons.May 20, 1836.
Pensions. An act explanatory of the act entitled “An act to prevent defalcations on the part of the disbursing agents of the Government, and for other purposes.”May 20, 1836.
Corporations in the District of Columbia. An act for the relief of the several corporate cities of the District of Columbia.May 20, 1836.
Army of the United States. An act authorizing the President of the United States to accept the service of volunteers, and to raise an additional regiment of dragoons or mounted riflemen. (Expired.)May 23, 1836.
Hostilities by the Creek Indians. An act making appropriations for the suppression of hostilities by the Creek Indians.May 23, 1836.
Expenses of Volunteers for the defence of Florida. An act to provide for the payment of expenses incurred and supplies furnished on account of the militia or volunteers received into the service of the United States for the defence of Florida. (Obsolete.)May 28, 1836.
Pensioners in Virginia and Ohio. An act to provide for the payment of certain pensioners in the States of Virginia and Ohio.June 7, 1836.
Western Boundary of Missouri. An act to extend the western boundary of the State of Missouri to the Missouri river.June 7, 1836.
Convention between the United States and Spain. An act to carry into effect a convention between the United States and Spain.June 7, 1836.
Expenses of the Indian Department. An act making appropriations for the current expenses of the Indian Department, for Indian annuities, and other similar objects, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six.June 14, 1836.
Arsenal in North Carolina. An act to establish an arsenal of construction in the State of North Carolina.June 14, 1836.
Bank of the United States. An act repealing the fourteenth section of the “Act to incorporate the subscribers to the Bank of the United States,” approved April tenth, eighteen hundred and sixteen.June 15, 1836.
Green Bay Land District. An act to divide the Green Bay land district in Michigan, and for other purposes.June 15, 1836.
Northern boundary of Ohio. State of Michigan. An act to establish the northern boundary line of the State of Ohio, and to provide for the admission of the State of Michigan into the Union upon the conditions therein expressed.June 15, 1836.
Deposites of Public Money. An act to regulate the deposites of the public money.June 23, 1836.
Bank of the United States. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to act as the agent of the United States in all matters relating to their stock in the Bank of the United States.June 23, 1836.
Northern Boundary of Ohio. An act to settle and establish the northern boundary line of the State of Ohio.June 23, 1836.
Land Office in Mississippi. An act to remove the land office from Clinton to Jackson in the State of Mississippi.June 23, 1836.
Improvement of Rivers in Alabama. An act to amend an act to grant certain relinquished and unappropriated lands to the State of Alabama, for the purpose of improving the navigation of the Tennessee, Coosa, Cahaba and Black Warrior river.June 23, 1836.
State of Arkansas. An act supplementary to the act entitled “An act for the admission of the State of Arkansas into the Union, and to provide for the due execution of the laws of the United States within the same, and for other purposes.”June 23, 1836.
State of Michigan. An act supplementary to the act entitled “An act to establish the northern boundary line of the State of Ohio, and to provide for the admission of the State of Michigan into the Union on certain conditions.”June 23, 1836.
Pensioners in Tennessee. An act to provide for the paying of certain pensioners of the United States at Pulaski, in the State of Tennessee.June 28, 1836.
Acts of the Legislature of Florida disapproved and annulled. An act to disapprove and annul certain acts of the Territorial Legislature of Florida, and for other purposes.July 1, 1836.
District Court in the Western District of Virginia. An act to change the time of holding the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Virginia, holden at Clarksburg.July 1, 1836.
Railroad Iron. An act explanatory of an act entitled “An act to release from duty iron prepared for, and actually laid on railways and inclined planes.”July 1, 1836.
State of Michigan. An act to provide for the due execution of the laws of the United States within the State of Michigan.July 1, 1836.
Penitentiary in the District of Columbia. An act making appropriation for the payment of charges incurred for the support of the Penitentiary in the District of Columbia, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-five, and for the support of said Penitentiary, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six. (Obsolete.)July 1, 1836.
Sale of Lands for a Seminary of Learning in Florida. An act to authorize the Governor and Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida to sell the lands heretofore reserved for the benefit of a general seminary of learning in said Territory.July 1, 1836.
Road on the Lands of the United States in Massachusetts. An act authorizing the Winnisimmet Company to lay out and make a way on lands of the United States in Chelsea, in the State of Massachusetts.July 1, 1836.
Bridge at Harper’s Ferry. An act to authorize the Shenandoah Bridge Company, at Harper’s Ferry, to erect a bridge on the lands of the United States, at or near the town of Harper’s Ferry.July 1, 1836.
Smithsonian Legacy. An act to authorize and enable the President to assert, and prosecute with effect, the claim of the United States to the legacy bequeathed to them by James Smithson, late of London, deceased, to found at Washington, under the name of the Smithsonian Institution, an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men.July 1, 1836.
Officers of Revenue Cutters. An act to regulate the compensation of certain officers of revenue cutters.July 2, 1836.
Hostilities with the Seminole Indians. An act making appropriations for the suppression of Indian hostilities, and for other purposes.July 2, 1836.
Railroad through the Public Lands. An act to grant to the New Orleans and Nashville Railroad Company, the right of way through the public lands of the United States.July 2, 1836.
Renewal of the Gold Medal presented to General Morgan. An act to renew the gold medal struck and presented to General Morgan, by order of Congress, in honour of the battle of Cowpens.July 2, 1836.
Arsenal at Charleston, South Carolina. An act to repair and extend the United States’ Arsenal at Charleston, South Carolina. (Obsolete.)July 2, 1836.
Protection of the Western Frontier. An act to provide for the better protection of the western frontier.July 2, 1836.
Delaware Breakwater. Improvement of Harbors and Rivers. An act making additional appropriations for the Delaware Breakwater, and for certain harbors, and removing obstructions in and at the mouths of certain rivers, and for other purposes, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six. (Obsolete.)July 2, 1836.
Banks in the District of Columbia. An act to extend the charters of certain Banks in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. (Expired.)July 2, 1836.
Courts in Florida. An act regulating the terms of the Superior Courts of the Middle District of Florida, and for other purposes.July 2, 1836.
Towns in Wisconsin Territory. An act for laying off the towns of Fort Madison and Burlington, in the county of Des Moines, and the towns of Bellevue, Du Buque, and Peru, in the county of Du Buque, Territory of Wisconsin, and for other purposes.July 2, 1836.
Volunteers of Missouri and Indiana. An act for the payment of certain companies of the militia of Missouri and Indiana, for services rendered against the Indians in eighteen hundred and thirty-two. (Obsolete.)July 2, 1836.
Cumberland Road. An act for the continuation of the Cumberland Road in the States of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.July 2, 1836.
Military Academy at West Point. An act making appropriations for the Military Academy of the United States, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six. (Obsolete.)July 2, 1836.
Public Lands. An act to confirm the sales of public lands in certain cases. (Obsolete.)July 2, 1836.
Indian Treaties. An act making further appropriations for carrying into effect certain Indian Treaties. (Obsolete.)July 2, 1836.
Fortifications. An act making appropriations for certain fortifications of the United States for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)July 2, 1836.
Public Lands in Illinois. An act to amend an act entitled “An act authorizing the laying off a town on Bean river, in the State of Illinois, and for other purposes,” approved fifth February, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine.July 2, 1836.
Post Office. An act to change the organization of the Post Office Department, and to provide more effectually for the settlement of the accounts thereof.July 2, 1836.
Post-Roads. An act to establish certain post-roads, and to alter and discontinue others, and for other purposes.July 2, 1836.
Franking privilege to Mrs. Madison. An act to extend the privilege of franking letters and packages to Dolly P. Madison.July 2, 1836.
General Land Office. An act to reorganize the General Land Office.July 4, 1836.
Appropriations for the support of Government. An act in addition to the act entitled “An act making appropriations in part for the support of Government, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six, and for other purposes.” (Obsolete.)July 4, 1836.
Deposites of the Public Money. An act supplementary to an act entitled “An act to regulate the deposites of the public money,” passed twenty-third of June, eighteen hundred and thirty-six. (Obsolete.)July 4, 1836.
Five per cent. Fund in Alabama and Mississippi. An act to carry into effect, in the States of Alabama and Mississippi, the existing compacts with those States in regard to the five per cent. fund, and the school reservations.July 4, 1836.
Additional Paymasters in the Army. An act to authorize the appointment of additional paymasters, and for other purposes.July 4, 1836.
Patents for useful Inventions. An act to promote the progress of useful arts, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts heretofore made for that purpose.July 4, 1836.
Discriminating Duties. An act to suspend the discriminating duties upon goods imported in vessels of Portugal, and to reduce the duties on wines.July 4, 1836.
Purchase of the Patents of W. H. Bell, for Invention for elevating and pointing Cannon. An act for the purchase of certain rights or inventions of William H. Bell, of North Carolina.July 4, 1836.
Public Lands in Missouri. An act confirming claims to land in the State of Missouri, and for other purposes.July 4, 1836.
Pensions to Widows and Orphans. An act granting half-pay to widows and orphans, where their husbands and fathers have died of wounds received in the military service of the United States, in certain cases, and for other purposes.July 4, 1836.
Improvement of Harbors. An act making appropriations for the improvement of certain harbors therein mentioned, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)July 4, 1836.
Certificates to Importers of Wines. An act to repeal so much of the act of March second, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, as respects the issuing of certificates on the importation of wines.July 4, 1836.


No. 1. Rations to Inhabitants of Florida. Resolution authorizing the President to furnish rations to certain inhabitants of Florida.Feb. 1, 1836.
No. 2. Post-Roads in Missouri and Arkansas. Resolution to establish certain post-roads in Missouri and Arkansas.March 19, 1836.
No. 3. Public Lands acquired by the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek. Resolution to suspend the sale of a part of the public lands acquired by the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek.May 9, 1836.
No. 4. Post Office. A resolution to change the time of making contracts for the transportation of the mail.May 14, 1836.
No. 5. Claims of Massachusetts and of other States. A resolution to authorize the Secretary of War to receive additional evidence in support of the claims of Massachusetts and other States of the United States, for disbursements, services, &c., during the late war.May 14, 1836.
No. 6. Bridge across the Potomac. A resolution authorizing the repair of the bridge across the river Potomac, at Washington.June 7, 1836.
No. 7. Distribution of Weights and Measures. A resolution providing for the distribution of weights and measures.June 14, 1836.
No. 8. Paintings in the Rotundo. A resolution to furnish the Rotundo with paintings.June 23, 1836.
No. 9. Claims of Fulton’s Heirs. A resolution referring the petition and papers of the heirs of Robert Fulton, deceased, to the Secretary of the Navy, to report thereon to Congress.June 23, 1836.
No. 10. Bridge over the Potomac. Resolution to apply the unexpended balance of the appropriation for the Potomac bridge to the improvement of Maryland avenue, leading thereto, and for other purposes.July 1, 1836.

STATUTE Ⅱ.—1837.

Lands ceded to the United States by Indian Tribes. An act to regulate, in certain cases, the disposition of the proceeds of lands ceded by Indian tribes to the United States.Jan. 9, 1837.
Hostilities with the Seminole Indians. An act making an appropriation for the suppression of Indian hostilities. (Obsolete.)Jan. 9, 1837.
Mint. An act supplementary to the act entitled “An act establishing a Mint, and regulating the coins of the United States.”Jan. 18, 1837.
Pensions. An act making appropriations for the payment of the revolutionary and other pensioners of the United States, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven. (Obsolete.)Jan. 18, 1837.
Horses and property destroyed in the Military Service. An act to provide for the payment of horses and other property lost or destroyed in the military service of the United States. (Expired.)Jan. 18, 1837.
State of Michigan. An act to admit the State of Michigan into the Union upon an equal footing with the original states. Jan. 26, 1837.
Railroads through the Public Lands in Florida. An act to authorize certain Railroad Companies to construct railroads through the public lands in the Territory of Florida.Jan. 31, 1837.
Port of New Orleans. An act to extend the limits of the Port of New Orleans.Feb. 3, 1837.
Collection District of Fall River, a Port of Entry. An act to change the name of the Collection District of Dighton, in the State of Massachusetts, to Fall River, and for other purposes.Feb. 13, 1837.
Branch Mints. An act to amend an act entitled “An act to establish branches of the Mint of the United States,” passed the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five.Feb. 13, 1837.
Duties on Imports. An act to suspend certain provisoes of “An act to alter and amend the several acts imposing duties on imports,” approved the fourteenth day of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-two. (Obsolete.) March 1, 1837.
District Court of Arkansas. An act to extend the jurisdiction of the District Court of the United States for the district of Arkansas.March 1, 1837.
Appropriations for the Army in 1837. An act making appropriations for the support of the army, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, and for other purposes.March 1, 1837.
Military Academy at West Point. An act to provide for the support of the Military Academy of the United States for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven. (Obsolete.)March 2, 1837.
Discriminating Duties. An act respecting discriminating duties upon Dutch and Belgian vessels and their cargoes.March 2, 1837.
Hostilities with the Seminole Indians. An act making an additional appropriation for the suppression of Indian hostilities for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven. (Obsolete.)March 2, 1837.
Enlistment of Boys in the Naval Service, &c. An act to provide for the enlistment of boys in the naval service, and to extend the term of the enlistment of seamen.March 2, 1837.
Pilots. An act concerning pilots.March 2, 1837.
Relief of Insolvent Debtors of the United States. An act to extend for a longer period the several acts now in force for the relief of certain insolvent debtors of the United States.March 2, 1837.
Titles to Land allotted for the Cultivation of the Vine and Olive. An act to provide for the adjustment of title and final disposition of the four reserved sections in the tract of territory allotted to the Tombeebee Association for the encouragement of the cultivation of the vine and olive.March 2, 1837.
Appropriations for the Navy for 1837. An act making appropriations for the naval service, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven.March 3, 1837.
Indian Department and Indian Treaties. An act making appropriations for the current expenses of the Indian Department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1837.
Titles of Officers of the Navy. An act to change the titles of certain officers in the navy.March 3, 1837.
Appropriations for the support of Government for 1837. An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of Government, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1837.
Supreme and Circuit Courts. An act supplementary to the act entitled “An act to amend the judicial system of the United States.”March 3, 1837.
Treasury of the United States. An act to authorize the proper officers of the Treasury Department to credit the account of the Treasurer of the United States with the amount of the unavailable funds standing to his debit on the books of the Treasury, to transfer the amount of the debit of banks and individuals indebted for the same, and to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to compromise and settle said claims. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1837.
Towns in Iowa and Wisconsin. An act to amend an act entitled “An act for laying off the towns of Fort Maidson and Burlington, in the county of Des Moines, and the towns of Bellevue, Du Buque and Peru, in the county of Du Buque, and Mineral Point, in the county of Iowa, territory of Wisconsin, and for other purposes,” approved July second, eighteen hundred and thirty-six. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1837.
Convention between the United States and Spain. An act to continue in force, for a limited time, the act entitled “An act to carry into effect a convention between the United States and Spain.” (Obsolete.)March 3, 1837.
Navy Pension Fund. An act for the more equitable administration of the Navy Pension Fund.March 3, 1837.
Claims to Land under the Treaty with the Choctaw Indians. An act for the appointment of Commissioners to adjust the claims to reservations of land under the fourteenth article of the treaty of eighteen hundred and thirty with the Choctaw Indians.March 3, 1837.
Light-Houses. An act making appropriations for building light-houses, light-boats, beacon-lights, buoys, and dolphins, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven.March 3, 1837.
Sale of Reservations of Land under the Treaty with the Creek Indians. An act to authorize and sanction the sales of reserves, provided for Creek Indians in the treaty of March twenty-four, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, in certain cases, and for other purposes.March 3, 1837.
Pensions to Widows and Orphans. An act explanatory of the act entitled “An act granting half-pay to widows and orphans where their husbands and fathers have died of wounds received in the military service of the United States, and for other purposes.”March 3, 1837.
Commissioner of Pensions. An act to continue the office of Commissioner of Pensions.March 3, 1837.
Improvement of Harbors and Rivers. An act to provide for certain harbors, and for the removal of obstructions in and at the mouths of certain rivers, and for other purposes, during the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1837.
Patents for useful Inventions. An act in addition to the act to promote the progress of science and useful arts.March 3, 1837.
Roads. The Cumberland Road. Road in Florida. Surveys.. An act to provide for continuing the construction, and for the repair of certain roads, and for other purposes, during the year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven.March 3, 1837.
Railroad on the Public Lands in Florida. An act to grant the Atchafalaya Railroad and Banking Company the right of way over the public lands of the United States.March 3, 1837.
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. An act further to amend the act incorporating the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company.March 3, 1837.
Railroad in Louisiana. An act to authroize the New Orleans and Carrollton Railroad Company to construct a railroad from Carrollton to the town of Bayou Sara, in the State of Louisiana.March 3, 1837.
Banks in Wisconsin Territory. An act to give the approval and confirmation of Congress to three several acts of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Wisconsin, incorporating Banks.March 3, 1837.


No. 1. Post Office. A resolution to enable the Postmaster General more readily to change the commencement of the contract year in the Post Office Department.March 2, 1837.
No. 2. Pension to Susan Decatur. A resolution granting a pension to Susan Decatur, widow of the late Stephen Decatur.March 3, 1837.
No. 4. Correction of an error in the awards under the Treaty with France. Resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to correct a clerical error in the award of the Commissioners under the treaty with France of eighteen hundred and thirty-one.March 3, 1837.
No. 5. Payment for the Stock of the United States in the Bank of the United States. A resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to receive from the Bank of the United States, under the Pennsylvania charter, payment for the stock of the United States in the late Bank of the United States.March 3, 1837.